Can Trump Turn Welfare into Workfare

Then they can do $250 worth of work a month. Clean public shitters or something.
Or lawn mowing.
Or working in a factory...oh,,wait....they are verboten in your plantation.....we will work on that for you.....

How can you expect these people to get better paying jobs at a factory when they smoke pot? Most better paying jobs drug test, so these poor, poor individuals have no choice but to work low paying jobs.
To bad then...there needs to be accountability and responsibility
Shit, I work two jobs, 2 low paying jobs...I do what I have to do
Why should my poor choices be someone else's responsibility

You're not alone...... well....maybe these days you are. But half of my adult life I either worked two jobs or a job that had me working six to seven days a week. Even then I had a part-time job on some occasions. It wasn't until I became a landlords when I had to give up that second job.
I had three jobs when I was 17 in high school. Dad told me if I wanted a car I had to buy it myself. I did.
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Did any other president do it you stupid mutherfucker?
Or lawn mowing.
Or working in a factory...oh,,wait....they are verboten in your plantation.....we will work on that for you.....

How can you expect these people to get better paying jobs at a factory when they smoke pot? Most better paying jobs drug test, so these poor, poor individuals have no choice but to work low paying jobs.
To bad then...there needs to be accountability and responsibility
Shit, I work two jobs, 2 low paying jobs...I do what I have to do
Why should my poor choices be someone else's responsibility

You're not alone...... well....maybe these days you are. But half of my adult life I either worked two jobs or a job that had me working six to seven days a week. Even then I had a part-time job on some occasions. It wasn't until I became a landlords when I had to give up that second job.
I had three jobs when I was 17 in high school. Dad told me if I wanted a car I had to buy it myself. I did.

That's the way things were for many of us back then. I worked with my father since I was 12. He's a retired bricklayer. Back then he paid me one dollar an hour to mix cement and carry bricks to the job site.
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Right to Work States should have to "prove their morals" and hire anyone who asks for a job.
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Trump was talking about creating enough jobs so that everyone could work, not about making war on welfare recipients.

"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.

Those who are working and struggling to make ends meet,
should be entitled for assistance before lazy ass leeches
whose only 'job' is, to keep milking the system!

First of all we need to reinstate PRWORA

Enacted by Congress and signed into law in August 1996, PRWORA dramatically changed the nation's welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance. PRWORA contains strong work requirements combined with supports for families moving from welfare to work, including increased funding for child care and continued eligibility for medical coverage.

Between PRWORA's enactment in August 1996 and December 2001, the welfare caseload fell nearly 57 percent from 12.2 million recipients to fewer than 5.3 million. This is the largest welfare caseload decline in history and the lowest percentage of the population on welfare since 1965.

This program was Bill Clinton's baby and a successful one!
This is what true Presidential achievements look like.
Legislation that are solutions to alleviate problems!
Laws that actually work and benefit society!

Let's look at a few more excerpts from PRWORA...

Work requirements. Under PRWORA, recipients must work after two years on assistance, with few exceptions. In fiscal year 2002, states are required to have 50 percent of all families engaged in a work activity for a minimum of 30 hours per week, and 90 percent of two-parent families engaged in work activity for at least 35 hours per week. The rates for all families started at 25 percent in 1997 and increased 5 percentage points each year to 50 percent in 2002. For two-parent families, the rates started at 75 percent and increased to 90 percent for 1999 and beyond. In fiscal year 2000, all states and Washington, D.C., met the overall participation rate for all families and 26 of the 38 states that were subject to the two-parent rate met the goal.

Five-year time limit. Families with adult recipients who have received assistance for five cumulative years are ineligible for federally funded cash aid under the welfare reform law. States have the option of setting a shorter time limit.
Food stamps were limited to 3 mths every 3 years

No one starved to death...people who had been
dependant on food stamps went to work
and bought their own groceries so they wouldn't starve....helloooo

Trying to lay some propaganda guilt trip on me doesn't work.
Supporting these measures doesn't make me a monster
or responsible for the fabricated, over exaggerated,
'doomsday' consequences for drastic welfare reform.

No, it forces those who have made welfare a lifestyle,
be responsible for pulling their own weight,
and holds them accountable for the consequences of not doing
what they need to do to support themselves and their families!


Ending dependence and promoting two-parent families.
Flexibility under PRWORA extends to providing services to non-custodial parents to ensure that they are able to support their children and have the skills necessary to be better parents. All states have the administrative flexibility to use TANF funding for programs that strengthen and encourage two-parent families. In addition, PRWORA includes grants to help states establish programs that support and facilitate non-custodial parents' visitation with and access to their children.

Teen pregnancy prevention.
PRWORA provides $50 million a year in funding for abstinence education activities. This program provides states with grants to support a wide range of innovative abstinence programs for adolescents.

My, my, the tides have turned

Instead of funding programs that support and promote abstinence,
we fund an organization that supports irresponsibility,
that supports murder under the guise of freedom of choice,
by promoting abortion as a woman's right for irresponsibility.
Increasing minimum work requirements.

Requiring welfare recipients to put in a full work week.

Encouraging healthy marriages and two-parent married families.

Continuing support of abstinence programs.

Exactly what are these protesters protesting?

Securing our borders, enforcing immigration laws,
requiring people to be responsible instead of enabling dependency,
putting America's needs first instead of the needs of other countries,
taking indoctrination out of schools and focus on traditional teaching,
eliminating programs that are wasteful instead of necessary,....

These people are hooting and hollering about 'protecting'
the very things that have eroded the stability of our country,
and has made us a pansy ass, drowning in debt, door mat...

a country that is only able to function by borrowing money
from other countries because we are unable to function,
from our tax revenues....who does not understand this fact
and how serious this fact is?

We are borrowing money from countries we give money to,
just to keep our country running, money we can't pay back,
interest that keeps piling up, yet, we keep spending what
we don't have, borrowing what we can't pay back....

People can either get on board or soon enough
when the gig is up and reality implodes,
they'll have something to really freak out about.

Unless drastic changes happen
it's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN,
the facade is shattered and this house of cards
comes tumbling down, effecting the world,
like a stack of lined up domino's.

Wake the fuck up people!

In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Trump was talking about creating enough jobs so that everyone could work, not about making war on welfare recipients.

"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.

Those who are working and struggling to make ends meet,
should be entitled for assistance before lazy ass leeches
whose only 'job' is, to keep milking the system!

First of all we need to reinstate PRWORA

Enacted by Congress and signed into law in August 1996, PRWORA dramatically changed the nation's welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance. PRWORA contains strong work requirements combined with supports for families moving from welfare to work, including increased funding for child care and continued eligibility for medical coverage.

Between PRWORA's enactment in August 1996 and December 2001, the welfare caseload fell nearly 57 percent from 12.2 million recipients to fewer than 5.3 million. This is the largest welfare caseload decline in history and the lowest percentage of the population on welfare since 1965.

This program was Bill Clinton's baby and a successful one!
This is what true Presidential achievements look like.
Legislation that are solutions to alleviate problems!
Laws that actually work and benefit society!

Let's look at a few more excerpts from PRWORA...

Work requirements. Under PRWORA, recipients must work after two years on assistance, with few exceptions. In fiscal year 2002, states are required to have 50 percent of all families engaged in a work activity for a minimum of 30 hours per week, and 90 percent of two-parent families engaged in work activity for at least 35 hours per week. The rates for all families started at 25 percent in 1997 and increased 5 percentage points each year to 50 percent in 2002. For two-parent families, the rates started at 75 percent and increased to 90 percent for 1999 and beyond. In fiscal year 2000, all states and Washington, D.C., met the overall participation rate for all families and 26 of the 38 states that were subject to the two-parent rate met the goal.

Five-year time limit. Families with adult recipients who have received assistance for five cumulative years are ineligible for federally funded cash aid under the welfare reform law. States have the option of setting a shorter time limit.
Food stamps were limited to 3 mths every 3 years

No one starved to death...people who had been
dependant on food stamps went to work
and bought their own groceries so they wouldn't starve....helloooo

Trying to lay some propaganda guilt trip on me doesn't work.
Supporting these measures doesn't make me a monster
or responsible for the fabricated, over exaggerated,
'doomsday' consequences for drastic welfare reform.

No, it forces those who have made welfare a lifestyle,
be responsible for pulling their own weight,
and holds them accountable for the consequences of not doing
what they need to do to support themselves and their families!


Ending dependence and promoting two-parent families.
Flexibility under PRWORA extends to providing services to non-custodial parents to ensure that they are able to support their children and have the skills necessary to be better parents. All states have the administrative flexibility to use TANF funding for programs that strengthen and encourage two-parent families. In addition, PRWORA includes grants to help states establish programs that support and facilitate non-custodial parents' visitation with and access to their children.

Teen pregnancy prevention.
PRWORA provides $50 million a year in funding for abstinence education activities. This program provides states with grants to support a wide range of innovative abstinence programs for adolescents.

My, my, the tides have turned

Instead of funding programs that support and promote abstinence,
we fund an organization that supports irresponsibility,
that supports murder under the guise of freedom of choice,
by promoting abortion as a woman's right for irresponsibility.
Increasing minimum work requirements.

Requiring welfare recipients to put in a full work week.

Encouraging healthy marriages and two-parent married families.

Continuing support of abstinence programs.

Exactly what are these protesters protesting?

Securing our borders, enforcing immigration laws,
requiring people to be responsible instead of enabling dependency,
putting America's needs first instead of the needs of other countries,
taking indoctrination out of schools and focus on traditional teaching,
eliminating programs that are wasteful instead of necessary,....

These people are hooting and hollering about 'protecting'
the very things that have eroded the stability of our country,
and has made us a pansy ass, drowning in debt, door mat...

a country that is only able to function by borrowing money
from other countries because we are unable to function,
from our tax revenues....who does not understand this fact
and how serious this fact is?

We are borrowing money from countries we give money to,
just to keep our country running, money we can't pay back,
interest that keeps piling up, yet, we keep spending what
we don't have, borrowing what we can't pay back....

People can either get on board or soon enough
when the gig is up and reality implodes,
they'll have something to really freak out about.

Unless drastic changes happen
it's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN,
the facade is shattered and this house of cards
comes tumbling down, effecting the world,
like a stack of lined up domino's.

Wake the fuck up people!

There are several problems here. First of all, Clinton signed welfare reform under duress. The Republicans offered the bill to him two other times before he actually signed it. Knowing he couldn't be convinced, they waited until Bill's reelection bid, gave him the bill again, and dared him to veto it again. He had no choice.

Besides some recessions, nobody alive today has seen really hard times. Our welfare queens always assume that no matter how bad things get, government will always be there for them. They have no idea that yes, the USA can collapse like other countries. Because they've never experienced it before, it's never going to happen in their minds so they really don't care about the country, our debt, our deficit or our future.

This is my raccoon theory that I created:

You see a raccoon digging in the garbage to find something to eat. In empathy, you go inside the house and fetch him a nice meaty ham bone. After you give him the ham bone, the animal dines in delight. Now wait about thirty of forty seconds and try to take that bone back and see what happens to you.

Democrats have known about my raccoon theory for many decades even though they might use a different metaphor. They realize that once you give people something, it's virtually impossible to take back without getting your hand chewed off. Look at all the whining about people dying because Trump wants to get rid of Commie Care. It's a program that's only been in use for a couple of years, but again, the raccoon theory.
Trump was talking about creating enough jobs so that everyone could work, not about making war on welfare recipients.
"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.

Those who are working and struggling to make ends meet,
should be entitled for assistance before lazy ass leeches
whose only 'job' is, to keep milking the system!

First of all we need to reinstate PRWORA

Enacted by Congress and signed into law in August 1996, PRWORA dramatically changed the nation's welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance. PRWORA contains strong work requirements combined with supports for families moving from welfare to work, including increased funding for child care and continued eligibility for medical coverage.

Between PRWORA's enactment in August 1996 and December 2001, the welfare caseload fell nearly 57 percent from 12.2 million recipients to fewer than 5.3 million. This is the largest welfare caseload decline in history and the lowest percentage of the population on welfare since 1965.

This program was Bill Clinton's baby and a successful one!
This is what true Presidential achievements look like.
Legislation that are solutions to alleviate problems!
Laws that actually work and benefit society!

Let's look at a few more excerpts from PRWORA...

Work requirements. Under PRWORA, recipients must work after two years on assistance, with few exceptions. In fiscal year 2002, states are required to have 50 percent of all families engaged in a work activity for a minimum of 30 hours per week, and 90 percent of two-parent families engaged in work activity for at least 35 hours per week. The rates for all families started at 25 percent in 1997 and increased 5 percentage points each year to 50 percent in 2002. For two-parent families, the rates started at 75 percent and increased to 90 percent for 1999 and beyond. In fiscal year 2000, all states and Washington, D.C., met the overall participation rate for all families and 26 of the 38 states that were subject to the two-parent rate met the goal.

Five-year time limit. Families with adult recipients who have received assistance for five cumulative years are ineligible for federally funded cash aid under the welfare reform law. States have the option of setting a shorter time limit.
Food stamps were limited to 3 mths every 3 years

No one starved to death...people who had been
dependant on food stamps went to work
and bought their own groceries so they wouldn't starve....helloooo

Trying to lay some propaganda guilt trip on me doesn't work.
Supporting these measures doesn't make me a monster
or responsible for the fabricated, over exaggerated,
'doomsday' consequences for drastic welfare reform.

No, it forces those who have made welfare a lifestyle,
be responsible for pulling their own weight,
and holds them accountable for the consequences of not doing
what they need to do to support themselves and their families!


Ending dependence and promoting two-parent families.
Flexibility under PRWORA extends to providing services to non-custodial parents to ensure that they are able to support their children and have the skills necessary to be better parents. All states have the administrative flexibility to use TANF funding for programs that strengthen and encourage two-parent families. In addition, PRWORA includes grants to help states establish programs that support and facilitate non-custodial parents' visitation with and access to their children.

Teen pregnancy prevention.
PRWORA provides $50 million a year in funding for abstinence education activities. This program provides states with grants to support a wide range of innovative abstinence programs for adolescents.

My, my, the tides have turned

Instead of funding programs that support and promote abstinence,
we fund an organization that supports irresponsibility,
that supports murder under the guise of freedom of choice,
by promoting abortion as a woman's right for irresponsibility.
Increasing minimum work requirements.

Requiring welfare recipients to put in a full work week.

Encouraging healthy marriages and two-parent married families.

Continuing support of abstinence programs.

Exactly what are these protesters protesting?

Securing our borders, enforcing immigration laws,
requiring people to be responsible instead of enabling dependency,
putting America's needs first instead of the needs of other countries,
taking indoctrination out of schools and focus on traditional teaching,
eliminating programs that are wasteful instead of necessary,....

These people are hooting and hollering about 'protecting'
the very things that have eroded the stability of our country,
and has made us a pansy ass, drowning in debt, door mat...

a country that is only able to function by borrowing money
from other countries because we are unable to function,
from our tax revenues....who does not understand this fact
and how serious this fact is?

We are borrowing money from countries we give money to,
just to keep our country running, money we can't pay back,
interest that keeps piling up, yet, we keep spending what
we don't have, borrowing what we can't pay back....

People can either get on board or soon enough
when the gig is up and reality implodes,
they'll have something to really freak out about.

Unless drastic changes happen
it's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN,
the facade is shattered and this house of cards
comes tumbling down, effecting the world,
like a stack of lined up domino's.

Wake the fuck up people!

There are several problems here. First of all, Clinton signed welfare reform under duress. The Republicans offered the bill to him two other times before he actually signed it. Knowing he couldn't be convinced, they waited until Bill's reelection bid, gave him the bill again, and dared him to veto it again. He had no choice.

Besides some recessions, nobody alive today has seen really hard times. Our welfare queens always assume that no matter how bad things get, government will always be there for them. They have no idea that yes, the USA can collapse like other countries. Because they've never experienced it before, it's never going to happen in their minds so they really don't care about the country, our debt, our deficit or our future.

This is my raccoon theory that I created:

You see a raccoon digging in the garbage to find something to eat. In empathy, you go inside the house and fetch him a nice meaty ham bone. After you give him the ham bone, the animal dines in delight. Now wait about thirty of forty seconds and try to take that bone back and see what happens to you.

Democrats have known about my raccoon theory for many decades even though they might use a different metaphor. They realize that once you give people something, it's virtually impossible to take back without getting your hand chewed off. Look at all the whining about people dying because Trump wants to get rid of Commie Care. It's a program that's only been in use for a couple of years, but again, the raccoon theory.
Look at all the whining about people dying because Trump wants to get rid of Commie Care. It's a program that's only been in use for a couple of years, but again, the raccoon theory.
Right...cause the people whining aren't paying
Free healthcare is not affordable healthcare, it's free healthcare
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Trump was talking about creating enough jobs so that everyone could work, not about making war on welfare recipients.

"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.

Just give them a job.
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Trump was talking about creating enough jobs so that everyone could work, not about making war on welfare recipients.

"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.

Just give them a job.

One way to create more jobs for these people is to get rid of the millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country.
Trump was talking about creating enough jobs so that everyone could work, not about making war on welfare recipients.
"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Just give them a job.
One way to create more jobs for these people is to get rid of the millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis? How much is it going to cost.
"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Just give them a job.
One way to create more jobs for these people is to get rid of the millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis? How much is it going to cost.
lol So putting Americans to work is a bad idea in your opinion?
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Just give them a job.
One way to create more jobs for these people is to get rid of the millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis? How much is it going to cost.
lol So putting Americans to work is a bad idea in your opinion?
lol. You make it seem like that is the Only way.
So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Just give them a job.
One way to create more jobs for these people is to get rid of the millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis? How much is it going to cost.
lol So putting Americans to work is a bad idea in your opinion?
lol. You make it seem like that is the Only way.
No, there are certainly more measures to be taken to create jobs for Americans but getting rid of illegal immigrants is certainly one of them.
Just give them a job.
One way to create more jobs for these people is to get rid of the millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis? How much is it going to cost.
lol So putting Americans to work is a bad idea in your opinion?
lol. You make it seem like that is the Only way.
No, there are certainly more measures to be taken to create jobs for Americans but getting rid of illegal immigrants is certainly one of them.
the most expensive one.
One way to create more jobs for these people is to get rid of the millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis? How much is it going to cost.
lol So putting Americans to work is a bad idea in your opinion?
lol. You make it seem like that is the Only way.
No, there are certainly more measures to be taken to create jobs for Americans but getting rid of illegal immigrants is certainly one of them.
the most expensive one.
Not at all. Getting rid of illegals will provide more jobs for Americans and higher wages.
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Trump was talking about creating enough jobs so that everyone could work, not about making war on welfare recipients.

"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.

Just give them a job.

You can't give somebody something they don't want.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis? How much is it going to cost.
lol So putting Americans to work is a bad idea in your opinion?
lol. You make it seem like that is the Only way.
No, there are certainly more measures to be taken to create jobs for Americans but getting rid of illegal immigrants is certainly one of them.
the most expensive one.
Not at all. Getting rid of illegals will provide more jobs for Americans and higher wages.
You make it sound so simple; sort of like, Prohibition.
Trump was talking about creating enough jobs so that everyone could work, not about making war on welfare recipients.
"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Just give them a job.

You can't give somebody something they don't want.
special pleading much? there is no unemployment Only underpayment.

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