Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

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Why get rid of it? It's a harmless tradition. Say it or don't. When asked to recite the Pledge I do so as a sign of respect.
For flag day only - "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
You forgot "one nation under God"
No, that is the original pledge, written by a Christian Socialist.

Wasn't "under God " added in like the 50s? Some anti commie freak out .
1954. The Pledge of Allegiance
Notice there is no comma after "one nation" so don't say "one nation (pause) "under God". It's "one narion under God".
What difference does a comma make when the point is it was modified to fit a 1950's red scare Christian mentality?
Why get rid of it? It's a harmless tradition. Say it or don't. When asked to recite the Pledge I do so as a sign of respect.

That's not enough for these Commies. They want a law making it a crime to salute the flag or stand for the National Anthem.
Why get rid of it? It's a harmless tradition. Say it or don't. When asked to recite the Pledge I do so as a sign of respect.

That's not enough for these Commies. They want a law making it a crime to salute the flag or stand for the National Anthem.

That wouldn't stop people from doing it regardless. It wouldn't stop me. The courts would slap down that nonsense before the ink was dry.
Fascist left once again demanding to destroy a freedom because they don't fucking like it..
I pledge allegiance to the banner or the global elites of the planet, and to the oligarchy for which they stand, one world, under them, with p.c. and multiculturalism for all.
Fascist left once again demanding to destroy a freedom because they don't fucking like it..

The Leftist Extremists again illustrate that they're Traitors and are the Fifth Column.

The Leftist Extremists across the planet hate their own nations and drool at every opportunity to trash everything and anything about their nation, they should all be put into military aircraft and air-dropped into Africa and the Middle East and forced to stay there.

With regard to this disgusting thread, young men and women have died and others been maimed defending the American Flag and the values it represents for better or worse.

Those young men and women have died and others have been maimed, so Leftist Extremist Traitors can have the freedom to sit in their basements and spew that the American Flag should be burned and urinated on and that the Pledge of Allegiance should be flushed down the toilet.

As a reservist in my own nations Armed Forces, I thank all who have had the courage to serve in the American Armed Forces, at several points of our respective history we have fought each other on opposite sides, I hope we never have to fight each other again in another World War :salute:
Fascist left once again demanding to destroy a freedom because they don't fucking like it..

The Leftist Extremists again illustrate that they're Traitors and are the Fifth Column.

The Leftist Extremists across the planet hate their own nations and drool at every opportunity to trash everything and anything about their nation, they should all be put into military aircraft and air-dropped into Africa and the Middle East and forced to stay there.

With regard to this disgusting thread, young men and women have died and others been maimed defending the American Flag and the values it represents for better or worse.

Those young men and women have died and others have been maimed, so Leftist Extremist Traitors can have the freedom to sit in their basements and spew that the American Flag should be burned and urinated on and that the Pledge of Allegiance should be flushed down the toilet.

As a reservist in my own nations Armed Forces, I thank all who have had the courage to serve in the American Armed Forces, at several points of our respective history we have fought each other on opposite sides, I hope we never have to fight each other again in another World War :salute:

Thank you for your service. This nation owes you a debt that can never be repaid.
I'll stand with my hand over my heart, out of respect for those that take it seriously, but I don't utter a word. It is a crock. I do not owe allegiance to a flag. I owe allegiance to the Constitution. The National Anthem is even worse. it is almost impossible to sing, and frankly, is a lousy song, anyway. I wish to hell that they would change it to "America the Beautiful".
Fascist left once again demanding to destroy a freedom because they don't fucking like it..

The Leftist Extremists again illustrate that they're Traitors and are the Fifth Column.

The Leftist Extremists across the planet hate their own nations and drool at every opportunity to trash everything and anything about their nation, they should all be put into military aircraft and air-dropped into Africa and the Middle East and forced to stay there.

With regard to this disgusting thread, young men and women have died and others been maimed defending the American Flag and the values it represents for better or worse.

Those young men and women have died and others have been maimed, so Leftist Extremist Traitors can have the freedom to sit in their basements and spew that the American Flag should be burned and urinated on and that the Pledge of Allegiance should be flushed down the toilet.

As a reservist in my own nations Armed Forces, I thank all who have had the courage to serve in the American Armed Forces, at several points of our respective history we have fought each other on opposite sides, I hope we never have to fight each other again in another World War :salute:

Thank you for your service. This nation owes you a debt that can never be repaid.

Well thank you for thanking me, but I'm not American, but we all need to fight this Leftist Extremism everywhere and together, because these Collective Traitors want to destroy everything that Western Civilisation has ever brought to this world.

The Leftist Extremists have declared war on Western Civilisation and our shared values system.

So we all share this common ground, no matter what our respective nation is, we must fight this together.
The country is devolving fast.

There is an awakening happening right now, and it is evolving, much to the chagrin of authoritarian conservatives who hate change.
They lost the culture war and are desperate to revive it before Christianity is just one of many faiths and they can't lord it over the rest of us.

No one is forcing christianity and there is no awakening. However, the depths of depravity know no bounds.
This nerd is a Jehovahs Witness, they hate the flag and the pledge, in fact the orgs bylaws do not let them say the pledge of allegiance. They are also not Christians so do not be fooled.
Liberty means not being forced by your government to "pledge" to things. Anyone who truly believes in God can't pledge allegiance either since that belongs solely to God who is above all things including nations.

So isn't it wonderful that nobody is forced to say the Pledge or stand for the National Anthem or respect the flag? I think it is pretty wonderful that we still have a lot of good decent citizens who do all three voluntarily, proudly, and to honor all those who fought in so many different ways, many giving their own lives, so that we have the liberty to do that.
Unless someone is being forced to say the pledge get over it. Last I checked there is no law requiring you to say it just like there is no law requiring people stand during the national anthem.
The court of law of public opinion and social peer pressure.......
If your not strong enough to stand up against those it's no ones fault but your own.
I told all of my kids that if they don;t feel comfortable to say the pledge not to, and then the populace of my community tried to shame me, yet I have been saying that for over 30 years, and still do......
If you don't like it don't say's just that simple. Now stop whining and making left loon demands
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