Can the Democrat Party be Saved?

^ self delusion from the air headed vapid far left wing lefty radicals is quite amusing.

The FACTS however are a different matter.

ObumblerCare is a clusterfuck of fail. The Evader in Chief will never be able to pawn this one off on somebody "else." That well is empty.

I enjoy the FACT that even you will be caused to see this, sooner or later. In your case, it will be later. For the sake of the Republic, I hope all you liberal Democrats come to the insight TOO late.

I know you won't be making any bets on that. At least I would HOPE you've finally learned not to make predictions. You've lost so many, I mean, Jeezus ... What's it gonna take, big guy.

Sarie: FIRST of all "prediction" is not synonymous with "bet." You dolt.

SECONDLY, I haven't lost any bets. There was this one I would have lost, but the other party got tossed before the time came, thus voiding the bet. Nullifying it.

Don't worry. I don't expect you to ever admit as much.


You forget that we go way back. I remember predictions from Fred Thompson and on and on.. This latest, I don't know anything about and so I won't talk about it.
the democrat party is tied to the aca.

aca success = democrats prosper
aca failure = dems are toast

^ This is a concise way of couching the contention.

The liberal Democrat Parody loyalists dread it. Many of them may not yet see it, but some do. Few will admit it, though.

Deep down inside, some of the smarter liberal Democratics seem to be grasping as much.

They are eagerly searching for a way to blame Boooooooosh.
I know you won't be making any bets on that. At least I would HOPE you've finally learned not to make predictions. You've lost so many, I mean, Jeezus ... What's it gonna take, big guy.

Sarie: FIRST of all "prediction" is not synonymous with "bet." You dolt.

SECONDLY, I haven't lost any bets. There was this one I would have lost, but the other party got tossed before the time came, thus voiding the bet. Nullifying it.

Don't worry. I don't expect you to ever admit as much.


You forget that we go way back. I remember predictions from Fred Thompson and on and on.. This latest, I don't know anything about and so I won't talk about it.

I forgot nothing of the sort, Sarie. Do you BEGIN to see the problem of pretending that you can speak for me?

Probably not. :lmao:

Anyway, "prediction" still does not mean "bet."

And I have no problem admitting that I have made a few poor predictions in my day.

I wonder when the majority of liberal Democratics will admit THEIR mistake?

You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.

called it......again...Seriously just stop welcher. Its embarrassing.

You have much to be embarrassed about. But you lack the honesty to admit it even if you had the brains to see it. You don't.

As you know, I haven't welshed on anything. But your desperate deflection effort is noted, again, with laughter. At your expense again.

going out to fish is more of a challenge

Any challenge is too big for you.

Here's an example:

Plasmaball-less: try to post honestly.

I know. For you, that's mission impossible.

No surprise.
The Democratic Party is in excellent shape. It has achieved critical mass. More people are on some sort of welfare than are fully employed....and included in that full employment is the ever growing army of Federal Employees and their Unions.

Blacks are comfortably settled on the Federal Plantation; Mexicans are flowing in like the Huns, not to pillage, but to be given the goodies which buy votes. They are all well manage by the Guilty or Jealous Pinheads in New England, Chicago and California....who know what's best for us all...most importantly themselves.

Christian morals and Jeffersonian values have been effectively undermined. The media is controlled by the Socialists, i.e Democrats.

And the NSA spies on all Americans, so posters like me can be monitored and audited as necessary and convenient by enforcement the IRS.

Obama is a bald face liar, but lying worked fine for Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin...they were Democrats too...just by another name. Same principals.

I say the Democrats are doing fine...and the minority of you who are still taking care of yourselves, instead of sucking on the Government Tit...well, hold on...its going to be a bumpy ride.
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The Democratic Party is in excellent shape. It has achieved critical mass. More people are on some sort of welfare than are fully employed....and included in that full employment is the ever growing army of Federal Employees and their Unions.

Blacks are comfortably settled on the Federal Plantation; Mexicans are flowing in like the Huns, not to pillage, but to be given the goodies which buy votes. They are all well manage by the Guilty or Jealous Pinheads in New England, Chicago and California....who know what's best for us all...most importantly themselves.

Christian morals and Jefferson values have been effectively undermined. The media is effectively controlled by the Socialists.

And the NSA spies on all Americans, so posters like me can be monitored and audited as necessary and convenient by the enforcement the IRS.

Obama is a bald face liar, but lying worked fine for Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin...they were Democrats too...just by another name. Same principals.

I say the Democrats are doing fine...and the minority of you who are still taking care of yourselves, instead of sucking on the Government Tit...well, hold on...its going to be a bumpy ride.

^ :lmao:
The Democratic Party is in excellent shape. It has achieved critical mass. More people are on some sort of welfare than are fully employed....and included in that full employment is the ever growing army of Federal Employees and their Unions.

Blacks are comfortably settled on the Federal Plantation; Mexicans are flowing in like the Huns, not to pillage, but to be given the goodies which buy votes. They are all well manage by the Guilty or Jealous Pinheads in New England, Chicago and California....who know what's best for us all...most importantly themselves.

Christian morals and Jeffersonian values have been effectively undermined. The media is controlled by the Socialists, i.e Democrats.

And the NSA spies on all Americans, so posters like me can be monitored and audited as necessary and convenient by enforcement the IRS.

Obama is a bald face liar, but lying worked fine for Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin...they were Democrats too...just by another name. Same principals.

I say the Democrats are doing fine...and the minority of you who are still taking care of yourselves, instead of sucking on the Government Tit...well, hold on...its going to be a bumpy ride.

Indeed comrade
"Bread and circuses"
the future is bright

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Since the Democrat Parody has been utterly hijacked by the far left wing modern American liberals and the so-called "progressives," to the point where they not only propose but actually pass (cram through) such disastrous socialist crap as ObumblerCare, the time has arrived to ask the question:

Can the once proud and sensible Democrat Party be saved?

Do you mean the Democrat Party that has won four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the past six Presidential popular votes?

Or is there another "Democrat Party" that of which I'm unaware?
Since the Democrat Parody has been utterly hijacked by the far left wing modern American liberals and the so-called "progressives," to the point where they not only propose but actually pass (cram through) such disastrous socialist crap as ObumblerCare, the time has arrived to ask the question:

Can the once proud and sensible Democrat Party be saved?

Do you mean the Democrat Party that has won four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the past six Presidential popular votes?

Or is there another "Democrat Party" that of which I'm unaware?

He thinks he's got the inside track.
Since the Democrat Parody has been utterly hijacked by the far left wing modern American liberals and the so-called "progressives," to the point where they not only propose but actually pass (cram through) such disastrous socialist crap as ObumblerCare, the time has arrived to ask the question:

Can the once proud and sensible Democrat Party be saved?

Do you mean the Democrat Party that has won four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the past six Presidential popular votes?

Or is there another "Democrat Party" that of which I'm unaware?

I had harbored higher hopes for you, Toro.

Your rejoinder falls flat because you are thinking historically (as I previously noted to a lesser light here).

The Democrat Parody has indeed enjoyed SOME recent historical electoral success. That doesn't mean that it is not now (and for the future) in need of saving.

So, let's set you straight, shall we? Yes we shall.

ObumblerCare is going to be an albatross around the figurative electoral neck of the Democrat Parody.

In the past, Obumbler got around such things by blaming "them." YOu know: "Boooooooosh," "the" Republicans, "the" Republican controlled House, "the wealthy," etc.

But for his name sake health-care "system" legislation and the mess that comes out of it, he will be mightily UNABLE to pawn the blame off on anybody else.

And the PEOPLE already know. I tell you true. They do. NOBODY fucks up as massively as THE GOVERNMENT and this clusterfuck of fail is ALL Democrat. Not just the website fiasco. But EVERYTHING about ObumblerCare.

It could have as its symbol not the American Bald Eagle but the much maligned Albatross ... hung around the nation's neck!

The Democratic Party has won 5 out of the last 6 presidential popular votes and pretty much every demographic trend favors doesn't need to be "Saved"

Romney won Ohio

Pretty obvious Dems cheated their asses off in OH and FL
Since the Democrat Parody has been utterly hijacked by the far left wing modern American liberals and the so-called "progressives," to the point where they not only propose but actually pass (cram through) such disastrous socialist crap as ObumblerCare, the time has arrived to ask the question:

Can the once proud and sensible Democrat Party be saved?

Do you mean the Democrat Party that has won four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the past six Presidential popular votes?

Or is there another "Democrat Party" that of which I'm unaware?

He thinks he's got the inside track.

No no. I just think you got locked out of the track.
The Democratic Party has won 5 out of the last 6 presidential popular votes and pretty much every demographic trend favors doesn't need to be "Saved"

Romney won Ohio

Pretty obvious Dems cheated their asses off in OH and FL

Rs tried their best but lost both states. The right guy won.

^ By "the right guy," of course, Sarie means the hack she favors who succeeded in election theft.
Since the Democrat Parody has been utterly hijacked by the far left wing modern American liberals and the so-called "progressives," to the point where they not only propose but actually pass (cram through) such disastrous socialist crap as ObumblerCare, the time has arrived to ask the question:

Can the once proud and sensible Democrat Party be saved?

Can Lucifer be saved? :evil:
Since the Democrat Parody has been utterly hijacked by the far left wing modern American liberals and the so-called "progressives," to the point where they not only propose but actually pass (cram through) such disastrous socialist crap as ObumblerCare, the time has arrived to ask the question:

Can the once proud and sensible Democrat Party be saved?

Do you mean the Democrat Party that has won four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the past six Presidential popular votes?

Or is there another "Democrat Party" that of which I'm unaware?

If you are going to quote useless statistics then why not just say the democrats have won 100 percent of the last two presidential elections. Or why not be honest and go back to Reagan and say they lost 5 out of the last 9 presidential elections?

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