Can the Democrat Party be Saved?

They lost the 2010 midterms HUGE.

The Republicans have a moronic tendency to nominate light-weight opponents for the lightweight idiots the Dims keep putting up.

And then the fucking GOP runs them as though they were working FOR the Dim Party.

That aside, the question is still WHETHER or NOT it can be saved. That's not a chance for you to talk about history. It is forward looking. It will need saving.

ObumblerCare is going to be a MASSIVE albatross around their stupid necks come 2014 midterms and the 2016 big show.

Count on it.

They won the 2010 midterm due to the redrawn districts from the census and a lack of democrat voters.

:lmao: Keep telling yourself that fantasy story. Sooner or later, you will believe it. :lmao:

Obamacare's popularity has actually been going UP, not down, despite the clunky website.

Of COURSE it has. :lmao: I wish I could find the smiley-con for patting you gently on your diminutive little noggin.

Running you're parties agenda on a clunky website is not a winning strategy, sorry.

I suppose you MEANT to say "your Party's" You know. Possessive. Not plural. :lmao:

In any case, the flaming fail of the website is just a form of highlighting. The assholes cannot handle that relatively simple technology despite ALL the lead-up time they had for it. Morons. But we are to believe that they can deliver the PRODUCT itself? They can't even handle the task of delivering the MAIL.

ObumblerCare was doomed to fail for a whole host of reasons. What we are seeing in the clusterfuck website is just a harbinger of the massive fail to come.

But you loyal Obamaphile lapdogs will be at the ready to toss Obumbler's salad just the same.

You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.:eusa_whistle:

called it
As long as the Democrats can keep their 'Free Stuff' machine operatin' they'll be fine.

Why even as we speak, the NAACP in the city of New Haven, in that vein, is handing out thousands of absentee ballots on the city bus runs, in the flop houses, in the alleyways, and under the bridges where the homeless spend their nights, telling each recipient "They gotta vote or they're gonna lose all the free stuff they're gettin'" When one lady said "I don't know what to vote for" the NAACP worker handed her the absentee ballot and told her "Sign here and vote here, here, and here!"

If some one is caught committing ballot fraud they ought not to even be able to see the inside of a courthouse.

New Haven happens to be in the same state where in 2010, with the Democratic Gubernatorial candidate running some 8,000 votes behind the Republican thirty six hours after the polls had closed, a bag of 10,000 uncounted exclusively Democratic ballots mysteriously turned up behind a boarded up storefront window in another city. Later, after the Democratic candidate had been sworn in as governor and pushed the largest tax increase on the populace in the state's history through the legislature, the new governor also tried to slip a bill allocating $300,000 in state funds for renovating the state's Communist party headquarters through the legislature as a little thank you gesture for all the extra ballot box help from the Democratic Party's political half brother.


Unfortunately, mankind has to periodically wade through, calf and ankle deep, its own blood before the rule of law regains the upper hand, especially following periods like the present, where we find ourselves under the rule of a lawless president, a lawless executive, highlighted by a lawless DOJ.
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They won the 2010 midterm due to the redrawn districts from the census and a lack of democrat voters.

:lmao: Keep telling yourself that fantasy story. Sooner or later, you will believe it. :lmao:

Of COURSE it has. :lmao: I wish I could find the smiley-con for patting you gently on your diminutive little noggin.

Running you're parties agenda on a clunky website is not a winning strategy, sorry.

I suppose you MEANT to say "your Party's" You know. Possessive. Not plural. :lmao:

In any case, the flaming fail of the website is just a form of highlighting. The assholes cannot handle that relatively simple technology despite ALL the lead-up time they had for it. Morons. But we are to believe that they can deliver the PRODUCT itself? They can't even handle the task of delivering the MAIL.

ObumblerCare was doomed to fail for a whole host of reasons. What we are seeing in the clusterfuck website is just a harbinger of the massive fail to come.

But you loyal Obamaphile lapdogs will be at the ready to toss Obumbler's salad just the same.

You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.:eusa_whistle:

called it

But when YOU make a simple (and simple-minded) declaration, nobody should be permitted to question YOUR "wisdom," right chuckles?


You are a fail on multiple levels, plaz.

Also, I don't recall claiming that the left is imploding. It may very well implode, but I don't recall having said that it IS imploding. YOU saying something and that "thing" be accurate are pretty much mutually exclusive concepts, Plazy.

What I am maintaining, you pant load, is that ObumblerCare is already failing and that it is destined to fail. There ARE, in fact, a whole host of reasons why this is true. YOU, being a pant load Obama suck-up, however, didn't even ask, "why?"

Color me shocked! Shocked I say.

:lmao: Keep telling yourself that fantasy story. Sooner or later, you will believe it. :lmao:

Of COURSE it has. :lmao: I wish I could find the smiley-con for patting you gently on your diminutive little noggin.

I suppose you MEANT to say "your Party's" You know. Possessive. Not plural. :lmao:

In any case, the flaming fail of the website is just a form of highlighting. The assholes cannot handle that relatively simple technology despite ALL the lead-up time they had for it. Morons. But we are to believe that they can deliver the PRODUCT itself? They can't even handle the task of delivering the MAIL.

ObumblerCare was doomed to fail for a whole host of reasons. What we are seeing in the clusterfuck website is just a harbinger of the massive fail to come.

But you loyal Obamaphile lapdogs will be at the ready to toss Obumbler's salad just the same.

You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.:eusa_whistle:

called it

But when YOU make a simple (and simple-minded) declaration, nobody should be permitted to question YOUR "wisdom," right chuckles?


You are a fail on multiple levels, plaz.

Also, I don't recall claiming that the left is imploding. It may very well implode, but I don't recall having said that it IS imploding. YOU saying something and that "thing" be accurate are pretty much mutually exclusive concepts, Plazy.

What I am maintaining, you pant load, is that ObumblerCare is already failing and that it is destined to fail. There ARE, in fact, a whole host of reasons why this is true. YOU, being a pant load Obama suck-up, however, didn't even ask, "why?"

Color me shocked! Shocked I say.


You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.

called it......again...its too easy:lol:
With the downfall of ObumblerCare, the BLAME will fall on the Democrats.

Silly petty idiots like Plasmaball will, as expected, deny deny deny. But that will never hide the reality.

Here is another interesting piece on the hows and whys of the ObumblerCare debacle. Obamacare, designed to fail, is failing too soon | Washington Times Communities

^ according to that theory, it isn't just Rush who hoped Obumbler would fail. When it comes to his "plan" for his name-sake health care "system," it is argued that Obumbler himself wanted it to fail.

That it is failing is not necessarily his dream come true, however. HIS plans don't work when he is too transparent. A bumbler like him needs to be able to con the people into believing that the "greedy" 1% motherfuckers are to blame. Well, them or Boooooosh.

His latest fuck up however is too clearly a matter of HIS government doing the fucking up.

Plazma will choke before he EVER admits that Ted Cruz was right.

You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.:eusa_whistle:

called it

But when YOU make a simple (and simple-minded) declaration, nobody should be permitted to question YOUR "wisdom," right chuckles?


You are a fail on multiple levels, plaz.

Also, I don't recall claiming that the left is imploding. It may very well implode, but I don't recall having said that it IS imploding. YOU saying something and that "thing" be accurate are pretty much mutually exclusive concepts, Plazy.

What I am maintaining, you pant load, is that ObumblerCare is already failing and that it is destined to fail. There ARE, in fact, a whole host of reasons why this is true. YOU, being a pant load Obama suck-up, however, didn't even ask, "why?"

Color me shocked! Shocked I say.


You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.

called it......again...its too easy:lol:

^ claiming "victory" despite his obvious failure. Plazma is a plodding predictable trite and boring little hack.

As I correctly noted before, when confronted with anything that threatens his petty view of the world (or the way he thinks the world ought to be), Plazy just denies denies denies.

No wonder Obumbler is his idol.

When the system collapses and in the word of Margaret Thatcher
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]."

The Democrat convention will look something like this

[ame=]Barney: Everyone is Special - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks but the Democrats don't need the party of Ted Cruz to "Save" us from anything. We'll get some House seats next Fall and take the presidency again in 2016.

Easy peasy...
Good luck with that

[ame=]Obama: Premiums Will Decrease 3000% So You Should Get A Raise When H'care Is Passed - YouTube[/ame]

Obama lied
American Trust and Healthcare plans died
Thanks but the Democrats don't need the party of Ted Cruz to "Save" us from anything. We'll get some House seats next Fall and take the presidency again in 2016.

Easy peasy...

^ self delusion from the air headed vapid far left wing lefty radicals is quite amusing.

The FACTS however are a different matter.

ObumblerCare is a clusterfuck of fail. The Evader in Chief will never be able to pawn this one off on somebody "else." That well is empty.

I enjoy the FACT that even you will be caused to see this, sooner or later. In your case, it will be later. For the sake of the Republic, I hope all you liberal Democrats come to the insight TOO late.
But when YOU make a simple (and simple-minded) declaration, nobody should be permitted to question YOUR "wisdom," right chuckles?


You are a fail on multiple levels, plaz.

Also, I don't recall claiming that the left is imploding. It may very well implode, but I don't recall having said that it IS imploding. YOU saying something and that "thing" be accurate are pretty much mutually exclusive concepts, Plazy.

What I am maintaining, you pant load, is that ObumblerCare is already failing and that it is destined to fail. There ARE, in fact, a whole host of reasons why this is true. YOU, being a pant load Obama suck-up, however, didn't even ask, "why?"

Color me shocked! Shocked I say.


You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.

called it......again...its too easy:lol:

^ claiming "victory" despite his obvious failure. Plazma is a plodding predictable trite and boring little hack.

As I correctly noted before, when confronted with anything that threatens his petty view of the world (or the way he thinks the world ought to be), Plazy just denies denies denies.

No wonder Obumbler is his idol.

You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.

called it......again...Seriously just stop welcher. Its embarrassing.
I am beginning to see the future emerge.

It is not looking bright and rosy for the liberal Democratics who brought us all this idiotic ObumblerCare.

It is not evident that the Democrat Parody CAN be saved (from itself, or from the fallout of who and what President Obumbler actually is and what he's been doing, or from the inevitable responsibility for its own mindless liberalism).

Thanks but the Democrats don't need the party of Ted Cruz to "Save" us from anything. We'll get some House seats next Fall and take the presidency again in 2016.

Easy peasy...

^ self delusion from the air headed vapid far left wing lefty radicals is quite amusing.

The FACTS however are a different matter.

ObumblerCare is a clusterfuck of fail. The Evader in Chief will never be able to pawn this one off on somebody "else." That well is empty.

I enjoy the FACT that even you will be caused to see this, sooner or later. In your case, it will be later. For the sake of the Republic, I hope all you liberal Democrats come to the insight TOO late.

I know you won't be making any bets on that. At least I would HOPE you've finally learned not to make predictions. You've lost so many, I mean, Jeezus ... What's it gonna take, big guy.
You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.

called it......again...its too easy:lol:

^ claiming "victory" despite his obvious failure. Plazma is a plodding predictable trite and boring little hack.

As I correctly noted before, when confronted with anything that threatens his petty view of the world (or the way he thinks the world ought to be), Plazy just denies denies denies.

No wonder Obumbler is his idol.

You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.

called it......again...Seriously just stop welcher. Its embarrassing.

You have much to be embarrassed about. But you lack the honesty to admit it even if you had the brains to see it. You don't.

As you know, I haven't welshed on anything. But your desperate deflection effort is noted, again, with laughter. At your expense again.

Thanks but the Democrats don't need the party of Ted Cruz to "Save" us from anything. We'll get some House seats next Fall and take the presidency again in 2016.

Easy peasy...

^ self delusion from the air headed vapid far left wing lefty radicals is quite amusing.

The FACTS however are a different matter.

ObumblerCare is a clusterfuck of fail. The Evader in Chief will never be able to pawn this one off on somebody "else." That well is empty.

I enjoy the FACT that even you will be caused to see this, sooner or later. In your case, it will be later. For the sake of the Republic, I hope all you liberal Democrats come to the insight TOO late.

I know you won't be making any bets on that. At least I would HOPE you've finally learned not to make predictions. You've lost so many, I mean, Jeezus ... What's it gonna take, big guy.

Sarie: FIRST of all "prediction" is not synonymous with "bet." You dolt.

SECONDLY, I haven't lost any bets. There was this one I would have lost, but the other party got tossed before the time came, thus voiding the bet. Nullifying it.

Don't worry. I don't expect you to ever admit as much.

^ claiming "victory" despite his obvious failure. Plazma is a plodding predictable trite and boring little hack.

As I correctly noted before, when confronted with anything that threatens his petty view of the world (or the way he thinks the world ought to be), Plazy just denies denies denies.

No wonder Obumbler is his idol.

You say the left is imploding, give some vague points as to why and if anyone says different you insult and make fun of as if they dont understand your genius.

called it......again...Seriously just stop welcher. Its embarrassing.

You have much to be embarrassed about. But you lack the honesty to admit it even if you had the brains to see it. You don't.

As you know, I haven't welshed on anything. But your desperate deflection effort is noted, again, with laughter. At your expense again.

going out to fish is more of a challenge
Papa Obama is the first Democrat to win a 50+ majority of vote
since Carter

They lost the House
They depend on false hopes

Besides they will have to run knowing that

Obama lied
American Trust and Healthcare plans died
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the democrat party is tied to the aca.

aca success = democrats prosper
aca failure = dems are toast

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