Can anyone offer a logical criticism of Glenn Beck?

I believe it's ash. Not to be confused with ass which would be from kissing Obama's. That show was probably taped or aired on Ash Wednesday.

As noted later, that was what I figured, but I don't watch Beck and wondered if it was something he or his producers concocted.


You don't watch the show yet you wondered if it was some kind of concocted stunt. How many concocted stunts have they done that's caused you to wonder?

None that I know of. I'm just sick of "Squawking Heads" that believe they have all the answers and that their side is the only right side. Neither side can be honest and open about the other side's beliefs.

They all seem to have to make things up to make the other side look retarded or evil in some way. For instance, that ash looked almost like the Hindu (I believe it is Hindu) moles that the women put on their foreheads rather than ash. Edit: for instance, it could have been a "hole in the head" joke Beck had been using recently (we all know Biden is missing a few screws).

That was why I asked the question. It looked like ash, but I wasn't sure that Beck wasn't doing something else that I didn't know about. Simple question that I would have asked had it been Olbermann or anyone else.

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As noted later, that was what I figured, but I don't watch Beck and wondered if it was something he or his producers concocted.


You don't watch the show yet you wondered if it was some kind of concocted stunt. How many concocted stunts have they done that's caused you to wonder?

None that I know of. I'm just sick of "Squawking Heads" that believe they have all the answers and that their side is the only right side. Neither side can be honest and open about the other side's beliefs.

They all seem to have to make things up to make the other side look retarded or evil in some way. For instance, that ash looked almost like the Hindu (I believe it is Hindu) moles that the women put on their foreheads rather than ash. Edit: for instance, it could have been a "hole in the head" joke Beck had been using recently (we all know Biden is missing a few screws).

That was why I asked the question. It looked like ash, but I wasn't sure that Beck wasn't doing something else that I didn't know about. Simple question that I would have asked had it been Olbermann or anyone else.


I'd seriously reccomend you give Beck a try, He doesn't pretend to have all the answers. In fact he admits that doesn't. He encourages his viewers to view ALL the evidence before deciding for themselves. He doesn't ever suggest anyone should just take his word for anything. In fact on last night's show he pointedly said "Don't believe me just b/c I'm on TV, anyone can get a TV show, do your own research." Does that sound like a man who just wants to indoctrinate people?

Is he bombastic? Sure he is, sometimes he gets on my nerves, and I'm sure everyone who watches him will admit the same, but that is just style and has nothing to do with substance.

That's where a lot of the anti Beck people get tripped up, they want to make claims that b/c he goes over the top , a lot, he is lying, but that's simply not true. If he makes a factual claim, you can guarantee that either A) it's true or B) within 48 hours he will make an apology and a correction. Just as he did with the whole situation concerning Obama's daughter, he knows he messed up and he apologized.

Give it a try on Friday's, his Founding father's shows are pretty good.
I watch Glenn Beck whenever he's on. The time I catch him is after Greta Van Sustren (?) which is the 11 PM hour, she's on at 10 PM. We should take into concideration that he might be right and is giving us fair warning that if we don't do something. The cherished freedoms that we enjoy now can and will disappear. Remember before Hitler rose to power Germans had more freedom then after.
Where did all the Beck haters go with their supposed lies that Beck tells? Why do all the liars always leave when I come into a thread?
Where did all the Beck haters go with their supposed lies that Beck tells? Why do all the liars always leave when I come into a thread?

Everyone fears your 5.5 neg hit. :eek:

They obviously fear something. This thread died as soon as I dissected the "lies" told by Beck.

There are probably other possibilities you have overlooked.....while you were so buzy dissecting and everything...

I don't know where you are from sport but up here in the Pacific Northwest where the moron came from....Beck is a stupid joke. I did it! here comes another big fucking wooping
-5 ....AAAHHHHHhhhhhhh!!!!!!!...Run For Your Lives!!!!!!
Everyone fears your 5.5 neg hit. :eek:

They obviously fear something. This thread died as soon as I dissected the "lies" told by Beck.

There are probably other possibilities you have overlooked.....while you were so buzy dissecting and everything...

I don't know where you are from sport but up here in the Pacific Northwest where the moron came from....Beck is a stupid joke. I did it! here comes another big fucking wooping
-5 ....AAAHHHHHhhhhhhh!!!!!!!...Run For Your Lives!!!!!!

LOL I have given very few negative reps, and if I did so it's because you deserved it.

As for you being in the Pacific NW, well that explains a lot of things.
You don't watch the show yet you wondered if it was some kind of concocted stunt. How many concocted stunts have they done that's caused you to wonder?

None that I know of. I'm just sick of "Squawking Heads" that believe they have all the answers and that their side is the only right side. Neither side can be honest and open about the other side's beliefs.

They all seem to have to make things up to make the other side look retarded or evil in some way. For instance, that ash looked almost like the Hindu (I believe it is Hindu) moles that the women put on their foreheads rather than ash. Edit: for instance, it could have been a "hole in the head" joke Beck had been using recently (we all know Biden is missing a few screws).

That was why I asked the question. It looked like ash, but I wasn't sure that Beck wasn't doing something else that I didn't know about. Simple question that I would have asked had it been Olbermann or anyone else.


I'd seriously reccomend you give Beck a try, He doesn't pretend to have all the answers. In fact he admits that doesn't. He encourages his viewers to view ALL the evidence before deciding for themselves. He doesn't ever suggest anyone should just take his word for anything. In fact on last night's show he pointedly said "Don't believe me just b/c I'm on TV, anyone can get a TV show, do your own research." Does that sound like a man who just wants to indoctrinate people?

Is he bombastic? Sure he is, sometimes he gets on my nerves, and I'm sure everyone who watches him will admit the same, but that is just style and has nothing to do with substance.

That's where a lot of the anti Beck people get tripped up, they want to make claims that b/c he goes over the top , a lot, he is lying, but that's simply not true. If he makes a factual claim, you can guarantee that either A) it's true or B) within 48 hours he will make an apology and a correction. Just as he did with the whole situation concerning Obama's daughter, he knows he messed up and he apologized.

Give it a try on Friday's, his Founding father's shows are pretty good.

I would, but I just can't stomach the partisanship any longer.

I do not view my fellow Americans who happen to be left winged as being the enemy simply because they are left winged. Now, if they are Washington politicians that is a different story, but just because someone is liberal does not make them evil, just as, simply because someone is conservative does not make them right all the time.

Beck, Limbaugh, Rhodes, Savage, Hannity, Al Franken, etc. etc etc. all make (or made in the case of Franken) their money by beating down the other side of the aisle as if one side or the other is inherently better than the other. I can't deal with that anymore.

A long time ago, I made the analogy that liberals were like the sails that pushed the ship forward while conservatives were like the sea anchor that kept that ship steady, on course and off the rocks. Both the sails and the sea anchor are necessary to a sailing ship. So, are both the liberal and the conservative in regards to the progress of America.

If someone thinks Glenn Beck is legitimate, that is all I need to know about them.
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None that I know of. I'm just sick of "Squawking Heads" that believe they have all the answers and that their side is the only right side. Neither side can be honest and open about the other side's beliefs.

They all seem to have to make things up to make the other side look retarded or evil in some way. For instance, that ash looked almost like the Hindu (I believe it is Hindu) moles that the women put on their foreheads rather than ash. Edit: for instance, it could have been a "hole in the head" joke Beck had been using recently (we all know Biden is missing a few screws).

That was why I asked the question. It looked like ash, but I wasn't sure that Beck wasn't doing something else that I didn't know about. Simple question that I would have asked had it been Olbermann or anyone else.


I'd seriously reccomend you give Beck a try, He doesn't pretend to have all the answers. In fact he admits that doesn't. He encourages his viewers to view ALL the evidence before deciding for themselves. He doesn't ever suggest anyone should just take his word for anything. In fact on last night's show he pointedly said "Don't believe me just b/c I'm on TV, anyone can get a TV show, do your own research." Does that sound like a man who just wants to indoctrinate people?

Is he bombastic? Sure he is, sometimes he gets on my nerves, and I'm sure everyone who watches him will admit the same, but that is just style and has nothing to do with substance.

That's where a lot of the anti Beck people get tripped up, they want to make claims that b/c he goes over the top , a lot, he is lying, but that's simply not true. If he makes a factual claim, you can guarantee that either A) it's true or B) within 48 hours he will make an apology and a correction. Just as he did with the whole situation concerning Obama's daughter, he knows he messed up and he apologized.

Give it a try on Friday's, his Founding father's shows are pretty good.

I would, but I just can't stomach the partisanship any longer.

I do not view my fellow Americans who happen to be left winged as being the enemy simply because they are left winged. Now, if they are Washington politicians that is a different story, but just because someone is liberal does not make them evil, just as, simply because someone is conservative does not make them right all the time.

Beck, Limbaugh, Rhodes, Savage, Hannity, Al Franken, etc. etc etc. all make (or made in the case of Franken) their money by beating down the other side of the aisle as if one side or the other is inherently better than the other. I can't deal with that anymore.

A long time ago, I made the analogy that liberals were like the sails that pushed the ship forward while conservatives were like the sea anchor that kept that ship steady, on course and off the rocks. Both the sails and the sea anchor are necessary to a sailing ship. So, are both the liberal and the conservative in regards to the progress of America.


I REALLY urge you to give him a try. Despite what you have heard , or read about him. He doesn't dislike liberals. He dislikes PROGRESSIVES, and he makes a very clear distinction between the two.
You don't watch the show yet you wondered if it was some kind of concocted stunt. How many concocted stunts have they done that's caused you to wonder?

None that I know of. I'm just sick of "Squawking Heads" that believe they have all the answers and that their side is the only right side. Neither side can be honest and open about the other side's beliefs.

They all seem to have to make things up to make the other side look retarded or evil in some way. For instance, that ash looked almost like the Hindu (I believe it is Hindu) moles that the women put on their foreheads rather than ash. Edit: for instance, it could have been a "hole in the head" joke Beck had been using recently (we all know Biden is missing a few screws).

That was why I asked the question. It looked like ash, but I wasn't sure that Beck wasn't doing something else that I didn't know about. Simple question that I would have asked had it been Olbermann or anyone else.


I'd seriously reccomend you give Beck a try, He doesn't pretend to have all the answers. In fact he admits that doesn't. He encourages his viewers to view ALL the evidence before deciding for themselves. He doesn't ever suggest anyone should just take his word for anything. In fact on last night's show he pointedly said "Don't believe me just b/c I'm on TV, anyone can get a TV show, do your own research." Does that sound like a man who just wants to indoctrinate people?

Is he bombastic? Sure he is, sometimes he gets on my nerves, and I'm sure everyone who watches him will admit the same, but that is just style and has nothing to do with substance.

That's where a lot of the anti Beck people get tripped up, they want to make claims that b/c he goes over the top , a lot, he is lying, but that's simply not true. If he makes a factual claim, you can guarantee that either A) it's true or B) within 48 hours he will make an apology and a correction. Just as he did with the whole situation concerning Obama's daughter, he knows he messed up and he apologized.

Give it a try on Friday's, his Founding father's shows are pretty good.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck "Get Off My Phone" Radio Freak Out (TWILIGHT VAMPIRE METAL REMIX)[/ame]
Glenn Beck at his best..

Read these carefully and try to figure out what this idiot is all about..

1. "This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist." –on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show, July 28, 2009 (Source)

2. "I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus -- band -- Do, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, 'Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore,' and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, 'Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death.' And you know, well, I'm not sure." –responding to the question "What would people do for $50 million?", "The Glenn Beck Program," May 17, 2005 (Source)

3. "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005 (Source) This is my personal favorite.

4. "The only [Katrina victims] we're seeing on television are the scumbags." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005 (Source)

5. "I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today." –on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, "The Glenn Beck Program," Oct. 22, 2007 (Source)

6. "I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies. ... And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way." –interviewing Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, Glen Beck's show on CNN's Headline News, Nov. 14, 2006 (Source)

7. "Al Gore's not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however. The goal is different. The goal is globalization...And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did. That's what Al Gore, the U.N., and everybody on the global warming bandwagon [are doing]." –"The Glenn Beck Program," May 1, 2007 (Source)

8. "So here you have Barack Obama going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research. ... Eugenics. In case you don't know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. ... The stuff that we are facing is absolutely frightening." –"The Glenn Beck Program," March 9, 2009 (Source)

9. "You have the artwork of Mussolini there, here in New York at Rockefeller Plaza." –analyzing the artwork decorating Rockefeller Plaza, which he said contained a hammer and sickle, Glenn Beck show on FOX News Channel, Sept. 2, 2009 (Source)

10. "O-L-I-G-A-R-H-Y." –misspelling "oligarchy" on his chalk board while claiming he had deciphered a secret code that he said was proof President Obama was trying to create an "Oligarhy," Aug. 27, 2009, Glenn Beck show on FOX News Channel (Source)

Glenn Beck Quotes - Top 10 Craziest Glenn Beck Quotes of All Time

Think about this. There are idiots out there who actually think this guy is anything but a clown.
You honestly just can't read can you. The thread is entitled logical criticism of Beck "I don't agree with his opinion" is not a logical criticism. It's an opinion. If he can't have his, then you certainly can't have yours.

But let's look at your "logical criticisms" one at a time.

Glenn Beck at his best..

Read these carefully and try to figure out what this idiot is all about..

1. "This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist." –on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show, July 28, 2009 (Source)

His opinion versus your opinion.

2. "I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus -- band -- Do, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, 'Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore,' and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, 'Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death.' And you know, well, I'm not sure." –responding to the question "What would people do for $50 million?", "The Glenn Beck Program," May 17, 2005 (Source)

He was asked a joking question, he gave a joking answer. No one, not even yourself, believes he's contemplating murder.
3. "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005 (Source) This is my personal favorite..

Again, that's his OPINION versus YOUR opinion.
4. "The only [Katrina victims] we're seeing on television are the scumbags." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005 (Source)
That was true, the TV stations were in fact showing rioters and looters and such, not just the people who were trying to survive.
5. "I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today." –on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, "The Glenn Beck Program," Oct. 22, 2007 (Source)
A total lie by you, I've already did this one, he wasn't celebrating anyone losing their home, he said UNFORTUNATELY for them they lost their home
6. "I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies. ... And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way." –interviewing Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, Glen Beck's show on CNN's Headline News, Nov. 14, 2006 (Source)
Seems to me like he was being honest and admitting his fear.
7. "Al Gore's not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however. The goal is different. The goal is globalization...And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did. That's what Al Gore, the U.N., and everybody on the global warming bandwagon [are doing]." –"The Glenn Beck Program," May 1, 2007 (Source)
Seems like a fair comparision, he was very clear that he doesn't believe Gore was going to kill anyone
8. "So here you have Barack Obama going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research. ... Eugenics. In case you don't know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. ... The stuff that we are facing is absolutely frightening." –"The Glenn Beck Program," March 9, 2009 (Source)
I already addressed this one, I wont do so again
9. "You have the artwork of Mussolini there, here in New York at Rockefeller Plaza." –analyzing the artwork decorating Rockefeller Plaza, which he said contained a hammer and sickle, Glenn Beck show on FOX News Channel, Sept. 2, 2009 (Source)
The art work did indeed hang where he claimed it did
10. "O-L-I-G-A-R-H-Y." –misspelling "oligarchy" on his chalk board while claiming he had deciphered a secret code that he said was proof President Obama was trying to create an "Oligarhy," Aug. 27, 2009, Glenn Beck show on FOX News Channel (Source)
Oh, you caught him in an error, too bad he already acknowledged it and apologized, the very next day.

Glenn Beck Quotes - Top 10 Craziest Glenn Beck Quotes of All Time

Think about this. There are idiots out there who actually think this guy is anything but a clown.[/QUOTE]

Think about this. There are idiots who think that destroying Beck is the penultimate political goal and will cause those who stand against the progressives to crumble, they (meaning YOU) are the fools. :lol:
Mr. Fitnah: Mum, how do we know certain truths are self evident?

Mr. Fitnah's Mum: Because it's written, that's why!!


Lets plum the depths of your lack of understanding of how the constitution works and the country was founded Shall we?
Do you believe in personal property? As in owning personal property?
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Mr. Fitnah: Mum, how do we know certain truths are self evident?

Mr. Fitnah's Mum: Because it's written, that's why!!


Lets plum the depths of your lack of understanding of how the constitution works and the country were founded Shall we?
Do you believe in personal property? As in owning personal property?

manifold : no because it is not written in the CON

As noted later, that was what I figured, but I don't watch Beck and wondered if it was something he or his producers concocted.


You don't watch the show yet you wondered if it was some kind of concocted stunt. How many concocted stunts have they done that's caused you to wonder?

None that I know of. I'm just sick of "Squawking Heads" that believe they have all the answers and that their side is the only right side. Neither side can be honest and open about the other side's beliefs.
Based on that .
You will definitely like Beck
Mr. Fitnah: Mum, how do we know certain truths are self evident?

Mr. Fitnah's Mum: Because it's written, that's why!!


Lets plum the depths of your lack of understanding of how the constitution works and the country were founded Shall we?
Do you believe in personal property? As in owning personal property?

Nobody owns property in the US...only the govt and some churches....

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