Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

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You believe in the concept of separate but equal then. If not then you are discriminating against me based on my sexuality.

Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?
You believe in the concept of separate but equal then. If not then you are discriminating against me based on my sexuality.

Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.


You believe in the concept of separate but equal then. If not then you are discriminating against me based on my sexuality.

Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.



Whether or not it exists is not up to you - solely. It's up to the society/community.

If we as a collective say "yes", we recognize this, then gay marriage does exist. It's up to YOU, it is up to US.
Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.



Whether or not it exists is not up to you - solely. It's up to the society/community.

If we as a collective say "yes", we recognize this, then gay marriage does exist. It's up to YOU, it is up to US.

The we you speak up seems to actually be the few. Entire states voted as a we and a single or very few overturned that.

I think you and I agree the will of the people should be the way this is settled
Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.



Whether or not it exists is not up to you - solely. It's up to the society/community.

If we as a collective say "yes", we recognize this, then gay marriage does exist. It's up to YOU, it is up to US.

The we you speak up seems to actually be the few. Entire states voted as a we and a single or very few overturned that.

I think you and I agree the will of the people should be the way this is settled is that trending? :D
You believe in the concept of separate but equal then. If not then you are discriminating against me based on my sexuality.

Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

It legitimizes perversion. Homosexuals are mentally disturbed , disease infested , rancid pitiful and pathetic excuses for human beings. As practicing homosexuals they are IMO sub human mongrels. However - let them have enough rope with which to hang themselves - Let the little faggots get married - its their right as American Citizens.

So far as raising Children, orphans in particular -HELL NO ! Not Gay Men anyway, it is well documented - that Gay Men have a inordinate propensity for Child Abuse and Molestation - keep them away from Kids !
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You believe in the concept of separate but equal then. If not then you are discriminating against me based on my sexuality.

Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

Apparently, it ruins his life and we are all bigots for it. :doubt:

Bodey makes no argument, just drive by

To answer Kevin. It changes dynamics. It creates precedent that cannot easily be turned back from.

The species relies on heterosexuality. That is a non disputable fact. There is nothing unique in SS coupling.

It makes no sense to include a demographic group that cannot move the species in with one that can. I would argue that disbanding marriage as a state institution makes more sense than it does to put a group, radically different into it. That includes polygamists. There is no compelling state interest in denying poly marriage nor singles from marriage, and the institution becomes meaningless
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Whether or not it exists is not up to you - solely. It's up to the society/community.

If we as a collective say "yes", we recognize this, then gay marriage does exist. It's up to YOU, it is up to US.

The we you speak up seems to actually be the few. Entire states voted as a we and a single or very few overturned that.

I think you and I agree the will of the people should be the way this is settled is that trending? :D

Yet you rely on the courts. Let's vote. I would be in favor of that as long as, once a state approves it as law it can not be changed and the ballot includes an option getting rid of marriage entirely.
The we you speak up seems to actually be the few. Entire states voted as a we and a single or very few overturned that.

I think you and I agree the will of the people should be the way this is settled

Yea, and I'm not about to claim that in all areas, or even the majority of areas there is a majority acceptance. But if there were, would you be OK with the fact that it's legal to gay marry?

I'm not saying "OK" as in would you condone it personally, I'm just asking would the law be acceptable to you?
It legitimizes perversion. Homosexuals are mentally disturbed , disease infested , rancid pitiful and pathetic excuses for human beings. As practicing homosexuals they are IMO sub human mongrels. However - let them have enough rope with which to hang themselves - Let the little faggots get married - its their right as American Citizens.

Wow, you're a rather mean-hearted person.

I'm assuming you are NOT a Christian - right?
You believe in the concept of separate but equal then. If not then you are discriminating against me based on my sexuality.

Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.



So you are saying the Law lacks validity. That if the Law doesn't respect the people why should the people respect the Law ? I like that - Revolution in Our Time

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The we you speak up seems to actually be the few. Entire states voted as a we and a single or very few overturned that.

I think you and I agree the will of the people should be the way this is settled is that trending? :D

Yet you rely on the courts. Let's vote. I would be in favor of that as long as, once a state approves it as law it can not be changed and the ballot includes an option getting rid of marriage entirely.

Let's go back to the OP comparison for a sec. The courts had to be relied on to strike down racial segregation too. IF that had been allowed to run strictly by the will of the people, how much longer do you think it would have taken to get rid of Jim Crow?

And, do you think civil rights should be left to the will of the people...aka, majority rule?
So you are saying the Law lacks validity. That if the Law doesn't respect the people why should the people respect the Law ? I like that - Revolution in Our Time

Before you guys go get your Guy Fawkes masks on, please consider that in most major polls gay marriage support is at about 50% and the trend is predicting this number to Rise. Every poll I could dig up appears to agree on this:

This is not some partisan talking point, and I'm not being dishonest here. Whether you personally accept or don't accept gay marriage, the trend is supporting acceptance.
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Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.



Whether or not it exists is not up to you - solely. It's up to the society/community.

If we as a collective say "yes", we recognize this, then gay marriage does exist. It's up to YOU, it is up to US.

I don't care what you and other's say... It's what is.

Man/Man nor Woman/Woman can be Married... Regardless of the Law or anything else.

You can be given special treatment in Law, but it will never be Marriage Honestly.

And the Agenda will never stop, no matter how much is given to you.

Once you all get these cookies and get protections and censorship of other people, you will get back to those things you were doing in the 70's and 80's into the early 90's.


Pop, say gay marriage was legalized.

How does this affect, harm, or change the way you can go about your daily life?

Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.



So you are saying the Law lacks validity. That if the Law doesn't respect the people why should the people respect the Law ? I like that - Revolution in Our Time

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

You left out the next part:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; is that trending? :D

Yet you rely on the courts. Let's vote. I would be in favor of that as long as, once a state approves it as law it can not be changed and the ballot includes an option getting rid of marriage entirely.

Let's go back to the OP comparison for a sec. The courts had to be relied on to strike down racial segregation too. IF that had been allowed to run strictly by the will of the people, how much longer do you think it would have taken to get rid of Jim Crow?

And, do you think civil rights should be left to the will of the people...aka, majority rule?

Allowing races to marry didn't change the dynamics of marriage. The difference was simply superficial. This changes the dynamics of the institution.
Gay Marriage in Law is a Lie in Law.

Gay Marriage does not Exist regardless of what he Law says.



Whether or not it exists is not up to you - solely. It's up to the society/community.

If we as a collective say "yes", we recognize this, then gay marriage does exist. It's up to YOU, it is up to US.

I don't care what you and other's say... It's what is.

Man/Man nor Woman/Woman can be Married... Regardless of the Law or anything else.

You can be given special treatment in Law, but it will never be Marriage Honestly.

And the Agenda will never stop, no matter how much is given to you.

Once you all get these cookies and get protections and censorship of other people, you will get back to those things you were doing in the 70's and 80's into the early 90's.



Again - the universe isn't made up of just you and your opinions. It's made up of US and OUR opinions.

Therefore it's not up to YOU to decide whether or not gay marriage is legitimate, just like it's not up to ME to decide.

YOU might - as an individual - not accept it and that's fine. Completely fine, actually.

However, when we're discussing what "marriage" is from a universal human perspective, then we're discussing something for the collective to decide. Sorry dude, world doesn't revolve around just you.
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