Can Obama save the Democrats?

I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

Cooperation and communication are now equated with capitulation, so their self esteem is mixed into it.
The country is divided right down the middle, getting along is way overrated. That’s just the way it is live with it

Haw haw

This guy thinks he is "normal"
Okay, here are a few of the promises being made:
  • Universal child care
  • Debt-free College
  • Reparations
  • Guaranteed Income
  • Single Payer
Okay. But none of those are "far left". And all of those ideas have been on the table since Reagan was nothing more than another idiot governor who hated gays and blacks. But I get the point. We have "special" voters.
I agree with Obama. You don't have to.
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

Cooperation and communication are now equated with capitulation, so their self esteem is mixed into it.
Ironically, Obama was actually more of a centrist in how he governed.
That is perhaps the most stupendously preposterously arrogantly indefensibly obtuse remark I think I have ever read! :auiqs.jpg: And to think, it was BOTH the Dems and the GOP who both said TRUMP was really a democrat and not a true republican who was going to ruin the GOP with his moderate, centrist, populist views!
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

Cooperation and communication are now equated with capitulation, so their self esteem is mixed into it.
The country is divided right down the middle, getting along is way overrated. That’s just the way it is live with it
MAC believes hes in a Fairy Tale .....where he is the ONLY ONE standing in No Mans land during WWI.

This country is divided as it has never been before..........and the 2 sides aren't budging.......

We will never accept the Far Left BS.......and they don't like us much either....Just the way it is.

Okay, here are a few of the promises being made:
  • Universal child care
  • Debt-free College
  • Reparations
  • Guaranteed Income
  • Single Payer
Okay. But none of those are "far left". And all of those ideas have been on the table since Reagan was nothing more than another idiot governor who hated gays and blacks. But I get the point. We have "special" voters.
I agree with Obama. You don't have to.
Actually I do agree with Obama. I disagreed with your mirepresentation of his words, and with the "far left" label. Obama is correctly saying that now is not the time for big ideas. Now is the time to promisie to steady the ship and replace the dumfuk in the white house.
How can he "save the party" when it was under his watch that the party's fortunes fell to generational lows? The Republicans took control of the majority of state and federal government during his leadership of the party and one could make the case the he shares some of the responsibility for Trump getting elected in the first place.

IMHO the Democrats probably need a Bill Clinton v2.0 to lead the party back towards the center not a encore of ex-President "It's all about Me and Nobody Else" Nimrod at the party helm.

In any case, personally I hope the Democrats destroy themselves with this nonsense and take the Republicans down to hell with 'em.

I'd say they need an Andrew Jackson, someone to purge the party of globalist billionaire banking collectivists, racist agitators and freaks of nature.

I don't know if this madness is temporary or permanent, and I don't know for sure how representative it really is of the party.

Maybe the primaries will tell us.
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.
There is no middle ground in life
Of course there is. That's just sad that you think that way. Life isn't a big fight.
Na, not really
How you deal with it, is quit trying to convince/force other people into your fucked up collective...

Progressives and conservatives will never have the same needs, wants and Interests... fact
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

One person not even Obama can save the party they have to do that themselves by getting away from these radical far left agendas and start putting forward one's that are based in reality. There are Democrats out there who do this but right now they are getting drowned out by the AOC wing of the party.
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.
There is no middle ground in life

There are issues of Right Vs. Wrong that ought to transcend politics at stake. There is no "middle" to stand in

It's WRONG for government to forcibly steal so much from individuals and the economy, ESPECIALLY when so much is wasted. If government was spending money efficiently, and it's programs were successful then maybe an argument could be made for the level of spending we have. Yet the programs never produce results, they always grow, they're redundant and enrich political whores and bureaucrooks.

It's WRONG for government to infringe on the 2nd Amendment, take property without due process, spy on people without warrants and force you to buy shit you don't want.

It's WRONG that the government to fail to secure the borders ESPECIALLY with the level of military spending we have.

It's WRONG for the government to stand in the way of local school districts that would like to have Christmas parties, prayers and other secular activities that no one is forced to attend.

It's WRONG that government dictates local judges throw people in prison for long terms for possessing chemicals they intend to administer to themselves even if they're deadly.

I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

Cooperation and communication are now equated with capitulation, so their self esteem is mixed into it.
The country is divided right down the middle, getting along is way overrated. That’s just the way it is live with it

Haw haw

This guy thinks he is "normal"
You obviously have no idea what normal is… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

Cooperation and communication are now equated with capitulation, so their self esteem is mixed into it.
The country is divided right down the middle, getting along is way overrated. That’s just the way it is live with it

Haw haw

This guy thinks he is "normal"
You obviously have no idea what normal is… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
You are likely in the bottom quartile of both income and intelligence. Your grasp of factual information is not much better than that of a person in a coma. No, you are not the "norm".
Can Obama save the Democrats?
At least you are big enough to admit the Democrats are in far worse trouble than generally admitted. Progressivism has only one inevitable result: Mind rot.

Let's see what happens on Dec. 9th when the FISA IG Report is released.
Shall we have Liberal Violence for politics versus say the Tea Party violence at 10 paces now MAC.

You have refused this duel on so many threads........LOL

I wonder why............

Might be because when the left doesn't get their way ......or people speak that they don't agree with........They get BAT SHIT CRAZY and then violent.....

Imagine that...........yet MAC DADDY.........always says we are the problem......LOL
Shall we have Liberal Violence for politics versus say the Tea Party violence at 10 paces now MAC.

You have refused this duel on so many threads........LOL

I wonder why............

Might be because when the left doesn't get their way ......or people speak that they don't agree with........They get BAT SHIT CRAZY and then violent.....

Imagine that...........yet MAC DADDY.........always says we are the problem......LOL
I always say that who is the problem, precisely?
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

Biden, leading in the presidential nomination race. Moderate.

Buttigieg, also a member of the top four, moderate.

Who is restricting their space?

Tell you what we're having here, on a thread titled "Can Obama save the Democrats": It is an effort, as instigated mostly by the right, to drive a wedge between the wings of the Democratic party, wings that are alive and healthy and squabbling, as they should. That happens while the Democrats most assuredly do not need saving. All the while the GOP is engaged in a fight to the bitter end, moderates have disappeared from the landscape, and whoever dares to disagree with the Dear Leader is having his head chopped off, politically speaking. Amash is being expedited out of the party because he finds fault with that festering pus that is Trump.

Any phrase that contains the term "both parties", invariably, is followed by an outright distortion that tries to raise the impression that what has befallen the GOP has also befallen the Democratic party. That, however, is not the case, not by any stretch of the imagination. It is, however, Mac's shtick, has been since at least three years. There never was any truth to be found in it.

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