Can Trump Turn Welfare into Workfare

No one can live on food stamps, average household getting food stamps is getting $250 a month.
Then they can do $250 worth of work a month. Clean public shitters or something.
If they can....most collecting food stamps already have a full time job, and kids, I can't watch the video on this Kindle...but a single man would not get welfare or food stamps in my state....
In crazy cali they can...
Special pleading much? WTF is that even supposed to mean?

Yes, there is unemployment. Unemployment means you are not working.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?

WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?

The same amount. At least over here, if you are on unemployment, you are making an equivalent to $15.00 per hour when you include taxes. To get somebody to willingly surrender their unemployment, they would need a job that starts off at least at $18.00 per hour to make it worth their time.
nope; only underpayment. if those jobs really needed to be filled, it may require a bonus.

What does that have to do with being unemployed?

WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?

The same amount. At least over here, if you are on unemployment, you are making an equivalent to $15.00 per hour when you include taxes. To get somebody to willingly surrender their unemployment, they would need a job that starts off at least at $18.00 per hour to make it worth their time.
unemployment compensation currently does not pay fourteen dollars an hour.
What does that have to do with being unemployed?

WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?

The same amount. At least over here, if you are on unemployment, you are making an equivalent to $15.00 per hour when you include taxes. To get somebody to willingly surrender their unemployment, they would need a job that starts off at least at $18.00 per hour to make it worth their time.
unemployment compensation currently does not pay fourteen dollars an hour.

Better check again. It varies state by state.

WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?

The same amount. At least over here, if you are on unemployment, you are making an equivalent to $15.00 per hour when you include taxes. To get somebody to willingly surrender their unemployment, they would need a job that starts off at least at $18.00 per hour to make it worth their time.
unemployment compensation currently does not pay fourteen dollars an hour.

Better check again. It varies state by state.
I live in California.
WTF is underpayment? Explain that to me, and give me some figures and what that has to do with unemployment.
underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?

The same amount. At least over here, if you are on unemployment, you are making an equivalent to $15.00 per hour when you include taxes. To get somebody to willingly surrender their unemployment, they would need a job that starts off at least at $18.00 per hour to make it worth their time.
unemployment compensation currently does not pay fourteen dollars an hour.

Better check again. It varies state by state.
I live in California.

Every place is not California. Over here, a single person can live pretty comfortable on unemployment, especially if you do something on the side for extra cash. My neighbor was on unemployment for two years. He never wanted to leave. Who could blame him? When he ran out of unemployment, he went to work with his brother in law which he could have done anytime in those two years he was on unemployment.

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underpayment is the reason there is unemployment. how much unemployment would there be on the part of Labor, if all jobs started at fifteen dollars an hour, and included a bonus?

The same amount. At least over here, if you are on unemployment, you are making an equivalent to $15.00 per hour when you include taxes. To get somebody to willingly surrender their unemployment, they would need a job that starts off at least at $18.00 per hour to make it worth their time.
unemployment compensation currently does not pay fourteen dollars an hour.

Better check again. It varies state by state.
I live in California.

Every place is not California. Over here, a single person can live pretty comfortable on unemployment, especially if you do something on the side for extra cash. My neighbor was on unemployment for two years. He never wanted to leave. Who could blame him? When he ran out of unemployment, he went to work with his brother in law which he could have done anytime in those two years he was on unemployment.

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That isn't the point. Unemployment compensation should be automatic simply for being unemployed in our at-will employment States. Even Cobol programmers could take two years off to catch up on the latest computer code, if they don't have to worry about also having to find work, with Any natural rate of unemployment.
The same amount. At least over here, if you are on unemployment, you are making an equivalent to $15.00 per hour when you include taxes. To get somebody to willingly surrender their unemployment, they would need a job that starts off at least at $18.00 per hour to make it worth their time.
unemployment compensation currently does not pay fourteen dollars an hour.

Better check again. It varies state by state.
I live in California.

Every place is not California. Over here, a single person can live pretty comfortable on unemployment, especially if you do something on the side for extra cash. My neighbor was on unemployment for two years. He never wanted to leave. Who could blame him? When he ran out of unemployment, he went to work with his brother in law which he could have done anytime in those two years he was on unemployment.

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That isn't the point. Unemployment compensation should be automatic simply for being unemployed in our at-will employment States. Even Cobol programmers could take two years off to catch up on the latest computer code, if they don't have to worry about also having to find work, with Any natural rate of unemployment.

We don't have any at-will unemployment states to my knowledge. Everybody would opt for a free paid vacation for as long as it's offered. I would do it myself. So who is going to pay for all this unemployment you suggest here?
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Welfare in the form of foodstamps and tanf are federal programs.

Tell you what, those states that are swindling their citizens, lying about what they do with the money they are given, engaging in racketeering, voter fraud, harboring illegals, whatever...they are going to find out really quick how people CAN and WILL go off welfare, when the money stops coming.

States had better get their asses into gear and start studying the laws that they are breaking. Because they are going to lose $$ and their citizens are going to go to work or starve. Because I promise you, Governor Brown of Oregon, just to name one, won't be giving those poor families any of the money SHE'S gleaned from the federal government.
unemployment compensation currently does not pay fourteen dollars an hour.

Better check again. It varies state by state.
I live in California.

Every place is not California. Over here, a single person can live pretty comfortable on unemployment, especially if you do something on the side for extra cash. My neighbor was on unemployment for two years. He never wanted to leave. Who could blame him? When he ran out of unemployment, he went to work with his brother in law which he could have done anytime in those two years he was on unemployment.

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That isn't the point. Unemployment compensation should be automatic simply for being unemployed in our at-will employment States. Even Cobol programmers could take two years off to catch up on the latest computer code, if they don't have to worry about also having to find work, with Any natural rate of unemployment.

We don't have any at-will unemployment states to my knowledge. Everybody would opt for a free paid vacation for as long as it's offered. I would do it myself. So who is going to pay for all this unemployment you suggest here?
We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

a general tax on firms would be more cost effective than what we have now.
Better check again. It varies state by state.
I live in California.

Every place is not California. Over here, a single person can live pretty comfortable on unemployment, especially if you do something on the side for extra cash. My neighbor was on unemployment for two years. He never wanted to leave. Who could blame him? When he ran out of unemployment, he went to work with his brother in law which he could have done anytime in those two years he was on unemployment.

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That isn't the point. Unemployment compensation should be automatic simply for being unemployed in our at-will employment States. Even Cobol programmers could take two years off to catch up on the latest computer code, if they don't have to worry about also having to find work, with Any natural rate of unemployment.

We don't have any at-will unemployment states to my knowledge. Everybody would opt for a free paid vacation for as long as it's offered. I would do it myself. So who is going to pay for all this unemployment you suggest here?
We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

a general tax on firms would be more cost effective than what we have now.

We do? So you have a link to this social obligation of unemployment at will?

And which "firms" do you speak of that should fund this obligation for those who don't want to work and get paid?
We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

Unemployment compensation already happens. And, what better metrics for Firms; if the tax gets too high, they can just hire more people.
We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

Unemployment compensation already happens. And, what better metrics for Firms; if the tax gets too high, they can just hire more people.

I'm waiting to see that. Yes we have unemployment INSURANCE. That means if you lose your job through no fault of your own, you get COMPENSATED for a short time while you are looking for new work. When you exhaust all your unemployment BENEFITS, you stop getting compensation checks.

Saying you should be able to collect compensation just because you don't feel like working anymore is like saying you can make a claim for an auto accident on your car even though you were never in an accident, or making a fire claim on your house even though you never had a fire. If people could do these things by law, no insurance company would provide such coverage.
I don't think the Democratic Party will allow it to happen. Democrats enjoy the status-quo. They enjoy keeping folks down and dependent on Government handouts. The current System works just fine for them. I like that Trump is talking about doing something different in terms of our inner city catastrophies. God knows, the Democrats have done nothing to help folks in hellholes like Chicago and Detroit. But i just don't see things changing. The Democrats completely control those areas. They wont allow Trump to change anything. It is very sad, but it is the reality.
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Even FDR knew that welfare was a subtle destroyer of man's spirit.

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annual Message to Congress

"...The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is in violation of the traditions of America. Work must be found for able-bodied but destitute workers...."

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