Can Obama save the Democrats?

How can he "save the party" when it was under his watch that the party's fortunes fell to generational lows? The Republicans took control of the majority of state and federal government during his leadership of the party and one could make the case the he shares some of the responsibility for Trump getting elected in the first place.

IMHO the Democrats probably need a Bill Clinton v2.0 to lead the party back towards the center not a encore of ex-President "It's all about Me and Nobody Else" Nimrod at the party helm.

In any case, personally I hope the Democrats destroy themselves with this nonsense and take the Republicans down to hell with 'em.

I'd say they need an Andrew Jackson, someone to purge the party of globalist billionaire banking collectivists, racist agitators and freaks of nature.

I don't know if this madness is temporary or permanent, and I don't know for sure how representative it really is of the party.

Maybe the primaries will tell us.
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

It's not just moderates. . . . it is the whole notion of compromise that is missing from American governance and political discussion.

If folks enter discussing issues from the perspective of trying to find solutions, rather than going into it with the whole notion that either one side or the other HAS to have their way, and there will be no compromise solution, then the only true solutions that can be had is dissolution or stalemate.
Yep. From what I can tell, we appear to have somehow gone from collaborating and innovating to "beat the other side, no matter what".

Evidently the thinking is that, once the other side is somehow destroyed, we'll be able to implement everything "my" tribe wants.

So, this gives the tribes the excuse to not collaborate with the other. That's my guess, anyway.

This is mostly the fault of the corporate media, which at it's heart is a propaganda machine and a profit making endeavor for the global oligarchy. It has no responsibility to report the truth accurately to either those of a left leaning persuasion, or to the right leaning persuasions.

Creating hard biases is what will generate the most revenue, both for eyeballs, attention, and for the military/industrial/corporate/Deep State/inter-locking directorate. There is no profit in the truth, nor is there anything to gain by informing a citizenry to be enlightened to the point of critical thinking about real issues that genuinely affect them.

This then is reinforced in social-networking echo chambers.

The end result will be a violent revolution, or gradual merging of this paradigm with a global technocratic police state. It will all depend on the gathering power of the stake holders.
My observation. Fortunately, I don't require your approval.
Good, since my "approval" has just as little bearing on what is actually true as does your poor use of personal anecdotes. Let that one sink in a bit.

Mac can’t base his observation on facts. The facts are that the right wing is mailing bombs to people, running over them with cars, shooting up Wal*Marts and doing shit like this….

View attachment 292336 View attachment 292337 View attachment 292338

Really…. he’s completely devoid of standing on this one.

I tend to think that Mac’s mis-placed insistence that the left is somehow more violent is because he expects more from the left and for that, I can’t blame him.
As you ignore the same thing coming from the left wing wackos .
I'd say they need an Andrew Jackson, someone to purge the party of globalist billionaire banking collectivists, racist agitators and freaks of nature.

I don't know if this madness is temporary or permanent, and I don't know for sure how representative it really is of the party.

Maybe the primaries will tell us.
I am increasingly finding both parties are leaving no space for moderates.

It's not just moderates. . . . it is the whole notion of compromise that is missing from American governance and political discussion.

If folks enter discussing issues from the perspective of trying to find solutions, rather than going into it with the whole notion that either one side or the other HAS to have their way, and there will be no compromise solution, then the only true solutions that can be had is dissolution or stalemate.
Yep. From what I can tell, we appear to have somehow gone from collaborating and innovating to "beat the other side, no matter what".

Evidently the thinking is that, once the other side is somehow destroyed, we'll be able to implement everything "my" tribe wants.

So, this gives the tribes the excuse to not collaborate with the other. That's my guess, anyway.

This is mostly the fault of the corporate media, which at it's heart is a propaganda machine and a profit making endeavor for the global oligarchy. It has no responsibility to report the truth accurately to either those of a left leaning persuasion, or to the right leaning persuasions.

Creating hard biases is what will generate the most revenue, both for eyeballs, attention, and for the military/industrial/corporate/Deep State/inter-locking directorate. There is no profit in the truth, nor is there anything to gain by informing a citizenry to be enlightened to the point of critical thinking about real issues that genuinely affect them.

This then is reinforced in social-networking echo chambers.

The end result will be a violent revolution, or gradual merging of this paradigm with a global technocratic police state. It will all depend on the gathering power of the stake holders.
It's difficult to conjure a positive outcome. There's always the possibility that a few brave, influential souls will speak out and create a momentum, though.

That's my hope, anyway.
I agree with all of that except the notion that "Working CLass White" abandoned Hillary. What abandoned her were all the self-righteous third party voters... Trump got the same percentage of angry white people that Romney got.

I'd say, it doesn't matter where these voters traveled, to Trump, to third parties, or to the pool of non-voters, they "abandoned" Hillary. The causes for that are manifold, of course, ranging from misogyny, to the success of a quarter-century of smears, to leaving workers holding the bag for the plutocrats' criminality, to Comey's hand grenade exploding ten days before the election, and not to forget, Wikileaks. Any of which might have pushed away the last 100k voters handing the job to Trump.

BTW, I am sure you've done it before, even several times, but still: Care to explain how you arrived at "Vichy Mac"?
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Ah...........the centrist.................LOL
You nutters just don't learn.

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Everyone is a nutter that doesn't agree with you.

That's NUTS bro......
Another lie.

How many is that today for you?
BS...........Opinions are like assholes.........everyone has one and they all stink.

My Opinion......and you call it a are the problem and not me..........Stop being part of the problem
While there are clearly lunatics in both tribes, I think it's pretty safe to say that more violence is coming from the Left.
Yet the data shows otherwise. What is your source?
My observation. Fortunately, I don't require your approval.

Your observation is not based on facts…or at least you can’t provide any. That is my observation. Do you approve of it?
You bet!

When I tried to check your facts, I found that you are wrong according to Google, but according to other search engines, yes, you do appear to be correct. Antifa is very violent and will not let any conservatives speak.
Ah...........the centrist.................LOL
You nutters just don't learn.

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Everyone is a nutter that doesn't agree with you.

That's NUTS bro......
Another lie.

How many is that today for you?
BS...........Opinions are like assholes.........everyone has one and they all stink.

My Opinion......and you call it a are the problem and not me..........Stop being part of the problem
I didn't say your tribe was the problem.

You still can't come up with last last word of the sentence, huh?

Okay, here it is, illustrated to keep it simple for you: Wingers!

While there are clearly lunatics in both tribes, I think it's pretty safe to say that more violence is coming from the Left.
Yet the data shows otherwise. What is your source?
My observation. Fortunately, I don't require your approval.

Your observation is not based on facts…or at least you can’t provide any. That is my observation. Do you approve of it?
You bet!

When I tried to check your facts, I found that you are wrong according to Google, but according to other search engines, yes, you do appear to be correct. Antifa is very violent and will not let any conservatives speak.
It also depends on the definition of the word "violence".

But the nutters can parse and quibble and deflect, that's fine.
While there are clearly lunatics in both tribes, I think it's pretty safe to say that more violence is coming from the Left.
You are welcome to believe anything you wish so long as you recognize it flies in the face of the facts.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report

FBI struggles to confront right-wing terrorism
FBI struggles to confront right-wing terrorism

Do you have any factual basis for your belief?
Ah...........the centrist.................LOL
You nutters just don't learn.

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Everyone is a nutter that doesn't agree with you.

That's NUTS bro......
Another lie.

How many is that today for you?
BS...........Opinions are like assholes.........everyone has one and they all stink.

My Opinion......and you call it a are the problem and not me..........Stop being part of the problem
I didn't say your tribe was the problem.

You still can't come up with last last word of the sentence, huh?

Okay, here it is, illustrated to keep it simple for you: Wingers!


You are the left........just not the bat shit crazy type............we could discuss problems possibly with you and cut a deal.........but not the Far Left...........

They can't be negotiated with............AND THEY ARE THE PROBLEM

Why is a thread on HOW TO SAVE THE DEMOCRATIC party not about the unhinged

They are the Frankenstein monster of your own creation.

In that Meme above.......looks like a Trump Rally ........LOL
While there are clearly lunatics in both tribes, I think it's pretty safe to say that more violence is coming from the Left.
You are welcome to believe anything you wish so long as you recognize it flies in the face of the facts.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report

Do you have any factual basis for your belief?
Please see the post before yours.

Clearly you're another one who only "sees" the bad in the other tribe.

I don't communicate well with people like that.
I didn't say your tribe was the problem.

You still can't come up with last last word of the sentence, huh?

Okay, here it is, illustrated to keep it simple for you: Wingers!

guy, you keep working on this assumption that there is some vast middle waiting for you to speak to them...

Um. There isn't. There's no vast middle... The middle is very small, in fact.
I didn't say your tribe was the problem.

You still can't come up with last last word of the sentence, huh?

Okay, here it is, illustrated to keep it simple for you: Wingers!

guy, you keep working on this assumption that there is some vast middle waiting for you to speak to them...

Um. There isn't. There's no vast middle... The middle is very small, in fact.


26 Percent of Eligible Voters Voted for Trump
26 Percent of Eligible Voters Voted for Trump | Ryan McMaken

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