Can everyone just flat out say which part of the political spectrum they are on?


Doge of Venezia
Oct 22, 2013
I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.
Ok I can be outrageously be right wing if I fight against abortions over a certain date.

BUT I also can understand that if a woman is being beaten half to death by a horrible abuser, she wants to abort a baby so that man can't beat her or him as well.

You see it is not black and white but so many shades of grey and that no matter even the best of Christian or Muslim or Hindu or any other we don't know what to do. And our hearts break at the thought of any of these moments.

I don't know what to do.
Liberal Democrat socially
Fiscal conservative
Constitutional fundamentalist.

Rational anarchist.
You will find the board flaming liberals will all claim to be moderate independents. Life longing republican. Haven't seen any reason to change either.
I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

You can't do it that way.

You just can't. I'm a conservative. :lol:

No way on the planet are you going to peg me like that though.
Is there anyway truly to define ourselves?

I'm not in a box. Most people I know arent in a box. We vary, I find this crazy that we should all be in one box left or right blue or red.
Right of center on the economy issues.

Right and center on social issues.

Strictly Conservative on the Constitutional rights.
I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

I don't exist on the political spectrum.

Libertarian, Social Conservative, Economic Libertarian, Constitutional Libertarian.
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I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

Ruh roh I just realized you poor soul you have entered a different realm.


Tis ok.

You just need a bigger boat if you wish to stay. lucky lucky lucky..............
The left locks themselves in.

Thats ok but its sad. I remember the days when I could debate many like what we were talking about in the other thread Monbiot vs Delingpole.

Where you can and did love debate. Because you do believe in free speech and stupid as you can be give it all you have.

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