Can Hobby Lobby Buy the Bible?

Sounds like a fascinating collection. Hopefully it will be open when I visit DC next year.
Wonder if they can explain why they call a Jew their Lord and Savior, when he had nothing to do with many other Jews and absolutely no Gentiles?
Well after presenting you and "they" with all kinds of evidence and reasoning (and miracles), and probably after you personally have spent at least 30 years thinking about this ---- the answer to your question is--> No, we cannot explain it to you.

And we feel very bad about that.
So, you feel that Jesus is correct even though as a Jewish man he had absolutely nothing to do with "saving" the Gentiles, like you? The Jewish cult of 2,000 years ago is now the On True Faith for people who aren't even Jews?

You are one sick puppy. As far as can be determined, Jesus never circumcised anyone nor did he ever baptize anyone Himself either.
So, you feel that Jesus is correct even though as a Jewish man he had absolutely nothing to do with "saving" the Gentiles, like you? The Jewish cult of 2,000 years ago is now the On True Faith for people who aren't even Jews?

It is you who is saying Jesus had "absolutely nothing to do with saving the Gentiles" not Christians or Christian churches who teach that. Or even Scripture. And YES I KNOW that you can cleverly pick out a verse or two which sounds like that, but that is precisely why Jesus established His Church on earth to assist you in both understanding Scripture and understanding God and giving you the surest path to salvation.

Or were you planning to argue that St. Paul is not part of inspired Scripture? Are you going to tell us his letters somehow got into the Bible by the wiles of the devil? Because I contend St. Paul is God’s Word just as much as Jesus’ words in Scripture. And then you might note (I will just give you one passage for now) this verse:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. (Romans 1:16)
Can Hobby Lobby Buy the Bible?

"In just the past six years, the evangelical owners of Hobby Lobby have amassed one of the world’s largest private collections of biblical antiquities. Why?"

The Greens have every right to create a faith message, nothing wrong with that. It's not any worse or better than any other. With their money, however, they may have figured to create only one story of the Bible instead of the many variations that have existed for centuries and centuries.

So that is the hang up? You cannot be sure if we evolved or if the God really did create the world in six days?

Well, if it helps I can tell you this, Jesus doe not really care which account you believe. All those "variations" you refer to are pretty minor in their importance, and they are primarily used by those who do not want to believe anything about the Bible and the world to come. Christians somehow manage to get along even if we do not always agree that the ark really had all those animals on it.
You misunderstand me, but Jesus does not. We both understand that evolution is not a salvation issue.
Interesting. I hope it displays all the translations, interpretations, reinterpretations, and the process of determining which gospels would be included, so people can see how we came to have the current versions of the bible.
That would be appreciated, starting with Who wrote the Gospels, since not a soul actually knows...

Actually it is only an issue with you. We don't really know who wrote all of Shakespeare 's works either, do we? Most rational people don't worry about such things.
So, you feel that Jesus is correct even though as a Jewish man he had absolutely nothing to do with "saving" the Gentiles, like you? The Jewish cult of 2,000 years ago is now the On True Faith for people who aren't even Jews?

It is you who is saying Jesus had "absolutely nothing to do with saving the Gentiles" not Christians or Christian churches who teach that. Or even Scripture. And YES I KNOW that you can cleverly pick out a verse or two which sounds like that, but that is precisely why Jesus established His Church on earth to assist you in both understanding Scripture and understanding God and giving you the surest path to salvation.

Or were you planning to argue that St. Paul is not part of inspired Scripture? Are you going to tell us his letters somehow got into the Bible by the wiles of the devil? Because I contend St. Paul is God’s Word just as much as Jesus’ words in Scripture. And then you might note (I will just give you one passage for now) this verse:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. (Romans 1:16)
Paul is who created "Christianity" (by letting the Gentiles in), a term first used roughly 100 years after the Jewish man called Yeshua was executed for insurrection against Rome believing that he was the Jewish Messiah, not the savior of all mankind. Paul, who never met Jesus, is the founder of your faith.
Interesting. I hope it displays all the translations, interpretations, reinterpretations, and the process of determining which gospels would be included, so people can see how we came to have the current versions of the bible.
That would be appreciated, starting with Who wrote the Gospels, since not a soul actually knows...

Actually it is only an issue with you. We don't really know who wrote all of Shakespeare 's works either, do we? Most rational people don't worry about such things.
Actually. most rational people do, since it matters a good deal in this case.
I suppose they can call whomever they wish Lord and Savior. You and Will Smith call Obama Lord and Savior. Equal rights, you understand?
Obama is just a man, now you know. Some of us bow to no one.

Ok. I accept that your post was just another of your bigot rants.
No, I'm truly interested in the answer (and can't get one):

Matthew 12:

5 These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’

That's because you really don't seek one and we all know it.
No, I do seek the answer. Why would you call a Jewish man Lord when he had nothing to do with many Jews, let alone those who weren't Jewish?

So you claim the Jews occupy all the world and are every creature?
Interesting. I hope it displays all the translations, interpretations, reinterpretations, and the process of determining which gospels would be included, so people can see how we came to have the current versions of the bible.
That would be appreciated, starting with Who wrote the Gospels, since not a soul actually knows...

Actually it is only an issue with you. We don't really know who wrote all of Shakespeare 's works either, do we? Most rational people don't worry about such things.
Actually. most rational people do, since it matters a good deal in this case.

No. It only serves atheists like you.
Obama is just a man, now you know. Some of us bow to no one.

Ok. I accept that your post was just another of your bigot rants.
No, I'm truly interested in the answer (and can't get one):

Matthew 12:

5 These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’

That's because you really don't seek one and we all know it.
No, I do seek the answer. Why would you call a Jewish man Lord when he had nothing to do with many Jews, let alone those who weren't Jewish?

So you claim the Jews occupy all the world and are every creature?
Nope, and it's no claim that Jesus had nothing to do with Gentiles, since he didn't.
Interesting. I hope it displays all the translations, interpretations, reinterpretations, and the process of determining which gospels would be included, so people can see how we came to have the current versions of the bible.
That would be appreciated, starting with Who wrote the Gospels, since not a soul actually knows...

Actually it is only an issue with you. We don't really know who wrote all of Shakespeare 's works either, do we? Most rational people don't worry about such things.
Actually. most rational people do, since it matters a good deal in this case.

No. It only serves atheists like you.
Would you not like to know the real authors of the Gospels?
Can Hobby Lobby Buy the Bible?

"In just the past six years, the evangelical owners of Hobby Lobby have amassed one of the world’s largest private collections of biblical antiquities. Why?"

The Greens have every right to create a faith message, nothing wrong with that. It's not any worse or better than any other. With their money, however, they may have figured to create only one story of the Bible instead of the many variations that have existed for centuries and centuries.

So that is the hang up? You cannot be sure if we evolved or if the God really did create the world in six days?

Well, if it helps I can tell you this, Jesus doe not really care which account you believe. All those "variations" you refer to are pretty minor in their importance, and they are primarily used by those who do not want to believe anything about the Bible and the world to come. Christians somehow manage to get along even if we do not always agree that the ark really had all those animals on it.
You misunderstand me, but Jesus does not. We both understand that evolution is not a salvation issue.
Well I could not tell what “variations” you are referring to. I will tell you the one big difference amongst Christians that causes some consternation.

Catholics say you can get to heaven in many different ways and it is not by faith alone. It requires much more than that including real acts of charity and prayer and proper attitudes towards others. If you do not have all these things “working for you” so to speak, then you may very well find yourself being purified in purgatory for a very long time. There are many different degrees of punishment and durations associated with this gift of mercy called purgatory.

Many or most protestant denominations are more of the belief that faith alone and unafraid acknowledgement of one’s savior Jesus Christ is often the one necessary element to obtain salvation. Again, there is some disagreement among them about the eternal security of the believer or if one can lose their salvation and things like that. But very few protestant teachings believe in purgatory. All Christian faiths believe in heaven and hell.

But having said all that, none of that should prevent someone from becoming a believer because that variation is not clear to them. And all other “variations” you may be referring to are most likely of less importance than the one I noted.
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PaintmyHouse has been shown the Scripture where Christ plainly instructed the Apostles to go into all the world and to preach the gospel unto every creature but within two days he'll be back on here posting the same stupid garbage.
Pretty nice summary of what Jesus would have thought here:

• The idea of mashiach (messiah) is an ancient one in Judaism
• The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior
• There is much speculation about when the mashiach will come
• The Bible identifies several tasks that the mashiach will accomplish
• Jews do not believe in Jesus because he did not accomplish these tasks
Judaism 101: Mashiach: The Messiah
Interesting. I hope it displays all the translations, interpretations, reinterpretations, and the process of determining which gospels would be included, so people can see how we came to have the current versions of the bible.
That would be appreciated, starting with Who wrote the Gospels, since not a soul actually knows...

Actually it is only an issue with you. We don't really know who wrote all of Shakespeare 's works either, do we? Most rational people don't worry about such things.
Actually. most rational people do, since it matters a good deal in this case.

No. It only serves atheists like you.
Would you not like to know the real authors of the Gospels?

No. But IU am certain you wish to showcase your self-perceived superior knowledge like all good little atheists do. It's all in your mind, not in ours. Go talk to your other Biblically uneducated friends.
Can Hobby Lobby Buy the Bible?

"In just the past six years, the evangelical owners of Hobby Lobby have amassed one of the world’s largest private collections of biblical antiquities. Why?"

The Greens have every right to create a faith message, nothing wrong with that. It's not any worse or better than any other. With their money, however, they may have figured to create only one story of the Bible instead of the many variations that have existed for centuries and centuries.

So that is the hang up? You cannot be sure if we evolved or if the God really did create the world in six days?

Well, if it helps I can tell you this, Jesus doe not really care which account you believe. All those "variations" you refer to are pretty minor in their importance, and they are primarily used by those who do not want to believe anything about the Bible and the world to come. Christians somehow manage to get along even if we do not always agree that the ark really had all those animals on it.
You misunderstand me, but Jesus does not. We both understand that evolution is not a salvation issue.
Well I could not tell what “variations” you are referring to. I will tell you the one big difference amongst Christians that causes some consternation.

Catholics say you can get to heaven in many different ways and it is not by faith alone. It requires much more than that including real acts of charity and prayer and proper attitudes towards others. If you do not have all these things “working for you” so to speak, then you may very well find yourself being purified in purgatory for a very long time. There are many different degrees of punishment and durations associated with this gift of mercy called purgatory.

Many or most protestant denominations are more of the belief that faith alone and unafraid acknowledgement of one’s savior Jesus Christ is often the one necessary element to obtain salvation. Again, there is some disagreement among them about the eternal security of the believer or if one can lose their salvation and things like that. But very few protestant teachings believe in purgatory. All Christian faiths believe in heaven and hell.

But having said all that, none of that should prevent someone from becoming a believe because that variation is not clear to them. And all other “variations” you may be referring to are most likely of less importance than the one I noted.
Nice post. My point is that the Greens are ensuring only their variation will triumph in the Museum. That's fine they can believe as they want, and I am looking forward to seeing next February.
PaintmyHouse has been shown the Scripture where Christ plainly instructed the Apostles to go into all the world and to preach the gospel unto every creature but within two days he'll be back on here posting the same stupid garbage.
Actually, Jesus never did, hence the problem:

Matthew 10

Actually, these are YOUR problems. Among others.
It's no problem for me. I'm not a Gentile who calls a Jewish man Lord when he dealt only with Jews, and not even many of them.

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