Can Obama save the Democrats?

Okay, here are a few of the promises being made:
  • Universal child care
  • Debt-free College
  • Reparations
  • Guaranteed Income
  • Single Payer

Why are any of those bad things? IN the case of Single Payer and Debt-free college, once you take the profiteering out, these things probably become cheaper...

Again - We spend more on education and health care than any other country in the Industrialized World as a percentage of GDP, and we have the unhealthiest and dumbest people... How does that work?

Plus, of course, their full-on embrace of every Identity Politics and Political Correctness idea that comes down the road. And Obama himself has spoken out about PC on campus.

YOu still upset about that talk HR had with you about that unfunny joke you told in the office?
You didn't answer my question.

This really isn't all that difficult. Who do I say is the problem?
And you didn't respond to my challenge as always........I answered the question with that list of examples.

And this thread is about YOUR PROBLEM NOW ISN'T IT.

Your problem is the Far Left..................our problem is that they need to allow us to assemble in Peace without going Bat Shit Crazy...........and then when we defend ourselves sudddenly we are the problem

We WILL NEVER BACK DOWN TO THE FAR do understand that now don't you............LOL
I'll try one more time. I wonder what you're afraid of.

Let me try to help.

I'll start a sentence that accurately describes my opinion. Please finish it for me.

Yes, I believe there is a group of people in America who is more responsible for our divisions and most of our current problems than any other group. And that group is _____________________________________.

Okay, go ahead. Finish that sentence with the word you feel is correct.
the FAR LEFT..............

You happy now.........DERP............

Now when will you engage in why they are a problem.....

Give the GREAT VIOLENCE our side has done in comparison to them...........You can't........why you will never do it.

And now ......HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.......which is what this thread is now can't appease or control the Far Left........and you have a YUGE PROBLEM on your hands.....

Trump trolling them has exposed them for what they are..........and the people of this country see it........and you are losing voters in droves.............and you know it.
Incorrect. Wanna try again? Or would you rather just keep bitching out of pure ignorance?
I said the Far Left DINGBAT............just because you don't agree doesn't make the answer wrong.

It is an Opinion.............PERIOD..

Now.............grow a set of balls and take the never do.

I ask you again............which party has a bunch of unhinged lunatics going around being violent and trying to harass the other side.

You demand answers when you ask questions........but don't do the same when asked.........

You want your cake and eat it to ........the saying goes.
While there are clearly lunatics in both tribes, I think it's pretty safe to say that more violence is coming from the Left.

No doubt Obama sees that, too.

Anything else? Wanna try another guess?
No, I think most of the authoritarianism coming from the Left is cultural, in the form of Political Correctness and Identity Politics and the intimidation and dishonesty that stems from that. That's not liberalism. So I call those who are pushing that stuff illiberal Leftist Authoritarians.
Cultural authoritarianism? Ridiculous. Cultural trends are not imposed by a central authority. They are much too disparate and random. You should be far more concerned about the authoritarian proclivities of Trumpette's.

Authoritarian aggression and group-based dominance distinguished Trump supporters from other Republicans in 2016

Authoritarian aggression and group-based dominance distinguished Trump supporters from other Republicans in 2016
I didn't say the illiberal Leftist authoritarianism is coming from government. It's coming from within the culture.
Trump's election sure was a rejection of the GOP establishment. A plurality of Democrats voting for the Queen of the Democratic establishment cannot be said to vote with the same impetus. And that's sort of interesting, no? For at the core of what befell Hillary in 2016 is white, working-class voters abandoning her in several crucial swing states, throwing the win to Trump. Arguably, these voters were lost by Obama, deciding that saving the banks was the way to get the country out of Bush's wholesale arson, while workers took a trillion-dollar annual hit to potential productivity (and attendant income). The only one really to understand that, and to warn against it, was Warren, the Senator-professor with her sights firmly on the fate of those hit hardest by the plutocrats' criminality. Mac's solution would be, do not ever listen to the likes of Warren, in order to save the Democratic party. Elect someone who is in the plutocrats' pocket, and does their bidding, also in order to save the Democratic party.

I agree with all of that except the notion that "Working CLass White" abandoned Hillary. What abandoned her were all the self-righteous third party voters... Trump got the same percentage of angry white people that Romney got.
And you didn't respond to my challenge as always........I answered the question with that list of examples.

And this thread is about YOUR PROBLEM NOW ISN'T IT.

Your problem is the Far Left..................our problem is that they need to allow us to assemble in Peace without going Bat Shit Crazy...........and then when we defend ourselves sudddenly we are the problem

We WILL NEVER BACK DOWN TO THE FAR do understand that now don't you............LOL
I'll try one more time. I wonder what you're afraid of.

Let me try to help.

I'll start a sentence that accurately describes my opinion. Please finish it for me.

Yes, I believe there is a group of people in America who is more responsible for our divisions and most of our current problems than any other group. And that group is _____________________________________.

Okay, go ahead. Finish that sentence with the word you feel is correct.
the FAR LEFT..............

You happy now.........DERP............

Now when will you engage in why they are a problem.....

Give the GREAT VIOLENCE our side has done in comparison to them...........You can't........why you will never do it.

And now ......HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.......which is what this thread is now can't appease or control the Far Left........and you have a YUGE PROBLEM on your hands.....

Trump trolling them has exposed them for what they are..........and the people of this country see it........and you are losing voters in droves.............and you know it.
Incorrect. Wanna try again? Or would you rather just keep bitching out of pure ignorance?
I said the Far Left DINGBAT............just because you don't agree doesn't make the answer wrong.

It is an Opinion.............PERIOD..

Now.............grow a set of balls and take the never do.

I ask you again............which party has a bunch of unhinged lunatics going around being violent and trying to harass the other side.

You demand answers when you ask questions........but don't do the same when asked.........

You want your cake and eat it to ........the saying goes.
While there are clearly lunatics in both tribes, I think it's pretty safe to say that more violence is coming from the Left.

No doubt Obama sees that, too.

Anything else? Wanna try another guess?
Just least you answered........but you still don't want the comparison

And you didn't respond to my challenge as always........I answered the question with that list of examples.

And this thread is about YOUR PROBLEM NOW ISN'T IT.

Your problem is the Far Left..................our problem is that they need to allow us to assemble in Peace without going Bat Shit Crazy...........and then when we defend ourselves sudddenly we are the problem

We WILL NEVER BACK DOWN TO THE FAR do understand that now don't you............LOL
I'll try one more time. I wonder what you're afraid of.

Let me try to help.

I'll start a sentence that accurately describes my opinion. Please finish it for me.

Yes, I believe there is a group of people in America who is more responsible for our divisions and most of our current problems than any other group. And that group is _____________________________________.

Okay, go ahead. Finish that sentence with the word you feel is correct.
the FAR LEFT..............

You happy now.........DERP............

Now when will you engage in why they are a problem.....

Give the GREAT VIOLENCE our side has done in comparison to them...........You can't........why you will never do it.

And now ......HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.......which is what this thread is now can't appease or control the Far Left........and you have a YUGE PROBLEM on your hands.....

Trump trolling them has exposed them for what they are..........and the people of this country see it........and you are losing voters in droves.............and you know it.
Incorrect. Wanna try again? Or would you rather just keep bitching out of pure ignorance?
I said the Far Left DINGBAT............just because you don't agree doesn't make the answer wrong.

It is an Opinion.............PERIOD..

Now.............grow a set of balls and take the never do.

I ask you again............which party has a bunch of unhinged lunatics going around being violent and trying to harass the other side.

You demand answers when you ask questions........but don't do the same when asked.........

You want your cake and eat it to ........the saying goes.
While there are clearly lunatics in both tribes, I think it's pretty safe to say that more violence is coming from the Left.

No doubt Obama sees that, too.

Anything else? Wanna try another guess?

Meanwhile back in reality…the blob and Blob supporters are mailing bombs to people, they’re shooting up Wal Marts, arguing that kids in detention camps don’t deserve soap and toothpaste, have all but withdrawn from the world stage, are driving over political opponents in their cars, etc…
Obama may be evil but he’s not stupid
Do you really believe he's evil?
Of Course...
He wants to force his views on people that disagree with him that makes him a fucking piece of shit
And Trumpsters don't want to force their views on people who disagree with them?

Is that what you're claiming?
Not the way libs do

Chick-fil-a haters want to force conservative businesses out of the marketplace

Trump voters do not attack lib businesses like Starbucks for their political beliefs

Theres a vast difference
Obama? Save?

Spend, yeah. But save?????

Now Jesus could save them!

But they'd have to ask.

And they're not allowed do do dat.
What is this freakish, delusional nonsense? You can even get elected in this country without professing your love for baby Jesus, or some other, similar magical horseshit.
While there are clearly lunatics in both tribes, I think it's pretty safe to say that more violence is coming from the Left.
Yet the data shows otherwise. What is your source?
My observation. Fortunately, I don't require your approval.

Your observation is not based on facts…or at least you can’t provide any. That is my observation. Do you approve of it?
You bet!
Obama may be evil but he’s not stupid
Do you really believe he's evil?
Of Course...
He wants to force his views on people that disagree with him that makes him a fucking piece of shit
And Trumpsters don't want to force their views on people who disagree with them?

Is that what you're claiming?
Not so

Everyone is welcome in the repub party

We welcome your opinions even if we don't agree with you or follow your way
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

With some calling Obama a Conservative the Democratic Party has gone full socialist retard.
My observation. Fortunately, I don't require your approval.
Good, since my "approval" has just as little bearing on what is actually true as does your poor use of personal anecdotes. Let that one sink in a bit.

Mac can’t base his observation on facts. The facts are that the right wing is mailing bombs to people, running over them with cars, shooting up Wal*Marts and doing shit like this….

Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 8.26.16 AM.png
Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 8.25.44 AM.png
Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 8.25.05 AM.png

Really…. he’s completely devoid of standing on this one.

I tend to think that Mac’s mis-placed insistence that the left is somehow more violent is because he expects more from the left and for that, I can’t blame him.

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