Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

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Trump and the USA could do a lot better if we keep the hard working, America loving Mexicans and deport the Progressives
There are no America loving mexicans. The closest you can get is Aztlan loving mexicans.
Wrong, every Mexican drug lord loves America, and I bet they have no problem saying the pledge either, not as long as Obama lets all of their drugs in.

Is Obama pushing meth out of the oval office?
Fascist left once again demanding to destroy a freedom because they don't fucking like it..

A freedom earned by others at that. They have zero stake in it.
Yet you forget that freedom of expression is denied if the pledge is forced. It is nothing more than a form of nationalism.......

The Leftists have a hatred of Nationalism.

What is Nationalism? Patriotism, love of the nation, wanting to preserve and protect your Culture and Heritage, putting your own people first and wanting to protect and if need be defend your borders.

The Leftists are anti-Nationalism which is hating Patriotism, not caring about the nation, wanting to trash the Culture and Heritage, putting their own people last and Third World illegals FIRST and wanting to have Open Borders, so that the nation they hate is left vulnerable to anything and everything, including Islamic Terrorists.
They certainly use the non-white nationalists to preserve their political power though.
There is an awakening happening right now, and it is evolving, much to the chagrin of authoritarian conservatives who hate change.
They lost the culture war and are desperate to revive it before Christianity is just one of many faiths and they can't lord it over the rest of us.

No one is forcing christianity and there is no awakening. However, the depths of depravity know no bounds.
This nerd is a Jehovahs Witness, they hate the flag and the pledge, in fact the orgs bylaws do not let them say the pledge of allegiance. They are also not Christians so do not be fooled.
Liberty means not being forced by your government to "pledge" to things. Anyone who truly believes in God can't pledge allegiance either since that belongs solely to God who is above all things including nations.
"Under God".....

The majority of Leftists are Athiests, they hate God, they hate Christianity, so this is why Leftists across this planet work to have any reference to God removed from anything.

They are greatly offended by the Christian Cross and the thought of God, but they're NOT offended by the Islamic Crescent, then when people say well why should Muslims be parading about in Islamic attire in Western nations, they say they're allowed to do that because of religious freedom, this is how confused Leftists now are.
It's time for us to evolve, folks.

You just mad because it has "under God" in it

Why would I be mad at that? I believe in God.
You aren't a true "progressive" then.

Says who, you? :laugh2:
Says the idiots in your party.

Unless you are non-white you can't effectively be a Christian or any kind of spiritual person and still be considered a "true progressive", because "faith" and "belief" is backward.

Religion and Christianity in particular is just yet another remnant of the racist, sexist western society of old, according the neo-Marxists who now own your party.
Trump and the USA could do a lot better if we keep the hard working, America loving Mexicans and deport the Progressives
There are no America loving mexicans. The closest you can get is Aztlan loving mexicans.
Wrong, every Mexican drug lord loves America, and I bet they have no problem saying the pledge either, not as long as Obama lets all of their drugs in.

Is Obama pushing meth out of the oval office?
No but he could care less if the entire country is stoned out of their minds as long as they vote Dopeocrat
I like the flag too. Flying the flag in front of your house is cool.

But isn't it kind of weird to do it year round? Those people are usually a bit nutty. Break it out on holidays,Veterans day, 4th of july, etc.

Nah, it's okay. Just don't have one of those giant flags that's as big as the house.

I'll admit I tend to look unfavorably on any American who finds the Pledge or the National Anthem or displaying the flag uncomfortable or annoying or offensive. All are such symbols and expressions of liberty and all this country was intended to stand for, I can't find any reason to want any of that removed. They don't hurt anybody and I don't understand how other people enjoying the symbolism should bother anybody if they don't.

Nationalism is disgusting. Expressing extreme pride in the state -- especially when you had no fucking say in the matter -- is disgusting. What sort of idiot takes that much pride in something they had no choice in? Oh, your parents happened to have fucked in the USA? Congratulations. Wow.

As the author wrote, anything reminiscent of a totalitarian regime is wrong. I know you love authoritarianism, so you have a hard time wrapping your head around this concept. After all, you're "proud" of something you had no say in.

This is the best paragraph in the article, "Now I know that many people think the Pledge is simply an affirmation of their respect for the flag, their love for the country, and their gratitude to the men and women who fought in America’s wars. But that’s not what it is. The Pledge is an attempt to impose conformity on the masses and compel them to click their heels and proclaim their devotion to the Fatherland. That’s not how it’s supposed to work in a democracy. In a democracy, the representatives of the state are supposed to pledge their loyalty to the people and to the laws that protect them. That’s the correct relationship between the state and the people. The Pledge turns that whole concept on its head."
Fascist left once again demanding to destroy a freedom because they don't fucking like it..

A freedom earned by others at that. They have zero stake in it.
Yet you forget that freedom of expression is denied if the pledge is forced. It is nothing more than a form of nationalism.......

The Leftists have a hatred of Nationalism.

What is Nationalism? Patriotism, love of the nation, wanting to preserve and protect your Culture and Heritage, putting your own people first and wanting to protect and if need be defend your borders.

The Leftists are anti-Nationalism which is hating Patriotism, not caring about the nation, wanting to trash the Culture and Heritage, putting their own people last and Third World illegals FIRST and wanting to have Open Borders, so that the nation they hate is left vulnerable to anything and everything, including Islamic Terrorists.
They certainly use the non-white nationalists to preserve their political power though.

Yes Black Nationalism is loved by the Leftist Extremists, self-hating white people, you know because of The Slave Trade and Colonialism :rolleyes-41:
I like the flag too. Flying the flag in front of your house is cool.

But isn't it kind of weird to do it year round? Those people are usually a bit nutty. Break it out on holidays,Veterans day, 4th of july, etc.

Nah, it's okay. Just don't have one of those giant flags that's as big as the house.

I'll admit I tend to look unfavorably on any American who finds the Pledge or the National Anthem or displaying the flag uncomfortable or annoying or offensive. All are such symbols and expressions of liberty and all this country was intended to stand for, I can't find any reason to want any of that removed. They don't hurt anybody and I don't understand how other people enjoying the symbolism should bother anybody if they don't.
Uhmm, well you have that right to your opinion...but I have the right to mine...and yours is no better than mine........

The difference though is that the Pledge, the National Anthem, and displaying the flag is enjoyable and satisfying to millions of people while costing the grumpies who don't like them absolutely nothing. It takes absolutely nothing from you during the opening ceremonies or the customary routine. You can check your phone or listen to your Ipod or whatever during the opening ceremonies. But to demand that people do away with them because the grumpies don't like them does take something important away from them.

I do wish that everybody could understand that liberty for law abiding citizens should always be a win-win situation for everybody as much as possible. When the Pledge or National Anthem or displaying the flag requires no participation or contribution from you, then the majority preference should prevail.
Unless someone is being forced to say the pledge get over it. Last I checked there is no law requiring you to say it just like there is no law requiring people stand during the national anthem.
The court of law of public opinion and social peer pressure.......
If your not strong enough to stand up against those it's no ones fault but your own.
I told all of my kids that if they don;t feel comfortable to say the pledge not to, and then the populace of my community tried to shame me, yet I have been saying that for over 30 years, and still do......
As you should if thats how you feel people should have the right to say or not say the pledge but calling for it to be done away with because some don't care to say it is wrong.
I like the flag too. Flying the flag in front of your house is cool.

But isn't it kind of weird to do it year round? Those people are usually a bit nutty. Break it out on holidays,Veterans day, 4th of july, etc.

Nah, it's okay. Just don't have one of those giant flags that's as big as the house.

I'll admit I tend to look unfavorably on any American who finds the Pledge or the National Anthem or displaying the flag uncomfortable or annoying or offensive. All are such symbols and expressions of liberty and all this country was intended to stand for, I can't find any reason to want any of that removed. They don't hurt anybody and I don't understand how other people enjoying the symbolism should bother anybody if they don't.
Uhmm, well you have that right to your opinion...but I have the right to mine...and yours is no better than mine........

The difference though is that the Pledge, the National Anthem, and displaying the flag is enjoyable and satisfying to millions of people while costing the grumpies who don't like them absolutely nothing. It takes absolutely nothing from you if you check your phone or listen to your Ipod or whatever during the opening ceremonies. But to demand that people do away with them because the grumpies don't like them does take something important from them.

I do wish that everybody could understand that liberty for law abiding citizens should always be a win-win situation for everybody. When the Pledge or National Anthem or displaying the flag requires no participation or contribution from you, then the majority preference should prevail.

This is the Leftist Extremists modus operandi on so many issues, not allowing people a choice, but demanding that everything that the Leftist Extremists don't like be got rid of.
I think that Lucy is right. We should use Austria as our model. First, we round up all the jews............
Please refrain from your trolling. Your remarks were totally unfounded. Would you specify, what parts of the Pledge are offensive to you?
I like the flag too. Flying the flag in front of your house is cool.

But isn't it kind of weird to do it year round? Those people are usually a bit nutty. Break it out on holidays,Veterans day, 4th of july, etc.

Nah, it's okay. Just don't have one of those giant flags that's as big as the house.

I'll admit I tend to look unfavorably on any American who finds the Pledge or the National Anthem or displaying the flag uncomfortable or annoying or offensive. All are such symbols and expressions of liberty and all this country was intended to stand for, I can't find any reason to want any of that removed. They don't hurt anybody and I don't understand how other people enjoying the symbolism should bother anybody if they don't.
Uhmm, well you have that right to your opinion...but I have the right to mine...and yours is no better than mine........

The difference though is that the Pledge, the National Anthem, and displaying the flag is enjoyable and satisfying to millions of people while costing the grumpies who don't like them absolutely nothing. It takes absolutely nothing from you during the opening ceremonies or the customary routine. You can check your phone or listen to your Ipod or whatever during the opening ceremonies. But to demand that people do away with them because the grumpies don't like them does take something important away from them.

I do wish that everybody could understand that liberty for law abiding citizens should always be a win-win situation for everybody as much as possible. When the Pledge or National Anthem or displaying the flag requires no participation or contribution from you, then the majority preference should prevail.
I have never advocated taking them away, just that is should not be a requirement for people that do not with to join in for what ever reason, without being turned into a pariah of society.......
I like the flag too. Flying the flag in front of your house is cool.

But isn't it kind of weird to do it year round? Those people are usually a bit nutty. Break it out on holidays,Veterans day, 4th of july, etc.

Nah, it's okay. Just don't have one of those giant flags that's as big as the house.

I'll admit I tend to look unfavorably on any American who finds the Pledge or the National Anthem or displaying the flag uncomfortable or annoying or offensive. All are such symbols and expressions of liberty and all this country was intended to stand for, I can't find any reason to want any of that removed. They don't hurt anybody and I don't understand how other people enjoying the symbolism should bother anybody if they don't.

Nationalism is disgusting. Expressing extreme pride in the state -- especially when you had no fucking say in the matter -- is disgusting. What sort of idiot takes that much pride in something they had no choice in? Oh, your parents happened to have fucked in the USA? Congratulations. Wow.

As the author wrote, anything reminiscent of a totalitarian regime is wrong. I know you love authoritarianism, so you have a hard time wrapping your head around this concept. After all, you're "proud" of something you had no say in.

This is the best paragraph in the article, "Now I know that many people think the Pledge is simply an affirmation of their respect for the flag, their love for the country, and their gratitude to the men and women who fought in America’s wars. But that’s not what it is. The Pledge is an attempt to impose conformity on the masses and compel them to click their heels and proclaim their devotion to the Fatherland. That’s not how it’s supposed to work in a democracy. In a democracy, the representatives of the state are supposed to pledge their loyalty to the people and to the laws that protect them. That’s the correct relationship between the state and the people. The Pledge turns that whole concept on its head."

You fucking communist bastard...

You have no God Damn respect for the men who fought for your God Damn freedom, saved the world twice in two wars..

Promoted freedom around the world, and brought the world into the 21 st century..

No other country on earth can say that, sure we have our bad points liberals and conservatives both.

But we are human after all

No nation in the history of earth can claim all the good we did..

You are a fucking piece of shit...

I like the flag too. Flying the flag in front of your house is cool.

But isn't it kind of weird to do it year round? Those people are usually a bit nutty. Break it out on holidays,Veterans day, 4th of july, etc.

Nah, it's okay. Just don't have one of those giant flags that's as big as the house.

I'll admit I tend to look unfavorably on any American who finds the Pledge or the National Anthem or displaying the flag uncomfortable or annoying or offensive. All are such symbols and expressions of liberty and all this country was intended to stand for, I can't find any reason to want any of that removed. They don't hurt anybody and I don't understand how other people enjoying the symbolism should bother anybody if they don't.

Nationalism is disgusting. Expressing extreme pride in the state -- especially when you had no fucking say in the matter -- is disgusting. What sort of idiot takes that much pride in something they had no choice in? Oh, your parents happened to have fucked in the USA? Congratulations. Wow.

As the author wrote, anything reminiscent of a totalitarian regime is wrong. I know you love authoritarianism, so you have a hard time wrapping your head around this concept. After all, you're "proud" of something you had no say in.

This is the best paragraph in the article, "Now I know that many people think the Pledge is simply an affirmation of their respect for the flag, their love for the country, and their gratitude to the men and women who fought in America’s wars. But that’s not what it is. The Pledge is an attempt to impose conformity on the masses and compel them to click their heels and proclaim their devotion to the Fatherland. That’s not how it’s supposed to work in a democracy. In a democracy, the representatives of the state are supposed to pledge their loyalty to the people and to the laws that protect them. That’s the correct relationship between the state and the people. The Pledge turns that whole concept on its head."

You fucking communist bastard...

You have no God Damn respect for the men who fought for your God Damn freedom, saved the world twice in two wars..

Promoted freedom around the world, and brought the world into the 21 st century..

No other country on earth can say that, sure we have our bad points liberals and conservatives both.

But we are human after all

No nation in the history of earth can claim all the good we did..

You are a fucking piece of shit...


"You fucking Communist bastard"

Bear darling, this type considers that a compliment :rolleyes-41:
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