Can anyone explain this???

I suspect why they are doing it not only to try and hurt TRUMP but also in hope of Biden being elected, so he can do the same things TRUMP has done but the numbers will magical change to make Biden look good.
If Biden wins all conversation of the leftyvirus will cease.
Wanna bet?

Did you see the new CDC numbers?

This is done by new years

Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Yeah right. It’s killed 185k while under an extreme lock down. Now we are opening back up and a large chunk of the country thinks the whole thing is fake?! Combine that with the winter cold/flu... No I’m sorry this is going to be an ugly winter.
Well NY and NJ knocked off 50k alone plus lots of diseases and infections attack us every day and we cant shut down everything when they do. If you are sick stay home....wear a mask if you want to but handwashing and distancing are the things that work. You cant lose your job over fear of catching a virus.
I agree for the most part but this was a special Situation with a ton of unknowns and we saw a fellow country (Italy) get their medical care system overwhelmed which nearly happened here in NY. This thing needed to be be controlled and we did a piss poor job compared to the rest of the world
At least you say "we". This is a joint responsibility between federal and state leadership, not the lone blame of any single person.
Agreed, we all carry a torch in this fight. However there is one man at the top that carries the most responsibility as he has the most power and largest pulpit. As far as the messages coming from that pulpit it’s no mystery that I think it’s been an embarrassment
Well okay but consider that the "experts" were sending mixed messages and changing their minds all the time. The people making decisions cannot operate that way, and a guy like Cuomo, who loves the limelight, makes terrible decisions and then won't take the heat for them. Other states are now faced with many cases but have managed much lower death rates. And we cannot keep businesses shut down....thaat was an interim plan to spread out the spike which we cant hide from the virus forever.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
Damn you are an IDIOT, creating a conspiracy theory out of your STUPIDITY!!!!
So explain to me then the arithmetic errors I've made.
I've added deaths...190,014, to total cases... 6,291,776 and to recovered/discharged...3,547,926... please add those numbers up.
A total of 10,029,716. Now divide 190,014 deaths by the total 10,029,716--- still comes up to 1.89% not near 60% more that the MSM
uses of 3.02%.... how am I creating a "conspiracy" when the MSM isn't telling the truth?

Wouldn't recovered/discharged be included in the total cases?

I suspect why they are doing it not only to try and hurt TRUMP but also in hope of Biden being elected, so he can do the same things TRUMP has done but the numbers will magical change to make Biden look good.
If Biden wins all conversation of the leftyvirus will cease.
Wanna bet?

Did you see the new CDC numbers?

This is done by new years

Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Yeah right. It’s killed 185k while under an extreme lock down. Now we are opening back up and a large chunk of the country thinks the whole thing is fake?! Combine that with the winter cold/flu... No I’m sorry this is going to be an ugly winter.

Yea 185k

175k who had other problems

Like pneumonia, aids, and just general frailty from age

We counted every flu death as a corona death if we could get them testing positive for corona.
Most everybody has “other problems” that’s such a lame talking point.

Uh huh

"covid kill him he had a heart attack"

No he just had a heart attack lol

Why people have such confidence in these numbers when they know nothing about how corona tests work or how we group these deaths is absurd.

The testing is obscenely flawed with no agreed upon standards on how to do it. Do you spin the sample 30 or 35 times?

And how they count the deaths are flawed. At the moment basically if you die while also testing for covid you're going into the chart. Which makes it functionally useless.

Aids, heart attack, fucking car accident. All covid deaths
I don’t believe you

Yea you've clearly never looked into any of this, lol

Italians weren't dying off

They were killing people with ventilators.

Our testing is shit and so is our death reporting.

Maybe you should have some cynicism instead of just swallowing what you're told with no critical thinking at all
Yes I heard they were doing that inside the pizza parlors where the child sex rings were being held

You're comparing doctors grapping with a novel virus and fucking up treatment to child pedophile rings....?


Do you know any doctors?

I know many, trust me they aren't as clever as you imagine them to be.
Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Another IDIOT mindlessly parroting Russian propaganda!!!!!

That's not russian propaganda. THat's true

It's a fucking cold

It can't kill you alone. Sticking a ventilator in you and automating your lung functioning is a lot more likely to kill you

Source: Grandaddy, uncles, aunts, cousins doctors. Many kin who are in big pharma/biotech as well.

You people have no fucking idea how incompetent our healthcare is, clearly
Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Another IDIOT mindlessly parroting Russian propaganda!!!!!

That's not russian propaganda. THat's true

It's a fucking cold

It can't kill you alone. Sticking a ventilator in you and automating your lung functioning is a lot more likely to kill you

Source: Grandaddy, uncles, aunts, cousins doctors. Many kin who are in big pharma/biotech as well.

You people have no fucking idea how incompetent our healthcare is, clearly
IDIOTS always cling to their Russian propaganda no matter how STUPID it is!!!!
Thank you.
Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Another IDIOT mindlessly parroting Russian propaganda!!!!!

That's not russian propaganda. THat's true

It's a fucking cold

It can't kill you alone. Sticking a ventilator in you and automating your lung functioning is a lot more likely to kill you

Source: Grandaddy, uncles, aunts, cousins doctors. Many kin who are in big pharma/biotech as well.

You people have no fucking idea how incompetent our healthcare is, clearly
IDIOTS always cling to their Russian propaganda no matter how STUPID it is!!!!
Thank you.
Check under your pillow in the morning.....I bet the tooth fairy leaves you a fiver if you put the tooth under the pillow that fell out when you ran into the wall during one of your rants.
Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Another IDIOT mindlessly parroting Russian propaganda!!!!!

That's not russian propaganda. THat's true

It's a fucking cold

It can't kill you alone. Sticking a ventilator in you and automating your lung functioning is a lot more likely to kill you

Source: Grandaddy, uncles, aunts, cousins doctors. Many kin who are in big pharma/biotech as well.

You people have no fucking idea how incompetent our healthcare is, clearly
IDIOTS always cling to their Russian propaganda no matter how STUPID it is!!!!
Thank you.

Very substantive response

I'm on the left you stupid ****, hahahaha

Russian propaganda...The russians are claiming they have a fucking vaccine
I'm on the left
Typical Russian BOT's claim.
Thank you.

I don't know why the truth about corona makes you so mad


Next you'll be linking me rachael maddow telling me how i'm a bot for not believing in Russiagate

You retards have put us on equal terms with the conseravtives. The left isn't even immune to conspiracy theories in 2020 no one makes that argument. Because of dumb ***** like you.

ANd when the truth is staring you in the face about the cold you shrink away from it.

Soon the democrats will be the party of women and you'll force all of us with sense out
I'm on the left
Typical Russian BOT's claim.
Thank you.

I don't know why the truth about corona makes you so mad
Because it isn't the truth, and nobody knows that better than YOU!

Uh huh and trump is a russian asset and will be impeached?

Do you have any other delusions you want to share with the thread/

Or are you going to admit you know nothing about the topic and are just a pathetic pleb who wouldn't know where to begin?
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040

I don't understand. It shows total cases 6.3 million total cases, where are you getting your 10 million number? The last column has always been total population, at least what I've seen.

Nice spreadsheet, you might consider new cases/total cases ratio, demonstrates current "severity", which is a pinch subjective considering all the tests.
Right what you've seen and as I pointed out I take the information from the web site and populate a spreadsheet I created with the information. So yes the web site shows total population. I'm not including that because it is not necessary.
YOU... go to the web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,287,262 Cases and 869,226 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Cursor down to the USA.
  • Take the numbers of total cases reported: 6,291,776
  • add the total deaths or 190,014,
  • add the to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926
  • For total of 10,029,716
What is 190,014 divided by 10,029,716? 1.08%
What is 190,014 divided by 6,291,776 3.02%
Divide 1.08%/3.02% equals 60% error.
Simple math...

I'm not seeing it. Total cases reported should include the total death and recovered totals, why would you add them again?
Because the web site says Total cases... does that mean from the beginning cases or current cases? Since that's the point.

So then 6,291,776 are the total cases since the beginning of which 3,547,926 recovered.
That might explain it... But the web site doesn't state that "Total cases" mean total since the beginning or "active cases".

If that's the case then the

It's total cases, "test confirmed".
I suspect why they are doing it not only to try and hurt TRUMP but also in hope of Biden being elected, so he can do the same things TRUMP has done but the numbers will magical change to make Biden look good.
If Biden wins all conversation of the leftyvirus will cease.
Wanna bet?

Did you see the new CDC numbers?

This is done by new years

Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Yeah right. It’s killed 185k while under an extreme lock down. Now we are opening back up and a large chunk of the country thinks the whole thing is fake?! Combine that with the winter cold/flu... No I’m sorry this is going to be an ugly winter.
Well NY and NJ knocked off 50k alone plus lots of diseases and infections attack us every day and we cant shut down everything when they do. If you are sick stay home....wear a mask if you want to but handwashing and distancing are the things that work. You cant lose your job over fear of catching a virus.
I agree for the most part but this was a special Situation with a ton of unknowns and we saw a fellow country (Italy) get their medical care system overwhelmed which nearly happened here in NY. This thing needed to be be controlled and we did a piss poor job compared to the rest of the world
At least you say "we". This is a joint responsibility between federal and state leadership, not the lone blame of any single person.
Agreed, we all carry a torch in this fight. However there is one man at the top that carries the most responsibility as he has the most power and largest pulpit. As far as the messages coming from that pulpit it’s no mystery that I think it’s been an embarrassment
Well okay but consider that the "experts" were sending mixed messages and changing their minds all the time. The people making decisions cannot operate that way, and a guy like Cuomo, who loves the limelight, makes terrible decisions and then won't take the heat for them. Other states are now faced with many cases but have managed much lower death rates. And we cannot keep businesses shut down....thaat was an interim plan to spread out the spike which we cant hide from the virus forever.
Everybody was learning and mistakes were made. Lies were told, like with the “masks don’t do anything” BS we heard. But for the most part I felt like the medical experts were doing the best they could. I felt like Cuomo was trying to be honest and transparent... I never felt that from Trump. Seemed like the whole time he was trying to downplay it, spin political wins, say it was about to go away, say there’s a cure around the corner, talk shit about the safety guidelines, push to open the country before we were ready, and the list goes on. In my eyes he fumbled the ball hard on handling this thing. It should be near over by now and I think he played a big part in why it is still festering
I suspect why they are doing it not only to try and hurt TRUMP but also in hope of Biden being elected, so he can do the same things TRUMP has done but the numbers will magical change to make Biden look good.
If Biden wins all conversation of the leftyvirus will cease.
Wanna bet?

Did you see the new CDC numbers?

This is done by new years

Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Yeah right. It’s killed 185k while under an extreme lock down. Now we are opening back up and a large chunk of the country thinks the whole thing is fake?! Combine that with the winter cold/flu... No I’m sorry this is going to be an ugly winter.
Well NY and NJ knocked off 50k alone plus lots of diseases and infections attack us every day and we cant shut down everything when they do. If you are sick stay home....wear a mask if you want to but handwashing and distancing are the things that work. You cant lose your job over fear of catching a virus.
I agree for the most part but this was a special Situation with a ton of unknowns and we saw a fellow country (Italy) get their medical care system overwhelmed which nearly happened here in NY. This thing needed to be be controlled and we did a piss poor job compared to the rest of the world
At least you say "we". This is a joint responsibility between federal and state leadership, not the lone blame of any single person.
Agreed, we all carry a torch in this fight. However there is one man at the top that carries the most responsibility as he has the most power and largest pulpit. As far as the messages coming from that pulpit it’s no mystery that I think it’s been an embarrassment
Well okay but consider that the "experts" were sending mixed messages and changing their minds all the time. The people making decisions cannot operate that way, and a guy like Cuomo, who loves the limelight, makes terrible decisions and then won't take the heat for them. Other states are now faced with many cases but have managed much lower death rates. And we cannot keep businesses shut down....thaat was an interim plan to spread out the spike which we cant hide from the virus forever.
Everybody was learning and mistakes were made. Lies were told, like with the “masks don’t do anything” BS we heard. But for the most part I felt like the medical experts were doing the best they could. I felt like Cuomo was trying to be honest and transparent... I never felt that from Trump. Seemed like the whole time he was trying to downplay it, spin political wins, say it was about to go away, say there’s a cure around the corner, talk shit about the safety guidelines, push to open the country before we were ready, and the list goes on. In my eyes he fumbled the ball hard on handling this thing. It should be near over by now and I think he played a big part in why it is still festering




Holy shit the ignorance of this take

"cuomo did alright"

Hahaha what the fuck? By that standard Trump was a genius that saved us all
I'm not seeing it. Total cases reported should include the total death and recovered totals, why would you add them again?

I noticed that too. It's like saying if a baseball player is up 10 times and gets 3 hits, he's batting .231 (3 for 13) not .300

I think I understand my confusion.
The web site is saying the total cases of 6,302,203 INCLUDE the Recovered cases of 3,548,122 and also Active cases of 2,563,781 and of 190,300 deaths. I took it to mean the "Total Cases" were ACTIVE cases.
I was wrong. The web site is counted recovered cases in the total of 6,302,203 and I was taking the math that a closed case was no longer
active. My mistake.
Kudos on calling out your mistake. It happens to all of us.

The important numbers for treatment is deaths per cases in which we have seen good improvements from younger people taking up a larger section of infections.... the important numbers for country comparison is deaths per population in which we are performing very poorly on the world stage.

Right, sure neat. Every country is doing "poorly" in one category or another. Except China of course (cough), some others with better controls.

Sorry man, we live in a free country full of immigrants & tourists too. The POTUS doesn't run States and locals, blaming Trump because that's what PROGS do and desire doesn't fly.
I suspect why they are doing it not only to try and hurt TRUMP but also in hope of Biden being elected, so he can do the same things TRUMP has done but the numbers will magical change to make Biden look good.
If Biden wins all conversation of the leftyvirus will cease.
Wanna bet?

Did you see the new CDC numbers?

This is done by new years

Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Yeah right. It’s killed 185k while under an extreme lock down. Now we are opening back up and a large chunk of the country thinks the whole thing is fake?! Combine that with the winter cold/flu... No I’m sorry this is going to be an ugly winter.
Well NY and NJ knocked off 50k alone plus lots of diseases and infections attack us every day and we cant shut down everything when they do. If you are sick stay home....wear a mask if you want to but handwashing and distancing are the things that work. You cant lose your job over fear of catching a virus.
I agree for the most part but this was a special Situation with a ton of unknowns and we saw a fellow country (Italy) get their medical care system overwhelmed which nearly happened here in NY. This thing needed to be be controlled and we did a piss poor job compared to the rest of the world
At least you say "we". This is a joint responsibility between federal and state leadership, not the lone blame of any single person.
Agreed, we all carry a torch in this fight. However there is one man at the top that carries the most responsibility as he has the most power and largest pulpit. As far as the messages coming from that pulpit it’s no mystery that I think it’s been an embarrassment
Well okay but consider that the "experts" were sending mixed messages and changing their minds all the time. The people making decisions cannot operate that way, and a guy like Cuomo, who loves the limelight, makes terrible decisions and then won't take the heat for them. Other states are now faced with many cases but have managed much lower death rates. And we cannot keep businesses shut down....thaat was an interim plan to spread out the spike which we cant hide from the virus forever.
Everybody was learning and mistakes were made. Lies were told, like with the “masks don’t do anything” BS we heard. But for the most part I felt like the medical experts were doing the best they could. I felt like Cuomo was trying to be honest and transparent... I never felt that from Trump. Seemed like the whole time he was trying to downplay it, spin political wins, say it was about to go away, say there’s a cure around the corner, talk shit about the safety guidelines, push to open the country before we were ready, and the list goes on. In my eyes he fumbled the ball hard on handling this thing. It should be near over by now and I think he played a big part in why it is still festering
Not sure how it can be over without a vaccine when you have 333 million people over some vast real estate. Trump does his share of spinning but Cuomo made some really dumb the idiot mayor of NYC has that city in such a pathetic shape people were bound to be at risk and were. I think shutting down the entire economy like we did might have been a good call short term, but reshutting is silly. Move on.
I suspect why they are doing it not only to try and hurt TRUMP but also in hope of Biden being elected, so he can do the same things TRUMP has done but the numbers will magical change to make Biden look good.
If Biden wins all conversation of the leftyvirus will cease.
Wanna bet?

Did you see the new CDC numbers?

This is done by new years

Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Yeah right. It’s killed 185k while under an extreme lock down. Now we are opening back up and a large chunk of the country thinks the whole thing is fake?! Combine that with the winter cold/flu... No I’m sorry this is going to be an ugly winter.

Yea 185k

175k who had other problems

Like pneumonia, aids, and just general frailty from age

We counted every flu death as a corona death if we could get them testing positive for corona.
Most everybody has “other problems” that’s such a lame talking point.

Uh huh

"covid kill him he had a heart attack"

No he just had a heart attack lol

Why people have such confidence in these numbers when they know nothing about how corona tests work or how we group these deaths is absurd.

The testing is obscenely flawed with no agreed upon standards on how to do it. Do you spin the sample 30 or 35 times?

And how they count the deaths are flawed. At the moment basically if you die while also testing for covid you're going into the chart. Which makes it functionally useless.

Aids, heart attack, fucking car accident. All covid deaths
I don’t believe you

Yea you've clearly never looked into any of this, lol

Italians weren't dying off

They were killing people with ventilators.

Our testing is shit and so is our death reporting.

Maybe you should have some cynicism instead of just swallowing what you're told with no critical thinking at all
Yes I heard they were doing that inside the pizza parlors where the child sex rings were being held

You're comparing doctors grapping with a novel virus and fucking up treatment to child pedophile rings....?


Do you know any doctors?

I know many, trust me they aren't as clever as you imagine them to be.
I’m talking about conspiracy theories. Funny you didn’t get that yet you speak down to other people’s intelligence
I suspect why they are doing it not only to try and hurt TRUMP but also in hope of Biden being elected, so he can do the same things TRUMP has done but the numbers will magical change to make Biden look good.
If Biden wins all conversation of the leftyvirus will cease.
Wanna bet?

Did you see the new CDC numbers?

This is done by new years

Less than 10k deaths without co morbidity. It only kills people who a breeze could kill anyway.
Yeah right. It’s killed 185k while under an extreme lock down. Now we are opening back up and a large chunk of the country thinks the whole thing is fake?! Combine that with the winter cold/flu... No I’m sorry this is going to be an ugly winter.

Yea 185k

175k who had other problems

Like pneumonia, aids, and just general frailty from age

We counted every flu death as a corona death if we could get them testing positive for corona.
Most everybody has “other problems” that’s such a lame talking point.

Uh huh

"covid kill him he had a heart attack"

No he just had a heart attack lol

Why people have such confidence in these numbers when they know nothing about how corona tests work or how we group these deaths is absurd.

The testing is obscenely flawed with no agreed upon standards on how to do it. Do you spin the sample 30 or 35 times?

And how they count the deaths are flawed. At the moment basically if you die while also testing for covid you're going into the chart. Which makes it functionally useless.

Aids, heart attack, fucking car accident. All covid deaths
I don’t believe you

Yea you've clearly never looked into any of this, lol

Italians weren't dying off

They were killing people with ventilators.

Our testing is shit and so is our death reporting.

Maybe you should have some cynicism instead of just swallowing what you're told with no critical thinking at all
Yes I heard they were doing that inside the pizza parlors where the child sex rings were being held

You're comparing doctors grapping with a novel virus and fucking up treatment to child pedophile rings....?


Do you know any doctors?

I know many, trust me they aren't as clever as you imagine them to be.
I’m talking about conspiracy theories. Funny you didn’t get that yet you speak down to other people’s intelligence

So you were comparing them to pedophile rings?? lol

Do you think there is a lot of correlation between pizzagate believers and people who think the science on coronavirus isn't strong? And thus our reaction and treatment hasn't been rational?

Who is intelligent here?

Clearly you did not do well in your time in education. What the fuck makes you think you should be calling anyone stupid on the internet? Hahahah

Do you think high IQ people can't spot low IQ plebs after a few responses on a topic like this? I assure you, we can

Source: much higher IQ than you

This is why we take standardized tests people. So you don't have to go on teh internet and be told you're an idiot. You should have known that by time you were a teenager.

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