Can Trump Turn Welfare into Workfare

lol So putting Americans to work is a bad idea in your opinion?
lol. You make it seem like that is the Only way.
No, there are certainly more measures to be taken to create jobs for Americans but getting rid of illegal immigrants is certainly one of them.
the most expensive one.
Not at all. Getting rid of illegals will provide more jobs for Americans and higher wages.
You make it sound so simple; sort of like, Prohibition.
Clearly you are as ignorant abut prohibition as you are about illegal immigration and the economy.
"Making war on welfare recipients?" FDR never had s single program during Depression where you did not work for your $$$$. Nobody complained back then happy to have the $$$. Today people take social safety net for granted. Trump will bring jobs back and that should help get people earning pay checks again.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Just give them a job.

You can't give somebody something they don't want.
special pleading much? there is no unemployment Only underpayment.

Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
lol. You make it seem like that is the Only way.
No, there are certainly more measures to be taken to create jobs for Americans but getting rid of illegal immigrants is certainly one of them.
the most expensive one.
Not at all. Getting rid of illegals will provide more jobs for Americans and higher wages.
You make it sound so simple; sort of like, Prohibition.
Clearly you are as ignorant abut prohibition as you are about illegal immigration and the economy.
Just projecting? Prohibition is Not, a market friendly visa.
most people on welfare are CHILDREN, then comes their mothers then comes the elderly, then disabled.....

Fdr didn't put mother's or children to work...

It's different now because of all the divorced or single mothers.

So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Just give them a job.

You can't give somebody something they don't want.
special pleading much? there is no unemployment Only underpayment.

Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.
So now they are our liability?

I live in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live here. The guy next door to me has rental property as well. Because he couldn't find takers due to his high prices, he went to HUD.

There are now two tenants living there on HUD. Both (of course) have kids. While I'm out working to support my lifestyle, they sit home all day long. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are there. When I get home from work, their cars are there. When I was on vacation during the work week, their cars were there.

Gee, I wish I could just sit home day in and day out. But I don't have kids that I can't afford, so I can't live that lifestyle.

There is something terribly wrong with a society when people that don't work live better than people that do. It's time we changed all that.
Just give them a job.

You can't give somebody something they don't want.
special pleading much? there is no unemployment Only underpayment.

Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?
Just give them a job.

You can't give somebody something they don't want.
special pleading much? there is no unemployment Only underpayment.

Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?
I think people are missing the big picture here. If the gov sends millions of jobs out of the country then it should take care of the ones it fucked. Why do you blame the victim? Because you dont know the truth or maybe you dont care about the truth.
MAR 14, 2014 @ 10:09 AM 175,779 VIEWSThe Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Tax Analysts

The leading global publisher of tax news, analysis and commentary

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

David Brunori, Contributor
I recently read the February 24 Good Jobs First report, “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent,” by Philip Mattera, a respected thought leader in our business. It says that three-quarters of all state economic development subsidies went to just 965 corporations since the beginning of the study in 1976. The Fortune 500 corporations alone accounted for more than 16,000 subsidy awards, worth $63 billion – mostly in the form of tax breaks.

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.

And while I’m looking for outrage, where are the liberals? The 965 companies in the report received over $110 billion of public money. Berkshire Hathaway, a company with $485 billion in assets and $20 billion in profits, received over $1 billion of that money. Its chair, Warren Buffett, is worth about $58 billion. Buffett, by the way, is still a darling of the left. He has some nerve to call for higher taxes. The billion dollars his companies took would pay for a lot of teachers, healthcare, and other public services.
I don’t blame the corporations. They act rationally. If someone gives you $1 billion, you take it. The blame lies with us. The sheer size of the corporate welfare system should spark outrage whether we are conservatives, liberals, or libertarians. And that outrage should be reflected in how we vote. In the meantime, kudos to Good Jobs First for continuing to highlight this problem.

Put America back to work. Thats what we want. Jobs and good pay. Thats how you build a strong economy. Not with the stock market. Now, we all know how fiscal responsible you are by your own words so, where is your outrage?
You pick on the poor and ignore the truth...bunch of cowards singling out the weak.
Just give them a job.

You can't give somebody something they don't want.
special pleading much? there is no unemployment Only underpayment.

Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?

Wow!...ok, an employer will cut jobs to make more profit and work the piss out of the remaining employees. What dream are you in? If your going to try and make someone look stupid, try and not make yourself look stupid while IN that attempt. Its counterproductive.
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Here is how I would do this, I speak with some experience as I grew up in government housing and I saw alot of sad stories. The place I would start would be in finding volunteers for work, I wouldn't mandate this. This is much easier if government is building, or, if companies partner with the government to build. It can be different work though. Some office work, some programs with companies that might be willing to make a long-term commitment and even education programs. Let's consider what Starbucks did with their degree programs, magnificent work, real support for their communities and employees. This isn't appropriate for all businesses, but they could support internal education and/or online learning etc. Anything to improve the prospects and talents of their employees.

Have it so that the person isn't punished for working. Give them their regular benefits but have them earn the opportunity to get work experience, build a resume, earn a paycheck and recover their dignity. Let them know it is part-time work, which could lead to full-time permanent work in some cases. Once they have full-time, permanent work, have them weened off of welfare, but allow them to remain in their homes for say a two year period, after which they will have to move on. Which I imagine they would want to.

Also, have companies looking for such workers given the opportunity to interview some of these good performers. The men and women who show up for work everyday, work hard, illustrate a passion for work. They should be given access to some companies. When people say "we only have immigrants from Mexico apply to such work" I don't believe that would be the case if someone on welfare sees that they can earn more in some of these jobs, while if they have the aptitude, growing into any career they can command.
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In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Here is how I would do this, I speak with some experience as I grew up in government housing and I saw alot of sad stories. The place I would start would be in finding volunteers for work, I wouldn't mandate this. This is much easier if government is building, or, if companies partner with the government to build. It can be different work though. Some office work, some programs with companies that might be willing to make a long-term commitment and even education programs. Let's consider what Starbucks did with their degree programs, magnificent work, real support for their communities and employees. This isn't appropriate for all businesses, but they could support internal education and/or online learning etc. Anything to improve the prospects and talents of their employees.

Have it so that the person isn't punished for working. Give them their regular benefits but have them earn the opportunity to get work experience, build a resume, earn a paycheck and recover their dignity. Let them know it is part-time work, which could lead to full-time permanent work in some cases. Once they have full-time, permanent work, have them weened off of welfare, but allow them to remain in their homes for say a two year period, after which they will have to move on. Which I imagine they would want to.

Also, have companies looking for such workers given the opportunity to interview some of these good performers. The men and women who show up for work everyday, work hard, illustrate a passion for work. They should be given access to some companies. When people say "we only have immigrants from Mexico apply to such work" I don't believe that would be the case if someone on welfare sees that they can earn more in some of these jobs, while if they have the aptitude, growing into any career they can command.

that is too much work in modern times. the rich even get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on welfare.
Wow!...ok, an employer will cut jobs to make more profit and work the piss out of the remaining employees. What dream are you in? If your going to try and make someone look stupid, try and not make yourself look stupid while IN that attempt. Its counterproductive.

Me look stupid? You didn't even address what we were talking about.
I think people are missing the big picture here. If the gov sends millions of jobs out of the country then it should take care of the ones it fucked. Why do you blame the victim? Because you dont know the truth or maybe you dont care about the truth.
MAR 14, 2014 @ 10:09 AM 175,779 VIEWSThe Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Tax Analysts

The leading global publisher of tax news, analysis and commentary

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

David Brunori, Contributor
I recently read the February 24 Good Jobs First report, “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent,” by Philip Mattera, a respected thought leader in our business. It says that three-quarters of all state economic development subsidies went to just 965 corporations since the beginning of the study in 1976. The Fortune 500 corporations alone accounted for more than 16,000 subsidy awards, worth $63 billion – mostly in the form of tax breaks.

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.

And while I’m looking for outrage, where are the liberals? The 965 companies in the report received over $110 billion of public money. Berkshire Hathaway, a company with $485 billion in assets and $20 billion in profits, received over $1 billion of that money. Its chair, Warren Buffett, is worth about $58 billion. Buffett, by the way, is still a darling of the left. He has some nerve to call for higher taxes. The billion dollars his companies took would pay for a lot of teachers, healthcare, and other public services.
I don’t blame the corporations. They act rationally. If someone gives you $1 billion, you take it. The blame lies with us. The sheer size of the corporate welfare system should spark outrage whether we are conservatives, liberals, or libertarians. And that outrage should be reflected in how we vote. In the meantime, kudos to Good Jobs First for continuing to highlight this problem.

Put America back to work. Thats what we want. Jobs and good pay. Thats how you build a strong economy. Not with the stock market. Now, we all know how fiscal responsible you are by your own words so, where is your outrage?

Typical Commie; thinking that letting people keep their own money that they worked for (instead of handing it over to government) is welfare.
You can't give somebody something they don't want.
special pleading much? there is no unemployment Only underpayment.

Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?

WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
I think people are missing the big picture here. If the gov sends millions of jobs out of the country then it should take care of the ones it fucked. Why do you blame the victim? Because you dont know the truth or maybe you dont care about the truth.
MAR 14, 2014 @ 10:09 AM 175,779 VIEWSThe Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Tax Analysts

The leading global publisher of tax news, analysis and commentary

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

David Brunori, Contributor
I recently read the February 24 Good Jobs First report, “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent,” by Philip Mattera, a respected thought leader in our business. It says that three-quarters of all state economic development subsidies went to just 965 corporations since the beginning of the study in 1976. The Fortune 500 corporations alone accounted for more than 16,000 subsidy awards, worth $63 billion – mostly in the form of tax breaks.

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.

And while I’m looking for outrage, where are the liberals? The 965 companies in the report received over $110 billion of public money. Berkshire Hathaway, a company with $485 billion in assets and $20 billion in profits, received over $1 billion of that money. Its chair, Warren Buffett, is worth about $58 billion. Buffett, by the way, is still a darling of the left. He has some nerve to call for higher taxes. The billion dollars his companies took would pay for a lot of teachers, healthcare, and other public services.
I don’t blame the corporations. They act rationally. If someone gives you $1 billion, you take it. The blame lies with us. The sheer size of the corporate welfare system should spark outrage whether we are conservatives, liberals, or libertarians. And that outrage should be reflected in how we vote. In the meantime, kudos to Good Jobs First for continuing to highlight this problem.

Put America back to work. Thats what we want. Jobs and good pay. Thats how you build a strong economy. Not with the stock market. Now, we all know how fiscal responsible you are by your own words so, where is your outrage?

Typical Commie; thinking that letting people keep their own money that they worked for (instead of handing it over to government) is welfare.
a subsidy is a subsidy. the right doesn't seem to have a problem with corporate welfare as long as it isn't individual welfare.
special pleading much? there is no unemployment Only underpayment.

Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?

WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?
Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?

WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?

Well, the problem with this would be inflation. It has to be a gradual, though it can be a sustained increase if warranted.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?

WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?

Well, the problem with this would be inflation. It has to be a gradual, though it can be a sustained increase if warranted.
supply side economics is command economics that "controls for inflation".

inflation happens regardless; wages should outpace inflation, as a promotion of the general welfare.

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