Can someone show me ONE liberal ideal that has actually worked?

Abolition, women's suffrage, and democracy are all conservative concepts
Which is why the conservatives (by definition) opposed them and why abolition and women's suffrage were argued for on the grounds of liberal ideology...
Liberalism would give government the authority to order whatever society government wants society to be,

drawing on appreciation for individual liberties and the right to structure our own society without government interference other than to secure our rights.

You mean the Consent of the Governed of Locke and other leading liberal philosophers?

affords one group greater privileges and benefits than another

You mean like the conservatives who fought for slavery?
, and promotes government authoritarianism


The reason it's called 'liberalism' is because it's grounded in individual liberty.

You seem to redefine your terms whenever you're wrong.
☭proletarian☭;2200724 said:
Abolition, women's suffrage, and democracy are all conservative concepts
Which is why the conservatives (by definition) opposed them and why abolition and women's suffrage were argued for on the grounds of liberal ideology...
Liberalism would give government the authority to order whatever society government wants society to be,

You mean the Consent of the Governed of Locke and other leading liberal philosophers?

affords one group greater privileges and benefits than another

You mean like the conservatives who fought for slavery?
, and promotes government authoritarianism


The reason it's called 'liberalism' is because it's grounded in individual liberty.

You seem to redefine your terms whenever you're wrong.

Listen, idiot. Classical liberal = modern conservative.
modern liberal = pro-socialism / welfare state
☭proletarian☭;2195172 said:
Can someone show me ONE liberal ideal that has actually worked?

I'll give you three:
Women's suffrage

Abolition: Republican
Women's suffrage: Republican
Democracy: WTF? the USA is nto a democracy it's a represenative republic. if it was a democracy than 51% could vote to have your hand chopped off for no reason.


Another moron unable to differentiate Republican from Conservative/Liberal
☭proletarian☭;2200724 said:
Abolition, women's suffrage, and democracy are all conservative concepts
Which is why the conservatives (by definition) opposed them and why abolition and women's suffrage were argued for on the grounds of liberal ideology...

You mean the Consent of the Governed of Locke and other leading liberal philosophers?

You mean like the conservatives who fought for slavery?
, and promotes government authoritarianism


The reason it's called 'liberalism' is because it's grounded in individual liberty.

You seem to redefine your terms whenever you're wrong.

Listen, idiot. Classical liberal = modern conservative.
modern liberal = pro-socialism / welfare state

And you call other's idiots :lol::cuckoo:
Make up whatever definitions you want
The delusions of hacks are amazing.
☭proletarian☭;2200724 said:
Abolition, women's suffrage, and democracy are all conservative concepts
Which is why the conservatives (by definition) opposed them and why abolition and women's suffrage were argued for on the grounds of liberal ideology...

You mean the Consent of the Governed of Locke and other leading liberal philosophers?

You mean like the conservatives who fought for slavery?
, and promotes government authoritarianism

The reason it's called 'liberalism' is because it's grounded in individual liberty.

You seem to redefine your terms whenever you're wrong.

Listen, idiot. Classical liberal = modern conservative.
modern liberal = pro-socialism / welfare state
So now the Right wingers who keep attacking liberals are now trying to define themselves as liberals?

'Conservatism' is no ideology. It is reactionism, nothing more. By definition. No liberal is a socialist. They are two distinct ideologies.

☭proletarian☭;2161122 said:
Fail. A socialist calling himself a liberal becomes a liberal no more than an angel calling himself God becomes God, a conqueror calling himself a liberator becomes a liberator, or a lunatic calling himself the reincarnated Christ becomes the Messiah.

'conservative' is a meaningless term. Conservatives in American History were called Tories,slavekeepers, and Detroit police. Liberals were patriots, abolitionists, and civil rights marchers.
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☭proletarian☭;2200877 said:
Liberals are mentally defective, and a cancer on whatever society they infect.
What about the society they founded?

They've never founded anything. They're leaches, and suck off the creation and hard work of others.

The term "spread the wealth around" comes to mind. You're motto, straight from your jacked off fucking shit stain commie marxist dumbo leader, obamalamadingdong.
☭proletarian☭;2200877 said:
Liberals are mentally defective, and a cancer on whatever society they infect.
What about the society they founded?

They've never founded anything.

United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term "spread the wealth around" comes to mind.

That's not a liberal motto, so what's your point? :eusa_eh:
You're motto

I'm motto? I thought I was ☭proletarian☭.

straight from your jacked off fucking shit stain commie marxist dumbo leader, obamalamadingdong.


☭proletarian☭;2110606 said:
I never supported Obama :eusa_shhh: I wanted Ron Paul to be our president.

-but don't let facts get in the way of your sad partisan hackery and blind, ignorant attacks.
☭proletarian☭;2200877 said:
Liberals are mentally defective, and a cancer on whatever society they infect.
What about the society they founded?

They've never founded anything. They're leaches, and suck off the creation and hard work of others.

The term "spread the wealth around" comes to mind. You're motto, straight from your jacked off fucking shit stain commie marxist dumbo leader, obamalamadingdong.

Oh look, another stupid fucking hack troll! :cuckoo:
The partisan hacks show their colors. Anybody claiming our education system has anything to do with conservative/liberal.

Been to UC Berkeley in the last 40 years?

Who wrote the "No Child left Behind Act" ??

How did the Red States of Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska.....
All allow liberals to take over their education system?

Bill Clinton Blames Kennedy for No Child Left Behind Flaws
Share February 01, 2008 4:39 PM

ABC News' Sarah Amos and Jennifer Parker Report: While stumping for his wife at an Arkansas high school Friday, former President Bill Clinton seemed to blame Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., along with President Bush for the failure of the No Child Left Behind Act to live up to its promises.
Bill Clinton Blames Kennedy for No Child Left Behind Flaws - Political Radar

I guess this answers part of your question.

But, you really didn't answer my question, did you?

Been to UC Berkeley in the last 40 years?
Get a grip leftwinger
As i wrote, Ted Kennedy largely wrote NCLB at Bush's invitation. That didnt stop Kennedy from complaining about the bill, of course. So any inference that NCLB is a conservative creation is boosheet. Many conservatives, like Charles Murray, actually opposed it.
As i wrote, Ted Kennedy largely wrote NCLB at Bush's invitation. That didnt stop Kennedy from complaining about the bill, of course. So any inference that NCLB is a conservative creation is boosheet. Many conservatives, like Charles Murray, actually opposed it.

I had forgotten about Kennedy's involvement in that project, so you're probably right. It was patterned after a similar program President Bush pushed as governor in Texas so I have to believe he was involved. But since neither Presidents or Senators do much hands on work in production of anything, it was probably their staffers who researched it, agreed on the language, and wrote the final legislation.

It was conservative in the sense that school children should be expected to learn the material no matter what, and the schools should be held accountable to insist that they do.

It was liberal in the Federal mandates that went along with that, and the authoritarian approach of reward and punishment for social change which no true conservative can condone.
As i wrote, Ted Kennedy largely wrote NCLB at Bush's invitation. That didnt stop Kennedy from complaining about the bill, of course. So any inference that NCLB is a conservative creation is boosheet. Many conservatives, like Charles Murray, actually opposed it.

I had forgotten about Kennedy's involvement in that project, so you're probably right. It was patterned after a similar program President Bush pushed as governor in Texas so I have to believe he was involved. But since neither Presidents or Senators do much hands on work in production of anything, it was probably their staffers who researched it, agreed on the language, and wrote the final legislation.

It was conservative in the sense that school children should be expected to learn the material no matter what, and the schools should be held accountable to insist that they do.

It was liberal in the Federal mandates that went along with that, and the authoritarian approach of reward and punishment for social change which no true conservative can condone.
As fair an assessment as I've seen. But Bush was no conservative and legislation like this is proof.
The war of 1812 question is a trick question, what the question should be is when did the War of 1812 start, since it lasted from 1812-1815. Why was it called the war of 1812 again?

a better one would be long did the hundred year war last?....
As i wrote, Ted Kennedy largely wrote NCLB at Bush's invitation. That didnt stop Kennedy from complaining about the bill, of course. So any inference that NCLB is a conservative creation is boosheet. Many conservatives, like Charles Murray, actually opposed it.

I had forgotten about Kennedy's involvement in that project, so you're probably right. It was patterned after a similar program President Bush pushed as governor in Texas so I have to believe he was involved. But since neither Presidents or Senators do much hands on work in production of anything, it was probably their staffers who researched it, agreed on the language, and wrote the final legislation.

It was conservative in the sense that school children should be expected to learn the material no matter what, and the schools should be held accountable to insist that they do.

It was liberal in the Federal mandates that went along with that, and the authoritarian approach of reward and punishment for social change which no true conservative can condone.
As fair an assessment as I've seen. But Bush was no conservative and legislation like this is proof.

President Bush was conservative in understanding how tax policy affects economic growth and civil liberties. He was conservative in appreciating the necessity of a strong defense and not caving in to bullies and terrorists. He was conservative in understanding that keeping the people safe requires license to be politically incorrect. And in some social policy he was conservative in understanding that it was not appropriate for the federal government to promote or finance certain things. He was conservative in sounding the alarm, ignored by Congress, that could have at least partially allieved some of the damage from the housing bubble burst had he been heeded. It was for these things that the Left hated him but they had decided to hate him anyway so it had little effect on his approval ratings.

But unfortunately, in fiscal spending, expansion of government and entitlements, immigration, and environmental issues, he was no conservative. It was for these things that the Right accused him. And that is why he left as a disappointment to many of us. I still like him a lot and see him as an honorable man. Unfortunately, he simply didn't have the conservative credentials that we needed.
I had forgotten about Kennedy's involvement in that project, so you're probably right. It was patterned after a similar program President Bush pushed as governor in Texas so I have to believe he was involved. But since neither Presidents or Senators do much hands on work in production of anything, it was probably their staffers who researched it, agreed on the language, and wrote the final legislation.

It was conservative in the sense that school children should be expected to learn the material no matter what, and the schools should be held accountable to insist that they do.

It was liberal in the Federal mandates that went along with that, and the authoritarian approach of reward and punishment for social change which no true conservative can condone.
As fair an assessment as I've seen. But Bush was no conservative and legislation like this is proof.

President Bush was conservative in understanding how tax policy affects economic growth and civil liberties. He was conservative in appreciating the necessity of a strong defense and not caving in to bullies and terrorists. He was conservative in understanding that keeping the people safe requires license to be politically incorrect. And in some social policy he was conservative in understanding that it was not appropriate for the federal government to promote or finance certain things. He was conservative in sounding the alarm, ignored by Congress, that could have at least partially allieved some of the damage from the housing bubble burst had he been heeded. It was for these things that the Left hated him but they had decided to hate him anyway so it had little effect on his approval ratings.

But unfortunately, in fiscal spending, expansion of government and entitlements, immigration, and environmental issues, he was no conservative. It was for these things that the Right accused him. And that is why he left as a disappointment to many of us. I still like him a lot and see him as an honorable man. Unfortunately, he simply didn't have the conservative credentials that we needed.

Bush was a conservative about like Nixon was a conservative. At least if Nixon could have lived through the Reagan years. Strong foreign policy, lower taxes.
Of course the old Democratic Party c.1965 was for pretty much the same things.
But I have not seen where he didnt want gov't to finance certain things. And with the steel tariffs he went protectionist--a dismal policy failure.

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