Can the Left have decent discussions with the Right?

How will you handle the cases when he is found to be not guilty?
I’ll shrug and move forward. Nothing I can do about it. I think he’ll be found guilty but I doubt the jury will impose any harsh sentences; house arrest would be the worst he will get. I’ve said that time and gain for months. illustrate why there is no chance for any mega cult member like yourself and a rational human like myself can have a decent conversation. You simply have lost touch with reality.

306>232. Reality.
Here is the style of your opponents including him and me.
We state a thing we trust is fact and your tactic is the daily attack on the party operating with facts.

You do not support your claims but you think you owe the rest of us a beat down.
Notice we are not using that same tactic. We like facts in fact. illustrate why there is no chance for any mega cult member like yourself and a rational human like myself can have a decent conversation. You simply have lost touch with reality.

306>232. Reality.
I literally said he could be mistaken and you flipped your kid. I do not want to have a rational discussion with anyone who can’t define what a woman is. You’re in the real cult and I cannot wait for Biden to be voted out. Even his own party can’t stand him. Reality is 37% approval rating for your Oatmeal King,
For one, there was no sizable voter fraud found in any official investigation into the 2020 election. That is a fact. The OP says there was a ballot dump. That is an opinion. His belief doesn’t make it truth.
Fake investigation, liar. Fox checking the hen house for foxes.
I’ll shrug and move forward. Nothing I can do about it. I think he’ll be found guilty but I doubt the jury will impose any harsh sentences; house arrest would be the worst he will get. I’ve said that time and gain for months.
I believe, and hope I am wrong, that when Trump is declared not guilty, you will keep persisting in saying he is actually guilty.
Not to me. There are other things to criticize Democrats on but not cultism.

Why don't you get original and real with your criticism rather than saying "Iknow you are, what am I. very juvenile
I’m just sayin’….Of the list you presented, Dems hit about 8 out of 10…
Nope, because the left LIE!! You also can't strike a compromise with them because they have every intention of weaseling out of any concessions they make. A fact proven time and again when Reps cut a deal with Dems and got screwed.
Exactly! Dems are more than capable of screwing over Reps time and time again. Oh, and Reps are less than capable of screwing over Dems time and time again. So at what point, exactly, will Reps ever reevaluate their strategy?


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