Can Trump Get a Jury Who Will Give Him a Fair Shake?

I didn’t say cheating was a crime. Just shows how shitty of a dude he is. But paying off his mistress and hiding the payment from legal campaign disclosures is a crime. Trumps attorney has already done time for it. Why shouldn’t Trump?
Trump's attorney is doing time for a taxi medallion scheme he and his father in law worked up.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is considered one of our greatest presidents. He had a many years long affair with Lucy Mercer. He moved his mistress into the white house. Eleanor had to face her husband's lover every day. Then there's JFK. Jackie once found another woman's bra in her bed. Clinton is well, Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Monica Lewinsky and all. It's too late for sex vapors.

Marital infidelity is not like giving arms to Israel and ten billion dollars to Iran
Trump's attorney is doing time for a taxi medallion scheme he and his father in law worked up.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is considered one of our greatest presidents. He had a many years long affair with Lucy Mercer. He moved his mistress into the white house. Eleanor had to face her husband's lover every day. Then there's JFK. Jackie once found another woman's bra in her bed. Clinton is well, Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Monica Lewinsky and all. It's too late for sex vapors.

Marital infidelity is not like giving arms to Israel and ten billion dollars to Iran
Pointing at other people’s bad behavior isn’t an excuse for others to do the same. I believe that’s a lesson we learn in kindergarten.

I don’t know where you get you news from but cohen pled guilty and did time for multiple counts the relevent one to this discussion being ….

in 2016, caused $280,000 in payments to be made to silence two women who otherwise planned to speak publicly about their alleged affairs with a presidential candidate, thereby intending to influence the 2016 presidential election. COHEN pled guilty today before U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III.

Trump played a part in this crime and is now facing the music. Why don’t think cohen should go down and Trump not?

Pointing at other people’s bad behavior isn’t an excuse for others to do the same. I believe that’s a lesson we learn in kindergarten.

I don’t know where you get you news from but cohen pled guilty and did time for multiple counts the relevent one to this discussion being ….

in 2016, caused $280,000 in payments to be made to silence two women who otherwise planned to speak publicly about their alleged affairs with a presidential candidate, thereby intending to influence the 2016 presidential election. COHEN pled guilty today before U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III.

Trump played a part in this crime and is now facing the music. Why don’t think cohen should go down and Trump not?

Statute of limitations on a misdemeanor for one.
Statute of limitations on a misdemeanor for one.
What’s the statute and what’s the misdemeanor you’re talking about? Dont be lazy and dodge. Back up your comment with details. Show that you know what you’re talking about.
Well isn't that quaint.

And prospective jurors should not be divided based on political affiliation. This is a criminal trail and not a political one. Look at the indictment. It's about the alleged crimes committed by the criminal defendant.
Defendants are guaranteed an UNBIASED JURY. Most democrats are convinced that Trump is the spawn of the devil.
Don’t forget about the part where he was caught on tape saying that he liked to just kiss beautiful women and stick his finger in their pussies… a recording that tanked his poll numbers and instigated the effort to hush up stormy so she didn’t tell her story and put the final nail in his campaign.
Except that isn't what he said. It what the anti-Trump media CLAIMED he said.
Trump has been painting the Jury Pool as biased against him.

What we have seen is jurors admitting they can’t be unbiased (one way or another) and getting excused from the jury.

The system is working
I've been on juries with people who claimed during voire dire that they were unbiased and then in the jury room insisted that every fact in the trial was wrong due to their biased beliefs. People lie to get on juries all the time, ESPECIALLY controversial juries or those in trials of famous people.
Try this
This is where you get your talking points from? A students opinion from Syracuse University??

I will say it is a well written piece. Objective presentation despite the obvious pro-Trump opinions.

The statute of limitations should be easily dismissed given the fact that the state was prevented from pursuing the case from Trumps DOJ as Barr stalled and buried the case.

The facts are also pretty clear that he made the payment to Cohen, labeled it as attorney fees and hid it from the public because if that story came to light in the wake of the Pussy Grabbing recording, Trumps campaign would have been toast.

Again. cohen went down for his Part. Why shouldn’t Trump as well?
Pointing at other people’s bad behavior isn’t an excuse for others to do the same. I believe that’s a lesson we learn in kindergarten.

I don’t know where you get you news from but cohen pled guilty and did time for multiple counts the relevent one to this discussion being ….

in 2016, caused $280,000 in payments to be made to silence two women who otherwise planned to speak publicly about their alleged affairs with a presidential candidate, thereby intending to influence the 2016 presidential election. COHEN pled guilty today before U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III.

Trump played a part in this crime and is now facing the music. Why don’t think cohen should go down and Trump not?

NDAs aren't illegal. Congress has spent millions buying NDAs to cover misconduct by representatives and senators. If anything, the two women are guilty of blackmail.

"Can Trump Get a Jury Who Will Give Him a Fair Shake? My Expert Opinion Is Yes, and Here’s Why."​

I too believe Mr. Trump can get a fair trial. Although I find his very person anathema, I believe in the justice system. I will not be upset if the jury finds Mr. Trump innocent. Why? The prosecution still has to prove it's case -- in a court of law: "Better that Ten Guilty Persons Go Free Than that One Innocent Person be Convicted."

Of course, Mr. Trump doesn’t want a fair trial. Like any other criminal defendant, he wants a jury that is biased in his favor. But can he get a jury that is able and willing to give him a fair shake?

My answer, based on my more than 40 years as a jury consultant for politicians, celebrities, Wall Street financiers and others accused of criminal wrongdoing, is that he can. Granted, Mr. Trump is as high-profile and polarizing as a defendant can be. But the adversarial nature of the selection process and the remarkable can-do attitude that jurors so often display result in a fair jury almost always.

For Mr. Trump, we’re about to find out

Keeper thread
A very dishonest thread. There is no way on Earth that Trump can get a fair trial in the deep blue cesspool of Manhattan and The Dainty full-well knows this.
This is where you get your talking points from? A students opinion from Syracuse University??

I will say it is a well written piece. Objective presentation despite the obvious pro-Trump opinions.

The statute of limitations should be easily dismissed given the fact that the state was prevented from pursuing the case from Trumps DOJ as Barr stalled and buried the case.

The facts are also pretty clear that he made the payment to Cohen, labeled it as attorney fees and hid it from the public because if that story came to light in the wake of the Pussy Grabbing recording, Trumps campaign would have been toast.

Again. cohen went down for his Part. Why shouldn’t Trump as well?
Perhaps Cohen shouldn't have gone down either. It is quite clear that enemy democrats will attack anyone with a connection to Trump. These proceedings would jade Stalin blush.
Many jurors are being banned because they have Facebook posts that say, "Lock Trump up and stuff like that"...:p

Yes, the courts are doing social media checks for Trump haters. They don't want them in court.
The juror -- No. B38 -- posted in 2017 on Facebook: "Good news!! Trump lost his court battle on his unlawful travel ban!!!”

Merchan said if the post had ended there, he might not have granted Blanche's bid, but it went on to say: "Get him out, lock him up."

"This is a person who has expressed the desire … that Mr. Trump be locked up," Merchan said, noting that Trump faces potential time behind bars if convicted at trial.

Prior to the dismissal, prosecutor Joshua Steinglass asked the juror if he still thinks Trump should be "locked up."

"No," the man responded, prompting Trump to crane his neck toward the man and flash him a smirk.
A potential juror was let go by Judge Juan Merchan, in part because of a social media post from March with an AI parody video of Trump titled "I'm dumb as f--k."
The prospective panelist -- No. B133 -- also posted on Facebook about the criminal documents case against the former prez saying "no one is above the law."
And the man chatted with friends on the platform late Monday about needing to return to court "tomorrow" for jury service though he said he "can't comment" when specifically asked if he was being vetted for Trump's case.
When probed in the courtroom by the lawyers and the judge, the man admitted he has a critical view of Trump "politically."
He also said that he sells buttons "to raise money" for a political action committee that supports getting people out to vote -- though he said the group isn't affiliated with a political party.
Merchan said the three posts may not have been an issue but the jurist added, "I'm having a hard time crediting his responses."

See! This is the BS we have to endure! They talk shit about him and then they want to be a Juror! Thank GOD they are checking their social media pages!

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