Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.



So you are saying the Law lacks validity. That if the Law doesn't respect the people why should the people respect the Law ? I like that - Revolution in Our Time

You left out the next part:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;

Had they Lived to see how it's Devolved, they would have included "Deviant Causes" there. :thup:


Whether or not it exists is not up to you - solely. It's up to the society/community.

If we as a collective say "yes", we recognize this, then gay marriage does exist. It's up to YOU, it is up to US.

I don't care what you and other's say... It's what is.

Man/Man nor Woman/Woman can be Married... Regardless of the Law or anything else.

You can be given special treatment in Law, but it will never be Marriage Honestly.

And the Agenda will never stop, no matter how much is given to you.

Once you all get these cookies and get protections and censorship of other people, you will get back to those things you were doing in the 70's and 80's into the early 90's.



Again - the universe isn't just you; instead it is us.

Therefore it's not up to YOU to decide whether or not gay marriage is legitimate, just like it's not up to ME.

YOU might - as an individual - not accept it and that's fine. Completely fine, actually.

However, when we're discussing what "marriage" is from a universal human perspective, then we're discussing something for the collective to decide. Sorry dude, world doesn't revolve around just you.

It doesn't matter if I Accept it... No matter how long this Species Exists, Woman and Men will always be Born as a Product of a Woman and a Man and they will always be Born Equipped and Designed to do the same.

Man/Woman is NOT Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

This is not my Opinion, it's Fact.

In that, Homosexual Marriage and Coupling is Invalid... And always will be... No matter how Laws are Passed saying otherwise.

You could Pass a Law saying Fire is Cold and Water is not Wet but it won't make it so.


The we you speak up seems to actually be the few. Entire states voted as a we and a single or very few overturned that.

I think you and I agree the will of the people should be the way this is settled

Yea, and I'm not about to claim that in all areas, or even the majority of areas there is a majority acceptance. But if there were, would you be OK with the fact that it's legal to gay marry?

I'm not saying "OK" as in would you condone it personally, I'm just asking would the law be acceptable to you?

Being acceptable to me? Not all law is. The point being that I do not believe this to be a civil rights issue, and even though I might disagree I am ok if it's the will of the voters.

I think though, you open doors that no one will want to walk through in the end. Discrimination will be sooooo easy to claim afterwards.

In the end, marriage will be destroyed and the very thing they desire will be gone.
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The we you speak up seems to actually be the few. Entire states voted as a we and a single or very few overturned that.

I think you and I agree the will of the people should be the way this is settled

Yea, and I'm not about to claim that in all areas, or even the majority of areas there is a majority acceptance. But if there were, would you be OK with the fact that it's legal to gay marry?

I'm not saying "OK" as in would you condone it personally, I'm just asking would the law be acceptable to you?

Being acceptable to me? Not all law is. The point being that I do not believe this to be a civil rights issue, and even though I might disagree I am ok if it's the will of the voters.

I think though, you open doors that no one will want to walk through in the end. Discrimination will be sooooo easy to claim afterwards.

In the end, marriage will be destroyed and the very thing they desire will be gone.

How so? By allowing gays to marry, we will be destroying your marriage?
In the end, marriage will be destroyed and the very thing they desire will be gone.

Destroyed? How so?

Well, it hasn't been destroyed in the countries and states where gay marriage is legal, even tho we were told it would be the end of marriage. So...I wonder where he gets his info from.

What compelling state interest is there to deny plural marriages

What compelling state interest is there to deny multiple licenses

What compelling state interest in to deny singles license

Your argument may be more successful than you hoped
So you are saying the Law lacks validity. That if the Law doesn't respect the people why should the people respect the Law ? I like that - Revolution in Our Time

Before you guys go get your Guy Fawkes masks on, please consider that in most major polls gay marriage support is at about 50% and the trend is predicting this number to Rise. Every poll I could dig up appears to agree on this:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Solidifies Above 50% in U.S.
Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Poll: Supreme Court decisions in sync with Americans on gay marriage but not Voting Rights
Strong Support for Gay Marriage Now Exceeds Strong Opposition - ABC News

This is not some partisan talking point, and I'm not being dishonest here. Whether you personally accept or don't accept gay marriage, the trend is supporting acceptance.

Bring on the vote with the accompanying debate.
Yea, and I'm not about to claim that in all areas, or even the majority of areas there is a majority acceptance. But if there were, would you be OK with the fact that it's legal to gay marry?

I'm not saying "OK" as in would you condone it personally, I'm just asking would the law be acceptable to you?

Being acceptable to me? Not all law is. The point being that I do not believe this to be a civil rights issue, and even though I might disagree I am ok if it's the will of the voters.

I think though, you open doors that no one will want to walk through in the end. Discrimination will be sooooo easy to claim afterwards.

In the end, marriage will be destroyed and the very thing they desire will be gone.

How so? By allowing gays to marry, we will be destroying your marriage?

This isn't about me. How many times does that have to be stated?
Destroyed? How so?

Well, it hasn't been destroyed in the countries and states where gay marriage is legal, even tho we were told it would be the end of marriage. So...I wonder where he gets his info from.

What compelling state interest is there to deny plural marriages

What compelling state interest is there to deny multiple licenses

What compelling state interest in to deny singles license

Your argument may be more successful than you hoped

If gay marriage is deemed legal then there will be absolutely no defence that can be brought to deny all forms of "marriage".

the bigamists and polygamists will claim that their rights to marry are being denied and that they are being discriminated against.

no matter how much the libs and gays rant about this----it IS a slippery slope.
So you are saying the Law lacks validity. That if the Law doesn't respect the people why should the people respect the Law ? I like that - Revolution in Our Time

Before you guys go get your Guy Fawkes masks on, please consider that in most major polls gay marriage support is at about 50% and the trend is predicting this number to Rise. Every poll I could dig up appears to agree on this:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Solidifies Above 50% in U.S.
Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Poll: Supreme Court decisions in sync with Americans on gay marriage but not Voting Rights
Strong Support for Gay Marriage Now Exceeds Strong Opposition - ABC News

This is not some partisan talking point, and I'm not being dishonest here. Whether you personally accept or don't accept gay marriage, the trend is supporting acceptance.

Bring on the vote with the accompanying debate.

Support of Gay Marriage and support of the Gay Agenda are two diff. things, I am venemously oppossed to Gays , as I believe you surmised from my posts - but am also a patriot and support the rights of ALL Americans -faggots are no exception. There are others of my political persuasion who support Gay Marriage also - so not all supporters are Sociofascists . Also-he uninvolved and uninterested are heavily swayed by the sociofascist media which controls al,ost evrything you see in the News, and entertainment sectors. et al Brainwashed
Well, it hasn't been destroyed in the countries and states where gay marriage is legal, even tho we were told it would be the end of marriage. So...I wonder where he gets his info from.

What compelling state interest is there to deny plural marriages

What compelling state interest is there to deny multiple licenses

What compelling state interest in to deny singles license

Your argument may be more successful than you hoped

If gay marriage is deemed legal then there will be absolutely no defence that can be brought to deny all forms of "marriage".

the bigamists and polygamists will claim that their rights to marry are being denied and that they are being discriminated against.

no matter how much the libs and gays rant about this----it IS a slippery slope.

If one is a successful argument, you can't deny they all are.
Before you guys go get your Guy Fawkes masks on, please consider that in most major polls gay marriage support is at about 50% and the trend is predicting this number to Rise. Every poll I could dig up appears to agree on this:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Solidifies Above 50% in U.S.
Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Poll: Supreme Court decisions in sync with Americans on gay marriage but not Voting Rights
Strong Support for Gay Marriage Now Exceeds Strong Opposition - ABC News

This is not some partisan talking point, and I'm not being dishonest here. Whether you personally accept or don't accept gay marriage, the trend is supporting acceptance.

Bring on the vote with the accompanying debate.

Support of Gay Marriage and support of the Gay Agenda are two diff. things, I am venemously oppossed to Gays , as I believe you surmised from my posts - but am also a patriot and support the rights of ALL Americans -faggots are no exception. There are others of my political persuasion who support Gay Marriage also - so not all supporters are Sociofascists . Also-he uninvolved and uninterested are heavily swayed by the sociofascist media which controls al,ost evrything you see in the News, and entertainment sectors. et al Brainwashed

the people of the blue state of california voted it down twice, the will of the people was then overturned by a llberal court. what kind of america is that?
What compelling state interest is there to deny plural marriages

What compelling state interest is there to deny multiple licenses

What compelling state interest in to deny singles license

Your argument may be more successful than you hoped

If gay marriage is deemed legal then there will be absolutely no defence that can be brought to deny all forms of "marriage".

the bigamists and polygamists will claim that their rights to marry are being denied and that they are being discriminated against.

no matter how much the libs and gays rant about this----it IS a slippery slope.

If one is a successful argument, you can't deny they all are.

You believe in the concept of separate but equal then. If not then you are discriminating against me based on my sexuality.

Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

What do you mean "let's say it was"? It IS!!!!! ;)

You believe in the concept of separate but equal then. If not then you are discriminating against me based on my sexuality.

Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

What do you mean "let's say it was"? It IS!!!!! ;)


I have no issue with individual states making it legal---as long as that legalization reflects the true will of the people of the state.

And, your california "marriage" should be recognized as a legal civil union in states that do not recognize gay marriage.

I want you to have equal rights, but you want more. You want the government to tell the non-gay marriage states what they must believe and accept. you want societal acceptance by government mandate, rather than by the will of the people.

do you comprehend the difference?
Destroyed? How so?

Well, it hasn't been destroyed in the countries and states where gay marriage is legal, even tho we were told it would be the end of marriage. So...I wonder where he gets his info from.

What compelling state interest is there to deny plural marriages

What compelling state interest is there to deny multiple licenses

What compelling state interest in to deny singles license

Your argument may be more successful than you hoped
I cannot help but notice that you are now on another tangent instead of STICKING to the comment about gay marriage "destroying marriage."
Well, it hasn't been destroyed in the countries and states where gay marriage is legal, even tho we were told it would be the end of marriage. So...I wonder where he gets his info from.

What compelling state interest is there to deny plural marriages

What compelling state interest is there to deny multiple licenses

What compelling state interest in to deny singles license

Your argument may be more successful than you hoped
I cannot help but notice that you are now on another tangent instead of STICKING to the comment about gay marriage "destroying marriage."

how many times must it be explained to you? that question has been answered several times. you may not like the answer, but thats your issue.
The we you speak up seems to actually be the few. Entire states voted as a we and a single or very few overturned that.

I think you and I agree the will of the people should be the way this is settled

Yea, and I'm not about to claim that in all areas, or even the majority of areas there is a majority acceptance. But if there were, would you be OK with the fact that it's legal to gay marry?

I'm not saying "OK" as in would you condone it personally, I'm just asking would the law be acceptable to you?

Being acceptable to me? Not all law is. The point being that I do not believe this to be a civil rights issue, and even though I might disagree I am ok if it's the will of the voters.

I think though, you open doors that no one will want to walk through in the end. Discrimination will be sooooo easy to claim afterwards.

In the end, marriage will be destroyed and the very thing they desire will be gone.


Marriage will be strengthened and preserved because the law will be available to all who qualify, same- or opposite sex.

And as correctly noted, in jurisdictions that acknowledge the equal protection rights of same-sex couples to access marriage law there is no evidence that marriage has been ‘destroyed,’ the notion is ridiculous demagoguery.
Yea, and I'm not about to claim that in all areas, or even the majority of areas there is a majority acceptance. But if there were, would you be OK with the fact that it's legal to gay marry?

I'm not saying "OK" as in would you condone it personally, I'm just asking would the law be acceptable to you?

Being acceptable to me? Not all law is. The point being that I do not believe this to be a civil rights issue, and even though I might disagree I am ok if it's the will of the voters.

I think though, you open doors that no one will want to walk through in the end. Discrimination will be sooooo easy to claim afterwards.

In the end, marriage will be destroyed and the very thing they desire will be gone.


Marriage will be strengthened and preserved because the law will be available to all who qualify, same- or opposite sex.

And as correctly noted, in jurisdictions that acknowledge the equal protection rights of same-sex couples to access marriage law there is no evidence that marriage has been ‘destroyed,’ the notion is ridiculous demagoguery.

Ok for the last time. if gay marriage is made legal on the basis that gays were being denied civil rights, then there would be no possible legal defense for bigamy and polygamy and all other forms of marriage, lawyers would claim that these people were being denied their civil righs to marriage and they would correctly use gay marriage as a precedent.

it would be an indefensible argument and all forms of marriage would be with us.

Is that what you really want? A simple civil union contract will give you the rights you claim to want, but no, thats not really what you want is it?

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