Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

22 pages in and I have not seen a single post that I can think of that actually justifies the assumption that Obama was a president of 'class and dignity' though a few have brought up some very valid challenges to that statement.

It seems that we are simply to take that claim as a statement of fact out of hand.
And exactly what has he done. The government has shutdown on Trump's one year anniversary because the great deal maker could not provide leadership needed to unite his own party even thou they controlled the government. His approval rating is now the worst in history. His border wall is further away now than it was when he took office. Sanctuary cities are stronger than ever. Arrests on the US border are down. He has signed less bills into law than his last 3 predecessors. His tax bill was a gift for the wealthy. He failed to repeal Obamacare, a promise he made in his campaign over 60 times. However, he has proven that anyone can become president, no matter how ignorant, vulgar, or hateful.

Our economy is booming right now partly because of his rescinding Obama job killing laws and removing the employer mandate for Commie Care. Consumer confidence at it's highest level, over a million and a half food stamp people off the program since he took office, the lowest unemployment rate in years, 90% of people who get a paycheck will see more take home pay. Thousands of employees getting bonuses, pay increases or both all citing the tax cut as the reason, illegal border crossings down 70%, he added many new deportation judges to process the illegals faster, he's pro police instead of anti-police along with being pro-business unlike our last anti-business President.

The Democrats got just about everything they wanted even though Republicans are in charge, and it's the Democrats that are shutting down the government for their precious aliens. Democrats want to give aliens the ability to come over any time they want which is why they are against the wall.

If you want people who represent non-Americans, vote Democrat. If you want people who represent Americans, vote Republican.
You think the economy is booming because Trump removed the mandate from Obamacare? FYI, that does not take effect until 2019. And the trend in falling food stamp participation began long before Trump took office. During Obama's last term it fell over 5 million. Employment peaked in 2010 at 10% and has been in a down trend for 8 years. It has been 4.1% for the last 3 months.

What is booming in the economy is the stock market, up 26% due the huge cut in taxes on corporation and the wealthy. Let me remind you the market increased 141% under Obama.

Yes, during eight years, and when you are at the bottom, the only place left to go is up. And if you do the math, with this continued growth, Trump will be at over 200% growth at the end of two terms.

DumBama's market was solely controlled by Quantitive Easing which didn't reflect the economy. With Trump, the market is reflecting the economy. Businesses are now able to make new investments or expand their operations. Business confidence is the highest in ten years. When you have a pro-business President, these kinds of things happen.

This old leftist urban legend that trickle down doesn't work has just been proven wrong. Even today it was announced that Disney is going to spread the wealth.

Food stamps did fall under DumBama primarily due to Republican Governors putting qualifications to receive food stamps. If you look at what happened in Maine (to name just one state) when they created requirements for those with no dependents, most of the people dropped out of the program. They must have not been that hungry in the first place.
No, the market does not reflect the economy. The stock market reflects the hopes for the future. It's a leading economic indicator.

Food Stamp usage peaked in mid 2013 and has been falling steadily. The ABAWD program that was implemented in Maine has been implemented nationwide. The ABAWDs can only get SNAP for 3 months in 3 years if they do not meet certain special work requirements. The major decrease in food stamp usage has been the fall in unemployment not changes to the requirements.

The US economic growth in 2017 reflects economic policies of the previous administration, low interest rates, low inflation, and much higher than anticipated global economic growth. Trump economic polices has had little effect on the 2017 economy. 2018 is projected to be the highest global economic expansion in 8 years and the US economic expansion is expected to continue. Effects of the tax cut on the economy will remain unknown for at least one to two years. However, it is is expected by economist to boost GDP by .7%.

No, the effects of the tax cuts are already showing results. You don't need actual cash in hand before you take actions on the cash guaranteed to come in.

All states were able to waive federal requirements of food stamps under DumBama. Most did and some didn't. But as time went on, Republican led states began to reinstitute those requirements and that's why usage went down.

Trump removed job damaging regulations by Obama. He eventually got rid of Commie Care requirements. He backed out of the Paris Accords which would have had very damaging affects on American companies. He promised a reduction of corporate taxes which he eventually produced. These are all inviting things for corporations whether they materialize immediately or down the road.

So unlike the stock market boosted by Quantitive Easing, this market is reflecting actual growth. Housing market up, Labor participation up, unemployment down, and not because of those who dropped out of the workforce, increasing interest rates. And I hate to say it, increasing fuel costs because fuel consumption is reflective of economic activity.
To determine the impact of the tax cut, you need actual GDP growth figures and other economic indicators which are not available. Anecdotal evidence and thinking Trump backing out of the Paris Accord is completely meaningless in determining economic impact. And no, Trump did not get rid of common core. That is a state decision. Common Core is the standard in 41 states. At the federal level an education bill passed under Obama in 2015 forbid the DOE from promoting common core by considering it in grants. The policy in the DOE in regard to common core is exactly the same as it was when Obama left office. Trump is trying to take credit for expiration of the No Child Left Behind grants which considered adoption of common core that expired in 2016. You're batting 100% today, that is 100% wrong.
President Obama represented our country with the class and dignity the office of the President requires

President Trump is a bully who is an embarrassment to our nation
Trump reminds me of a neighbor who always has simple answers for the biggest problems facing mankind, fire"em, nuke'em, kick'em out the country, throw'em, in jail, or just fuck'em. "There is always a simple solution for every problem, neat, plausible, and wrong."
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
They can't.

In far rightwing Republican Bizarro world, down is up and up is down.

So when they say things like "Obama is a sleaze", what they really are saying is that he was totally full of class. And when they say things like "Trump is great!", what they really mean is he's a total guttersnipe.

Can you at least admit that Donald Trump is the best president in 30 years?

You can't, can you?

In Maoist Bizzaro world, a rising economy is bad? Hate is the only thing you guttersnipes have.
22 pages in and I have not seen a single post that I can think of that actually justifies the assumption that Obama was a president of 'class and dignity' though a few have brought up some very valid challenges to that statement.

It seems that we are simply to take that claim as a statement of fact out of hand.
Upon leaving the Oval Office Obama said, "It's been the honor of my life to serve you. You made me a better leader and a better man." Once Trump became president he continued his hate filled rhetoric against Obama for nearly a year even though there was no reason to do so. And what was Obama's reply? Nothing. And that is real class, something Trump will never achieve.
22 pages in and I have not seen a single post that I can think of that actually justifies the assumption that Obama was a president of 'class and dignity' though a few have brought up some very valid challenges to that statement.

It seems that we are simply to take that claim as a statement of fact out of hand.
Upon leaving the Oval Office Obama said, "It's been the honor of my life to serve you. You made me a better leader and a better man." Once Trump became president he continued his hate filled rhetoric against Obama for nearly a year even though there was no reason to do so. And what was Obama's reply? Nothing. And that is real class, something Trump will never achieve.

Of course, because DumBama certainly couldn't have anything to do with the fake dossier.

Within the first few weeks Trump said that Obama had his tower tapped. The left said Trump was nuts, but now we know he wasn't that far off the mark. So what do you mean Obama never did anything to him?
How would people devoid of dignity recognize dignity in someone else?

Makes no sense.
22 pages in and I have not seen a single post that I can think of that actually justifies the assumption that Obama was a president of 'class and dignity' though a few have brought up some very valid challenges to that statement.

It seems that we are simply to take that claim as a statement of fact out of hand.
Upon leaving the Oval Office Obama said, "It's been the honor of my life to serve you. You made me a better leader and a better man." Once Trump became president he continued his hate filled rhetoric against Obama for nearly a year even though there was no reason to do so. And what was Obama's reply? Nothing. And that is real class, something Trump will never achieve.

Of course, because DumBama certainly couldn't have anything to do with the fake dossier.

Within the first few weeks Trump said that Obama had his tower tapped. The left said Trump was nuts, but now we know he wasn't that far off the mark. So what do you mean Obama never did anything to him?
Take a look at the Obama tweets and statements in 2017. You'll see little no comments about Trump. Obama made it clear as previous presidents have in the past, that they would not criticize the new president when he took office. Trump however blasted Obama constantly during his first year and for what purpose?

Obama showed true class by keeping his mouth shut. The closest he came to criticizing Trump was in his interview with Letterman, which was classic when he gave this advice to to president, “One of the things that Michelle figured out, in some ways faster than I did — was part of your ability to lead the country doesn’t have to do with legislation, doesn’t have to do with regulations, it has to do with shaping attitudes, shaping culture, increasing awareness,” This is how a president get's his point across without vulgarity, hatred, and racist comments.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

No...he was a vile human being who freely associated with racists and domestic and foreign terrorists.....and other criminals

Reverend jeremiah wright...racist.

louis farakhan....racist...

al sharpton....racist.

bill ayers....domestic terrorist.

bernadine dorhn...domestic terrorist..

black lives matter....racist.

rashid khalidy....terrorist spokesman.

tony rezko...criminal.

He also used the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Justice, the State attack his political enemies...
22 pages in and I have not seen a single post that I can think of that actually justifies the assumption that Obama was a president of 'class and dignity' though a few have brought up some very valid challenges to that statement.

It seems that we are simply to take that claim as a statement of fact out of hand.
Upon leaving the Oval Office Obama said, "It's been the honor of my life to serve you. You made me a better leader and a better man." Once Trump became president he continued his hate filled rhetoric against Obama for nearly a year even though there was no reason to do so. And what was Obama's reply? Nothing. And that is real class, something Trump will never achieve.

Of course, because DumBama certainly couldn't have anything to do with the fake dossier.

Within the first few weeks Trump said that Obama had his tower tapped. The left said Trump was nuts, but now we know he wasn't that far off the mark. So what do you mean Obama never did anything to him?
Take a look at the Obama tweets and statements in 2017. You'll see little no comments about Trump. Obama made it clear as previous presidents have in the past, that they would not criticize the new president when he took office. Trump however blasted Obama constantly during his first year and for what purpose?

Obama showed true class by keeping his mouth shut. The closest he came to criticizing Trump was in his interview with Letterman, which was classic when he gave this advice to to president, “One of the things that Michelle figured out, in some ways faster than I did — was part of your ability to lead the country doesn’t have to do with legislation, doesn’t have to do with regulations, it has to do with shaping attitudes, shaping culture, increasing awareness,” This is how a president get's his point across without vulgarity, hatred, and racist comments.

I never said that Hussein criticized Trump, what I did say is that he isn't innocent either. Of course Trump is pissed. Look at all the grief this President has to put up with because of DumBama's underhanded tricks. God knows how much longer he will have to deal with this phony Russia crap; perhaps into the next election cycle.

If not for what DumBama did to Trump, I'm sure Trump wouldn't have mentioned his name the past year.
22 pages in and I have not seen a single post that I can think of that actually justifies the assumption that Obama was a president of 'class and dignity' though a few have brought up some very valid challenges to that statement.

It seems that we are simply to take that claim as a statement of fact out of hand.
Upon leaving the Oval Office Obama said, "It's been the honor of my life to serve you. You made me a better leader and a better man." Once Trump became president he continued his hate filled rhetoric against Obama for nearly a year even though there was no reason to do so. And what was Obama's reply? Nothing. And that is real class, something Trump will never achieve.

Of course, because DumBama certainly couldn't have anything to do with the fake dossier.

Within the first few weeks Trump said that Obama had his tower tapped. The left said Trump was nuts, but now we know he wasn't that far off the mark. So what do you mean Obama never did anything to him?
Take a look at the Obama tweets and statements in 2017. You'll see little no comments about Trump. Obama made it clear as previous presidents have in the past, that they would not criticize the new president when he took office. Trump however blasted Obama constantly during his first year and for what purpose?

Obama showed true class by keeping his mouth shut. The closest he came to criticizing Trump was in his interview with Letterman, which was classic when he gave this advice to to president, “One of the things that Michelle figured out, in some ways faster than I did — was part of your ability to lead the country doesn’t have to do with legislation, doesn’t have to do with regulations, it has to do with shaping attitudes, shaping culture, increasing awareness,” This is how a president get's his point across without vulgarity, hatred, and racist comments.

Take a look at the Obama abuse of the most corrupt DOJ in history, you'll find that Obama directed the federal government to obstruct the presidential election, including paying a foreign spy to collude with the Kremlin to create libel and slander against the rival party candidate. The faked "dossier" was then used to bug Trump Tower so that the corrupt scumbag Obama could feed intel to the Hillary campaign.

As for your blatant lie that ISIS Barry didn't attack Trump;

{WASHINGTON — In an extraordinary denunciation of Donald J. Trump’s temperament and competence, President Obama urged leaders of the Republican Party on Tuesday to withdraw their endorsements of Mr. Trump’s candidacy, flatly calling him “unfit to serve” as the nation’s 45th president.}
Obama Says Republicans Should Withdraw Support for Trump

Obama blasted President Trump within two weeks of leaving the White House;

(CNN)Former President Barack Obama criticized President Donald Trump's executive order curbing immigration in a statement on Monday, backing protesters who have taken to the nation's airports to express their displeasure with Trump's action on Friday.

"The President fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion," said Kevin Lewis, spokesman for the former president, in a statement.}

Obama 'fundamentally disagrees' with Trump's immigration order - CNNPolitics
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

No...he was a vile human being who freely associated with racists and domestic and foreign terrorists.....and other criminals

Reverend jeremiah wright...racist.

louis farakhan....racist...

al sharpton....racist.

bill ayers....domestic terrorist.

bernadine dorhn...domestic terrorist..

black lives matter....racist.

rashid khalidy....terrorist spokesman.

tony rezko...criminal.

He also used the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Justice, the State attack his political enemies...


Can you imagine if there were a picture like this of Trump with David Duke? :eek:

And Duke is nowhere NEAR Farrakhan on the scale of evil. Farrakhan who praised Adolf Hitler as a "great man" who just didn't "finish the job."

Does this prove that Obama like his pal advocates for the complete genocide of Jews? Probably; ISIS Barry was the first president to be openly hostile to Israel and the Jews since the formation of the tiny nation.
Upon leaving the Oval Office Obama said, "It's been the honor of my life to serve you. You made me a better leader and a better man." Once Trump became president he continued his hate filled rhetoric against Obama for nearly a year even though there was no reason to do so. And what was Obama's reply? Nothing. And that is real class, something Trump will never achieve.

For all his eight years in office, fragile former President Barack Hussein Obama constantly berated and blamed President Bush along with all his cohorts. You have seven more years to see if President Trump is still blaming President Obama.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

No...he was a vile human being who freely associated with racists and domestic and foreign terrorists.....and other criminals

Reverend jeremiah wright...racist.

louis farakhan....racist...

al sharpton....racist.

bill ayers....domestic terrorist.

bernadine dorhn...domestic terrorist..

black lives matter....racist.

rashid khalidy....terrorist spokesman.

tony rezko...criminal.

He also used the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Justice, the State attack his political enemies...


Can you imagine if there were a picture like this of Trump with David Duke? :eek:

And Duke is nowhere NEAR Farrakhan on the scale of evil. Farrakhan who praised Adolf Hitler as a "great man" who just didn't "finish the job."

Does this prove that Obama like his pal advocates for the complete genocide of Jews? Probably; ISIS Barry was the first president to be openly hostile to Israel and the Jews since the formation of the tiny nation.

The photographer himself said that it was the Congressional Black Caucus, where this meeting took place, who wanted the photograph confiscated and not published. So it was great for the Black Caucus to meet with Callipso Louis and listen to his pearls of wisdom along with former President Obama just so it was kept secret from the voters.
Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

TRANSLATION: He could lie with a straight face better than anyone we've had since FDR.
Your main argument against Obama mere moments ago was that "HE MADE RACE RELATIONS WORSE!"

How has 45 been doing on that front? Improving them from Obama, or nah?

While you think up some bogus response.

Listen and learn: Exposing The White Phony Grievance Industry

“Racist” Trump Presides Over Lowest Black Unemployment Rate in History
JANUARY 6, 2018 AT 8:20AM

Unemployment in the black community dropped to a record low of 6.8 percent in December, the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking this statistic in 1972.

“In the 45 years the data has been tracked, the unemployment rate for black or African-American workers aged 16 years and older has never fallen below 7 percent,” notes CNBC.

Well done, President Donald Trump, though to be clear, the downward trajectory in black unemployment began around 2011, during the administration of then-President Barack Obama.

"Racist" Trump Presides Over Lowest Black Unemployment Rate in History
Trump reminds me of a neighbor who always has simple answers for the biggest problems facing mankind, fire"em, nuke'em, kick'em out the country, throw'em, in jail, or just fuck'em. "There is always a simple solution for every problem, neat, plausible, and wrong."

Solutions are simple. That's not an issue. IMPLEMENTING THEM is the problem.

Democrats supported a wall, reducing immigration and enforcing immigration law.

However, when proposed by a Republican, especially President Donald Trump, it is a horrid idea.
Take a look at the Obama tweets and statements in 2017. You'll see little no comments about Trump. Obama made it clear as previous presidents have in the past, that they would not criticize the new president when he took office.

Just to be sure, you're being facetious, aren't you?

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