Can Trump really survive this?

The OP is the wrong question, and really, it's somewhat misleading considering the circumstances. What you should ask is can leftists survive Trump? Judging by how they've acted since the election, I don't see how they can.

The left have never been stronger. Trump can be thanked for that.

Is that right? That must explain why:

The POUS is Republican
The Senate majority is Republican
The House majority is Republican
The majority of Governors are Republican
The military and law enforcement lean Republican
And finally, hyper-sensitive liberals are erratic and irrational. They have never been so fragile. Find a safe-space.

Your reality is a fiction intended to protect snowflakes from true reality, which is the left shows all signs of weakness and failure.

Despite all of that, you and your viewpoint are in the minority. And the majority viewpoint of the left is only growing with every day that Trump continues being Trump.
The so-called president is a joke. The RW apparently likes having a joke tell them what to do and think.
The joke is you and the liberal left coupled with your Hellary shoo in folly. You were thrown to the curb BECAUSE of what you are. If Trump is so bad...HOW COULD HE POSSIBLY HAVE WON?
Never underestimate the stupidity of the RW in this country. And now you are all doubling down on this so-called president. Doesn't he make you proud?

Well let me tell you this. First I voted Democrat in every election until this one. The reason I didn't is because the party selected Hillary in 2008.

Now as bad as Trump may be I am always comforted by one thought. At least he isn't Hillary. That simple fact means that the bar Trump has to jump is already pretty low. I don't like what Sessions said about ending the compliance actions against police departments. I hope that position will change in the near future.

I will disagree with actions that Trump or the administration take. I will speak out against them. However that objection is always going to be moderated by the salient fact. Hillary is not President and I am thankful.

I voted for Dukakis. Seriously. One of my personal favorite Presidents is Carter. I can tell you why in a simple way. I respect anyone who walks the talk and Carter walked it. He said we had to turn our heaters down to conserve energy and then did it. He said that Three Mile Island was not going to explode from the parking lot of the power plant. It is said that only Nixon could go to China, and there is some truth to that. Only Carter could or would go to Three Mile Island. Only Carter would know what was really happening because he understood it.

Hillary is the one Democrat that could destroy the party. Time will tell if that is true. I read where Republicans were meeting with Trumps team about a carbon tax. Instead of screaming nonsense about impeaching him or trying to turn him out or whatever the Democrats should be there showing bipartisan support for it. Even if it fails it shows the party is motivated by principle and policy instead of anger and poor behavior.

I'd like the Democrats to regain the Majority. But it can't be the nutcase shadow of a party we have right now. You tell me, what is the goal and if it is to govern then one thing is clear. The Democratic Party is in no danger of having the opportunity to do so again before 2028.
Now, I know I was very pessimistic about the election, and I am still not quite sure how he survived the daily attacks and slams by the hypocritical marxist liars in the media.

This is entirely different animal. This is the marxist world that is committed to taking down Trump. In a way, Trump becoming president may be their best opportunity to utterly destroy the free market. That is the way they are seeing it, and it is going to be next to impossible to survive.

Especially when the inexperienced non political Trump makes an actual mistake. Again, we can list ALL of the things the media praised obama for. We can bring up drone strikes, how he put the 7 countries on the list, how he incited riots with his state department, had BLM form under his racist presidency, and how he allowed isis to grow into a monster.

Won't matter one bit with the sheep. Not one bit.

Can Trump survive this?
The OP is the wrong question, and really, it's somewhat misleading considering the circumstances. What you should ask is can leftists survive Trump? Judging by how they've acted since the election, I don't see how they can.

The left have never been stronger. Trump can be thanked for that.

Is that right? That must explain why:

The POUS is Republican
The Senate majority is Republican
The House majority is Republican
The majority of Governors are Republican
The military and law enforcement lean Republican
And finally, hyper-sensitive liberals are erratic and irrational. They have never been so fragile. Find a safe-space.

Your reality is a fiction intended to protect snowflakes from true reality, which is the left shows all signs of weakness and failure.

Despite all of that, you and your viewpoint are in the minority. And the majority viewpoint of the left is only growing with every day that Trump continues being Trump.

you must have woke up in an alternate US.
The OP is the wrong question, and really, it's somewhat misleading considering the circumstances. What you should ask is can leftists survive Trump? Judging by how they've acted since the election, I don't see how they can.

The left have never been stronger. Trump can be thanked for that.

Is that right? That must explain why:

The POUS is Republican
The Senate majority is Republican
The House majority is Republican
The majority of Governors are Republican
The military and law enforcement lean Republican
And finally, hyper-sensitive liberals are erratic and irrational. They have never been so fragile. Find a safe-space.

Your reality is a fiction intended to protect snowflakes from true reality, which is the left shows all signs of weakness and failure.

Despite all of that, you and your viewpoint are in the minority. And the majority viewpoint of the left is only growing with every day that Trump continues being Trump.

The liberal explains how facts are the minority. You see, it's a popularity contest and after all, liberals are very emotional.

I'm convinced the modern liberal stands for weakness, dishonesty and irrational behavior. The ONLY piece of their "mission" that represents anything liberal is the fact their narratives have liberal meanings, because they're free-flowing.
The OP is the wrong question, and really, it's somewhat misleading considering the circumstances. What you should ask is can leftists survive Trump? Judging by how they've acted since the election, I don't see how they can.

The left have never been stronger. Trump can be thanked for that.

Is that right? That must explain why:

The POUS is Republican
The Senate majority is Republican
The House majority is Republican
The majority of Governors are Republican
The military and law enforcement lean Republican
And finally, hyper-sensitive liberals are erratic and irrational. They have never been so fragile. Find a safe-space.

Your reality is a fiction intended to protect snowflakes from true reality, which is the left shows all signs of weakness and failure.

Despite all of that, you and your viewpoint are in the minority. And the majority viewpoint of the left is only growing with every day that Trump continues being Trump.

you must have woke up in an alternate US.

I know your fuhrer doesn't like using facts but try checking them out sometimes, might actually make you educated for once.

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