Can the right prove their is a border crisis using facts and statistics?

How's this?


Looking at about 15%.

We need to deal with the issue immediately. Build that wall, deport the illegals, have America for Americans.


Now it's 15%?
No wonder the right never uses statistics.

15% of the population is around 46 million people. So you went from 12-46 million. That's a helluva range. Way to nail it down for us, professor. :laugh2:

The fact is, no one really knows how many there are, I'd bet a years income it's more than 11-12 million.

And you'd base that on what

Facts matter

They've been claiming 11-12 million for more than a decade, are dumb enough to claim the illegal population hasn't increased in the last decade?


Yep. And the eleven million number was based on the census which asked people if they were illegal to start with.

It was shit to start with, and now it is out of date shit.

Well you'd be RIGHT.

Yale study finds U.S. illegal immigrant population ‘substantially larger’ than previous estimates

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I believe Correll was agreeing with you.

Now it's 15%?
No wonder the right never uses statistics.

15% of the population is around 46 million people. So you went from 12-46 million. That's a helluva range. Way to nail it down for us, professor. :laugh2:

The fact is, no one really knows how many there are, I'd bet a years income it's more than 11-12 million.

And you'd base that on what

Facts matter

They've been claiming 11-12 million for more than a decade, are dumb enough to claim the illegal population hasn't increased in the last decade?


Yep. And the eleven million number was based on the census which asked people if they were illegal to start with.

It was shit to start with, and now it is out of date shit.

Well you'd be WRONG.

Yale study finds U.S. illegal immigrant population ‘substantially larger’ than previous estimates

I believe Correll was agreeing with you.
The fact is, no one really knows how many there are, I'd bet a years income it's more than 11-12 million.

And you'd base that on what

Facts matter

They've been claiming 11-12 million for more than a decade, are dumb enough to claim the illegal population hasn't increased in the last decade?


Yep. And the eleven million number was based on the census which asked people if they were illegal to start with.

It was shit to start with, and now it is out of date shit.

Well you'd be WRONG.

Yale study finds U.S. illegal immigrant population ‘substantially larger’ than previous estimates


Yep, my bad. I fixed it.

The number of illegal immigrants peaked at about 12 million in 2007 and since that time has declined.[1] According to the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, the estimated population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. rose rapidly in the 1990s, "from an estimated 3.5 million in 1990 to a peak of 12.2 million in 2007," then dropped sharply during the Great Recession before stabilizing in 2009.[2] Pew estimated the total population to be 11.1 million in 2014, or approximately 3 percent of the U.S. population.[3][2][4] This "is in the same ballpark" as figures from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which estimated that 11.4 million illegal immigrants lived in the United States in January 2012.[1][5] The estimate and trends are also consistent with figures reported by the Center for Migration Studies, which reported that the U.S. illegal immigrant population fell to 10.9 million by January 2016, the lowest number since 2003.[6]
The number of illegal immigrants peaked at about 12 million in 2007 and since that time has declined.[1] According to the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, the estimated population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. rose rapidly in the 1990s, "from an estimated 3.5 million in 1990 to a peak of 12.2 million in 2007," then dropped sharply during the Great Recession before stabilizing in 2009.[2] Pew estimated the total population to be 11.1 million in 2014, or approximately 3 percent of the U.S. population.[3][2][4] This "is in the same ballpark" as figures from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which estimated that 11.4 million illegal immigrants lived in the United States in January 2012.[1][5] The estimate and trends are also consistent with figures reported by the Center for Migration Studies, which reported that the U.S. illegal immigrant population fell to 10.9 million by January 2016, the lowest number since 2003.[6]
We've had essentially the same border we've had since what, 1960 or so? In that same amount of time, the wealth of this nation has increased by massive leaps and bounds. We have incredibly high literacy, incredibly high functionality, incredibly high levels of technological achievements, artistic exploits that are world-class, industries that create more revenue than many other nation's entire GDP.

It would seem to me that if the Illegal aliens were sucking out a trillion dollars every decade from the country and contributing nothing; our dominance in the financial, technological, military, and even cultural realms would not have been possible over the past 60 years or so. So I don't think there is much of a crisis on the border.

That being said, if you're here illegally, you should be deported. I would be for giving an illegal alien a place near the front of the line if they have been here for a while, have worked steadily, been on the right side of the law in all other areas, Saying "go to the back of the line" seems silly.

So why have lines it you can break the law and get to the front?


If you’re hiring someone to work in your company, would you hire the first person in line or would you perhaps look for someone who has been in your industry, been successful, and dependable? If we’re going to let people into the country, I think it’s a better ideas to have people who are contributors vs those who may not be as industrious. The first guy in line may be the next Bill Gates. He may also be the next mass murderer. Seems like it’s a no-brainer that if someone has been here a while, has not otherwise broken any laws, has raised a family perhaps, shown up everyday for work, etc… they are the types of people you would want to be citizens not just the first applicant.

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.
The number of illegal immigrants peaked at about 12 million in 2007 and since that time has declined.[1] According to the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, the estimated population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. rose rapidly in the 1990s, "from an estimated 3.5 million in 1990 to a peak of 12.2 million in 2007," then dropped sharply during the Great Recession before stabilizing in 2009.[2] Pew estimated the total population to be 11.1 million in 2014, or approximately 3 percent of the U.S. population.[3][2][4] This "is in the same ballpark" as figures from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which estimated that 11.4 million illegal immigrants lived in the United States in January 2012.[1][5] The estimate and trends are also consistent with figures reported by the Center for Migration Studies, which reported that the U.S. illegal immigrant population fell to 10.9 million by January 2016, the lowest number since 2003.[6]

First your shit is based on 10 year old data, and then there's this, published in Sep.
Professors at Yale University have roiled the immigration debate with a new study calculating there are between 16 million and 30 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. — as much as three times more than most demographers figure.

The professors’ model looked at estimates of how many people came illegally, and how many people likely left, and concluded there are a lot more people who arrived than the 11 million suggested by traditional estimates. The model says the most likely figure is double that, at about 22 million.

Yale study finds U.S. illegal immigrant population ‘substantially larger’ than previous estimates

No they cannot. All they can rely on is that Trump and Fox News says there is. Of course, how you define a crisis really just depends. Do you think it is a national crisis that ANY illegal immigrants crossing over is a crisis? It’s certainly a priority to limit this, but if you think it is a national crisis simply because it happens to some degree, then you are a snowflake of epic proportions. Illegal immigration has always been a thing. The rate at which it is currently happening does not make it a crisis because migration from Mexico has been declining since the 2008 recession. In fact, Mexicans are leaving the US at about the same rate lol.

So here is the challenge for republicans to prove there is a border crisis. What facts, statistics, and trends do you have that suggest there is a “border crisis”? Again, just because illegal immigration hasn’t stopped yet, it doesn’t make it a crisis. Illegal immigration has always been a thing regardless of who is president.

Mexican Immigrants in the United States

You sir are an attention whore. And an ignorant one at that. Stupidest post of 2018 right here. It’s dumbfuck such as your self that enables crooked fucking political hacks in Washington fuck everything up so bad. It’s dumbshits such as yourself that got us Trump. I hope you are proud.
We've had essentially the same border we've had since what, 1960 or so? In that same amount of time, the wealth of this nation has increased by massive leaps and bounds. We have incredibly high literacy, incredibly high functionality, incredibly high levels of technological achievements, artistic exploits that are world-class, industries that create more revenue than many other nation's entire GDP.

It would seem to me that if the Illegal aliens were sucking out a trillion dollars every decade from the country and contributing nothing; our dominance in the financial, technological, military, and even cultural realms would not have been possible over the past 60 years or so. So I don't think there is much of a crisis on the border.

That being said, if you're here illegally, you should be deported. I would be for giving an illegal alien a place near the front of the line if they have been here for a while, have worked steadily, been on the right side of the law in all other areas, Saying "go to the back of the line" seems silly.

So why have lines it you can break the law and get to the front?


If you’re hiring someone to work in your company, would you hire the first person in line or would you perhaps look for someone who has been in your industry, been successful, and dependable? If we’re going to let people into the country, I think it’s a better ideas to have people who are contributors vs those who may not be as industrious. The first guy in line may be the next Bill Gates. He may also be the next mass murderer. Seems like it’s a no-brainer that if someone has been here a while, has not otherwise broken any laws, has raised a family perhaps, shown up everyday for work, etc… they are the types of people you would want to be citizens not just the first applicant.

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.
Can you understand why we need to slam the door in their faces?
We've had essentially the same border we've had since what, 1960 or so? In that same amount of time, the wealth of this nation has increased by massive leaps and bounds. We have incredibly high literacy, incredibly high functionality, incredibly high levels of technological achievements, artistic exploits that are world-class, industries that create more revenue than many other nation's entire GDP.

It would seem to me that if the Illegal aliens were sucking out a trillion dollars every decade from the country and contributing nothing; our dominance in the financial, technological, military, and even cultural realms would not have been possible over the past 60 years or so. So I don't think there is much of a crisis on the border.

That being said, if you're here illegally, you should be deported. I would be for giving an illegal alien a place near the front of the line if they have been here for a while, have worked steadily, been on the right side of the law in all other areas, Saying "go to the back of the line" seems silly.

So why have lines it you can break the law and get to the front?


If you’re hiring someone to work in your company, would you hire the first person in line or would you perhaps look for someone who has been in your industry, been successful, and dependable? If we’re going to let people into the country, I think it’s a better ideas to have people who are contributors vs those who may not be as industrious. The first guy in line may be the next Bill Gates. He may also be the next mass murderer. Seems like it’s a no-brainer that if someone has been here a while, has not otherwise broken any laws, has raised a family perhaps, shown up everyday for work, etc… they are the types of people you would want to be citizens not just the first applicant.

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.
Can you understand why we need to slam the door in their faces?

Whose face would that be?
So why have lines it you can break the law and get to the front?


If you’re hiring someone to work in your company, would you hire the first person in line or would you perhaps look for someone who has been in your industry, been successful, and dependable? If we’re going to let people into the country, I think it’s a better ideas to have people who are contributors vs those who may not be as industrious. The first guy in line may be the next Bill Gates. He may also be the next mass murderer. Seems like it’s a no-brainer that if someone has been here a while, has not otherwise broken any laws, has raised a family perhaps, shown up everyday for work, etc… they are the types of people you would want to be citizens not just the first applicant.

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.
Can you understand why we need to slam the door in their faces?

Whose face would that be?
The poverty stricken migrant of course.
We allow a million a year in after that the door is closed. We don't need more people competing for lower level jobs.
No they cannot. All they can rely on is that Trump and Fox News says there is. Of course, how you define a crisis really just depends. Do you think it is a national crisis that ANY illegal immigrants crossing over is a crisis? It’s certainly a priority to limit this, but if you think it is a national crisis simply because it happens to some degree, then you are a snowflake of epic proportions. Illegal immigration has always been a thing. The rate at which it is currently happening does not make it a crisis because migration from Mexico has been declining since the 2008 recession. In fact, Mexicans are leaving the US at about the same rate lol.

So here is the challenge for republicans to prove there is a border crisis. What facts, statistics, and trends do you have that suggest there is a “border crisis”? Again, just because illegal immigration hasn’t stopped yet, it doesn’t make it a crisis. Illegal immigration has always been a thing regardless of who is president.

Mexican Immigrants in the United States

Can the left learn to spell? I think not.
If you’re hiring someone to work in your company, would you hire the first person in line or would you perhaps look for someone who has been in your industry, been successful, and dependable? If we’re going to let people into the country, I think it’s a better ideas to have people who are contributors vs those who may not be as industrious. The first guy in line may be the next Bill Gates. He may also be the next mass murderer. Seems like it’s a no-brainer that if someone has been here a while, has not otherwise broken any laws, has raised a family perhaps, shown up everyday for work, etc… they are the types of people you would want to be citizens not just the first applicant.

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.
Can you understand why we need to slam the door in their faces?

Whose face would that be?
The poverty stricken migrant of course.
We allow a million a year in after that the door is closed. We don't need more people competing for lower level jobs.

Oh...well, I was talking about the guy who is here living in the shadows who has been here for a while, put down roots, perhaps raised a family and who is making a living; essentially what most Americans are doing. The difference is that he is here illegally. My point is that if you have someone who is a proven solid citizen, why make him go to the "back of the line" and allow in a person who is an "unknown" in terms of how they will behave here once granted citizenship?

As for your post, I'm with you. I think we allow too many in from everywhere.
So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.
Can you understand why we need to slam the door in their faces?

Whose face would that be?
The poverty stricken migrant of course.
We allow a million a year in after that the door is closed. We don't need more people competing for lower level jobs.

Oh...well, I was talking about the guy who is here living in the shadows who has been here for a while, put down roots, perhaps raised a family and who is making a living; essentially what most Americans are doing. The difference is that he is here illegally. My point is that if you have someone who is a proven solid citizen, why make him go to the "back of the line" and allow in a person who is an "unknown" in terms of how they will behave here once granted citizenship?

As for your post, I'm with you. I think we allow too many in from everywhere.
Why fix the problem of having water in your boat until after you have sealed the leak.
We've had essentially the same border we've had since what, 1960 or so? In that same amount of time, the wealth of this nation has increased by massive leaps and bounds. We have incredibly high literacy, incredibly high functionality, incredibly high levels of technological achievements, artistic exploits that are world-class, industries that create more revenue than many other nation's entire GDP.

It would seem to me that if the Illegal aliens were sucking out a trillion dollars every decade from the country and contributing nothing; our dominance in the financial, technological, military, and even cultural realms would not have been possible over the past 60 years or so. So I don't think there is much of a crisis on the border.

That being said, if you're here illegally, you should be deported. I would be for giving an illegal alien a place near the front of the line if they have been here for a while, have worked steadily, been on the right side of the law in all other areas, Saying "go to the back of the line" seems silly.

So why have lines it you can break the law and get to the front?


If you’re hiring someone to work in your company, would you hire the first person in line or would you perhaps look for someone who has been in your industry, been successful, and dependable? If we’re going to let people into the country, I think it’s a better ideas to have people who are contributors vs those who may not be as industrious. The first guy in line may be the next Bill Gates. He may also be the next mass murderer. Seems like it’s a no-brainer that if someone has been here a while, has not otherwise broken any laws, has raised a family perhaps, shown up everyday for work, etc… they are the types of people you would want to be citizens not just the first applicant.

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.

What do you not understand about ILLEGAL? I don't give a fuck why they do what they do, you can't say you want to be part of a country and the first thing you do is break it's laws and continue to break it's laws.

By your reasoning a thief shouldn't be arrested as long as they don't steal too much. They are a drain on every resource this country has and costs us more than 100 billion a year. We can't take in the 1.4 billion people that would like to come here and remain a country. You want to talk about Christian values, how about we start with 'obey the laws of the land".

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.
Can you understand why we need to slam the door in their faces?

Whose face would that be?
The poverty stricken migrant of course.
We allow a million a year in after that the door is closed. We don't need more people competing for lower level jobs.

Oh...well, I was talking about the guy who is here living in the shadows who has been here for a while, put down roots, perhaps raised a family and who is making a living; essentially what most Americans are doing. The difference is that he is here illegally. My point is that if you have someone who is a proven solid citizen, why make him go to the "back of the line" and allow in a person who is an "unknown" in terms of how they will behave here once granted citizenship?

As for your post, I'm with you. I think we allow too many in from everywhere.

You're talking about parasites.

We've had essentially the same border we've had since what, 1960 or so? In that same amount of time, the wealth of this nation has increased by massive leaps and bounds. We have incredibly high literacy, incredibly high functionality, incredibly high levels of technological achievements, artistic exploits that are world-class, industries that create more revenue than many other nation's entire GDP.

It would seem to me that if the Illegal aliens were sucking out a trillion dollars every decade from the country and contributing nothing; our dominance in the financial, technological, military, and even cultural realms would not have been possible over the past 60 years or so. So I don't think there is much of a crisis on the border.

That being said, if you're here illegally, you should be deported. I would be for giving an illegal alien a place near the front of the line if they have been here for a while, have worked steadily, been on the right side of the law in all other areas, Saying "go to the back of the line" seems silly.

So why have lines it you can break the law and get to the front?


If you’re hiring someone to work in your company, would you hire the first person in line or would you perhaps look for someone who has been in your industry, been successful, and dependable? If we’re going to let people into the country, I think it’s a better ideas to have people who are contributors vs those who may not be as industrious. The first guy in line may be the next Bill Gates. He may also be the next mass murderer. Seems like it’s a no-brainer that if someone has been here a while, has not otherwise broken any laws, has raised a family perhaps, shown up everyday for work, etc… they are the types of people you would want to be citizens not just the first applicant.

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.

What do you not understand about ILLEGAL? I don't give a fuck why they do what they do, you can't say you want to be part of a country and the first thing you do is break it's laws and continue to break it's laws.

By your reasoning a thief shouldn't be arrested as long as they don't steal too much. They are a drain on every resource this country has and costs us more than 100 billion a year. We can't take in the 1.4 billion people that would like to come here and remain a country. You want to talk about Christian values, how about we start with 'obey the laws of the land".


Nice fantasy:

Here is what I really said:

That being said, if you're here illegally, you should be deported. I would be for giving an illegal alien a place near the front of the line if they have been here for a while, have worked steadily, been on the right side of the law in all other areas, Saying "go to the back of the line" seems silly.
So why have lines it you can break the law and get to the front?


If you’re hiring someone to work in your company, would you hire the first person in line or would you perhaps look for someone who has been in your industry, been successful, and dependable? If we’re going to let people into the country, I think it’s a better ideas to have people who are contributors vs those who may not be as industrious. The first guy in line may be the next Bill Gates. He may also be the next mass murderer. Seems like it’s a no-brainer that if someone has been here a while, has not otherwise broken any laws, has raised a family perhaps, shown up everyday for work, etc… they are the types of people you would want to be citizens not just the first applicant.

So how many laws and how many times can they break them and still qualify to be special? It's illegal to enter, it's illegal to remain, it's illegal to work and in most states it's illegal to drive. Every time they do those they are in violation of the law. The longer they're here the more times they violate various laws, and you think that should be rewarded. What alternate universe do you live in?

Can you understand why they came here?
Can you understand why they stayed here?
Can you understand why they worked here?
Can you understand why they drive here?

Would you have done the same thing? The answer is yes. But we've established you have zero Christian values --remember when you hoped someone close to me was murdered?

If they haven't caused any damage; why not take a known quantity over an unknown quantity? Most would. Unless they are unforgivably stupid; such as yourself.

What do you not understand about ILLEGAL? I don't give a fuck why they do what they do, you can't say you want to be part of a country and the first thing you do is break it's laws and continue to break it's laws.

By your reasoning a thief shouldn't be arrested as long as they don't steal too much. They are a drain on every resource this country has and costs us more than 100 billion a year. We can't take in the 1.4 billion people that would like to come here and remain a country. You want to talk about Christian values, how about we start with 'obey the laws of the land".


Nice fantasy:

Here is what I really said:

That being said, if you're here illegally, you should be deported. I would be for giving an illegal alien a place near the front of the line if they have been here for a while, have worked steadily, been on the right side of the law in all other areas, Saying "go to the back of the line" seems silly.

The first thing you have to realize they have been on the "right" side of the law, our laws don't reward criminals and they never should. That's why they need to criminalize visa overstays.


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