Can someone please argue for how such massive crowds suggested Trump is losing?

Around 30 people showed up on Saturday to meet Joe Biden during a stop in Michigan, while in Florida 45,000 crammed into Sarasota County Fairgrounds to see President Trump speak.



Can someone please argue for how such massive crowds suggested Trump is losing?

Crowds have nothing to do with it. It's one thing to be a celebrity. It's another to be a leader.
One thing our recent one-term presidents had in common, they were crappy leaders.
And twO-term leaders are adepts at deception There has never been a black POTUS. Obama is Arab DNA. If you wish to argue the point all the way to Olduvai Gorge, feel free.
Two term President Barack Obama is now an Arab?
I'm sorry, but when I see one candidate drawing in 10's of thousands, the supporters waiting outside for hours, some not even getting in, I have to think that they are going to pull the lever for him in Nov in huge numbers.

Can anyone explain the massive discrepancy between the two candidates and how the polls can be accurate?

He is getting huge crowds during a pandemic. America First is quite popular. Americans fear the radicalism and the unknown, Trump is a known entity now, not a career politician. So, are Trump voters just by some random chance NOT being polled in fair proportions? Can anyone argue how one candidate having such larger crowds, on a daily basis, is somehow behind in the support from voters?
Simple, really. These "massive" crowds mean very little in the scheme of things because they are there only to hear trump pontificate about nothing and pose for the camera, being the ego maniac that he is.
There are many millions of voters who don't care about photo op rallies, and do care more about the state of our country, and our Democracy that is being attacked in the name of autocracy.
Simple, really. These "massive" crowds mean very little in the scheme of things because they are there only to hear trump pontificate about nothing and pose for the camera, being the ego maniac that he is.
There are many millions of voters who don't care about photo op rallies, and do care more about the state of our country, and our Democracy that is being attacked in the name of autocracy.
Ignoring voter enthusiasm is what sent Hillary into retirement. It's not the sole determiner of electoral success, but is a significant factor.
I'm sorry, but when I see one candidate drawing in 10's of thousands, the supporters waiting outside for hours, some not even getting in, I have to think that they are going to pull the lever for him in Nov in huge numbers.

Can anyone explain the massive discrepancy between the two candidates and how the polls can be accurate?

He is getting huge crowds during a pandemic. America First is quite popular. Americans fear the radicalism and the unknown, Trump is a known entity now, not a career politician. So, are Trump voters just by some random chance NOT being polled in fair proportions? Can anyone argue how one candidate having such larger crowds, on a daily basis, is somehow behind in the support from voters?

That's Trump's problem .. He has a political track record now. Trump is a magnet for criminals, liars, conspiracy buffs and corruption.
Simple, really. These "massive" crowds mean very little in the scheme of things because they are there only to hear trump pontificate about nothing and pose for the camera, being the ego maniac that he is.
There are many millions of voters who don't care about photo op rallies, and do care more about the state of our country, and our Democracy that is being attacked in the name of autocracy.

Indeed, I greatly underestimated Biden/Harris popularity. In the entire history of the U.S, he even crushed Obamas numbers. Biden is going to be compared to Lincoln and Washington due to these election numbers alone.
Bernie drew massive crowds.

Yes, and Bernie could also have easily won the election if he had been nominated.
He had cross party support, since he is such a fiscal tightwad.
But the dems robbed him of the nomination, so republicans never got a chance to show their support for him.
Simple, really. These "massive" crowds mean very little in the scheme of things because they are there only to hear trump pontificate about nothing and pose for the camera, being the ego maniac that he is.
There are many millions of voters who don't care about photo op rallies, and do care more about the state of our country, and our Democracy that is being attacked in the name of autocracy.

Sure, but how is the dem party any different then the repubs?
Either one could have saved us trillions a year with public health care, and neither party has done a thing.
Either one could have stopped 20,000 shootings a year by ending the illegal War on Drugs, but both parties profit from it.
Either party could have ended illegal foreign wars, but it took them over 20 years to finally get out.
A pox on both of them.
Next election I am either voting Socialist, Green Party, or for Trump if I get angry enough.
Though it doesn't mater now, Hillary may have won that election if not for The Bernie supporters, they bought into the NEGATIVE propaganda and to many wouldn't vote for her. Just an opinion based on what Bernie supporters said. Matters not. TRUMP WON that election, BIDEN won this one. No need to keep sucking on bitter fruit.
Indeed, I greatly underestimated Biden/Harris popularity. In the entire history of the U.S, he even crushed Obamas numbers. Biden is going to be compared to Lincoln and Washington due to these election numbers alone.
Did Washington and Lincoln have the same population in country to draw votes from?
Sure, but how is the dem party any different then the repubs?
Either one could have saved us trillions a year with public health care, and neither party has done a thing.
Either one could have stopped 20,000 shootings a year by ending the illegal War on Drugs, but both parties profit from it.
Either party could have ended illegal foreign wars, but it took them over 20 years to finally get out.
A pox on both of them.
Next election I am either voting Socialist, Green Party, or for Trump if I get angry enough.
I believe that the subject was about trump's photo ops and I was referring to these.
Indeed, I greatly underestimated Biden/Harris popularity. In the entire history of the U.S, he even crushed Obamas numbers. Biden is going to be compared to Lincoln and Washington due to these election numbers alone.
Surada doesnt get sarcasm. But then, it's a liberal
I'm sorry, but when I see one candidate drawing in 10's of thousands, the supporters waiting outside for hours, some not even getting in, I have to think that they are going to pull the lever for him in Nov in huge numbers.

Can anyone explain the massive discrepancy between the two candidates and how the polls can be accurate?

He is getting huge crowds during a pandemic. America First is quite popular. Americans fear the radicalism and the unknown, Trump is a known entity now, not a career politician. So, are Trump voters just by some random chance NOT being polled in fair proportions? Can anyone argue how one candidate having such larger crowds, on a daily basis, is somehow behind in the support from voters?
The tens of thousands indicate that Trump could win the city's election in which he holds his sideshow. But not really very indicative of him winning an election in the country.
Is that explanation simple enough?
I think a lot of them were like the old Deadheads but without all the LSD and Pot.
Well, what’s done is done. At the end of the day people who voted for Biden have to face the reality that Biden is not capable. Are the deaths in Afghanistan and on our border, plus high gas prices, inflation, COVID deaths, unemployment and a bad economy worth voting President Trump out?
Well, what’s done is done. At the end of the day people who voted for Biden have to face the reality that Biden is not capable. Are the deaths in Afghanistan and on our border, plus high gas prices, inflation, COVID deaths, unemployment and a bad economy worth voting President Trump out?

Whatever happened won't just be owned by voters. It will be owned by MSM and the Establishment who haven't been right about much over the last 30 years,

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