Can Obama save the Democrats?

I asked you for examples of the scale of violence from the left wing that has demonstrated by the right wing. Will you concede none exist?
Absolutely. I see no violence from the Left. They are nothing but warm, tolerant, loving angels.

You're really super right.

Now perhaps we can return to the thread.

well I would say there is violence from the left. But they are not supporting fellow left wingers mowing down people in cars, ethnic cleansing attempts, or calling the tiki torch parade very fine people.

why you make a statement saying the left is just as violent as the right and act like a little baby when you are asked to support sound like a petulant winger who can’t see his own flaws or [worse] won’t admit to them.
Okie dokie!
I asked you for examples of the scale of violence from the left wing that has demonstrated by the right wing. Will you concede none exist?
Absolutely. I see no violence from the Left. They are nothing but warm, tolerant, loving angels.

You're really super right.

Now perhaps we can return to the thread.

well I would say there is violence from the left. But they are not supporting fellow left wingers mowing down people in cars, ethnic cleansing attempts, or calling the tiki torch parade very fine people.

why you make a statement saying the left is just as violent as the right and act like a little baby when you are asked to support sound like a petulant winger who can’t see his own flaws or [worse] won’t admit to them.
Okie dokie!

The mirror is your enemy. Have a good week
So far we've firmly established that violence and ugliness exists on both ends of the political spectrum.

Gosh. What a shock. I am shocked. Shocked, I say. I'm really shocked over here.

Anyway, I wonder if we'll ever get back to the actual thread topic.

I do realize some here don't want to do that (another shock), but it would be nice.

I asked you for examples of the scale of violence from the left wing that has demonstrated by the right wing. Will you concede none exist?
That’s absurd. You can’t be that stupid, right?

See my post above.
Obama stated his opinion, I agree with it. now if some one from the right side of the isle would make the same effort MAYBE we could get back to reality & work together for the good of the country.
Obama stated his opinion, I agree with it. now if some one from the right side of the isle would make the same effort MAYBE we could get back to reality & work together for the good of the country.
The same thing has happened to both parties: The nutters have gained too much influence and are essentially running purity tests.

The Regressive Left is essentially just the opposite version of the Trumpsters.

There can't be any mystery as to why this country is coming apart at the seams.
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”


Articles like this seem like a skewing of reality. Obama is doing what every politician does: he fabricates the perception of voters based on his own personal anecdotes. Super tone deaf hot take from a former president in a nation more politically divided than ever seen in decades.

Those that believe the Democrats are moving their message too far left are never going to capitulate to the wants and needs of left wingers unless there is a clear path to impeachment and removal. IE: what gains could they receive from voting for such a candidate. Since odds are that isn't going to happen, there's little room for negotiation. Every Dem candidate right now seems to be running on populism first, policy second. There are several issues that the far left won't negotiate about, so why should anyone else?

The same goes for Cult45. 50% of the country doesn't care about their wants and needs anymore. Their toxic message and adolescent behaviors have used up pretty much all political capital they had. The previous election gave the rubes in flyover country a voice. Great! Three years later that voice has done absolutely nothing to change the quality of life in this country, so we must reevaluate whether this voice is important to the greater good, as people tend to get tired of listening to constant complaints from a demographic that does little to improve its status. We should never suppress their message, but we can continue to go back to ignoring it.
The same thing has happened to both parties: The nutters have gained too much influence and are essentially running purity tests.

The Regressive Left is essentially just the opposite version of the Trumpsters.

There can't be any mystery as to why this country is coming apart at the seams.

Or maybe most of the key problems don't have a middle ground...

Either you think a fetus is a person or you don't.
Either you think gays should have the same right to marry the people they love or you don't.
Either you think that throwing kids in concentration camps is wrong or you don't.
Obama stated his opinion, I agree with it. now if some one from the right side of the isle would make the same effort MAYBE we could get back to reality & work together for the good of the country.
The same thing has happened to both parties: The nutters have gained too much influence and are essentially running purity tests.

The Regressive Left is essentially just the opposite version of the Trumpsters.

There can't be any mystery as to why this country is coming apart at the seams.

I’ve demonstrated your assessment is false.
Obama stated his opinion, I agree with it. now if some one from the right side of the isle would make the same effort MAYBE we could get back to reality & work together for the good of the country.
The same thing has happened to both parties: The nutters have gained too much influence and are essentially running purity tests.

The Regressive Left is essentially just the opposite version of the Trumpsters.

There can't be any mystery as to why this country is coming apart at the seams.

I’ve demonstrated your assessment is false.
You’re demonstrated nothing but your ignorance.
Obama stated his opinion, I agree with it. now if some one from the right side of the isle would make the same effort MAYBE we could get back to reality & work together for the good of the country.
O is an elitist asshole. Thinking anything he says is right, is foolish.

It’s also foolish to believe the two criminal gangs could ever do the right thing. Both are entirely owned and controlled by the 1% and the intelligence agencies. They don’t give two shits about the American people.
O is an elitist asshole. Thinking anything he says is right, is foolish.

It’s also foolish to believe the two criminal gangs could ever do the right thing. Both are entirely owned and controlled by the 1% and the intelligence agencies. They don’t give two shits about the American people.

Don't worry, buddy, Trump will save you from the CIA Hiding under your bed...
Nice to see their are still some in the Democratic Party who agree with Obama. The party needs more REAL liberals, ASAP.

“This Is Why People Hate the Democrats”: Max Rose Is Mad as Hell

“This Is Why People Hate the Democrats”: Max Rose Is Mad as Hell, and He’s Not Going to Take It Anymore
Rose’s politics are decidedly liberal, even if his rhetoric feels spiky and nonpartisan. He is an unapologetic defender of unions (a prerequisite to win on Staten Island), he supports a public health care option (just not the abolishment of private insurance), he believes the eligibility age for Medicare should be dramatically lowered (to somewhere between 50 and 55), and he refuses to accept campaign donations from corporate PACs and lobbyists (the NRA is a bunch of “bandits with blood money”). It’s a formula that helped Democrats flip dozens of purple districts last year, and one that Rose believes can be replicated across the country in 2020. “There is a new brand emerging of centrist populism that we absolutely have to own,” he tells me as we dive into a platter of fried calamari and mozzarella sticks.

What Rose doesn’t subscribe to, however, is the burn-it-all-down mentality that he worries has gripped the progressive wing of his party. Partisanship and purity tests, Rose warns, will further alienate the sort of disaffected voters who—as the conventional wisdom goes—shepherded Donald Trump into office.

The Regressives are acting like Trumpsters, and thankfully some in the party see it.
The Regressive Left probably began to realize they couldn't trust this Obama guy when he started saying stuff like this.
Nice to see their are still some in the Democratic Party who agree with Obama. The party needs more REAL liberals, ASAP.

“This Is Why People Hate the Democrats”: Max Rose Is Mad as Hell

“This Is Why People Hate the Democrats”: Max Rose Is Mad as Hell, and He’s Not Going to Take It Anymore
Rose’s politics are decidedly liberal, even if his rhetoric feels spiky and nonpartisan. He is an unapologetic defender of unions (a prerequisite to win on Staten Island), he supports a public health care option (just not the abolishment of private insurance), he believes the eligibility age for Medicare should be dramatically lowered (to somewhere between 50 and 55), and he refuses to accept campaign donations from corporate PACs and lobbyists (the NRA is a bunch of “bandits with blood money”). It’s a formula that helped Democrats flip dozens of purple districts last year, and one that Rose believes can be replicated across the country in 2020. “There is a new brand emerging of centrist populism that we absolutely have to own,” he tells me as we dive into a platter of fried calamari and mozzarella sticks.

What Rose doesn’t subscribe to, however, is the burn-it-all-down mentality that he worries has gripped the progressive wing of his party. Partisanship and purity tests, Rose warns, will further alienate the sort of disaffected voters who—as the conventional wisdom goes—shepherded Donald Trump into office.

The Regressives are acting like Trumpsters, and thankfully some in the party see it.

Vichy Mac, the Democrats tried this in 2006/8 when they nominated a bunch of "Moderates". And when they had a overwealming mandate after 2008, they couldn't get anything done because a few of these "Moderates" blocked any meaningful reform.

And then the Teabaggers rolled in.

You might want the Democrats to be "Republican Lite", but most of us don't.
The Regressive Left probably began to realize they couldn't trust this Obama guy when he started saying stuff like this.

I never trusted the guy.

I didn't trust him when he threw his grandma under the bus to defend his racist pastor.

If the GOP hadn't run a Mormon Cultist in 2012, I probably wouldn't have voted for him then.
And as we get closer and closer to THE TRUTH, THE ABOVE MENTALLY DEFECTIVES, should realize.....


The Regressive Left probably began to realize they couldn't trust this Obama guy when he started saying stuff like this.

I never trusted the guy.

I didn't trust him when he threw his grandma under the bus to defend his racist pastor.

If the GOP hadn't run a Mormon Cultist in 2012, I probably wouldn't have voted for him then.
That’s funny Joe. You didn’t trust O because he’s racist, then you prove yourself a bigot for disliking Romney because he’s a Mormon. LOL.

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