Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

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Any person in accordance with his/her religious beliefs is certainly as able as anybody else to not participate in the Pledge or the singing of the National Anthem or the flag ceremony. That's what liberty is. You can choose whether to participate or not. But the fact that a person chooses not to participate is not license for that person to demand that nobody else participate.
Yes, but I was explaining why most religious people don't have a problem pledging anyway.

The original comment was stating that believers in God could not pledge today without effectively violating their beliefs because it somehow put the flag and the nation above God(which is obviously contradicted by "under God" in the pledge itself).

Well I am a religious person who doesn't care if the 'under God' is in the Pledge or not, but certainly see it as the symbolism of a nation founded on the principle of God given rights, for those who believe in God, or natural rights for those who do not. I know a lot of non religious people who look at it just that way. When a majority of the people want the phrase gone, however, it will be gone. When a majority want the Pledge gone, it will be gone. Right now those of you who object to it are simply in a fairly small minority and it is not harming you in the least.
Which God is in the Pledge?
The only one that is capitalized....
So every proper noun can now be a God.....
No stupid fuck, the biblical God is a proper noun, and that is why "God" appears the way it does in the pledge.
Under God isn't wrong. We all need more God.
Which God?

Our Lady of there any other?

Our Lady isn't God, Our Lady is the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Depends on your outlook :)

I'm not aware of it being anywhere stated that Our Lady is also God.

Our Lady is the Wiccan Goddess :)
"Under God".....

That bit was never part of the original pledge....

Why is that considered offensive or wrong or whatever, would you say?

Under God isn't wrong. We all need more God.
Which God?

Our Lady of there any other?
The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence?
Why is that considered offensive or wrong or whatever, would you say?

Under God isn't wrong. We all need more God.
Which God?

Our Lady of there any other?

Our Lady isn't God, Our Lady is the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
If that is your religion, why must everyone conform to it?

I haven't said that people must conform to it, but Leftist Extremists are demanding that we just remove any and all reference to God everywhere on this planet, they're in every Western nation preaching the anti-God mantra.
Yes, but I was explaining why most religious people don't have a problem pledging anyway.

The original comment was stating that believers in God could not pledge today without effectively violating their beliefs because it somehow put the flag and the nation above God(which is obviously contradicted by "under God" in the pledge itself).

Well I am a religious person who doesn't care if the 'under God' is in the Pledge or not, but certainly see it as the symbolism of a nation founded on the principle of God given rights, for those who believe in God, or natural rights for those who do not. I know a lot of non religious people who look at it just that way. When a majority of the people want the phrase gone, however, it will be gone. When a majority want the Pledge gone, it will be gone. Right now those of you who object to it are simply in a fairly small minority and it is not harming you in the least.
Which God is in the Pledge?
The only one that is capitalized....
So every proper noun can now be a God.....
No stupid fuck, the biblical God is a proper noun, and that is why "God" appears the way it does in the pledge.
Which bible? The OT or the NT? Or the one from the Koran?
On Flag Day, burn one. That will show true liberty, not that false crap conservatives love.
It might be legal if but Hossfly catches any one burning an American flag they had better be prepared to receive a major ass kicking. Also anyone not rendering the flag the proper respect will be chastised physically. Don't say anything about Hossfly going to jail. Tain't possible.

Well Hossfly, as much as I have a huge case of like with you, I can't condone physical violence when people exercise the liberty that the Pledge, the National Anthem, and the flag represent by disrespecting these symbols that are so important to so many of us. I might not object to a well phrased verbal ass kicking though. :)
In one hour I am having dinner with about 30 guys who are the only survivors of my company from November 1965. In a 4 day period we had around 250 members of my Regiment killed on the battlefield. Many more have died since from various forms of cancer caused by Agent Orange. All of us here tonight are 100% disabled veterans who have survived those cancers. So you will have to excuse Hossfly for being in a violent mood when it comes to THE FLAG. I have to get ready for dinner now. I don't want to miss joining the group to pledge allegiance to that sacred (to us) flag.
Under God isn't wrong. We all need more God.
Which God?

Our Lady of there any other?

Our Lady isn't God, Our Lady is the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
If that is your religion, why must everyone conform to it?

I haven't said that people must conform to it, but Leftist Extremists are demanding that we just remove any and all reference to God everywhere on this planet, they're in every Western nation preaching the anti-God mantra.
And the extremist on the right want to enforce their religious dogma, yet in the middle is the best place to meet.........
Well I am a religious person who doesn't care if the 'under God' is in the Pledge or not, but certainly see it as the symbolism of a nation founded on the principle of God given rights, for those who believe in God, or natural rights for those who do not. I know a lot of non religious people who look at it just that way. When a majority of the people want the phrase gone, however, it will be gone. When a majority want the Pledge gone, it will be gone. Right now those of you who object to it are simply in a fairly small minority and it is not harming you in the least.
Which God is in the Pledge?
The only one that is capitalized....
So every proper noun can now be a God.....
No stupid fuck, the biblical God is a proper noun, and that is why "God" appears the way it does in the pledge.
Which bible? The OT or the NT? Or the one from the Koran?
All the same God that made the covenant with Abraham.
Yes, but I was explaining why most religious people don't have a problem pledging anyway.

The original comment was stating that believers in God could not pledge today without effectively violating their beliefs because it somehow put the flag and the nation above God(which is obviously contradicted by "under God" in the pledge itself).

Well I am a religious person who doesn't care if the 'under God' is in the Pledge or not, but certainly see it as the symbolism of a nation founded on the principle of God given rights, for those who believe in God, or natural rights for those who do not. I know a lot of non religious people who look at it just that way. When a majority of the people want the phrase gone, however, it will be gone. When a majority want the Pledge gone, it will be gone. Right now those of you who object to it are simply in a fairly small minority and it is not harming you in the least.
Which God is in the Pledge?
The only one that is capitalized....
So every proper noun can now be a God.....
No stupid fuck, the biblical God is a proper noun, and that is why "God" appears the way it does in the pledge.

According to Dogma...God is a that movie :D
Our Lady of there any other?

Our Lady isn't God, Our Lady is the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Depends on your outlook :)

I'm not aware of it being anywhere stated that Our Lady is also God.

Our Lady is the Wiccan Goddess :)

Hey you would be difficult wouldn't you :meow::poke::popcorn::smoke:

pfffffftttttt :D
I think the Pledge should be changed to more accurately reflect the views of the totalitarians here.

"I pledge allegiance to the State, and to the Republic for which it stands, because the State isn't a Democracy, one State under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Which God is in the Pledge?
The only one that is capitalized....
So every proper noun can now be a God.....
No stupid fuck, the biblical God is a proper noun, and that is why "God" appears the way it does in the pledge.
Which bible? The OT or the NT? Or the one from the Koran?
All the same God that made the covenant with Abraham.
Then not the Christian God, okay....
Which God?

Our Lady of there any other?

Our Lady isn't God, Our Lady is the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
If that is your religion, why must everyone conform to it?

I haven't said that people must conform to it, but Leftist Extremists are demanding that we just remove any and all reference to God everywhere on this planet, they're in every Western nation preaching the anti-God mantra.
And the extremist on the right want to enforce their religious dogma, yet in the middle is the best place to meet.........

We better not mention the worst of all, Islam, the very name meaning "to submit" and/or "submission"
That bit was never part of the original pledge....

Why is that considered offensive or wrong or whatever, would you say?

Under God isn't wrong. We all need more God.
Which God?

Our Lady of there any other?
The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence?

Witch of the Westmerelands....

Our Lady of there any other?

Our Lady isn't God, Our Lady is the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
If that is your religion, why must everyone conform to it?

I haven't said that people must conform to it, but Leftist Extremists are demanding that we just remove any and all reference to God everywhere on this planet, they're in every Western nation preaching the anti-God mantra.
And the extremist on the right want to enforce their religious dogma, yet in the middle is the best place to meet.........

We better not mention the worst of all, Islam, the very name meaning "to submit" and/or "submission"

Isn't religion all about submitting your will to God's? Letting God take the burden?
I oppose both. The difference is conservatives run around screaming about freedom, liberty, and don't tread on me, but then get on your knees and lick the boots of anyone in a uniform and support imperialism and using brute force to get your way.
We've already determined what a dumbass you are so what you THINK of conservatives is unimportant.

It's what millions of people know.
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