Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

Trump bragged that his fame and fortune gave him the power to approach women, grab them by the pussy, and get away with it.

How many times do you people need to be reminded of that?

Well was he wrong? He wasn't really "bragging" that's an opinion on your part. He simply made an observational statement that is true.

How do I know? Because I've been there! When I worked in music publishing, I had women literally throwing their pussy at me all the time... I didn't even need to grab it!

They know that. They don't care that it is true. It is just a template for them to hang some smearing on.
Trump bragged that his fame and fortune gave him the power to approach women, grab them by the pussy, and get away with it.

How many times do you people need to be reminded of that?

Well was he wrong? He wasn't really "bragging" that's an opinion on your part. He simply made an observational statement that is true.

How do I know? Because I've been there! When I worked in music publishing, I had women literally throwing their pussy at me all the time... I didn't even need to grab it!

If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.
sure? what do you wanna know specifically? I'm guessing your looking for info you can't find on google alone right?

He's just on a standard issue strawman mission here based on the absurd premise that no one here has ever made a rational argument as to why Trump shouldn't be president.

Actually in his op, he stated that he completely understood opposing Trump on the issues, and did so himself, NOT voting for Trump.

Your bitterness and rage is warping our perceptions.
sure? what do you wanna know specifically? I'm guessing your looking for info you can't find on google alone right?

He's just on a standard issue strawman mission here based on the absurd premise that no one here has ever made a rational argument as to why Trump shouldn't be president.

Actually in his op, he stated that he completely understood opposing Trump on the issues, and did so himself, NOT voting for Trump.

Your bitterness and rage is warping our perceptions.

No, my rationality is making you and the OP look stupid.

ANyone who read the op and wasn't as equally warped as you, can see that you completely misrepresented what he said.
Trump bragged that his fame and fortune gave him the power to approach women, grab them by the pussy, and get away with it.

How many times do you people need to be reminded of that?

Well was he wrong? He wasn't really "bragging" that's an opinion on your part. He simply made an observational statement that is true.

How do I know? Because I've been there! When I worked in music publishing, I had women literally throwing their pussy at me all the time... I didn't even need to grab it!

He made an admission to doing it you moron.
Have you ever been a project manager? If so what was the scope?

Yes. Small scope. And we never made it a policy to rip off contractors. If we had a problem, we talked. They'd fix the problem. The key was to be involved the whole time, so that problems got caught and fixed early.

If Trump's team wouldn't do that, they sucked balls at project management. You never just say 'do it' and then walk away until it's done.

So, are you saying Trump was a totally incompetent businessman, or a corrupt businessman?

I do note that bear is saying everyone suing Trump is a ripoff artist Such a good cultist that one is. In his little cultist brain, it is impossible for his Messiah to be imperfect. If anyone has a problem with his Messiah, that person must be a sinner.

Interesting, of course, how nobody else in the business has such an avalanche of lawsuits against. But then, I'm sure that just makes Trump the victim. All of those ripoff artists must just want to pick on poor little Trump.
Trump's companies have gone into bankruptcy 4 times, and he himself once owed the banks 1 billion dollars, another point of concern.

from Trump's book The Art Of The Comeback:

"one day while walking down 5th Avenue with Marla, i pointed across the street to a man with a seeing eye dog. I asked 'do you know who that is?'
Marla said: 'He's a beggar. isn't that too bad? he looks so sad!'
I said: 'You're right but he's worth 1 billion dollars more than me. let's assume he's worth nothing, i'm worth minus 1 billion...i need to make 1 billion to be broke!'"

I often think about this when his detractors start whining about how he gained all his wealth from his rich daddy.... yeah? He lost all that too! lol
Trump bragged that his fame and fortune gave him the power to approach women, grab them by the pussy, and get away with it.

How many times do you people need to be reminded of that?

Well was he wrong? He wasn't really "bragging" that's an opinion on your part. He simply made an observational statement that is true.

How do I know? Because I've been there! When I worked in music publishing, I had women literally throwing their pussy at me all the time... I didn't even need to grab it!

He made an admission to doing it you moron.


We can discuss Donald.

He must resign, Pence must resign, and the new president must call for elections.
I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense..

Sorry Boss, have to call you out on this. I HEARD what he said about grabbing women's pussies. I SAW him mock a disabled reporter. I READ him dis the mother of one of your fallen soldiers. All those things happened. And those issues are important to some people. Nothing emotive about it.

As for a narcissist? Please, he defines the word. He can't stand an iota of criticism. He tweets and rants against any minor little thing. If there were a picture dictionary, next to the word narcissism would be a picture of him. I can't believe you can't see that. Jaysus...
If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.
Trump is a populous that knows the structural problems that this country has and wants to do substantial things to fix the problems.

He is not beholding to special interest groups and he knows that the Republican Party has contributed to the damage done by the Democrat Party.

His boss is the American people, not party bosses, union bosses, Wall Street or welfare queens.

Libtards hate the idea he wants to make this country great again and lower taxes, enforce immigration laws and make heath care affordable. They really hate for not being a politically correct pussy.

The Moon Bats will whine and the Neocons will second guess him on everything but he will be a tong effective leader that will stimulate the economy and get us off this parth to destruction that the Kenyan Catastrophe put us on.

Haters gonna hate. Let us all just thank god that that asshole Obama is gone and that corrupt dishonest bitch Crooked Hillary did not get elected.
Okay, so the election happened and the transition is over. Donald John Trump is officially our 45th President of the United States of America. Some of us supported him enthusiastically, some of us held our noses and voted for him, some of us couldn't vote for him, some of us opposed him strongly and some probably didn't care one way or another. But he's now the president and he'll be the president unless he dies or gets impeached. Love him or hate him, that's now a fact of life.

I've been patient with those who supported Clinton and had to work through the shock of losing the election because I know how this feels. It takes you a while to work through the emotions and come to terms with things. In the meantime, you might say things that aren't very reasonable. I think we've all had time to let this soak in now and it's time we get on with the business of life.

I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense. They never can really tell me what the man said that supports such a charge. It's always a gross misinterpretation of something he said or did or an outright lie about something he never said or did. You have to twist things out of context and make false assumptions to reach this conclusion. When you have to do that, it's not reasonable. You're not making a reasoned argument.

Look, I totally get that a lot of people don't like his policy ideas. I understand an objection to things he has proposed doing or positions he has taken. I don't agree with Trump on everything, in fact, I couldn't actually cast my vote for him in the general. He said too many things that contradict my conservative principles and he just didn't meet my criteria to earn my vote. But he's not a racist. He's not a homophobe or misogynist. I see no comparison whatsoever to Hitler. I don't even think he is a narcissist. He's very confident in himself, I'll give you that. He can be very cocky and abrasively arrogant, and sometimes that can be construed as narcissism.

So now, if you have calmed down emotionally enough to reasonably discuss Trump, I am willing to entertain your thoughts on these allegations of whatever. This isn't a flame-fest or thread for you to emotively vent your frustration with the outcome of the elections. It's not about policies or politics in general, I realize many people disagree on his policies and politics. This is specifically for the reasoned discussion of Trump's personal views on race, gender, lifestyle, etc. It's time to put your evidence on the table and let's have a reasoned evaluation based on the facts.

My opinion is he was a driven businessman his entire life who was always proudly patriotic. He looked around the country he loves after travelling the world and realizing that America lost what made it great. The thump chesting was gone, the passion to succeed and think big was lost. He said "what the hell is going on here?"

He enters the race and is immediately controversial and viewed as a gimmick, really how many took him seriously? Then something crazy happened, he showed that he is NOT a politician. At a time when people were sick of politicians, many of them remembered America as he remembered it. He pulls no punches and works hard to get media attention with strong words and hard lines, and it works and he flies in the polls. Unfortunately when it was clear he was a threat to win the GOP nomination the establishment piled on him. Hard. It had to have bothered him immensely. This in turn required he fight back just as hard, it's his nature, for better or for worse. It gave them plenty of soundbites.

Then he won the nomination and in the general election it became much worse. Clear media bias, attacks from within his own party along with celebrities, last night, foreign leaders and of course the Democrats. All of this solidified his resolve and with all the loyal support from those who were hurting it drove him even hard. All of these enemies were looking to exploit every misstep he has ever made over decades.

He did say things that looking back came out wrong. The heat of the moment, a desire to never back down, his fighting spirit, whatever. He didn't hurt America, they were fighting words. However...

He did NOT say anything racist. He did NOT say anything homophobic. He is NOT against immigrants. He is NOT against all of Islam. He did NOT say anything homophobic. What he is, is a very strong willed, scrapper who wants to see America win again. You can be sure every nation of citizens on earth wants a leader like him, from Canada on out. Maybe not with all the brashness which he has earned through decades of fighting and getting off the mat (I've read a few books about him, my first when I was a kid in the 1980's, he has been down and nearly out, but he recovered), but certainly his love of country and patriotism. So, this is what he brings to politics. If his history means anything he will go hard to try and succeed.

There are many who don't want their trough to go away. Trump knows the countries economy as well as anyone, he sees it literally from the ground up. He knows what is wrong. The challenge is fixing it. Especially when so many have no concern about the nations debt as long as they personally benefit. This is why Trump bothers them, and they will use all dirty tricks to undermine him.

That's my quick two cents, or maybe its a nickel because I type fast :D
Have you ever been a project manager? If so what was the scope?

Yes. Small scope. And we never made it a policy to rip off contractors. If we had a problem, we talked. They'd fix the problem. The key was to be involved the whole time, so that problems got caught and fixed early.

If Trump's team wouldn't do that, they sucked balls at project management. You never just say 'do it' and then walk away until it's done.

So, are you saying Trump was a totally incompetent businessman, or a corrupt businessman?

I do note that bear is saying everyone suing Trump is a ripoff artist Such a good cultist that one is. In his little cultist brain, it is impossible for his Messiah to be imperfect. If anyone has a problem with his Messiah, that person must be a sinner.

Interesting, of course, how nobody else in the business has such an avalanche of lawsuits against. But then, I'm sure that just makes Trump the victim. All of those ripoff artists must just want to pick on poor little Trump.

I was a large scope project manager for most of of my 30 year career as an engineer.

You don't have a fucking clue as to what you are talking about.
If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.

Actually, he said they LET YOU do it.

That's consent.
If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.
all your doing is making excuses

you dont seem to be interested in anyones opinions but your own and the people who already agree with you

Imagine if democrats ran Kim Kardashian for president and for every mistake she made along the way, the democrats just made excuse after excuse for her behavior and ignorance, thats basically whats going on right now with Trump
I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense..

Sorry Boss, have to call you out on this. I HEARD what he said about grabbing women's pussies. I SAW him mock a disabled reporter. I READ him dis the mother of one of your fallen soldiers. All those things happened. And those issues are important to some people. Nothing emotive about it.

As for a narcissist? Please, he defines the word. He can't stand an iota of criticism. He tweets and rants against any minor little thing. If there were a picture dictionary, next to the word narcissism would be a picture of him. I can't believe you can't see that. Jaysus...

Again... He made a truthful comment about women and how they react to powerful wealthy men. He never said it was okay or acceptable or that he did it personally. It was an observational comment that is true.

He did NOT mock a reporter's disability. He mocked a reporter who had a disability. The reporter in question has a gimp hand that remains stationary at his chest. Trump's flailing hands gesture is consistent with the same gesture he has made for lots of people including himself. If he had pulled his hand up to his chest in a palsy state, I could see that he was mocking the disability of the reporter but that's not what he did.

He doesn't let criticism go without challenge. I don't blame him for that, I think that's precisely why a lot of people like him... he doesn't take shit off anybody. You hit him, he's going to hit back twice as hard. Good for him! That's how you deal with bullies... bust them in their fucking mouth!

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