Can the Bernie cult put him in the White House?

Radical socialist?

You sound like a Trumpkin with that ridiculous comment.

I consider myself a realist.
a realist would not want a fucking 78 year old guy to run for maybe the most stressful job on the planet....

Duh, I agree. I'm anti-Bernie.
yea we will see how "anti" you are if its down to him and trump....

Hell, I'd even vote for Charles Manson instead of Trump - even if I had to dig him up.

And yet another demonstration of my point: All Democrats have to do to beat Trump is not be batshit fucking insane . . . and they can't even manage that.

By all means, PLEASE run with the strategy of "I hate Trump sooooo much!!!!! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!" That'll work.
Radical socialist?

You sound like a Trumpkin with that ridiculous comment.

I consider myself a realist.
a realist would not want a fucking 78 year old guy to run for maybe the most stressful job on the planet....

Duh, I agree. I'm anti-Bernie.
yea we will see how "anti" you are if its down to him and trump....

Hell, I'd even vote for Charles Manson instead of Trump - even if I had to dig him up.
and you guys say trump is insane?....with that kind of reasoning stay home on voting day....
I consider myself a realist.
a realist would not want a fucking 78 year old guy to run for maybe the most stressful job on the planet....

Duh, I agree. I'm anti-Bernie.
yea we will see how "anti" you are if its down to him and trump....

Hell, I'd even vote for Charles Manson instead of Trump - even if I had to dig him up.
and you guys say trump is insane?....with that kind of reasoning stay home on voting day....

Recall how much you hated President Obama: Now multiply that by 1,000.
HE aint got a shot

like others have stated to many are already going to run ...down the line theyre going to shred him for caving in to the hitlery DNC machine and use it against him

screw the Brooklyn Jew ....HE blew his shot !
as things stand now ill stick with the orange man " racist Hitler"from queens

Im constantly hearing independents and others keep saying i didn't vote for trump the first time but i am going to now
its still WAY to early

and trump had people come out the first time who never VOTED in their LIVES thats HOW sick n friggin tired of all this horse crap the American people are
a realist would not want a fucking 78 year old guy to run for maybe the most stressful job on the planet....

Duh, I agree. I'm anti-Bernie.
yea we will see how "anti" you are if its down to him and trump....

Hell, I'd even vote for Charles Manson instead of Trump - even if I had to dig him up.
and you guys say trump is insane?....with that kind of reasoning stay home on voting day....

Recall how much you hated President Obama: Now multiply that by 1,000.
sorry i never hated must have me mixed up with someone else...
Bernie Sanders is the new Ron Paul. Younger voters gravitate toward grandfatherly types that are believed to always buy an ice cream cone.
You admit Lakhota? That's rich, you're a dishonest person. You should like Bernie now, he's sold his soul for sake of regressive excuses and lies, like how conservatives are racist as opposed the obvious..........progressives.
Consider the Trump Phenomenon. Trump had the enthusiastic support of 25% of Republicans from the outset. He never surpassed that number until virtually everyone else was out. But going against more than a dozen solid candidates with divided supporters, 25% became almost insurmountable.

Near the end when it was down to Cruz and Trump, that rat bastard Kasich REFUSED to stand aside, thus allowing Trump to sidestep the final debate with Cruz, in which Cruz would have eviscerated him. You never know what would have followed that. It might have meant another Clinton presidency.

Getting back to Sanders, he has the SOLID support of at least a third of likely Democrat primary voters, and none of the others will get anywhere near that much support until the Clown Car is down to three or four people.

Biden is the Wild Card. He is an idiot but also a whore, and the rank & file Democrats are too stupid to see through him. I give Bernie at least a 40% chance of being the nominee.
If you have money and your kid is sick, you get health care. if you dont, you dont. in the richest country in the history of the world, that's ABSURD!
Crazy Bernie wants to turn America into Cuba. Pocahontas wants us to become Venezuela. and Kamala wants us to become Nicaragua.

and Crazy Bernie is not a Democrat, why is he running as a Democrat?
"i'm not crazy about doing away with the filibuster" - Crazy Bernie

then good luck passing anything. another Jimmy Carter!
I feel sorry for the Bernie cult. However, I wish they would support a more viable candidate - who is yet to be determined.
If he persists.....

At Nutty Old Bernie's age they'll pass it off as "natural causes".

For the rest it's withdraw from contention or withdraw from living.

Because it's going to be Hillary for 2020 without regard as to how many must die. At their own (bound?) hands, of course.
Other than his hot air about a socialist utopia - what the hell is Sander's appeal. He has no personality. He's just ugly and grumpy.
Consider the Trump Phenomenon. Trump had the enthusiastic support of 25% of Republicans from the outset. He never surpassed that number until virtually everyone else was out. But going against more than a dozen solid candidates with divided supporters, 25% became almost insurmountable.

Near the end when it was down to Cruz and Trump, that rat bastard Kasich REFUSED to stand aside, thus allowing Trump to sidestep the final debate with Cruz, in which Cruz would have eviscerated him. You never know what would have followed that. It might have meant another Clinton presidency.

Getting back to Sanders, he has the SOLID support of at least a third of likely Democrat primary voters, and none of the others will get anywhere near that much support until the Clown Car is down to three or four people.

Biden is the Wild Card. He is an idiot but also a whore, and the rank & file Democrats are too stupid to see through him. I give Bernie at least a 40% chance of being the nominee.
Trump outsmarted the GOPe. They usually use some candidates to knock out others. And frankly, Cruz is not liked that much either from my understanding. It seems the McCain, Romney, Dole variety is what the establishment wants.
Other than his hot air about a socialist utopia - what the hell is Sander's appeal. He has no personality. He's just ugly and grumpy.

I wasn't aware that he NEEDED an appeal other than the "socialist utopia" thing. Telling people they can be totally useless and still be taken care of seems to be really popular with the left.
Other than his hot air about a socialist utopia - what the hell is Sander's appeal. He has no personality. He's just ugly and grumpy.

I wasn't aware that he NEEDED an appeal other than the "socialist utopia" thing. Telling people they can be totally useless and still be taken care of seems to be really popular with the left.

Yup. He's a big believer in the working folks taking care of the free loaders. He like "free shit."

It will work great till he runs out of other peoples money.

Not enough lefty loons to get him elected. Trump will win in 2020.

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