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Can The Democrats Win Another (Major) Election With A Resume Like THIS?

Since the 2016 election campaign, this is all the Democrats have to put on their resume:


Destruction of Property



Physical attacks on political opponents

Presidential Nominee campaign paying for violence against opposition supporters

Terrorism (Fire-bombing GOP HQs)

Rigging Primaries

Election Fraud During Primaries

Helping Preferred Candidates Cheat in Debates

Leaked E-mails exposing DNC racism, sexism, homophobia, and Anti-Semitism

Hiring / Giving Terrorist-Connected Spies access to classified

Candidates who break the law but who are too stupid to know they are breaking the law

Candidates on the ballot under multiple FBI investigations for crimes such as Espionage

Administrations and loyalists who commit Felony Espionage to undermine/overthrow elected govts

Calls for Military Coups when they lose elections

Calls for the assassination of newly elected Presidents when they lose elections

Dedicating their entire service in govt to 1 thing - to ensure the govt run by another Party FAILS through Obstruction for the sole benefit of their Party

Dedicating themselves to dividing this country rather than unify it for the common good
- RALLYING CRY: DNC plans 50-state 'Resistance Summer' tour in hopes of harnessing Trump opposition
-- DNC funds 'Resistance Summer' in the hopes of harnessing Trump opposition

Continuously making false accusations against the sitting President without any evidence to support their claims

Liberals continue to make accusations about 'Russian Collusion' against the President without having any proof to support their claims, rabidly attacking and undermining the govt of the United States while not realizing they (Democrats) have and continue to do more to effect the stealing and destruction of the US govt than the Russians ever did.

- Liberals claim Russians hacked the DNC's e-mails, exposing their 'secrets', and that this was enough to change the results of the election.

- In order to change / control the results of the elections, DEMOCRATS:
-- Rigged the Primaries of a Major Political Party
-- Engaged in Election Fraud during the primaries to ensure 1 candidate won
-- Cheated during debates by giving 1 candidate the questions in advance
-- Allowed the 1st Presidential Candidate under multiple FBI investigations (who we now know committed crimes) stay in the election while radical/biased Fake News complicit media aided them while bragging on live TV how they had done everything they could to help Hillary win - to include ignoring all of her scandals.

Democrats did FAR more than the Russians to manipulate and control the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election.

The ONLY Thing the Democrats offered the American People in the 2016 Election was a criminal whose message was 'I am a woman, I am not Trump, and It's my turn'.
-- The DNC had to rig their Primaries, engage in election fraud during their Primaries, and help Hillary cheat in debates to beat Bernie Sanders to take the nomination the DNC was trying to GIVE to Hillary.

The ONLY things Democrats have offered the nation since they lost the election is a commitment to 100% OBSTRUCTIONIST Politics, a commitment to oppose everything this newly elected govt advocates, and for the DESTRUCTION of the newly elected govt (voted into power by over 6 million Americans) by way of Impeachment or any other method they can, legal or not, aided by their Fake News, All-In, radical Liberal media.

With a resume like THIS, with the only thing they can and do offer the American people is Obstructionism, Hate, and advocating only whatever is good for the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party should never win another (major) election.

Having lost more than 1,000 political seats / elections under Obama, back-to-back
historic, record-setting election losses, and now committing themselves to nothing else but the destruction of the newly elected President and this govt - proving they are 'Domestic Enemies' of this country, they are well on their way.
Depends how bad the GOP sucks...
The issue is the American people have a short memory and with that caveat, the Dems will always have a chance.
Since the 2016 election campaign, this is all the Democrats have to put on their resume:


Destruction of Property



Physical attacks on political opponents

Presidential Nominee campaign paying for violence against opposition supporters

Terrorism (Fire-bombing GOP HQs)

Rigging Primaries

Election Fraud During Primaries

Helping Preferred Candidates Cheat in Debates

Leaked E-mails exposing DNC racism, sexism, homophobia, and Anti-Semitism

Hiring / Giving Terrorist-Connected Spies access to classified

Candidates who break the law but who are too stupid to know they are breaking the law

Candidates on the ballot under multiple FBI investigations for crimes such as Espionage

Administrations and loyalists who commit Felony Espionage to undermine/overthrow elected govts

Calls for Military Coups when they lose elections

Calls for the assassination of newly elected Presidents when they lose elections

Dedicating their entire service in govt to 1 thing - to ensure the govt run by another Party FAILS through Obstruction for the sole benefit of their Party

Dedicating themselves to dividing this country rather than unify it for the common good
- RALLYING CRY: DNC plans 50-state 'Resistance Summer' tour in hopes of harnessing Trump opposition
-- DNC funds 'Resistance Summer' in the hopes of harnessing Trump opposition

Continuously making false accusations against the sitting President without any evidence to support their claims

Liberals continue to make accusations about 'Russian Collusion' against the President without having any proof to support their claims, rabidly attacking and undermining the govt of the United States while not realizing they (Democrats) have and continue to do more to effect the stealing and destruction of the US govt than the Russians ever did.

- Liberals claim Russians hacked the DNC's e-mails, exposing their 'secrets', and that this was enough to change the results of the election.

- In order to change / control the results of the elections, DEMOCRATS:
-- Rigged the Primaries of a Major Political Party
-- Engaged in Election Fraud during the primaries to ensure 1 candidate won
-- Cheated during debates by giving 1 candidate the questions in advance
-- Allowed the 1st Presidential Candidate under multiple FBI investigations (who we now know committed crimes) stay in the election while radical/biased Fake News complicit media aided them while bragging on live TV how they had done everything they could to help Hillary win - to include ignoring all of her scandals.

Democrats did FAR more than the Russians to manipulate and control the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election.

The ONLY Thing the Democrats offered the American People in the 2016 Election was a criminal whose message was 'I am a woman, I am not Trump, and It's my turn'.
-- The DNC had to rig their Primaries, engage in election fraud during their Primaries, and help Hillary cheat in debates to beat Bernie Sanders to take the nomination the DNC was trying to GIVE to Hillary.

The ONLY things Democrats have offered the nation since they lost the election is a commitment to 100% OBSTRUCTIONIST Politics, a commitment to oppose everything this newly elected govt advocates, and for the DESTRUCTION of the newly elected govt (voted into power by over 6 million Americans) by way of Impeachment or any other method they can, legal or not, aided by their Fake News, All-In, radical Liberal media.

With a resume like THIS, with the only thing they can and do offer the American people is Obstructionism, Hate, and advocating only whatever is good for the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party should never win another (major) election.

Having lost more than 1,000 political seats / elections under Obama, back-to-back
historic, record-setting election losses, and now committing themselves to nothing else but the destruction of the newly elected President and this govt - proving they are 'Domestic Enemies' of this country, they are well on their way.

I think that after 4 or 8 years of this crap, so many people will be sick of democrats that they will have a hard time getting elected as garbage collector. This whole Trump war of calls for impeachment is really based on ONE THING AND ONE THING ALONE: The democrats know that if Trump closes the southern border and throws out all of the Mexican criminals, gangs and illegal aliens, THE DEMOCRATS WON'T HAVE ENOUGH SUPPORTS LEFT TO WIN ANYTHING.

Yet another idjit thinking illegals vote.

Think about it. People hiding from the government, will go into a government office to register to vote or give the government their address & contact information so so they can vote.

You people are a special kind of stupid.
I see you support police gunning down unarmed black men.
...more false accusations... Ok, so this board shows there are some snowflakes who will vote for Democrats offering this resume...but not enough to win elections.
The person whose post I replied said it. Why do you support the police killing unarmed black men?

Do you think these killings should be thoroughly investigated?

Are you too uninformed to know the bulk of the protest center around the concept of thorough investigations?

Your resume is pure BS. You were suckered by the Republican Congress's attacks on Clinton.

I'll take the last 8 years of a Democrat Presidency over the 8 year Bush Presidency & way over what the dumbass orange blob has done.
When Trump said he could murder someone and his fans would still support him, he was talking about the Trumpbots here a USMB,

and he was obviously right.
Your resume is pure BS. You were suckered by the Republican Congress's attacks on Clinton.
Unlike accusations made by snowflakes / liberals, all of these have evidence that back them up.

Hillary team financed violence against Trump supporters (DNC Presidential Candidate financed violence against American citizens who did not support her):

- Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies - CNNPolitics.com


None of what you wrote about the alleged Democrat resume is true.

Thank you for reminding me of the 2 other things Democrats offer the American people that I left off my list:

'The ACA won't cost a dime.'
'It will pay for itself.'
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan.'
'I did not pay a ransom.'
'This $500 million is going to Zika in the US.' (Barry gave it to the UN within 5 days.)
'It was a protest over a video.'
'I did not have sex with that woman.'

'Hillary did not break the law.'
'Obama did not finance, supply, train, arm, defend, & protect terrorists / drug cartels.'
'Hillary's team did not start the 'Birther' movement.'
'Hillary Beat Trump' Website Lets Clinton Fans Pretend She Became ...
-- ‘Hillary Beat Trump’ Website Lets Clinton Fans Pretend She Won
'None of what you listed is true.'

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
OFF TOPIC. Please stick to the topic, snowflake.
Yeah, it's not like Trump is holding and rallies on weekends...
Trump is not holding 'HATE' Rallies, snowflake.

Democrats are spending $1 million to hold 'Hate Rallies' in all 50 States because their hand-picked, corrupt Candidate under multiple FBI investigations (now proven to have committed crimes) lost an election. Unbelievable.
None of what you wrote about the alleged Democrat resume is true.

Thank you for reminding me of the 2 other things Democrats offer the American people that I left off my list:

'The ACA won't cost a dime.'
'It will pay for itself.'
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan.'
'I did not pay a ransom.'
'This $500 million is going to Zika in the US.' (Barry gave it to the UN within 5 days.)
'It was a protest over a video.'
'I did not have sex with that woman.'

'Hillary did not break the law.'
'Obama did not finance, supply, train, arm, defend, & protect terrorists / drug cartels.'
'Hillary's team did not start the 'Birther' movement.'
'Hillary Beat Trump' Website Lets Clinton Fans Pretend She Became ...
-- ‘Hillary Beat Trump’ Website Lets Clinton Fans Pretend She Won
'None of what you listed is true.'

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
OFF TOPIC. Please stick to the topic, snowflake.

You wish.
I think the DNC, Libs, Dems, or Brownshirt Fuck Faces (Whichever Term You Prefer) are delusional liars.
I also think they are Evil People.

They aren't an ordinary kind of Evil, no. It's worse than that. They are the kind of deluded Evil that is so ingrained that they think they are doing what is right and good.

Just like The Nazis thought they were doing what was right for Germany by trying to overthrow Democracy in Germany and replace it with Nazism and their version of Political Correctness.

BTW, this is where the PC culture came from. Goebbels and Adolph Hitler Invented it to manipulate the masses and change the meanings of words so they could control the narrative.
The Nazis controlled the meaning of words, they controlled The Press, and they Controlled The Narrative and The German People.

This is where the Dem Party has sunk to. They have become Goebbels. They are intellectual Nazis who are becoming increasingly violent because their arguments are failing.
They will become more and more violent just like The Nazis did as people resist PC culture.

Funny chit there dipstick. Trump's action more closely follows your hero Hitler than anything the Democrats have ever done.
ASv proven by the OP, the GOP is nothing but a pack of liars & dumbasses.

The man you put in the White House is a joke & Republicans supporting him will suffer.

Let me know when one of you assholes can tell the truth.

For example, the candidate paying for violence was Trump when he offered to pay legal fees for those attending his rallies would attack a protester.
Just how many took him up on it, vs the number of actual violent acts committed by the hysterical opposition?
So, it is OK to spew hate & incite violence as long as not that many people take him up on it. We see the results of Trump's hatespeak all over this country.
Yeah, it's not like Trump is holding and rallies on weekends...
Trump is not holding 'HATE' Rallies, snowflake.

Democrats are spending $1 million to hold 'Hate Rallies' in all 50 States because their hand-picked, corrupt Candidate under multiple FBI investigations (now proven to have committed crimes) lost an election. Unbelievable.
Investigations that found nothing.

Meanwhile El Dumpster has been caught trying to stop an investigation to the Russian connection Flynn.

Hillary committed no crime.
Bernie was not cheated in the Primaries. Hillary supported the Democrat Party all her life, Bernie about a year.
So Hillary being a life-long Democrat justifies the DNC rigging their Primaries, engaging in election fraud in their primaries, and helping Hillary cheat in their debates - all of which you claim is NOT cheating Sanders?

Look, dipstick, how was the primary rigged?

Where is this election fraud.

Hillary was given one question which was a rather obvious question. Not a big deal.

Is that all you got, Sonny, because that ain't shit.
Your resume is pure BS. You were suckered by the Republican Congress's attacks on Clinton.
Unlike accusations made by snowflakes / liberals, all of these have evidence that back them up.

Hillary team financed violence against Trump supporters (DNC Presidential Candidate financed violence against American citizens who did not support her):

- Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies - CNNPolitics.com


O'Keefer video... Ha HA Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

No wonder your posts are sofa king stupid.
Yeah, it's not like Trump is holding and rallies on weekends...
Trump is not holding 'HATE' Rallies, snowflake.

Democrats are spending $1 million to hold 'Hate Rallies' in all 50 States because their hand-picked, corrupt Candidate under multiple FBI investigations (now proven to have committed crimes) lost an election. Unbelievable.
Investigations that found nothing.

Meanwhile El Dumpster has been caught trying to stop an investigation to the Russian connection Flynn.

Hillary committed no crime.
You lie. Comey testified under oath before Congress that Hillary Clinton DID break laws. regarding the 'Espionage' charge, Comey testified she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

Are you moronically suggesting that giving individuals who have no security clearances (IT Techs, lawyers, MAIDS, etc...) access to TOP SECRET / classified info is NOT a crime? Oh please tell me that is what you are saying... :p

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