Zone1 Can Black people be racist?

Please read up on it. "Slave" is derived from "Slave" for a reason. If you really don't know then a few facts.....some call it a "Blood tax"....


Profile photo for Rally Wally
Rally Wally
Author has 1.7K answers and 840.1K answer views3y
The Ottomans demanded that Christian families pay the so-called blood tax: they had to give their first-born son away. These children were then converted to Islam and fed with propaganda against their own people. They would then form a special legion called the Janissary and would be sent back to fight their own families. They were considered the most ferocious legion in the Ottoman army. Since they had no family that they knew of they were happy to die in battle…

The Blood Tax​

During the four hundred years of Ottoman rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina (1463-1878), the Ottoman Empire raided Christian villages, and kidnapped young boys ages 8 to 18, who would then be converted to Islam and trained for military or civil service to the empire. This practice was called “Devshirme,” also known as the blood tax.
Knowing that their boys may never return to them and forget their home–and in hope of staving off forced conversion–the Christian families in the region tattooed their children so that they would always bear a mark of their origins. It was a piece of home that could never be taken from them. “It is believed that Catholic women during this time started getting tattooed as a way to avoid forced conversions to Islam (through marriage) or to prevent being taken into captivity (i.e. harems) by the Ottomans.” Apparently, the practice predates the Ottoman Empire by centuries, but it took on new meaning and application as the threat of Ottoman kidnapping surfaced.



The first time I learned of this practice was in the summer of 2016 when I peaked into the windows of a public library near the center of Zagreb, Croatia. The library had a display on the history of the practice. I saw photos and drawings of beautiful, delicate tattoos marking women’s hands, arms, necks and chests, and read the heartbreaking story that accompanied them. The practice was still alive in some villages in the early 20th century and taken up by some women in the modern times as an homage to their ancestors.

I am going to read up on this. I love learning new history. Thank you for the info.
One of the great things about political message boards, is that every once in a while I learn something new. I'm going to look up some information gtopa1 gave me about the Ottoman Empire. Thank you, gtopa1.
NO. That isn't the definition of racism. The true definition is what I posted. What a person believes is not important. The systems put into place is what is important. The Founding Fathers of the USA put a system of White Supremacy in place here.
No, that's YOUR definition.
Really? Name a few.
Muhammad Ali for one, Shaqueel O'Neil for another, Miles Davis, Larry Elder, Sidney Poitier, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones, Will Smith, Danny Glover, Louis Gosset Jr. All immensely talented individuals I could go on for a long time. Oh and your grandfather who was an Tuskegee Airman for another.
RACISM= Prejudice plus power. Without power, there is no racism. Thus, Blacks in America are not and never have been racist. Here is the difference: Racism is a system. It is not an indivisual's feelings; an indivisual's feelings is prejudice.
1) Have Black people ever been able to keep you from attending a school you wanted to attend?
2) Have Black people ever kept you from buying or renting a house in a neighborhood you wanted to live in?
3) Have Black people ever barred you from getting a job?

And last, but not least: Have Blacks in this country ever held Whites in legalized slavery? :no_text11:
All those things have happened because of White Democrats....Why do black people vote for the very people who treat them like shit?

Notice how the wording is have blacks in this country, Mabye, but before the blacks were enslaved in the Americas, whites were enslaved in Africa....

Please read up on it. "Slave" is derived from "Slave" for a reason. If you really don't know then a few facts.....some call it a "Blood tax"....


Profile photo for Rally Wally
Rally Wally
Author has 1.7K answers and 840.1K answer views3y
The Ottomans demanded that Christian families pay the so-called blood tax: they had to give their first-born son away. These children were then converted to Islam and fed with propaganda against their own people. They would then form a special legion called the Janissary and would be sent back to fight their own families. They were considered the most ferocious legion in the Ottoman army. Since they had no family that they knew of they were happy to die in battle…

The Blood Tax​

During the four hundred years of Ottoman rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina (1463-1878), the Ottoman Empire raided Christian villages, and kidnapped young boys ages 8 to 18, who would then be converted to Islam and trained for military or civil service to the empire. This practice was called “Devshirme,” also known as the blood tax.
Knowing that their boys may never return to them and forget their home–and in hope of staving off forced conversion–the Christian families in the region tattooed their children so that they would always bear a mark of their origins. It was a piece of home that could never be taken from them. “It is believed that Catholic women during this time started getting tattooed as a way to avoid forced conversions to Islam (through marriage) or to prevent being taken into captivity (i.e. harems) by the Ottomans.” Apparently, the practice predates the Ottoman Empire by centuries, but it took on new meaning and application as the threat of Ottoman kidnapping surfaced.



The first time I learned of this practice was in the summer of 2016 when I peaked into the windows of a public library near the center of Zagreb, Croatia. The library had a display on the history of the practice. I saw photos and drawings of beautiful, delicate tattoos marking women’s hands, arms, necks and chests, and read the heartbreaking story that accompanied them. The practice was still alive in some villages in the early 20th century and taken up by some women in the modern times as an homage to their ancestors.

"Slav"...damn auto correct....

Blacks don't have the power that Whites have. Here is proof: NO White person in the USA would want to trade places with a Black person--- not even a wealthy Black person. Because there is built in value in having White skin. I think it's called----White Privledge.
Whites on here are often called racists, what power do they have?
You can't be that ignorant. The Ottoman Empire took white children form their parents as a tax and turned them into slave soldiers. Haven't you ever heard of the term Janissary?
Being fair; not many know of it. I do because of personal connection via my name. Of course I won't write it but it connotes one who has opposed the Turk and had their legs broken. It is an honour for such a connection as it shows a long family history of defiance against the invaders plus we beat the bastards in the 1870s!!!

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RACISM= Prejudice plus power. Without power, there is no racism. Thus, Blacks in America are not and never have been racist. Here is the difference: Racism is a system. It is not an indivisual's feelings; an indivisual's feelings is prejudice.
1) Have Black people ever been able to keep you from attending a school you wanted to attend?
2) Have Black people ever kept you from buying or renting a house in a neighborhood you wanted to live in?
3) Have Black people ever barred you from getting a job?

And last, but not least: Have Blacks in this country ever held Whites in legalized slavery? :no_text11:

Wrong. Racism is not defined as prejudice plus power. That’s a bullshit trope, nothing more.
RACISM= Prejudice plus power. Without power, there is no racism. Thus, Blacks in America are not and never have been racist. Here is the difference: Racism is a system. It is not an indivisual's feelings; an indivisual's feelings is prejudice.
1) Have Black people ever been able to keep you from attending a school you wanted to attend?
2) Have Black people ever kept you from buying or renting a house in a neighborhood you wanted to live in?
3) Have Black people ever barred you from getting a job?

And last, but not least: Have Blacks in this country ever held Whites in legalized slavery? :no_text11:

Have you watched my video? And listened to it? Power is relative, is a black man more powerful then a white girl if met on the streets face to face and he rapes her because she is white? And that blacks have no power is wrong, can the NAACP or Barack Obama or Whoopi Goldberg barr you from getting a job if they want? If they think you are "white racist"?
One of the great things about political message boards, is that every once in a while I learn something new. I'm going to look up some information gtopa1 gave me about the Ottoman Empire. Thank you, gtopa1.
Didn't you ever study history before you came here?

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