Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
Link to the poll or you are just lying as libtards do. Reason why private co. should run healthcare and not the gov't.; because this is not a socialist country as libtards would love it to be. Idiots.

Good idea, let's put some actual evidence into play:



United States:

...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

Canadians live in Canada, not the U.S. And when they can't get proper care in Canada, they come to the U.S.
true statement
Does billy actually have a job and a car note and a mortgage and insurance, or is this all "theory" to him?

I have my suspicions.
and he calls himself a "Moderate" Liberal.....Moderate my ass
Government Healthcare:

The efficiency of the DMV with the compassion of the IRS.
there is not a lot of compassion in the private sector either....
Not so at all ,what do you base this tidbit on?
Whenever statists start referring to something as a 'system', you can bet they're eyeing it for a government takeover. I'm wait for the talking points on the 'food distribution system' to start up next.
Does billy actually have a job and a car note and a mortgage and insurance, or is this all "theory" to him?

I have my suspicions.
and he calls himself a "Moderate" Liberal.....Moderate my ass
Government Healthcare:

The efficiency of the DMV with the compassion of the IRS.
there is not a lot of compassion in the private sector either....

Not in the least true. Ive been in medicine for 31 years. The competition is fierce. If you don't provide compassionate, state if the art care with top notch customer service, you won't survive.
Kaiser has sure lasted awhile.....that compassionate bunch of basturds turned down just about every test that THEIR Doctors wanted for my wife....thats not showing compassion or top notch customer service......and i have met others with the same stories about them.....but yet,they are still around.....
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
Link to the poll or you are just lying as libtards do. Reason why private co. should run healthcare and not the gov't.; because this is not a socialist country as libtards would love it to be. Idiots.

Good idea, let's put some actual evidence into play:



United States:

Lol random googling is a common conservative USMB tactic when they know they are losing the argument.

Tell me. What are the demographics of this poll of yours?
Does billy actually have a job and a car note and a mortgage and insurance, or is this all "theory" to him?

I have my suspicions.
and he calls himself a "Moderate" Liberal.....Moderate my ass
Government Healthcare:

The efficiency of the DMV with the compassion of the IRS.
there is not a lot of compassion in the private sector either....

Not in the least true. Ive been in medicine for 31 years. The competition is fierce. If you don't provide compassionate, state if the art care with top notch customer service, you won't survive.
Kaiser has sure lasted awhile.....that compassionate bunch of basturds turned down just about every test that THEIR Doctors wanted for my wife....thats not showing compassion or top notch customer service......and i have met others with the same stories about them.....but yet,they are still around.....

Well I don't know if that's true or not. I can tell you that everywhere I go, they are pushing customer service like obsessed maniacs. Surveys after surveys, hospitals bragging about customer service recognition, consultants making a bundle on improving customer service. Often times we who actually take care of patients wonder if hospitals are more concerned about image and reputation, than results.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
Link to the poll or you are just lying as libtards do. Reason why private co. should run healthcare and not the gov't.; because this is not a socialist country as libtards would love it to be. Idiots.

Good idea, let's put some actual evidence into play:



United States:

Lol random googling is a common conservative USMB tactic when they know they are losing the argument.

Tell me. What are the demographics of this poll of yours?

Hey man, here's a clue, free of charge: you are getting your assed kicked here. I'd slink away if I was you.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
Link to the poll or you are just lying as libtards do. Reason why private co. should run healthcare and not the gov't.; because this is not a socialist country as libtards would love it to be. Idiots.

Good idea, let's put some actual evidence into play:



United States:

Lol random googling is a common conservative USMB tactic when they know they are losing the argument.

Tell me. What are the demographics of this poll of yours?

No one seems interested in talking to you. Have you noticed that?
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
Link to the poll or you are just lying as libtards do. Reason why private co. should run healthcare and not the gov't.; because this is not a socialist country as libtards would love it to be. Idiots.

Good idea, let's put some actual evidence into play:



United States:

Lol random googling is a common conservative USMB tactic when they know they are losing the argument.

Tell me. What are the demographics of this poll of yours?

No one seems interested in talking to you. Have you noticed that?
Oh so you don't know the demographics? Well you did randomly google it. It makes sense.
A company can charge whatever they want, and get it?

Holy crap!

Let's all do it!


I'm going to incorporate and charge USMB $199 for each post I make and the members $5.99 for every Thank/Agree/BlueI!

Fuckin-'A, this is excellent!



My pricing policy is now retroactive. If Obama can make taxing Inversions retroactive to 1992, then My Pricing Policy is retroactive to my start date with the board.

The USMB Hegemony now owes me $6,173,577. And the Members collectively owe me $68,831.09.

This is going to be SWEET! A few more months of posting, and I can retire!
A company can charge whatever they want, and get it?

Holy crap!

Let's all do it!


I'm going to incorporate and charge USMB $199 for each post I make and the members $5.99 for every Thank/Agree/BlueI!

Fuckin-'A, this is excellent!



My pricing policy is now retroactive. If Obama can make taxing Inversions retroactive to 1992, then My Pricing Policy is retroactive to my start date with the board.

The USMB Hegemony now owes me $6,173,577. And the Members collectively owe me $68,831.09.

This is going to be SWEET! A few more months of posting, and I can retire!

Hold it.

Wait a minute.

I posted first. It was my idea to run with this.

50/50, pal.

A company can charge whatever they want, and get it?

Holy crap!

Let's all do it!


I'm going to incorporate and charge USMB $199 for each post I make and the members $5.99 for every Thank/Agree/BlueI!

Fuckin-'A, this is excellent!



My pricing policy is now retroactive. If Obama can make taxing Inversions retroactive to 1992, then My Pricing Policy is retroactive to my start date with the board.

The USMB Hegemony now owes me $6,173,577. And the Members collectively owe me $68,831.09.

This is going to be SWEET! A few more months of posting, and I can retire!

Hold it.

Wait a minute.

I posted first. It was my idea to run with this.

50/50, pal.


Nobody is stopping you from Incorporating and forcing your own prices on USMB!
Last time I did this calculation America would have to junk about 8,400 of it's 10,000 MRI machines in order to get down to Canadian MRI per capita levels.

Cost savings can certainly be achieved through rationing access to medical care. The question is would not because of better health care, but because the Americans stand for that type of rationing?

Right. Go back to Wikipedia where you found your figures. Please note that per patient expenditure in the US is twice that of Canada, not because of better healthcare, but because the insurance monster wants its cut. How do you feel about insurance company actuaries making decisions like whether or not you should have open heart surgery? Doctors make those decisions in Canada. Though I have no use for him otherwise, Michael Moore's "Sicko" should be mandatory viewing in this country.
I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
What has been deregulated?

Not one President or Congress has reduced regulation in this country. Ever.

The US Code grows by shelf inches every single year. At present, it is something like 16 feet of shelf space using very thin paper.

Name anything that has been deregulated.
Last time I did this calculation America would have to junk about 8,400 of it's 10,000 MRI machines in order to get down to Canadian MRI per capita levels.

Cost savings can certainly be achieved through rationing access to medical care. The question is would not because of better health care, but because the Americans stand for that type of rationing?

Right. Go back to Wikipedia where you found your figures. Please note that per patient expenditure in the US is twice that of Canada, not because of better healthcare, but because the insurance monster wants its cut. How do you feel about insurance company actuaries making decisions like whether or not you should have open heart surgery? Doctors make those decisions in Canada. Though I have no use for him otherwise, Michael Moore's "Sicko" should be mandatory viewing in this country.
I feel much better about an insurance actuary making sound business choices about My heart surgery than I do about a politician who says no because I voted Republican.
Last time I did this calculation America would have to junk about 8,400 of it's 10,000 MRI machines in order to get down to Canadian MRI per capita levels.

Cost savings can certainly be achieved through rationing access to medical care. The question is would not because of better health care, but because the Americans stand for that type of rationing?

Right. Go back to Wikipedia where you found your figures. Please note that per patient expenditure in the US is twice that of Canada, not because of better healthcare, but because the insurance monster wants its cut. How do you feel about insurance company actuaries making decisions like whether or not you should have open heart surgery? Doctors make those decisions in Canada. Though I have no use for him otherwise, Michael Moore's "Sicko" should be mandatory viewing in this country.

And where exactly do you think that the extra money we spend in the US is going? Health providers earn about 4% profit. So where do you imagine the extra money is being spent?
And where exactly do you think that the extra money we spend in the US is going? Health providers earn about 4% profit. So where do you imagine the extra money is being spent?


Forbes ran the following story. The US ranked dead last in several healthcare considerations (access, costs, quality, etc.) among 11 industrialized nations rated. Note the graph. Our per-patient expenditures are almost twice what they are in the other 10 countries, yet our overall quality of healthcare sucks. Thank the insurance racket for that sad reality.

US Health System Ranks Last Among Eleven Countries on Measures of Access Equity Quality Efficiency and Healthy Lives - The Commonwealth Fund
I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
What has been deregulated?

Not one President or Congress has reduced regulation in this country. Ever.

The US Code grows by shelf inches every single year. At present, it is something like 16 feet of shelf space using very thin paper.

Name anything that has been deregulated.

..and the U.S. Tax Code is like 16 volumes..something like 12,000 pages. Go look it up.
Then there's the state legislatures and local city councils...all cranking out new "Rules" and "Laws" and "Regulations" by the hundreds every session....
I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
What has been deregulated?

Not one President or Congress has reduced regulation in this country. Ever.

The US Code grows by shelf inches every single year. At present, it is something like 16 feet of shelf space using very thin paper.

Name anything that has been deregulated.

..and the U.S. Tax Code is like 16 volumes..something like 12,000 pages. Go look it up.
Then there's the state legislatures and local city councils...all cranking out new "Rules" and "Laws" and "Regulations" by the hundreds every session....

Government is completely out of control.

Americans fought and died to end the tyrannical rule of King George...we now live under a government far more tyrannical and yet, many Americans are fine with it.

It is said that Americans on average commit three felonies every day...unknowingly. felonies a day&tag=ff0d01-20

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