Can The Students Be Silenced?


Since the student s of Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles,.

One need read no further to see the fatal flaw in all of this. The kids" aren't saying a word about safer schools, better security, higher protection, more defensive training, more proactive police who actually show up to save them, not to mention a revamping of the schools, a healthier environment or a check on why so many kids have mental health issues and harbor them towards their schools and other classmates! No. Not a word focused on any of the things that should be done and which might help, and one needs asked why they haven't already been done long ago. No. The total focus of these kids is just to "ban guns."

There is no such thing as an assault-type rifle, and that blows a fuse for a liberal to hear it, so they outright try to claim the invalidity of the statement, and to "ban the sale of semi-auto assault-type rifles," one would need to ban nearly ALL RIFLES, since that would leave only bolt action competition, gaming and sport rifles left essentially. Put another way, BAN RIFLES. And what is the point of banning them when there are millions and millions of them still out there already, unless you also ban their resale, exchange, gifting or trade, then confiscate them under force of law by kicking down ever door in America and felonize their ownership with draconian punishments? With rifles now out of the way (long-range weapons) and America a Police State of total authoritarian government control, the groundwork is now laid to ban handguns, since these are used in crime FAR MORE OFTEN and are ideal for close quarter shooting. Why sure! A New and Better America where children can now school with peace of mind. So to all those children out there who, with and without their parents help not even old enough to shave yet who think their voice matters on rewriting the fundamental law of a nation they are barely even aware of yet, I don't care if you are a kid, got shot at, hurt, or what, you can go smoke a donkey's dick and shove it up your ass, because hell will freezer over before this country surrenders its guns to you!

NICE TRY LEFT, but if you think you can pull this one off on the defense of "looking out for the welfare of the children" you are dumb enough to run Hillary Clinton a third time. And I hope you do.

Says the old shitbird who'd probably foul his trousers if some nutjob opened fire on him. Lol. More tough talk from keyboard warriors.

I don't know, jackass------ I've had a lot of training and have dealt with a lot of angry and violent people, with and without a gun and haven't blinked yet, nor ever needed to shoot anyone, yet. When I see an ass like you take a topic like this and try to make it personal, that just tells me I must be awful close to the truth because you've run out of real points and have nothing left but personal attacks, and I'd bet would be the first person shitless in a gunfight, which is why you want them banned. Sorry sucker, you'll NEVER LIVE TO SEE IT.
Which do you value more, your children's lives or owning guns? Sorry, the rosy red cheeks of my grandchildren more than the rosy afterglow of a gun muzzle , I bet ya' all agree.
Depriving honest citizens of guns will do nothing to prevent criminals from having all they guns they want. I value the lives of my children and the children of others more than anything in the world. Therefore, I own and carry handguns...concealed...24/7. God forbid I should ever have to use one on a school shooter. That would mean he/she had already started killing children.

The sooner potential school shooters learn that they will be shot at after the first shot they make, the sooner their drive to become infamous will be diminished. The sooner it becomes a felony to publish pictures, names and complete history of shooters in the media, the less they would value doing it. Infamy is their most prevalent goal.

Uh .... you do realize that most of these shooters DIE at the end of their attack, and expect to die in the effort, do you not? They hate themselves as much as they hate others.
Um.. You realize if they never had a gun to begin with...Who the hell NEEDS a gun, anyway? It's a vicious cycle, boy-o. No guns, no need to protect us from them, it seems obvious.

You actually took my smartass post seriously? Holy shit; talk about naive. You sure you're ready for the internet?

Internet is ONE THING, a stupid jackass like you is another. Problem with the internet is that it gives an idiot buffoon like you an equal voice to others. You can always tell the real losers---- it makes them act like big men saying stuff they would NEVER say to another person's face! So GET OVER IT! Far more people in this country own far more guns than you possibly imagine, and they are your family, your friends, your neighbors and workmates, and no one is ever going to give them up because a few loons like you cannot be trusted not to shoot yourself with one.
I think it's pretty reasonable for kids to not want to get shot in their classroom while the "adults" do nothing except just tell them to deal with it and hope nothing bad happens to them (because knowing something and telling someone apparently doesn't work).
It is also reasonable to believe that employing retired police and military personnel to shoot back immediately instead of waiting for the uniformed police to arrive and count the bodies will reduce the casualties in school shootings and eventually decrease the frequency of them. Schools being kept "gun free zones" will never work. Shooters are attracted to gun free zones simply because they exist.

How do you know why shooters are attracted to schools?

Anyway, I don't really give a shit; I'm not a kid, and I don't have any kids. They can get fucked, as far as I'm concerned. But it's laughable that the gun nuts are so indignant that these kids should dare possess the temerity to suggest they ought to be safe at school. How dare they tread on my 2nd ammendment! Let's continue to do nothing, btw. Lul.

Oh yeah, and when the next one happens, we'll pretend to be sad for a few days, mumble about mental health ... oh, and "thoughts and prayers", lolololol. Fuck those whiny kids and their whiny little lives.
It should be obvious to anyone with an IQ exceeding 50 that shooters prefer gun free zones.

I didn't realize you were such a callous idiot until that last post. Also, you tend to assume that you know what others think regarding the 2nd Amendment. I think you do not even know what the 2nd Amendment means.

It is good that you do not have children. Please stay that way.

Aww, did I hurt your little feelings? Not sure how I pulled that one off.

I have simply adapted to the way these boards work. They're not serious, just full of idiots and trolls. No point in trying to take any of it seriously.
Which do you value more, your children's lives or owning guns? Sorry, the rosy red cheeks of my grandchildren more than the rosy afterglow of a gun muzzle , I bet ya' all agree.
Depriving honest citizens of guns will do nothing to prevent criminals from having all they guns they want. I value the lives of my children and the children of others more than anything in the world. Therefore, I own and carry handguns...concealed...24/7. God forbid I should ever have to use one on a school shooter. That would mean he/she had already started killing children.

The sooner potential school shooters learn that they will be shot at after the first shot they make, the sooner their drive to become infamous will be diminished. The sooner it becomes a felony to publish pictures, names and complete history of shooters in the media, the less they would value doing it. Infamy is their most prevalent goal.

Uh .... you do realize that most of these shooters DIE at the end of their attack, and expect to die in the effort, do you not? They hate themselves as much as they hate others.
Um.. You realize if they never had a gun to begin with...Who the hell NEEDS a gun, anyway? It's a vicious cycle, boy-o. No guns, no need to protect us from them, it seems obvious.

You actually took my smartass post seriously? Holy shit; talk about naive. You sure you're ready for the internet?

Internet is ONE THING, a stupid jackass like you is another. Problem with the internet is that it gives a idiot buffoon like you an equal voice to others.


Looks like I'm finally fitting in around here.
Which do you value more, your children's lives or owning guns? Sorry, the rosy red cheeks of my grandchildren more than the rosy afterglow of a gun muzzle , I bet ya' all agree.
Depriving honest citizens of guns will do nothing to prevent criminals from having all they guns they want. I value the lives of my children and the children of others more than anything in the world. Therefore, I own and carry handguns...concealed...24/7. God forbid I should ever have to use one on a school shooter. That would mean he/she had already started killing children.

The sooner potential school shooters learn that they will be shot at after the first shot they make, the sooner their drive to become infamous will be diminished. The sooner it becomes a felony to publish pictures, names and complete history of shooters in the media, the less they would value doing it. Infamy is their most prevalent goal.

Uh .... you do realize that most of these shooters DIE at the end of their attack, and expect to die in the effort, do you not? They hate themselves as much as they hate others.
Um.. You realize if they never had a gun to begin with...Who the hell NEEDS a gun, anyway? It's a vicious cycle, boy-o. No guns, no need to protect us from them, it seems obvious.

You actually took my smartass post seriously? Holy shit; talk about naive. You sure you're ready for the internet?

Internet is ONE THING, a stupid jackass like you is another. Problem with the internet is that it gives an idiot buffoon like you an equal voice to others. You can always tell the real losers---- it makes them act like big men saying stuff they would NEVER say to another person's face! So GET OVER IT! Far more people in this country own far more guns than you possibly imagine, and they are your family, your friends, your neighbors and workmates, and no one is ever going to give them up because a few loons like you cannot be trusted not to shoot yourself with one.

Also, I don't think I'd have much to worry about from you IRL. I mean, what are you going to do; roll over my foot in your wheelchair? Pretty sure they don't let invalids handle guns in the nursing home. I'm actually amazed you're coherent enough to use a keyboard, even if your thoughts are scattershot and you seem to think you're some sort of badass action hero. I bet you could kill a man in over 700 ways with your bare hands alone, couldn't you? Yep, sure ya can, hehe.
I think it's pretty reasonable for kids to not want to get shot in their classroom while the "adults" do nothing except just tell them to deal with it and hope nothing bad happens to them (because knowing something and telling someone apparently doesn't work).
It is also reasonable to believe that employing retired police and military personnel to shoot back immediately instead of waiting for the uniformed police to arrive and count the bodies will reduce the casualties in school shootings and eventually decrease the frequency of them. Schools being kept "gun free zones" will never work. Shooters are attracted to gun free zones simply because they exist.

How do you know why shooters are attracted to schools?

Anyway, I don't really give a shit; I'm not a kid, and I don't have any kids. They can get fucked, as far as I'm concerned. But it's laughable that the gun nuts are so indignant that these kids should dare possess the temerity to suggest they ought to be safe at school. How dare they tread on my 2nd ammendment! Let's continue to do nothing, btw. Lul.

Oh yeah, and when the next one happens, we'll pretend to be sad for a few days, mumble about mental health ... oh, and "thoughts and prayers", lolololol. Fuck those whiny kids and their whiny little lives.
It should be obvious to anyone with an IQ exceeding 50 that shooters prefer gun free zones.

I didn't realize you were such a callous idiot until that last post. Also, you tend to assume that you know what others think regarding the 2nd Amendment. I think you do not even know what the 2nd Amendment means.

It is good that you do not have children. Please stay that way.

Aww, did I hurt your little feelings? Not sure how I pulled that one off.

I have simply adapted to the way these boards work. They're not serious, just full of idiots and trolls. No point in trying to take any of it seriously.
You didn't. Feel free to pat yourself on the back and pretend you did.

The bell shaped curve applies to posters here...idiots and trolls on the left, conservatives on the right, assholes and extremists on both ends.
I think it's pretty reasonable for kids to not want to get shot in their classroom while the "adults" do nothing except just tell them to deal with it and hope nothing bad happens to them (because knowing something and telling someone apparently doesn't work).
It is also reasonable to believe that employing retired police and military personnel to shoot back immediately instead of waiting for the uniformed police to arrive and count the bodies will reduce the casualties in school shootings and eventually decrease the frequency of them. Schools being kept "gun free zones" will never work. Shooters are attracted to gun free zones simply because they exist.

How do you know why shooters are attracted to schools?

Anyway, I don't really give a shit; I'm not a kid, and I don't have any kids. They can get fucked, as far as I'm concerned. But it's laughable that the gun nuts are so indignant that these kids should dare possess the temerity to suggest they ought to be safe at school. How dare they tread on my 2nd ammendment! Let's continue to do nothing, btw. Lul.

Oh yeah, and when the next one happens, we'll pretend to be sad for a few days, mumble about mental health ... oh, and "thoughts and prayers", lolololol. Fuck those whiny kids and their whiny little lives.
I notice every one of you lying scumbags always spin bullshit like this and never ever want to really solve the problem. All you do is attack the NRA and people who have killed anyone. You are the reason these kids keep getting murdered.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

The only ones that want the kids silenced are the ones that make money off the deaths of school shootings and their pathetic enablers which we all know who they are.

That describes the Democrat Party to a "T". Thanks for pointing that out.
Your ridiculous comment,stupid comment on such a complicated matter and situation,RENDERS YOUR COMMENT AS INANE.....,IS THE QUALIFICATION TO BE A MODERATOR,MERELY CHEAP SLACK ONE LINERS.......Not Good Enough,Off to the Naughty Corner...steven

My comment is ACCURATE, which is why it pisses you off. We KNOW how to prevent these mass killings and morons, like you, prevent those policies from being enforced. Furthermore, it is morons, like you, who allowed this vile piece of shit to be walking around as a free person. Had they done the proper thing when this little shit started attacking teachers, and his family, he would have been precluded from buying a gun. ANY gun. But no, you idiots felt that he needed a chance. Your "chances" seem to end up with dead people an inordinate amount of the time.
Nothing Pisses me off other than Dead Children.....You KNOW how to prevent these mass killings!!!!!What a load of SHIT that is...your failure rate must be Worlds Best,you Dope....Your AGGRESSIVE STANCE of "It is Morons,like you who allowed this Vile Piece of Shit to be walking around" is such Stupidity as to render You an IBECILE.......We had one Mass Shooting...THEN OUR Conservative Government,BANNED GUNS=LOW GUN DEATH RATE and NO MASS KILLINGS.............You are Guilty and Carry the GUILTINESS.....Always, Stand aside let the YOAmerica decide...YOU ARE A FAILURE as complete failure can be.....but keep blaming everyone else.........Gutless Westwall Gutless indeed and Irresponsible...steve

Yes, we KNOW how to prevent them. Israel had a series of school shootings in the 1970's. They ARMED random teachers who are well trained. No one except the Admin knows who they are, they also hardened the schools to single point access. Duh. It ain't rocket science. Care to guess how many school shootings they have had since then?
this is the mindset of every lefty activist:View attachment 179998

No Hog it doesnt seem like we're living in the sixties.
We didnt have school shootings in the sixties ya fuken moron.
What a weak ass attempt to try and tie the Little Rascals protest to the sixties.
The children of America have shown that the generation of Americans,DO HAVE A BACK BONE

If by DO HAVE A BACK BONE, you mean are indoctrinated, easily-led chattle, then yes!

this is the mindset of every lefty activist:View attachment 179998
David Hogg isn't smart enough to hide his handler's real agenda.
Democrats have been living in the 60s most of their lives.
They think they can set us back 50 years and re-live the good ole days of civil unrest.

the best thing about the 60s was the miniskirts, why cant they bring those back?

But they didnt have yoga pants and leggings....:eusa_drool:

View attachment 180007
View attachment 180008

If they did, they'd be much shorter! :)
Easily led? You fell for a PT Barnum like huckster. You fell for a con man. Those kids are a lot smarter and clearer thinkers than you will ever be.

Yes, easily led. Care to try a Tide pod?
How the cons and gun bunnies act to the marches later this month will determine how far the student action will go and how strong it will be.

Media will cover them to varying degrees.

Everyone else not connected to them will shrug.
this is the mindset of every lefty activist:View attachment 179998

No Hog it doesnt seem like we're living in the sixties.
We didnt have school shootings in the sixties ya fuken moron.
What a weak ass attempt to try and tie the Little Rascals protest to the sixties.
The children of America have shown that the generation of Americans,DO HAVE A BACK BONE

Brains would be more useful.

i dont know about Australia but here in the United States begging to having your freedoms taken away

by men with guns does not sound like "having a back bone"

sound more like "brainwashed parrot "

"Hey kids, hopefully our thoughts and prayers will keep you safe (they won't, lul), because WE "responsible adults" (double lul) ain't doing SHIT to prevent this from happening again. In fact, here's to some more school shootings in 2018!!! Lololol!"

- The U.S. government, led by the right.

Indeed. Government agencies fucked up, even in light of multiple warnings.

So go after them.
Deleted a number of posts for lack of content, personal attacks, trolling.

Zone 2, people,

Stay on topic
The OP is striking bad vibes with the gun supporter crowd.

It should be.

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