Can Obama save the Democrats?

Yet the data shows otherwise. What is your source?
My observation. Fortunately, I don't require your approval.

Your observation is not based on facts…or at least you can’t provide any. That is my observation. Do you approve of it?
You bet!

When I tried to check your facts, I found that you are wrong according to Google, but according to other search engines, yes, you do appear to be correct. Antifa is very violent and will not let any conservatives speak.
It also depends on the definition of the word "violence".

But the nutters can parse and quibble and deflect, that's fine.

And your definition of violence is....
How can he "save the party" when it was under his watch that the party's fortunes fell to generational lows? The Republicans took control of the majority of state and federal government during his leadership of the party and one could make the case the he shares some of the responsibility for Trump getting elected in the first place.

IMHO the Democrats probably need a Bill Clinton v2.0 to lead the party back towards the center not a encore of ex-President "It's all about Me and Nobody Else" Nimrod at the party helm.

In any case, personally I hope the Democrats destroy themselves with this nonsense and take the Republicans down to hell with 'em.

I'd say they need an Andrew Jackson, someone to purge the party of globalist billionaire banking collectivists, racist agitators and freaks of nature.


then they wouldn’t be Democrats anymore....
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

Cooperation and communication are now equated with capitulation, so their self esteem is mixed into it.
The country is divided right down the middle, getting along is way overrated. That’s just the way it is live with it

Haw haw

This guy thinks he is "normal"
You obviously have no idea what normal is… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
You are likely in the bottom quartile of both income and intelligence. Your grasp of factual information is not much better than that of a person in a coma. No, you are not the "norm".
Says a socialist
And your definition of violence is....

... PC. PC is the worst of violence. The abominable way in which those are being treated who would plainly exercise their free speech rights is simply evil, and only nutters view this differently.

Thank gawd Trump and Mac, both, are standing up to that evil.
I do love it when nutters from both ends are cranky with me in the same thread.
And the moderates too. You know, people getting annoyed when you have tried to annoy them is not actually an accomplishment. That's like being proud of taking a shit, because you set out to take a shit.
I do love it when nutters from both ends are cranky with me in the same thread.
And the moderates too. You know, people getting annoyed when you have tried to annoy them is not actually an accomplishment. That's like being proud of taking a shit, because you set out to take a shit.
Yeah, I haven't seen any moderates bitching at me, sorry.

If you don't like my posts, too bad. You'll just have to get over it.
Wages are up across the board under Trump. They have risen by a higher percentage among lower wage earners. Of course, you have to actually be trying to work to reap these benefits. The reason Bernie and the other wackadoo Socialists lool appealing is because of a lazy, entitlement and envious sentitment among many liberals, especially young(and naive) ones. You have no excuse to be so naive and ignorant.

I'm not saying I know if he's 'The Greatest US President" or not.......

But I can say I've been around the block enough times to know that information is put out there so that no matter what side of the fence you are on or what you want to believe, there's a well for you to drink from.

Me? I'm more of a "wait and see after all the dust settles" kinda person.

Did you know that at the same time they passed the "Freedom of Information Act", they passed another bill that was not made public called the "Freedom of Misinformation Act" ?
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And the moderates too. You know, people getting annoyed when you have tried to annoy them is not actually an accomplishment. That's like being proud of taking a shit, because you set out to take a shit.

Wait'll you get'll see what an accomplishment it can be.

Now pass the ammo, the fiber and shut up.
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I've noticed Mac has become more radicalized here lately.
Yeah, probably.

I'm watching my country come apart at the seams, being pulled in two directions by nasty, dishonest, party-over-country wingers. And I'm watching these corrosive behaviors metastasize into virtually every corner of our society and culture.

And now even President Obama is PUBLICLY expressing concern that his party has lost its shit, right at a time when we have this embarrassing man-child on the Oval Office. So it's looking like 2020 will just be a continuation of this circus, as we continue to fall into pieces, and as the tribes continue to hypocritically point the finger at each other while ignoring their own actions.

So yeah, I'm probably a little cranky.
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Yeah, I haven't seen any moderates bitching at me, sorry.

Yeah, probably.

I'm watching my country come apart at the seams, being pulled in two directions by nasty, dishonest, party-over-country wingers. And I'm watching these corrosive behaviors metastasize into virtually every corner of our society and culture.

And now even President Obama is PUBLICLY expressing concern that his party has lost its shit, right at a time when we have this embarrassing man-child on the Oval Office. So it's looking like 2020 will just be a continuation of this circus, as we continue to fall into pieces, and as the tribes continue to hypocritically point the finger at each other while ignoring their own actions.

So yeah, I'm probably a little cranky.

President Obama is the reason we have Trump, maybe he needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.
My observation. Fortunately, I don't require your approval.

Your observation is not based on facts…or at least you can’t provide any. That is my observation. Do you approve of it?
You bet!

When I tried to check your facts, I found that you are wrong according to Google, but according to other search engines, yes, you do appear to be correct. Antifa is very violent and will not let any conservatives speak.
It also depends on the definition of the word "violence".

But the nutters can parse and quibble and deflect, that's fine.

And your definition of violence is....

Yeah, probably.

I'm watching my country come apart at the seams, being pulled in two directions by nasty, dishonest, party-over-country wingers. And I'm watching these corrosive behaviors metastasize into virtually every corner of our society and culture.

And now even President Obama is PUBLICLY expressing concern that his party has lost its shit, right at a time when we have this embarrassing man-child on the Oval Office. So it's looking like 2020 will just be a continuation of this circus, as we continue to fall into pieces, and as the tribes continue to hypocritically point the finger at each other while ignoring their own actions.

So yeah, I'm probably a little cranky.

President Obama is the reason we have Trump, maybe he needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.

Obama...The black mascot for Wall Street. Cornell West

That sums up Ears in one nice concise sentence.

Joe, that post of yours is one of the few I can agree with. Keep it up son, then you and I will be best buds.
My observation. Fortunately, I don't require your approval.

Your observation is not based on facts…or at least you can’t provide any. That is my observation. Do you approve of it?
You bet!

When I tried to check your facts, I found that you are wrong according to Google, but according to other search engines, yes, you do appear to be correct. Antifa is very violent and will not let any conservatives speak.
It also depends on the definition of the word "violence".

But the nutters can parse and quibble and deflect, that's fine.

And your definition of violence is....

well Mac1958 what is your definition of violence.
Your observation is not based on facts…or at least you can’t provide any. That is my observation. Do you approve of it?
You bet!

When I tried to check your facts, I found that you are wrong according to Google, but according to other search engines, yes, you do appear to be correct. Antifa is very violent and will not let any conservatives speak.
It also depends on the definition of the word "violence".

But the nutters can parse and quibble and deflect, that's fine.

And your definition of violence is....

well Mac1958 what is your definition of violence., good enough:

1. swift and intense force: the violence of a storm.
2. rough or injurious physical force, action, or treatment: to die by violence.
3. an unjust or unwarranted exertion of force or power, as against rights or laws: to take over a government by violence.
4. a violent act or proceeding.
5. rough or immoderate vehemence, as of feeling or language: the violence of his hatred.
6. damage through distortion or unwarranted alteration: to do editorial violence to a text.

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