Can the Left have decent discussions with the Right?

Your senility is advancing as we speak.

They did keep the house in 2020. Your argument was that the election was stolen via ballot dump but somehow, these master plotters who left zero evidence, didn’t bother to check a box or two (if there was a senate race) on the same ballots they dumped?

Take your meds daddy-o. You’re failing.
Funny coming from a person who clearly is senile and can't accurately state what I do claim.

I went by the election results where all out of a suddenly, like magic, Biden suddenly got a flood of ballots going his way. That defies rational thinking. Trump to his credit got many millions more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. Clearly he gained support.
The left can have decent conversations with anyone; you're talking about liberals and conservatives here.

And both - but particularly conservatives right now - are on delusional benders.

It's a complete shit show.

You have things ass-backwards for a number of reasons. First of all the left consider themselves liberals and liberals they're not. They're control freaks, led by victim roles and easily manipulated because they're highly dependent on others what to think.

In what manner are conservatives more delusional than leftists? After all, wasn't it the left who supported Biden and giggles? Look at their entire cast of clowns.
You have things ass-backwards for a number of reasons. First of all the left consider themselves liberals and liberals they're not. They're control freaks, led by victim roles and easily manipulated because they're highly dependent on others what to think.

In what manner are conservatives more delusional than leftists? After all, wasn't it the left who supported Biden and giggles? Look at their entire cast of clowns.
What has happened under Biden? This will of course anger the Democrats.
The Advertising groups presenting ads on TV have simply flooded all ads with a preponderance of black actors. And they present white females as lovers to blacks. I do not recall any presenting black women with whites. But Black is what we get on TV now. I read up on this and learned this has been going on for at least 2 years under Biden.
Your senility is advancing as we speak.

They did keep the house in 2020. Your argument was that the election was stolen via ballot dump but somehow, these master plotters who left zero evidence, didn’t bother to check a box or two (if there was a senate race) on the same ballots they dumped?

Take your meds daddy-o. You’re failing.
Zero evidence you plead??? I now know you did not bother looking at the evidence.
Funny coming from a person who clearly is senile and can't accurately state what I do claim.

I went by the election results where all out of a suddenly, like magic, Biden suddenly got a flood of ballots going his way. That defies rational thinking. Trump to his credit got many millions more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. Clearly he gained support.
“suddenly”? It took four or five days to count the mail-in ballots. Your “suddenly” lie is just another one of the fallacies.
He’s been a slime ball his entire life. If/when he is found guilty; cult low-lifes such as yourself will then retreat to the position of, “verdicts are wrong all the time!”
When I make such a claim, and so far I have not, I present evidence backing me up. Such as in the Tom Delay case where was hounded by a prosecutor.

Do you honestly believe 100 percent of trials that declare the person guilty are correct?

For one, there was no sizable voter fraud found in any official investigation into the 2020 election. That is a fact. The OP says there was a ballot dump. That is an opinion. His belief doesn’t make it truth.
“Sizable voter fraud” just the media stating the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation…spare me. If he believes there was voter fraud he could be mistaken but he isn’t lying.
Ahh, more conspiracy theories. Dementia is a bitch isn’t it. Take some Geritol and lay down gramps. You’re done.
I have you now. You want respect to be handed to you on a silver platter by those younger than you, yet you refuse to respect those who have age in their favor for vast experience.
Dementia is what you face as you age. And of course you hate that. Were it to happen to me, i too would hate it.
For one, there was no sizable voter fraud found in any official investigation into the 2020 election. That is a fact. The OP says there was a ballot dump. That is an opinion. His belief doesn’t make it truth.
Do you believe witnesses? And if you say no, you have effectively cleared Trump of all charges. So now do you change your mind? Who did an official investigation into the 2020 election? It was not by courts of law. They could not wait to dismiss the cases and refused to hear the cases.

Find us even one case on this issue that the court held a trial about?
“Sizable voter fraud” just the media stating the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation…spare me. If he believes there was voter fraud he could be mistaken but he isn’t lying. illustrate why there is no chance for any mega cult member like yourself and a rational human like myself can have a decent conversation. You simply have lost touch with reality.

306>232. Reality.
He’s been a slime ball his entire life. If/when he is found guilty; cult low-lifes such as yourself will then retreat to the position of, “verdicts are wrong all the time!”
How will you handle the cases when he is found to be not guilty?
Do you believe witnesses? And if you say no, you have effectively cleared Trump of all charges. So now do you change your mind? Who did an official investigation into the 2020 election? It was not by courts of law. They could not wait to dismiss the cases and refused to hear the cases.

Find us even one case on this issue that the court held a trial about?
There were multiple audits and recounts. Biden’s lead only increased.

306>232. Reality.

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