Can somebody explain to Trump the consequences of actions.

Hey OP, the country voted Trump as president to stop the disastrous obamacare.
Sure, now give me the better option and why? And tell me why it's a good idea to create havoc in the insurance market without having that option in place?
Hey OP, the country voted Trump as president to stop the disastrous obamacare.
Actually, more voted so he would not
More voted in sanctuary California, yeah. But have you not learned about general elections yet?
More AMERICANS voted against Trump

More Californians voted against gay marriage, so what's your point?
the courts overruled their vote right? still trying to figure out how that works.
So far the "consequences" of Trump's election has put more money in the 401K's of hypocrite democrats as well as the rest of America and in a scant nine months the DOW has topped every expectation in record territory. Chinese ground troops were involved in a shooting war against America during FDR's 5th term aka the Truman administration over Korea and today President Trump has negotiated an agreement with China to sanction N.K. The U.S. was hit with two devestating disasters and President Trump has handled them easily. Crazy left wingers decided to smash windows and torch cars when they were disappointed about the election and H'wood hypocrites threatened the President with assault, arson and murder and an assassin (supported by democrats?) tried to kill every conservative congress members. Meanwhile democrats and the MSM have decided to unite against the administration and President Trump laughed at their antics and continued to drain the swamp and all this in nine months.
Hey OP, the country voted Trump as president to stop the disastrous obamacare.
Actually, more voted so he would not
More voted in sanctuary California, yeah. But have you not learned about general elections yet?
More AMERICANS voted against Trump

More Californians voted against gay marriage, so what's your point?
My point is that you can claim Trump is the President......He is

You can't claim the country voted against Obamacare......They didn't
Hey OP, the country voted Trump as president to stop the disastrous obamacare.
Actually, more voted so he would not
More voted in sanctuary California, yeah. But have you not learned about general elections yet?
More AMERICANS voted against Trump

More Californians voted against gay marriage, so what's your point?
My point is that you can claim Trump is the President......He is

You can't claim the country voted against Obamacare......They didn't

Uhm they did unless you were sleeping through the midterms of 2010 , 2014..
Last week you libs were bragging about how Trump hasn't changed anything and won't change anything, today you are freaking out because he's changing things. LOL
Trump is like the kid who rips up your homework and thinks of it as an accomplishment

Yea homework on "How to make America into communist cuba"
Damn....what a Drama Queen

How is it being a drama queen, you have some nerd becoming school president (using your analogy ) making crappy rules like watch boring " lassie come home " in film study's and a cool kid gets elected and says fuck that we will watch " Debbie does dallas"
The far left can not explain anything, all they have is their debunked religious narratives not connected to reality.

Then again what do you expect from those that never read a bill that needed to be passed to find out what is in it, that gives corporate welfare to insurance companies and big pharma.
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??

nope... non one can explain it to him... as rex tillerson said -- he's a f*****g moron
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??

"He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die"

Treat? Ever learn to proofread?

How is taking money from insurance companies "letting people die"?
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??

nope... non one can explain it to him... as rex tillerson said -- he's a f*****g moron

I think Tillerson was misquoted. He was talking about USMB liberals.
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??
What a dumbass troll you are.

Ending State Monopolies Insurance Companies enjoyed, and allowing people to band together to form Insurance Collectives to drive down prices is Way Better than the Shaft Job, and Theft of Tax Dollars, and Corporate Welfare that Obummer Care was.

Fuck that communist cock sucking Marxist, Closet Jihadist.
He hates America, and we hate him too.

That Manchurian Son of a Bitch did everything he could to destabilize the Middle East, and Finance Terrorism with OUR TAX DOLLARS.

If there were real justice in the world, Obama Bin Lying would face a treason trial, and pay a just penalty for betraying our country.
I'm a troll?? While all I do is ask a couple of simple questions? Questions none but one of you seem to want to answer. I'll try again. If you feel Trump did the right thing by defunding ACA and coming back on the deal with Iran, what reasoning besides ACA and Iran are bad do you have? How does making people lose their health insurance and Iran having less reason to NOT develop nukes make the US in any way better???????????????????? See I know my reasoning's why I object to something, most of you aren't capable of articulating yours

Why do you think people will be losing their health insurance? The people really suffering are the stockholders in health insurance companies

Nothing will change regarding Iran except they will have to cut back on their ICBM program or face Congress imposing more sanctions.
Actually, more voted so he would not
More voted in sanctuary California, yeah. But have you not learned about general elections yet?
More AMERICANS voted against Trump

More Californians voted against gay marriage, so what's your point?
My point is that you can claim Trump is the President......He is

You can't claim the country voted against Obamacare......They didn't

Uhm they did unless you were sleeping through the midterms of 2010 , 2014..
You realize those years nobama selling out the country at that time right?
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??

Treat? Trump ran for election on fixing ObamaCare...why are you shocked that he's now attempting to do just that? As for the Iranians? Why do you think rolling over and playing dead is prudent foreign policy when the end result will be an Islamic fundamentalist nation who has supported worldwide terror for decades getting the bomb?

Anyone that thought the Iranians would EVER be in compliance with that treaty is so naive that it makes me shake my head in disbelief!
He ran on a platform of fixing Obamacare. How is making it implode fixing it? And more importantly what is his plan after it implodes? These are peoples lives were talking about, people he is supposed to protect. As to the Iran deal. Lets just suppose your right and they are secretly working on it, something Trump can't prove, how is reneging on them in any way good? At best it increases animosity with yet another unfriendly nuclear power. While at the same time pissing of, and so hurting relations with other ones? Thanks for at least trying to answer the premise of the OP. You are the first conservative who has shown the balls to do so.

With all due respect, isn't Trump that's making the Affordable Care Act "implode"'s imploding because that's the way it was deliberately set up by the Democrats who wrote the legislation! The ACA is imploding because Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi set it up to be a "poison pill" for the incoming GOP majority!'re concerned with increasing "animosity" with Iran? That's your reason for not scrapping this deal and imposing harsh sanctions on Tehran once again to try and keep them from getting nuclear weapons? Dude, I hate to break this to you but the mullahs in Iran hate the United States with a passion! We're the "Great Satan"...we're the symbol of Western power that they've sworn to destroy! Why do you think they WANT nukes? Gee, let me think...the largest sponsor of terror in the entire world...what WOULD they do if they had nukes?
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??

"He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die"

Treat? Ever learn to proofread?

How is taking money from insurance companies "letting people die"?
You are right I do need to proofread. On the other hand, do you know the difference between giving something and paying for something to get a service back? That's the answer to your question. ACA asks insurance companies to include people who are in general sicker. This means those insurance companies will have to pay out more money to its customers. To offset that they receive subsidies from the government. Now the government has stopped these payments. This means the insurance companies have to eat those diminished profits, increase its premiums or step out the program altogether. How likely do you think it is they will eat the losses?
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??
What a dumbass troll you are.

Ending State Monopolies Insurance Companies enjoyed, and allowing people to band together to form Insurance Collectives to drive down prices is Way Better than the Shaft Job, and Theft of Tax Dollars, and Corporate Welfare that Obummer Care was.

Fuck that communist cock sucking Marxist, Closet Jihadist.
He hates America, and we hate him too.

That Manchurian Son of a Bitch did everything he could to destabilize the Middle East, and Finance Terrorism with OUR TAX DOLLARS.

If there were real justice in the world, Obama Bin Lying would face a treason trial, and pay a just penalty for betraying our country.
I'm a troll?? While all I do is ask a couple of simple questions? Questions none but one of you seem to want to answer. I'll try again. If you feel Trump did the right thing by defunding ACA and coming back on the deal with Iran, what reasoning besides ACA and Iran are bad do you have? How does making people lose their health insurance and Iran having less reason to NOT develop nukes make the US in any way better???????????????????? See I know my reasoning's why I object to something, most of you aren't capable of articulating yours

Why do you think people will be losing their health insurance? The people really suffering are the stockholders in health insurance companies

Nothing will change regarding Iran except they will have to cut back on their ICBM program or face Congress imposing more sanctions.
The whole point of the Iran deal was that sanctions weren't working to slow down the program. The thing with the stick and the carrot is that you need a carrot. Iran is being made clear that as far as the US is concerned they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Since Tillerson not too mention the IAEA and the rest of the world agree they are in compliance. Secondly what credibility does a country have that feels it can renegotiate a deal because the government got a different leader? How do international treaties look if they need to get renegotiated every time an election happens? It pisses of the very same people you need on your side when trying to get anything done regarding for instance NK.
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??

Treat? Trump ran for election on fixing ObamaCare...why are you shocked that he's now attempting to do just that? As for the Iranians? Why do you think rolling over and playing dead is prudent foreign policy when the end result will be an Islamic fundamentalist nation who has supported worldwide terror for decades getting the bomb?

Anyone that thought the Iranians would EVER be in compliance with that treaty is so naive that it makes me shake my head in disbelief!
He ran on a platform of fixing Obamacare. How is making it implode fixing it? And more importantly what is his plan after it implodes? These are peoples lives were talking about, people he is supposed to protect. As to the Iran deal. Lets just suppose your right and they are secretly working on it, something Trump can't prove, how is reneging on them in any way good? At best it increases animosity with yet another unfriendly nuclear power. While at the same time pissing of, and so hurting relations with other ones? Thanks for at least trying to answer the premise of the OP. You are the first conservative who has shown the balls to do so.

With all due respect, isn't Trump that's making the Affordable Care Act "implode"'s imploding because that's the way it was deliberately set up by the Democrats who wrote the legislation! The ACA is imploding because Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi set it up to be a "poison pill" for the incoming GOP majority!'re concerned with increasing "animosity" with Iran? That's your reason for not scrapping this deal and imposing harsh sanctions on Tehran once again to try and keep them from getting nuclear weapons? Dude, I hate to break this to you but the mullahs in Iran hate the United States with a passion! We're the "Great Satan"...we're the symbol of Western power that they've sworn to destroy! Why do you think they WANT nukes? Gee, let me think...the largest sponsor of terror in the entire world...what WOULD they do if they had nukes?
Lol that's a cute alternative history you are spouting. I'm honest enough to admit ACA hasn't been the greatest program ever but it was succeeding in its goal to get more people insured. If you take away key features that support it, you will make it implode. If I shoot you in the head, is the guy who manufactured the bullet more responsible for you being dead than me?
As to your Iran blurb. Again sanctions have been tried for decades and have proved ineffective. The deal was working, the IAEA said it 8 times, all the cosigners to the deal agree. Not to mention the US secretary of state. Yet Trump feels it needs to be renegotiated. What possible reason does Iran have to renegotiate? Iran has the moral high ground in this deal. Trump will not find any support among the cosigners. What he has done is yet again signal to the world, that the US can't be trusted to be an honest partner.
Actually, more voted so he would not
More voted in sanctuary California, yeah. But have you not learned about general elections yet?
More AMERICANS voted against Trump

More Californians voted against gay marriage, so what's your point?
My point is that you can claim Trump is the President......He is

You can't claim the country voted against Obamacare......They didn't

Uhm they did unless you were sleeping through the midterms of 2010 , 2014..
And Obama won by a landslide in 2012
So Trump is using these tactics again. Today he decided to gut ACA trying to force the Democrats to work to repeal and replace a key legislative accomplishment of Obama and he decided too decertify the Iran deal in a gambit to force the international community to change the terms on a deal to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Lets look at this a bit. He's trying to blackmail the Democrats to comply to his wishes on the treat of letting people die and he's trying to blackmail the world under the treat of letting Iran get the bomb. Do any conservatives have a problem with this? Or better yet do any conservatives think it a bad idea? What leverage do you imagine someone has who is unreliable not to mention immoral? The Democrats are not gonna commit political suicide to give Trump a win. And Iran is not going to renegotiate a bill that they haven't broken in any way because the US had an election cycle. Especially considering that the other countries who signed the bill still consider them in compliance. What leverage does he think he has??

Treat? Trump ran for election on fixing ObamaCare...why are you shocked that he's now attempting to do just that? As for the Iranians? Why do you think rolling over and playing dead is prudent foreign policy when the end result will be an Islamic fundamentalist nation who has supported worldwide terror for decades getting the bomb?

Anyone that thought the Iranians would EVER be in compliance with that treaty is so naive that it makes me shake my head in disbelief!
He ran on a platform of fixing Obamacare. How is making it implode fixing it? And more importantly what is his plan after it implodes? These are peoples lives were talking about, people he is supposed to protect. As to the Iran deal. Lets just suppose your right and they are secretly working on it, something Trump can't prove, how is reneging on them in any way good? At best it increases animosity with yet another unfriendly nuclear power. While at the same time pissing of, and so hurting relations with other ones? Thanks for at least trying to answer the premise of the OP. You are the first conservative who has shown the balls to do so.

With all due respect, isn't Trump that's making the Affordable Care Act "implode"'s imploding because that's the way it was deliberately set up by the Democrats who wrote the legislation! The ACA is imploding because Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi set it up to be a "poison pill" for the incoming GOP majority!'re concerned with increasing "animosity" with Iran? That's your reason for not scrapping this deal and imposing harsh sanctions on Tehran once again to try and keep them from getting nuclear weapons? Dude, I hate to break this to you but the mullahs in Iran hate the United States with a passion! We're the "Great Satan"...we're the symbol of Western power that they've sworn to destroy! Why do you think they WANT nukes? Gee, let me think...the largest sponsor of terror in the entire world...what WOULD they do if they had nukes?
Lol that's a cute alternative history you are spouting. I'm honest enough to admit ACA hasn't been the greatest program ever but it was succeeding in its goal to get more people insured. If you take away key features that support it, you will make it implode. If I shoot you in the head, is the guy who manufactured the bullet more responsible for you being dead than me?
As to your Iran blurb. Again sanctions have been tried for decades and have proved ineffective. The deal was working, the IAEA said it 8 times, all the cosigners to the deal agree. Not to mention the US secretary of state. Yet Trump feels it needs to be renegotiated. What possible reason does Iran have to renegotiate? Iran has the moral high ground in this deal. Trump will not find any support among the cosigners. What he has done is yet again signal to the world, that the US can't be trusted to be an honest partner.

Not the greatest program ever? Even the people that wrote it admit it needs to be fixed or it will fail. It's legislation that affects 1/6th of our total economy...yet they passed a piece of crap because they were so desperate to get something done before the 2010 mid terms put Republicans back in control of Congress...Republicans that the voters sent to Washington to STOP Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid's progressive agenda!

The deal with Iran was "working"? Really? So they weren't working on a bomb anymore? Your kind of naive is dangerous, Forkup!

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