Can Obama save the Democrats?

Any phrase that contains the term "both parties", invariably, is followed by an outright distortion that tries to raise the impression that what has befallen the GOP has also befallen the Democratic party. That, however, is not the case, not by any stretch of the imagination. It is, however, Mac's shtick, has been since at least three years. There never was any truth to be found in it.
Yeah, the right wingers say the same thing.

I love this place.
Shall we have Liberal Violence for politics versus say the Tea Party violence at 10 paces now MAC.

You have refused this duel on so many threads........LOL

I wonder why............

Might be because when the left doesn't get their way ......or people speak that they don't agree with........They get BAT SHIT CRAZY and then violent.....

Imagine that...........yet MAC DADDY.........always says we are the problem......LOL
I always say that who is the problem, precisely?
Typical cop out as usual.........from all your threads with me...........We defend ourselves from these unhinged idiots...........And they have taken over the Dem Party...........they don't no how to put a leash on them anymore.

And now the Dem party has a huge problem that they helped create.
Shall we have Liberal Violence for politics versus say the Tea Party violence at 10 paces now MAC.

You have refused this duel on so many threads........LOL

I wonder why............

Might be because when the left doesn't get their way ......or people speak that they don't agree with........They get BAT SHIT CRAZY and then violent.....

Imagine that...........yet MAC DADDY.........always says we are the problem......LOL
I always say that who is the problem, precisely?
Typical cop out as usual.........from all your threads with me...........We defend ourselves from these unhinged idiots...........And they have taken over the Dem Party...........they don't no how to put a leash on them anymore.

And now the Dem party has a huge problem that they helped create.
You didn't answer my question.
MAC believes hes in a Fairy Tale .....where he is the ONLY ONE standing in No Mans land during WWI.

This country is divided as it has never been before..........and the 2 sides aren't budging.......

We will never accept the Far Left BS.......and they don't like us much either....Just the way it is.

Mac is a moonbat too...

Perhaps he isn't into promoting sexual deviants and their agenda, but he is right down in the gutter with the collectivists and their global agenda along with the racist agitators.

To say that there has "never been this much hate before" or some such asinine rhetorical drivel is not the "lone voice of a moderate". It's the voice of someone who realizes they're no longer benefiting from Saul Alinsky's Rule #5 tactic and that it is being used against the left even more effectively than it worked for them.

I was a moonbat 25 years ago, I hated "conservatives" just as much as everyone else in any leftist echo chamber, dope den, or drum circle. We called them inbreds, racists, nazis and all the other shit that the elite left actually is. Once I started questioning the dogma, there was some real vitriol that came from "friends" who didn't care to think for a moment that the nazis were socialists, the DNC was run by the KKK in the early 20th century or that filthy rich democrooks like Ted Kennedy could murder women and it would be forgotten.

For that matter the divisiveness in politics has been there as long as we've been a republic. Besides the civil war and violence we've had in the streets over the decades, there have always been deep rifts between people on some issues.

So Mac isn't whining about "division" so much as he is upset his side looks the the jabbering retards they actually are.

Obama may be evil but he’s not stupid
Do you really believe he's evil?
You mean spawn of Satan kind evil?

A serial killer or a clone of Saddam Hussein?


But he and his wife have a gigantic grudge against America and white people

he’s just not as totally loony as the succeeding generation of libs who are taking over the democrat party
Mac is a moonbat too...
Perhaps he isn't into promoting sexual deviants and their agenda, but he is right down in the gutter with the collectivists and their global agenda along with the racist agitators.
Yeah, that would explain my few thousand squabbles with the Regressive Left and their weaponization of PC and Identity Politics.

Constant misrepresentation by nutters on both ends of the spectrum, even in the same thread.

You guys are so lost in your simplistic nutter ideologies that someone who chooses to think for themselves completely confuses you.
Shall we have Liberal Violence for politics versus say the Tea Party violence at 10 paces now MAC.

You have refused this duel on so many threads........LOL

I wonder why............

Might be because when the left doesn't get their way ......or people speak that they don't agree with........They get BAT SHIT CRAZY and then violent.....

Imagine that...........yet MAC DADDY.........always says we are the problem......LOL
I always say that who is the problem, precisely?
Typical cop out as usual.........from all your threads with me...........We defend ourselves from these unhinged idiots...........And they have taken over the Dem Party...........they don't no how to put a leash on them anymore.

And now the Dem party has a huge problem that they helped create.
You didn't answer my question.

spinning my challenge again.............When Trump supporters go to a Rally and the left shows up to boo, spit, and yell at them...............Yeah.......Who is the problem there MAC.

Show me the Great examples of our side doing the same thing..........showing up at Dem rallies, spitting, cussing, and burning the place down............the riot police having to show. up.

A kid wears a MAGA hat and some asshat liberal snatches it off his head and throws his drink in his face.....who's the problem MAC.

When a GOP takes here daughter to a movie for a kid's unhinged Liberal shows up and accosts her in front of her kid..........who's the problem MAC.

When Dem reps call the Dems to get in the faces of the GOP.............and they show up at night shouting at that GOP member at their HOME......Who is the problem MAC.

That good enough for you.

Now where are my examples of our side doing that................waiting.
Obama may be evil but he’s not stupid
Do you really believe he's evil?
You mean spawn of Satan kind evil?

A serial killer or a clone of Saddam Hussein?


But he and his wife have gigantic grudge against America and white people

he’s just not as totally loony as the succeeding generation of libs who are taking over the democrat party
Good, thank you.

Although it does appear that some think he is. I can never tell.
Shall we have Liberal Violence for politics versus say the Tea Party violence at 10 paces now MAC.

You have refused this duel on so many threads........LOL

I wonder why............

Might be because when the left doesn't get their way ......or people speak that they don't agree with........They get BAT SHIT CRAZY and then violent.....

Imagine that...........yet MAC DADDY.........always says we are the problem......LOL
I always say that who is the problem, precisely?
Typical cop out as usual.........from all your threads with me...........We defend ourselves from these unhinged idiots...........And they have taken over the Dem Party...........they don't no how to put a leash on them anymore.

And now the Dem party has a huge problem that they helped create.
You didn't answer my question.

spinning my challenge again.............When Trump supporters go to a Rally and the left shows up to boo, spit, and yell at them...............Yeah.......Who is the problem there MAC.

Show me the Great examples of our side doing the same thing..........showing up at Dem rallies, spitting, cussing, and burning the place down............the riot police having to show. up.

A kid wears a MAGA hat and some asshat liberal snatches it off his head and throws his drink in his face.....who's the problem MAC.

When a GOP takes here daughter to a movie for a kid's unhinged Liberal shows up and accosts her in front of her kid..........who's the problem MAC.

When Dem reps call the Dems to get in the faces of the GOP.............and they show up at night shouting at that GOP member at their HOME......Who is the problem MAC.

That good enough for you.

Now where are my examples of our side doing that................waiting.
You didn't answer my question.

This really isn't all that difficult. Who do I say is the problem?
Shall we have Liberal Violence for politics versus say the Tea Party violence at 10 paces now MAC.

You have refused this duel on so many threads........LOL

I wonder why............

Might be because when the left doesn't get their way ......or people speak that they don't agree with........They get BAT SHIT CRAZY and then violent.....

Imagine that...........yet MAC DADDY.........always says we are the problem......LOL
I always say that who is the problem, precisely?
Typical cop out as usual.........from all your threads with me...........We defend ourselves from these unhinged idiots...........And they have taken over the Dem Party...........they don't no how to put a leash on them anymore.

And now the Dem party has a huge problem that they helped create.
You didn't answer my question.

spinning my challenge again.............When Trump supporters go to a Rally and the left shows up to boo, spit, and yell at them...............Yeah.......Who is the problem there MAC.

Show me the Great examples of our side doing the same thing..........showing up at Dem rallies, spitting, cussing, and burning the place down............the riot police having to show. up.

A kid wears a MAGA hat and some asshat liberal snatches it off his head and throws his drink in his face.....who's the problem MAC.

When a GOP takes here daughter to a movie for a kid's unhinged Liberal shows up and accosts her in front of her kid..........who's the problem MAC.

When Dem reps call the Dems to get in the faces of the GOP.............and they show up at night shouting at that GOP member at their HOME......Who is the problem MAC.

That good enough for you.

Now where are my examples of our side doing that................waiting.
You didn't answer my question.

This really isn't all that difficult. Who do I say is the problem?
And you didn't respond to my challenge as always........I answered the question with that list of examples.

And this thread is about YOUR PROBLEM NOW ISN'T IT.

Your problem is the Far Left..................our problem is that they need to allow us to assemble in Peace without going Bat Shit Crazy...........and then when we defend ourselves sudddenly we are the problem

We WILL NEVER BACK DOWN TO THE FAR do understand that now don't you............LOL
I always say that who is the problem, precisely?
Typical cop out as usual.........from all your threads with me...........We defend ourselves from these unhinged idiots...........And they have taken over the Dem Party...........they don't no how to put a leash on them anymore.

And now the Dem party has a huge problem that they helped create.
You didn't answer my question.

spinning my challenge again.............When Trump supporters go to a Rally and the left shows up to boo, spit, and yell at them...............Yeah.......Who is the problem there MAC.

Show me the Great examples of our side doing the same thing..........showing up at Dem rallies, spitting, cussing, and burning the place down............the riot police having to show. up.

A kid wears a MAGA hat and some asshat liberal snatches it off his head and throws his drink in his face.....who's the problem MAC.

When a GOP takes here daughter to a movie for a kid's unhinged Liberal shows up and accosts her in front of her kid..........who's the problem MAC.

When Dem reps call the Dems to get in the faces of the GOP.............and they show up at night shouting at that GOP member at their HOME......Who is the problem MAC.

That good enough for you.

Now where are my examples of our side doing that................waiting.
You didn't answer my question.

This really isn't all that difficult. Who do I say is the problem?
And you didn't respond to my challenge as always........I answered the question with that list of examples.

And this thread is about YOUR PROBLEM NOW ISN'T IT.

Your problem is the Far Left..................our problem is that they need to allow us to assemble in Peace without going Bat Shit Crazy...........and then when we defend ourselves sudddenly we are the problem

We WILL NEVER BACK DOWN TO THE FAR do understand that now don't you............LOL
I'll try one more time. I wonder what you're afraid of.

Let me try to help.

I'll start a sentence that accurately describes my opinion. Please finish it for me.

Yes, I believe there is a group of people in America who is more responsible for our divisions and most of our current problems than any other group. And that group is _____________________________________.

Okay, go ahead. Finish that sentence with the word you feel is correct.
How can he "save the party" when it was under his watch that the party's fortunes fell to generational lows? The Republicans took control of the majority of state and federal government during his leadership of the party and one could make the case the he shares some of the responsibility for Trump getting elected in the first place.

IMHO the Democrats probably need a Bill Clinton v2.0 to lead the party back towards the center not a encore of ex-President "It's all about Me and Nobody Else" Nimrod at the party helm.

In any case, personally I hope the Democrats destroy themselves with this nonsense and take the Republicans down to hell with 'em.

I'd say they need an Andrew Jackson, someone to purge the party of globalist billionaire banking collectivists, racist agitators and freaks of nature.

I don't know if this madness is temporary or permanent, and I don't know for sure how representative it really is of the party.

Maybe the primaries will tell us.
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

It's not just moderates. . . . it is the whole notion of compromise that is missing from American governance and political discussion.

If folks enter discussing issues from the perspective of trying to find solutions, rather than going into it with the whole notion that either one side or the other HAS to have their way, and there will be no compromise solution, then the only true solutions that can be had is dissolution or stalemate.
Typical cop out as usual.........from all your threads with me...........We defend ourselves from these unhinged idiots...........And they have taken over the Dem Party...........they don't no how to put a leash on them anymore.

And now the Dem party has a huge problem that they helped create.
You didn't answer my question.

spinning my challenge again.............When Trump supporters go to a Rally and the left shows up to boo, spit, and yell at them...............Yeah.......Who is the problem there MAC.

Show me the Great examples of our side doing the same thing..........showing up at Dem rallies, spitting, cussing, and burning the place down............the riot police having to show. up.

A kid wears a MAGA hat and some asshat liberal snatches it off his head and throws his drink in his face.....who's the problem MAC.

When a GOP takes here daughter to a movie for a kid's unhinged Liberal shows up and accosts her in front of her kid..........who's the problem MAC.

When Dem reps call the Dems to get in the faces of the GOP.............and they show up at night shouting at that GOP member at their HOME......Who is the problem MAC.

That good enough for you.

Now where are my examples of our side doing that................waiting.
You didn't answer my question.

This really isn't all that difficult. Who do I say is the problem?
And you didn't respond to my challenge as always........I answered the question with that list of examples.

And this thread is about YOUR PROBLEM NOW ISN'T IT.

Your problem is the Far Left..................our problem is that they need to allow us to assemble in Peace without going Bat Shit Crazy...........and then when we defend ourselves sudddenly we are the problem

We WILL NEVER BACK DOWN TO THE FAR do understand that now don't you............LOL
I'll try one more time. I wonder what you're afraid of.

Let me try to help.

I'll start a sentence that accurately describes my opinion. Please finish it for me.

Yes, I believe there is a group of people in America who is more responsible for our divisions and most of our current problems than any other group. And that group is _____________________________________.

Okay, go ahead. Finish that sentence with the word you feel is correct.
the FAR LEFT..............

You happy now.........DERP............

Now when will you engage in why they are a problem.....

Give the GREAT VIOLENCE our side has done in comparison to them...........You can't........why you will never do it.

And now ......HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.......which is what this thread is now can't appease or control the Far Left........and you have a YUGE PROBLEM on your hands.....

Trump trolling them has exposed them for what they are..........and the people of this country see it........and you are losing voters in droves.............and you know it.
How can he "save the party" when it was under his watch that the party's fortunes fell to generational lows? The Republicans took control of the majority of state and federal government during his leadership of the party and one could make the case the he shares some of the responsibility for Trump getting elected in the first place.

IMHO the Democrats probably need a Bill Clinton v2.0 to lead the party back towards the center not a encore of ex-President "It's all about Me and Nobody Else" Nimrod at the party helm.

In any case, personally I hope the Democrats destroy themselves with this nonsense and take the Republicans down to hell with 'em.

I'd say they need an Andrew Jackson, someone to purge the party of globalist billionaire banking collectivists, racist agitators and freaks of nature.

I don't know if this madness is temporary or permanent, and I don't know for sure how representative it really is of the party.

Maybe the primaries will tell us.
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

It's not just moderates. . . . it is the whole notion of compromise that is missing from American governance and political discussion.

If folks enter discussing issues from the perspective of trying to find solutions, rather than going into it with the whole notion that either one side or the other HAS to have their way, and there will be no compromise solution, then the only true solutions that can be had is dissolution or stalemate.
Yep. From what I can tell, we appear to have somehow gone from collaborating and innovating to "beat the other side, no matter what".

Evidently the thinking is that, once the other side is somehow destroyed, we'll be able to implement everything "my" tribe wants.

So, this gives the tribes the excuse to not collaborate with the other. That's my guess, anyway.
You didn't answer my question.

spinning my challenge again.............When Trump supporters go to a Rally and the left shows up to boo, spit, and yell at them...............Yeah.......Who is the problem there MAC.

Show me the Great examples of our side doing the same thing..........showing up at Dem rallies, spitting, cussing, and burning the place down............the riot police having to show. up.

A kid wears a MAGA hat and some asshat liberal snatches it off his head and throws his drink in his face.....who's the problem MAC.

When a GOP takes here daughter to a movie for a kid's unhinged Liberal shows up and accosts her in front of her kid..........who's the problem MAC.

When Dem reps call the Dems to get in the faces of the GOP.............and they show up at night shouting at that GOP member at their HOME......Who is the problem MAC.

That good enough for you.

Now where are my examples of our side doing that................waiting.
You didn't answer my question.

This really isn't all that difficult. Who do I say is the problem?
And you didn't respond to my challenge as always........I answered the question with that list of examples.

And this thread is about YOUR PROBLEM NOW ISN'T IT.

Your problem is the Far Left..................our problem is that they need to allow us to assemble in Peace without going Bat Shit Crazy...........and then when we defend ourselves sudddenly we are the problem

We WILL NEVER BACK DOWN TO THE FAR do understand that now don't you............LOL
I'll try one more time. I wonder what you're afraid of.

Let me try to help.

I'll start a sentence that accurately describes my opinion. Please finish it for me.

Yes, I believe there is a group of people in America who is more responsible for our divisions and most of our current problems than any other group. And that group is _____________________________________.

Okay, go ahead. Finish that sentence with the word you feel is correct.
the FAR LEFT..............

You happy now.........DERP............

Now when will you engage in why they are a problem.....

Give the GREAT VIOLENCE our side has done in comparison to them...........You can't........why you will never do it.

And now ......HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.......which is what this thread is now can't appease or control the Far Left........and you have a YUGE PROBLEM on your hands.....

Trump trolling them has exposed them for what they are..........and the people of this country see it........and you are losing voters in droves.............and you know it.
Incorrect. Wanna try again? Or would you rather just keep bitching out of pure ignorance?
MAC believes hes in a Fairy Tale .....where he is the ONLY ONE standing in No Mans land during WWI.

This country is divided as it has never been before..........and the 2 sides aren't budging.......

We will never accept the Far Left BS.......and they don't like us much either....Just the way it is.

Mac is a moonbat too...

Perhaps he isn't into promoting sexual deviants and their agenda, but he is right down in the gutter with the collectivists and their global agenda along with the racist agitators.

To say that there has "never been this much hate before" or some such asinine rhetorical drivel is not the "lone voice of a moderate". It's the voice of someone who realizes they're no longer benefiting from Saul Alinsky's Rule #5 tactic and that it is being used against the left even more effectively than it worked for them.

I was a moonbat 25 years ago, I hated "conservatives" just as much as everyone else in any leftist echo chamber, dope den, or drum circle. We called them inbreds, racists, nazis and all the other shit that the elite left actually is. Once I started questioning the dogma, there was some real vitriol that came from "friends" who didn't care to think for a moment that the nazis were socialists, the DNC was run by the KKK in the early 20th century or that filthy rich democrooks like Ted Kennedy could murder women and it would be forgotten.

For that matter the divisiveness in politics has been there as long as we've been a republic. Besides the civil war and violence we've had in the streets over the decades, there have always been deep rifts between people on some issues.

So Mac isn't whining about "division" so much as he is upset his side looks the the jabbering retards they actually are.


When anyone left of a nutball like you is a "moonbat" in your mind, maybe its time to find a mirror and see if it is just you.

spinning my challenge again.............When Trump supporters go to a Rally and the left shows up to boo, spit, and yell at them...............Yeah.......Who is the problem there MAC.

Show me the Great examples of our side doing the same thing..........showing up at Dem rallies, spitting, cussing, and burning the place down............the riot police having to show. up.

A kid wears a MAGA hat and some asshat liberal snatches it off his head and throws his drink in his face.....who's the problem MAC.

When a GOP takes here daughter to a movie for a kid's unhinged Liberal shows up and accosts her in front of her kid..........who's the problem MAC.

When Dem reps call the Dems to get in the faces of the GOP.............and they show up at night shouting at that GOP member at their HOME......Who is the problem MAC.

That good enough for you.

Now where are my examples of our side doing that................waiting.
You didn't answer my question.

This really isn't all that difficult. Who do I say is the problem?
And you didn't respond to my challenge as always........I answered the question with that list of examples.

And this thread is about YOUR PROBLEM NOW ISN'T IT.

Your problem is the Far Left..................our problem is that they need to allow us to assemble in Peace without going Bat Shit Crazy...........and then when we defend ourselves sudddenly we are the problem

We WILL NEVER BACK DOWN TO THE FAR do understand that now don't you............LOL
I'll try one more time. I wonder what you're afraid of.

Let me try to help.

I'll start a sentence that accurately describes my opinion. Please finish it for me.

Yes, I believe there is a group of people in America who is more responsible for our divisions and most of our current problems than any other group. And that group is _____________________________________.

Okay, go ahead. Finish that sentence with the word you feel is correct.
the FAR LEFT..............

You happy now.........DERP............

Now when will you engage in why they are a problem.....

Give the GREAT VIOLENCE our side has done in comparison to them...........You can't........why you will never do it.

And now ......HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.......which is what this thread is now can't appease or control the Far Left........and you have a YUGE PROBLEM on your hands.....

Trump trolling them has exposed them for what they are..........and the people of this country see it........and you are losing voters in droves.............and you know it.
Incorrect. Wanna try again? Or would you rather just keep bitching out of pure ignorance?
I said the Far Left DINGBAT............just because you don't agree doesn't make the answer wrong.

It is an Opinion.............PERIOD..

Now.............grow a set of balls and take the never do.

I ask you again............which party has a bunch of unhinged lunatics going around being violent and trying to harass the other side.

You demand answers when you ask questions........but don't do the same when asked.........

You want your cake and eat it to ........the saying goes.
No, I think most of the authoritarianism coming from the Left is cultural, in the form of Political Correctness and Identity Politics and the intimidation and dishonesty that stems from that. That's not liberalism. So I call those who are pushing that stuff illiberal Leftist Authoritarians.
Cultural authoritarianism? Ridiculous. Cultural trends are not imposed by a central authority. They are much too disparate and random. You should be far more concerned about the authoritarian proclivities of Trumpette's.

Authoritarian aggression and group-based dominance distinguished Trump supporters from other Republicans in 2016

Authoritarian aggression and group-based dominance distinguished Trump supporters from other Republicans in 2016

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