Can governors put their national guard on the border and BLOCK the illegals from entry?

They are not invaders.

They are civilians. That you cannot see the difference from this:

And this:

Is absolutely a you problem.
Neither belong in this country WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION. That makes them both invaders.
The fact that you and the rest of the left can't see this FACT is a major American Problem
Neither belong in this country WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION. That makes them both invaders.
The fact that you and the rest of the left can't see this FACT is a major American Problem
Again, that you cannot see the difference and think that they are the same is a you problem. It is moronic to equate one with the other, they are nothing alike. One requires police to take care of them, hence the existence of ICE, and the other requires a military.

It takes an enormously simplistic mind to force them into the same category. My 5 year old understands more nuance than you do.
Again, that you cannot see the difference and think that they are the same is a you problem. It is moronic to equate one with the other, they are nothing alike. One requires police to take care of them, hence the existence of ICE, and the other requires a military.

It takes an enormously simplistic mind to force them into the same category. My 5 year old understands more nuance than you do.
That you can't separate protecting our damn border from your simplistic irrational theory of police responsibility is beyond absurd

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