Can the women's movement ever restore the credibility it lost when it continued to support Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal?

The nation is doing well with wo.en who want to stay home and raise the kids do just that. It also is doing equally well with those young women choosing not to have kids not to have them. They'd rather work in their careers. This had zero negative effect. Zero. A decline in birth rates is not an issue whatsoever.
I think not.

Also, the women's movement continues to lose credibility since it does not go after Joe Biden, who is "handsy" with innocent women and girls who come within his reach.

You're right. You don't think.

What does the Monica Lewinsky scandal have to do with Bill Clinton's record on women's rights? One matter is personal, and the other is a matter of public policy.

Furthermore, you can support the Democrats on women's rights, or you have watch Republicans gut them. The Republicans were prepared to allow insurance companies to call pregnancy, childbirth, and rape "pre-existing conditions" for the purpose of pricing women's health insurance. They refuse to provide universal health care, child care, or mandated maternity leave which women in every other first world county already have.

Women aren't even equal under the Constitution, and the Republican Party has openly and staunchly opposed the ERA for women. That's in addition to undermining a woman's right to choose.

So before you go castigated feminists for supporting Bill Clinton, what were their other options?

I think not.

Also, the women's movement continues to lose credibility since it does not go after Joe Biden, who is "handsy" with innocent women and girls who come within his reach.
What about women for Trump.
Donald Trump, 5 children with 3 different women. Had multiple affairs while married. Is on film bragging that he grabs women by the pussy and has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s.
Your cult leader is quite the gentleman
The nation is doing well with wo.en who want to stay home and raise the kids do just that. It also is doing equally well with those young women choosing not to have kids not to have them. They'd rather work in their careers. This had zero negative effect. Zero. A decline in birth rates is not an issue whatsoever.

The decline in birth rates is a HUGE issue. This is the basis of the belief in the "replacement theory" - that white Americans are not reproducing fast enough to keep American white. White women aren't having babies - because they can't afford to raise them in the US economy. The Republican Party's refusal to address "women's issues" of maternity leave, child care, and universal health care, have resulted in a generation of young white women who are getting sterilized at a young age so they can afford to have a life, or the freedom of a career over parenthood.

It's so much easier to get ahead economically if you don't have the fiscal drag of children, and child care costs to hold you back.

I think not.

Also, the women's movement continues to lose credibility since it does not go after Joe Biden, who is "handsy" with innocent women and girls who come within his reach.

I know lots of men who are "handsy" and neither mean nor intend anything creepy by it. Just because the guy who voted for was a self-admitted serial sexual predator, and this was confirmed by more than 20 of his victims, you try to label every man to be just as crude and disgusting as Trump.

Shame on you for thinking all men are the same.
I think not.

Also, the women's movement continues to lose credibility since it does not go after Joe Biden, who is "handsy" with innocent women and girls who come within his reach.
Can con-servatives christians ever restore the credibility they lost when they went all in for Trump?
Instead of this constant barrage of nonsense from some men about women, with all of its Hollywood fantasies, why don't you guys discuss with honesty your own refusal to respect your fellow human beings as equals? Just what are you trying to prove or accomplish? These kinds of articles prove absolutely nothing constructive.
I think not.

Also, the women's movement continues to lose credibility since it does not go after Joe Biden, who is "handsy" with innocent women and girls who come within his reach.
The same with prosecutors, why aren't they going after Biden?

Could it be..........................................Trumptards have no proof?

As usual.
You're right. You don't think.

What does the Monica Lewinsky scandal have to do with Bill Clinton's record on women's rights? One matter is personal, and the other is a matter of public policy.

Furthermore, you can support the Democrats on women's rights, or you have watch Republicans gut them. The Republicans were prepared to allow insurance companies to call pregnancy, childbirth, and rape "pre-existing conditions" for the purpose of pricing women's health insurance. They refuse to provide universal health care, child care, or mandated maternity leave which women in every other first world county already have.

Women aren't even equal under the Constitution, and the Republican Party has openly and staunchly opposed the ERA for women. That's in addition to undermining a woman's right to choose.

So before you go castigated feminists for supporting Bill Clinton, what were their other options?

You kind of say the same thing about Trump and supporters. There were other candidates besides Clinton. Without Perot running, no Prog would have won that election anyway.
Cheating on your wife is not exactly the same as obstructing the goals of feminism.
I think not.

Also, the women's movement continues to lose credibility since it does not go after Joe Biden, who is "handsy" with innocent women and girls who come within his reach.

Look.....the "women's movement," targets republicans and democrats who are no longer useful to the party....what more do you want?
Well the same can be said by a candidate saying grab em by their privates.

Of course, you lie. Trump stated a simple truth that the Hollywood actresses who are looking to move up in the misogynist, democrat party controlled industry let rich and powerful men do that to them...with their consent....he didn't say he did it.......

joe biden? And other democrats...don't bother with long as they are useful to the party and vote to let democrat party women kill their babies, they can treat low level democrat women any way they want...
You kind of say the same thing about Trump and supporters. There were other candidates besides Clinton. Without Perot running, no Prog would have won that election anyway.

You can say the same thing about every Republican since Eisenhauer. Republicans attitude and treatment of women is such that I fail to see how any sane woman can vote for this party.

"Women's issues" are ignored by Republicans as unimportant as compared to the economy, but women's issues ARE economic issues - family economic issues, which is something that Republicans really don't care about.

Of course, you lie. Trump stated a simple truth that the Hollywood actresses who are looking to move up in the misogynist, democrat party controlled industry let rich and powerful men do that to them...with their consent....he didn't say he did it.......

joe biden? And other democrats...don't bother with long as they are useful to the party and vote to let democrat party women kill their babies, they can treat low level democrat women any way they want...

What is really disgusting about you clowns is that you continue to defend Trump's assaulting women. And he most definitely said he did it. Perhaps you need a refresher, since you're so WRONG on the facts of what he said:

Trump was admitting that he grabbed women without asking. Something that was immediately confirmed by more than 20 women he had attacked - none of whom were "actresses". It was simply "women".
The nation is doing well with wo.en who want to stay home and raise the kids do just that. It also is doing equally well with those young women choosing not to have kids not to have them. They'd rather work in their careers. This had zero negative effect. Zero. A decline in birth rates is not an issue whatsoever.

No it's not. There are literally millions of women who would like to stay home with their kids, but they can't afford to do it. Only 29% of women are "stay at home" moms, and they're at the top of the income scale - the wives of the highest earners. Only the rich kids have a Mom waiting at home for them.

Child care is an enormous issue for all working women. It now costs in excess of $200 per week for day care for infants and toddlers. If you're making minimum wage, that's everything you make. Every working woman has child care issues, unless she has a trusted family member living with her that gives her flexibility and options.

Not once ever have I hear a Republican politician talk about child care for working women. When Republican Senators formed a Health Care Committee to write Trump's Health Care Bill, there wasn't one woman on the panel, and the bill they crafted called rape, pregnancy and childbirth "pre-existing conditions".

Men here have posted that forcing people to buy health insurance in their 20's is ridiculous. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. We have babies in our 20's and 30's and spend a LOT of time in doctor's offices during those years. I had 5 pregnancies, 3 live births, and two miscarriages from the time I was 23 until my youngest was born when I was 40. I had 3 D&C's - one after each miscarriage and one for other issues, and I was hospitalized 7 times during this period for issues related to pregnancy and childbirth.

At no other time in my life have I needed or used health care like I did when I was having babies, and yet to hear men talk, none of this need or problems exist. Women are just fine. Even though American women have the highest rate of maternal death in childbirth, and American babies have the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world.

Yeah, that's why there's a feminist movement. Because women are doing just fine. Everything is hunky dory.
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No it's not. There are literally millions of women who would like to stay home with their kids, but they can't afford to do it. Only 29% of women are "stay at home" moms, and they're at the top of the income scale - the wives of the highest earners. Only the rich kids have a Mom waiting at home for them.

Child care is an enormous issue for all working women. It now costs in excess of $200 per week for day care for infants and toddlers. If you're making minimum wage, that's everything you make. Every working woman has child care issues, unless she has a trusted family member living with her that gives her flexibility and options.

Not once ever have I hear a Republican politician talk about child care for working women. When Republican Senators formed a Health Care Committee to write Trump's Health Care Bill, there wasn't one woman

Yes...I agree.....cut taxes so that you don't have to have two incomes just to buy cereal and gas...
You can say the same thing about every Republican since Eisenhauer. Republicans attitude and treatment of women is such that I fail to see how any sane woman can vote for this party.

"Women's issues" are ignored by Republicans as unimportant as compared to the economy, but women's issues ARE economic issues - family economic issues, which is something that Republicans really don't care about.

What is really disgusting about you clowns is that you continue to defend Trump's assaulting women. And he most definitely said he did it. Perhaps you need a refresher, since you're so WRONG on the facts of what he said:

Trump was admitting that he grabbed women without asking. Something that was immediately confirmed by more than 20 women he had attacked - none of whom were "actresses". It was simply "women".

Shit head.....he stated "They let you...." meaning they consented......

Now, you go to that audio tape because you know biden was accused of digitally rapiing a woman...actually doing what Trump simply talked about...with consent..but biden did it without consent...and you shitheads protected him...
Shit head.....he stated "They let you...." meaning they consented......

Now, you go to that audio tape because you know biden was accused of digitally rapiing a woman...actually doing what Trump simply talked about...with consent..but biden did it without consent...and you shitheads protected him...
Trump claimed, "They let you".
What woman would let any man, not her boyfriend or husband, grab them by the pussy?

"Digitally raping a woman"?
Whatever happened to Tara Reade?
Oh' yeah, her lawyer quit because she is a liar.
Why didn't Rudy pick up her case?

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