Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Off on pointless tangents are we?

You argue that separate but equal does not work. I show it does millions of times each day.

LOL, I grew up with separate but equal.
You do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
You go ahead and continue to treat gay folk as "separate but equal" folk. Have at it.
But I will not stand for that so you need to get used to that fact.
I am no longer the maniac coming off the edge but in my older years with the scars to show from the past I am there to fight for the rights of anyone and everyone that is harming no one in pursuit of equal protection under the law. And your claims that gays have equal rights because they can marry someone they do not fall in love with are absurd.
And you know it yet keep offering it.
So just get used to it. Gay marriage is a non issue. Most folk know that now and from all political parties.

You not only grew up with it, you experience it daily. This is too funny

I can't marry the one I might love also, I'm only allowed to marry one. If I fall in love with more than one the law excludes me from marrying another, even though all the parties agree.

Care to discuss why a marriage can only include two?

And the law would apply equally to gay folk that they could only marry one.
You are just not so swift there Pop with your canned excuses.
You do not want gay folk marrying because you are a busy body mother hen that has to have someone to look down on.
I would respect you more if you just admitted it instead of hiding behind your phony baloney childish excuses.
You keep making my points for me.

You can shower in a gym shower room with yours, I can't.

Do you have no understanding of cultural norms? Seeing women naked in the shower is not titillating unless we are alone and attracted to each other... and it's usually best if the shower is need things to hold on to.

If you are uncomfortable showering in the gym because gay men might be in there showering at the same time, wear your gym clothes home and shower there.

Straight guys are much more likely to check each other out in the shower than gay men are.

and as a lesbian, you know that, how?

You spend a few years predominantly around nothing but pick up a few things.

Oh, and this guy says the same thing.

There’s a gay dude in the locker room! Run!
Where did I argue about separate but equal or against equality of the sexes? That is the shit you are shoveling

Men shower with men and use men's restrooms
Women do the same

What has changed?

Equality of the sexualities, quit deflecting, that is what gay rights are all about.

Get with today's realities.

You argue that heterosexuals can not be treated equally

Two gay men go to a gym, they can shower together, in the same room with the sex they are attracted too. Am I afforded the right to shower with the sex I find the most attractive? No, the gay goes home after enjoying the sight, I go to jail!

Equality my ass

If you go to the gym, you've been showering with gay men all along. What had changed? Nothing. Except your perception that you might somehow, strangely, be desirable to gay men.

You are the one arguing that the change of traditional norms are required. It is your argument that separate but equal does not work, but can't see that it does.

Oh, and this isn't about me. I see why you need that to be your argument, this is about demographic groups.
You keep making my points for me.

You can shower in a gym shower room with yours, I can't.

Do you have no understanding of cultural norms? Seeing women naked in the shower is not titillating unless we are alone and attracted to each other... and it's usually best if the shower is need things to hold on to.

If you are uncomfortable showering in the gym because gay men might be in there showering at the same time, wear your gym clothes home and shower there.

Straight guys are much more likely to check each other out in the shower than gay men are.

Bull, explain the millions of dollars spent each year to repair those little holes in restroom partitions each year so gay men can check out other men in public restrooms across the country. They ain't putting them there to check on if the other stall has more toilet tissue then theirs!

And I have to chuckle at your "traditional" norms argument. As though you represent such traditions.

You just can't make this stuff up! naive fool. Those holes aren't for looking. :lol:
LOL, I grew up with separate but equal.
You do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
You go ahead and continue to treat gay folk as "separate but equal" folk. Have at it.
But I will not stand for that so you need to get used to that fact.
I am no longer the maniac coming off the edge but in my older years with the scars to show from the past I am there to fight for the rights of anyone and everyone that is harming no one in pursuit of equal protection under the law. And your claims that gays have equal rights because they can marry someone they do not fall in love with are absurd.
And you know it yet keep offering it.
So just get used to it. Gay marriage is a non issue. Most folk know that now and from all political parties.

You not only grew up with it, you experience it daily. This is too funny

I can't marry the one I might love also, I'm only allowed to marry one. If I fall in love with more than one the law excludes me from marrying another, even though all the parties agree.

Care to discuss why a marriage can only include two?

And the law would apply equally to gay folk that they could only marry one.
You are just not so swift there Pop with your canned excuses.
You do not want gay folk marrying because you are a busy body mother hen that has to have someone to look down on.
I would respect you more if you just admitted it instead of hiding behind your phony baloney childish excuses.

You argue norms must change until those norms apply to all.

If I must shower next to someone who might find me sexually attractive, why is it that I can't shower next to someone I might?

Your answer is that one is a superficial difference, easily noted, and the other is a guess. That norm no longer applies.
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I thought you use a rest room to piss or shit. Why does it matter if the person next to you is gay or not? Just use the loo, have a shower, and get the fuck out of there. No sense wondering if the buff dude next to you is gay. Who cares?

IMO, it's an ego thing. Nothing has changed except now some people think they are irresistable to gay men in the gym shower. Quite funny, actually.
Do you have no understanding of cultural norms? Seeing women naked in the shower is not titillating unless we are alone and attracted to each other... and it's usually best if the shower is need things to hold on to.

If you are uncomfortable showering in the gym because gay men might be in there showering at the same time, wear your gym clothes home and shower there.

Straight guys are much more likely to check each other out in the shower than gay men are.

Bull, explain the millions of dollars spent each year to repair those little holes in restroom partitions each year so gay men can check out other men in public restrooms across the country. They ain't putting them there to check on if the other stall has more toilet tissue then theirs!

And I have to chuckle at your "traditional" norms argument. As though you represent such traditions.

You just can't make this stuff up! naive fool. Those holes aren't for looking. :lol:

Sweetie, you not only have no clue what your talking about cuz some of them are pencil size, but the larger ones, for what your OMFGing about even makes my point stronger.

For the love of God, you seem actually enjoy making my point over and over again.

Too funny
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Off on massive pointless tangents are we?

If you want to go to the communal showers, then go.

It's funny...I haven't had to shower with anyone I wasn't sleeping with since boot camp. Do you guys like to shower together more than women?

Oh, my! There’s a gay dude in the locker room! Run!

You keep making my points for me.

You can shower in a gym shower room with yours, I can't.

How sad for you.
I thought you use a rest room to piss or shit. Why does it matter if the person next to you is gay or not? Just use the loo, have a shower, and get the fuck out of there. No sense wondering if the buff dude next to you is gay. Who cares?

IMO, it's an ego thing. Nothing has changed except now some people think they are irresistable to gay men in the gym shower. Quite funny, actually.

Seems bidey does not want things to change, he/she enjoys the ability to shower with the sex it finds the most attractive, but denies me that right.

How very open minded you are
You keep making my points for me.

You can shower in a gym shower room with yours, I can't.

Do you have no understanding of cultural norms? Seeing women naked in the shower is not titillating unless we are alone and attracted to each other... and it's usually best if the shower is need things to hold on to.

If you are uncomfortable showering in the gym because gay men might be in there showering at the same time, wear your gym clothes home and shower there.

Straight guys are much more likely to check each other out in the shower than gay men are.

and as a lesbian, you know that, how?

The same insight source that supposedly straight men use when they tell us what lesbians are really like, really want. :D
You not only grew up with it, you experience it daily. This is too funny

I can't marry the one I might love also, I'm only allowed to marry one. If I fall in love with more than one the law excludes me from marrying another, even though all the parties agree.

Care to discuss why a marriage can only include two?

And the law would apply equally to gay folk that they could only marry one.
You are just not so swift there Pop with your canned excuses.
You do not want gay folk marrying because you are a busy body mother hen that has to have someone to look down on.
I would respect you more if you just admitted it instead of hiding behind your phony baloney childish excuses.

You argue norms must change until those norms apply to all.

If I must shower next to someone who might find me sexually attractive, why is it that I can't shower next to someone I might?

Your answer is that one is a superficial difference, easily noted, and the other is a guess. That norm no longer applies.

You are attempting to tell me what I believe because you can not articulate what your own beliefs are.
Stick to telling me what you believe as your psychic abilities are very weak.
I thought you use a rest room to piss or shit. Why does it matter if the person next to you is gay or not? Just use the loo, have a shower, and get the fuck out of there. No sense wondering if the buff dude next to you is gay. Who cares?

IMO, it's an ego thing. Nothing has changed except now some people think they are irresistable to gay men in the gym shower. Quite funny, actually.

Seems bidey does not want things to change, he/she enjoys the ability to shower with the sex it finds the most attractive, but denies me that right.

How very open minded you are

See? A supposedly straight man telling a lesbian what they are like, what they want to do.

Hun, I haven't showered in a communal shower Even in OCS, they were separate stalls. And, unlike you apparently, I go into a shower to wash my hair and get clean...not to "get lucky". :D
IMO, it's an ego thing. Nothing has changed except now some people think they are irresistable to gay men in the gym shower. Quite funny, actually.

Seems bidey does not want things to change, he/she enjoys the ability to shower with the sex it finds the most attractive, but denies me that right.

How very open minded you are

See? A supposedly straight man telling a lesbian what they are like, what they want to do.

Hun, I haven't showered in a communal shower Even in OCS, they were separate stalls. And, unlike you apparently, I go into a shower to wash my hair and get clean...not to "get lucky". :D

I will have to take your word for it, those little holes in bathroom partitions tell a far different story.
And the law would apply equally to gay folk that they could only marry one.
You are just not so swift there Pop with your canned excuses.
You do not want gay folk marrying because you are a busy body mother hen that has to have someone to look down on.
I would respect you more if you just admitted it instead of hiding behind your phony baloney childish excuses.

You argue norms must change until those norms apply to all.

If I must shower next to someone who might find me sexually attractive, why is it that I can't shower next to someone I might?

Your answer is that one is a superficial difference, easily noted, and the other is a guess. That norm no longer applies.

You are attempting to tell me what I believe because you can not articulate what your own beliefs are.
Stick to telling me what you believe as your psychic abilities are very weak.

Your failure to answer questions takes no psychic ability. I ask questions about the separate but equal dynamic and you go off on an emotional tacked. It must be that I'm just a hateful bigot, not someone who simply discusses fact.
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



Everyone knows that gays were brought over from Africa in slave ships bearing the rainbow flag. They were brought over by Betsy Ross to work in the United States fledgling fashion design industry. Gay were instrumental in the defeat of the British in the revolutionary war when they induced the British to ware red uniforms thus making them easy targets for Colonial sharpshooters. This is taught in schools as part of the new common core curriculum.
You argue norms must change until those norms apply to all.

If I must shower next to someone who might find me sexually attractive, why is it that I can't shower next to someone I might?

Your answer is that one is a superficial difference, easily noted, and the other is a guess. That norm no longer applies.

You are attempting to tell me what I believe because you can not articulate what your own beliefs are.
Stick to telling me what you believe as your psychic abilities are very weak.

Your failure to answer questions takes no psychic ability. I ask questions about the separate but equal dynamic and you go off on an emotional tacked. It must be that I'm just a hateful bigot, not someone who simply discusses fact.
Like calling someone a "bigot" out of the blue?
You are attempting to tell me what I believe because you can not articulate what your own beliefs are.
Stick to telling me what you believe as your psychic abilities are very weak.

Your failure to answer questions takes no psychic ability. I ask questions about the separate but equal dynamic and you go off on an emotional tacked. It must be that I'm just a hateful bigot, not someone who simply discusses fact.
Like calling someone a "bigot" out of the blue?

I can be arrested for doing the very thing that gays take for granted. You do not support me.

That makes you as much a bigot as I'm accused of.

Get it?
Your failure to answer questions takes no psychic ability. I ask questions about the separate but equal dynamic and you go off on an emotional tacked. It must be that I'm just a hateful bigot, not someone who simply discusses fact.
Like calling someone a "bigot" out of the blue?

I can be arrested for doing the very thing that gays take for granted. You do not support me.

That makes you as much a bigot as I'm accused of.

Get it?

Such as?

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