Can Anyone Say Maunder Minimum?

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
In March our supplier of energy was more inactive than in the previous months. The sunspot number was only 2,5, which is only 8% of what is normal for this month into the average cycle (month 112).

A sunspot was detected only on 6 of 31 days.

It is well known that frigid phases on the planet are associated with low solar activity. A number of papers, for example, have linked the Little Ice Age of the 17th century to the low solar activity of the Maunder Minimum. Other published papers link cold winters in Europe to low solar activity as well.

Now it’s sure: solar cycle 24 will go down as the weakest in close to 200 years. Thus all the news of massive snow and ice this winter over the northern hemisphere don’t come as a surprise for many scientists.

I'm sure a Carbon tax will resolve solar activity.

Solar Activity Flat Lines…Cycle 24 Weakest In 200 Years…Link To Recent Northern Hemisphere Ice Rebound?
In March our supplier of energy was more inactive than in the previous months. The sunspot number was only 2,5, which is only 8% of what is normal for this month into the average cycle (month 112).

A sunspot was detected only on 6 of 31 days.

It is well known that frigid phases on the planet are associated with low solar activity. A number of papers, for example, have linked the Little Ice Age of the 17th century to the low solar activity of the Maunder Minimum. Other published papers link cold winters in Europe to low solar activity as well.

Now it’s sure: solar cycle 24 will go down as the weakest in close to 200 years. Thus all the news of massive snow and ice this winter over the northern hemisphere don’t come as a surprise for many scientists.

I'm sure a Carbon tax will resolve solar activity.

Solar Activity Flat Lines…Cycle 24 Weakest In 200 Years…Link To Recent Northern Hemisphere Ice Rebound?
Ice rebound is assured in coming months. ENSO will remain neutral. Glow Boy will be very quiet.. The polar jet remains strong and intrusive to mid latitudes..

I have a feeling many alarmists wont be happy that most of the US breadbasket will be harvesting just half of what they did for over 40 years this Year...
Imagine what will happen if we get three or four years with reduced food output. Do you think any of these alarmists will get a clue about what cooling means? Or how fast people will die if it continues?
Imagine what will happen if we get three or four years with reduced food output. Do you think any of these alarmists will get a clue about what cooling means? Or how fast people will die if it continues?
Exactly. Corn will grow in any temperature except below 45.
I don't think it will cool down that much, what we will see more of are bigger swings in temperature changes and increasing storminess in the next decade, the cooling might speed up a bit in 5-10 years from now, after the ocean waters have depleted enough of the energy it had accumulated.
Winter IS comin'.

I highly recommend purchasing a good used fur coat on Ebay before the prices go through the roof.
The Arctic had a scarily low amount of ice this past winter

1) It was the warmest Arctic winter on record

Overall, this winter (as measured by December, January, and February, the three coldest months) was the warmest on record. As the Associated Press reported, Arctic weather stations averaged 8.8 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.

These Arctic warm spells do occur due to natural variability, Alek Petty, a NASA polar scientist, says. “But the key is that they are happening more frequently, they are lasting longer, and they have been more intense than they used to be,” he says. Indeed, this was the third Arctic winter in a row that experienced an extreme heat wave.


The arctic was 5.1 degrees Celsius warmer than usual on February 27.
Climate Reanalyzer

Can anyone say continued warming? You silly asses continue to bray that we are cooling and all we see is warming. As verified by ground stations and satellites monitored by various nations and agencies.
The vertical scale here is the volume of Arctic ice at its seasonal minimum and maximum. This is not an anomaly trend. When that red line hits ZERO, it means NO ICE IN THE ARCTIC.

Yeah... global cooling.

And the usual suspects deny the fact that the worlds bread basket has been unable to plant yet... some 7 weeks later than the average.. they want to ignore this...
Deny? When did I ever deny such a thing? Half the world is freezing and half the world is cooking. That's what happens when you warm up the planet and start Rossby waves in the jet stream - as any decent, self-respecting atmospheric physicist would know.
Billy Boy,are you still claiming to be an atmospheric physicist? Or
someone who barely passed meteorology for retirees, 101?
The vertical scale here is the volume of Arctic ice at its seasonal minimum and maximum. This is not an anomaly trend. When that red line hits ZERO, it means NO ICE IN THE ARCTIC.

Yeah... global cooling.


Your own chart shows the decline stopped after 2007.

As usual warmists ignores the whole picture here since they fail to realize that TODAYS sea ice cover is well above average for the Holocene.

Carry on.
The Arctic had a scarily low amount of ice this past winter

1) It was the warmest Arctic winter on record

Overall, this winter (as measured by December, January, and February, the three coldest months) was the warmest on record. As the Associated Press reported, Arctic weather stations averaged 8.8 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.

These Arctic warm spells do occur due to natural variability, Alek Petty, a NASA polar scientist, says. “But the key is that they are happening more frequently, they are lasting longer, and they have been more intense than they used to be,” he says. Indeed, this was the third Arctic winter in a row that experienced an extreme heat wave.


The arctic was 5.1 degrees Celsius warmer than usual on February 27.
Climate Reanalyzer

Can anyone say continued warming? You silly asses continue to bray that we are cooling and all we see is warming. As verified by ground stations and satellites monitored by various nations and agencies.

Your own link states this, which is why the Polar region is misleading:

"This interface is for viewing weather forecasts from NOAA/NCEP numerical models. Select Forecast Model, Map Area, Variable, and Initialization from the pulldown menus above to view different forecasts. Use the Image Slider or playback controls to animate. See forecast period, output interval, and initialization times available for each model: "

All other data sets show a lot less warming than this one. The Satellite data shows a lot less warming too, since it is still well BELOW freezing the entire time in the winter. The few days of a much warmer temperature spike still stays below freezing.

It is a misleading picture as this is a ONE DAY coverage.
Link us to some data sets that show much lower temperatures or even a reliable report that states that is the case.
In March our supplier of energy was more inactive than in the previous months. The sunspot number was only 2,5, which is only 8% of what is normal for this month into the average cycle (month 112).

A sunspot was detected only on 6 of 31 days.

It is well known that frigid phases on the planet are associated with low solar activity. A number of papers, for example, have linked the Little Ice Age of the 17th century to the low solar activity of the Maunder Minimum. Other published papers link cold winters in Europe to low solar activity as well.

Now it’s sure: solar cycle 24 will go down as the weakest in close to 200 years. Thus all the news of massive snow and ice this winter over the northern hemisphere don’t come as a surprise for many scientists.

I'm sure a Carbon tax will resolve solar activity.

Solar Activity Flat Lines…Cycle 24 Weakest In 200 Years…Link To Recent Northern Hemisphere Ice Rebound?
And still the temperature goes up......
Imagine what will happen if we get three or four years with reduced food output. Do you think any of these alarmists will get a clue about what cooling means? Or how fast people will die if it continues?


Some of the pseudo-scientists might get real jobs outside the universities, but the average enviro nut jobs will freeze to death in their global warming t-shirts before they dump their religion. For the most part these are the dumbest mother fuckers on earth. It is impossible for them to ever get a clue. They have no frontal lobes.


I don't think it will cool down that much, what we will see more of are bigger swings in temperature changes and increasing storminess in the next decade, the cooling might speed up a bit in 5-10 years from now, after the ocean waters have depleted enough of the energy it had accumulated.
As the majority of the alarmist morons dont have a clue how a buffered system works or why there is a lead time in and a lead time out of each cycle, I expect them to remain ignorant of the changes that are coming. We are at 0 average for ocean heat content already. The oceans are already showing signs of the temp drop. We've been cooling now for about 22 years..
Link us to some data sets that show much lower temperatures or even a reliable report that states that is the case.

You have been shown this before and you ignored it.

Here it is from UAH6 showing that the Arctic region by the MONTH was much cooler than the misleading one day claims made by Old Rocks.
In March our supplier of energy was more inactive than in the previous months. The sunspot number was only 2,5, which is only 8% of what is normal for this month into the average cycle (month 112).

A sunspot was detected only on 6 of 31 days.

It is well known that frigid phases on the planet are associated with low solar activity. A number of papers, for example, have linked the Little Ice Age of the 17th century to the low solar activity of the Maunder Minimum. Other published papers link cold winters in Europe to low solar activity as well.

Now it’s sure: solar cycle 24 will go down as the weakest in close to 200 years. Thus all the news of massive snow and ice this winter over the northern hemisphere don’t come as a surprise for many scientists.

I'm sure a Carbon tax will resolve solar activity.

Solar Activity Flat Lines…Cycle 24 Weakest In 200 Years…Link To Recent Northern Hemisphere Ice Rebound?
And still the temperature goes up......

Which nobody disputes.

It is the NULL Hypothesis that is never broached, which is why warmists post misleading stuff over and over to make it appear it is unusual.

You have been shown repeatedly that the per decade warming rate are the same with PREVIOUS warming trends back to the 1800's. The IPCC modeled per decade rate are always way high by around 50% too high.
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Link us to some data sets that show much lower temperatures or even a reliable report that states that is the case.

You have been shown this before and you ignored it.

Here it is from UAH6 showing that the Arctic region by the MONTH was much cooler than the misleading one day claims made by Old Rocks.

Your link leads me to global data, not regional or polar data; and that data show warming.
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