Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.

Actually, he said they LET YOU do it.

That's consent.

No, that's a true statement. The DO let you do it.
I think that's extremely smart business and he's well within his rights to do this. It's the primary reason some people are wealthy and others aren't.

Well yes, being an immoral shitstain can get you money. The point is that it isn't ethical.

And you defend it, by use of the same "FAKE NEWS" screaming that every other cultist on the planet has used for centuries. You're not new and original with that. All cultists have always screamed that all critics of the cult messiah are evil, and that all facts which make the cult messiah look bad are faked.

Good we got that settled early, how you're far too brainwashed to ever recover, and how you're thus a waste a time to speak to. The only purpose you serve now is as an example to others of how joining a cult destroys both intellect and ethics, and as a reason why one should always hold a "Don't do business with any conservative unless you get all the money up front" rule.
all your doing is making excuses

you dont seem to be interested in anyones opinions but your own and the people who already agree with you

Imagine if democrats ran Kim Kardashian for president and for every mistake she made along the way, the democrats just made excuse after excuse for her behavior and ignorance, thats basically whats going on right now with Trump

I'm not making excuses, I am shooting down your opinions you've made under false pretense and bigoted perspective. If you don't have any real evidence and only have a biased opinion, you're of no use in this thread.
If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.
all your doing is making excuses

you dont seem to be interested in anyones opinions but your own and the people who already agree with you

Imagine if democrats ran Kim Kardashian for president and for every mistake she made along the way, the democrats just made excuse after excuse for her behavior and ignorance, thats basically whats going on right now with Trump

One MAJOR difference. His has been words, others have been action. He didn't sleep during the Banghazi attacks or deny extra security. He didn't make millions by being a politician. He didn't have a global fund that was in place to potentially sell influence. He didn't have an illegal server in his basement. He didn't take a hammer to the data. I could go on and on. THAT was the democratic candidate, a poor choice, but well established and paid for.

You can say many harsh things, I will be offended and get angry. It doesn't compare to harmful actions. Maybe todays university students need a quiet room when things don't go their way or they hear a bad word, for the rest of the world, a punch in the head is far worse than being called an explicit. Nothing worse than losing your dignity, not being able to find work or have dreams. People will vote for these opportunities every time and reject policies that have impacted them for years.
all your doing is making excuses

you dont seem to be interested in anyones opinions but your own and the people who already agree with you

Imagine if democrats ran Kim Kardashian for president and for every mistake she made along the way, the democrats just made excuse after excuse for her behavior and ignorance, thats basically whats going on right now with Trump

I'm not making excuses, I am shooting down your opinions you've made under false pretense and bigoted perspective. If you don't have any real evidence and only have a biased opinion, you're of no use in this thread.
you mean if we dont agree with you and your opinions 100% we dont belong in your thread..... about liberals opinions of trump

are you a liberal?

Again... He made a truthful comment about women and how they react to powerful wealthy men. He never said it was okay or acceptable or that he did it personally. It was an observational comment that is true.

He did NOT mock a reporter's disability. He mocked a reporter who had a disability. The reporter in question has a gimp hand that remains stationary at his chest. Trump's flailing hands gesture is consistent with the same gesture he has made for lots of people including himself. If he had pulled his hand up to his chest in a palsy state, I could see that he was mocking the disability of the reporter but that's not what he did.

He doesn't let criticism go without challenge. I don't blame him for that, I think that's precisely why a lot of people like him... he doesn't take shit off anybody. You hit him, he's going to hit back twice as hard. Good for him! That's how you deal with bullies... bust them in their fucking mouth!

Fuck off. C'mon man, stop looking for excuses. I heard him. I can tell speech inflection. He was 'making an observation' my arse, He was drooling.

BS re the reporter. I have never seen him do this before...

Criticism? Fuck off, he can't stand it. He tweets constantly and whines constantly. Bully? He was born a bully.

I thought you were after honest discussion. You're not. You're an apologist for a despicable human being. Normal folks aren't buying your cup a Joe...

The guy is an egotistical, narcissistic fuckwit...
I was a large scope project manager for most of of my 30 year career as an engineer.

You don't have a fucking clue as to what you are talking about.

We'd have contracts that ran for a couple years. Sometime being the sub, sometimes having subs.

When we were the sub, we'd constantly be checked up on.

When we hired the subs, we'd constantly check them.

And holy mother of god, did I write and review a lot of spreadsheets to make sure the numbers added up.

Maybe Flash should write a book on his amazing "ignoring subcontractors for profit" business strategy.
Okay, so the election happened and the transition is over. Donald John Trump is officially our 45th President of the United States of America. Some of us supported him enthusiastically, some of us held our noses and voted for him, some of us couldn't vote for him, some of us opposed him strongly and some probably didn't care one way or another. But he's now the president and he'll be the president unless he dies or gets impeached. Love him or hate him, that's now a fact of life.

I've been patient with those who supported Clinton and had to work through the shock of losing the election because I know how this feels. It takes you a while to work through the emotions and come to terms with things. In the meantime, you might say things that aren't very reasonable. I think we've all had time to let this soak in now and it's time we get on with the business of life.

I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense. They never can really tell me what the man said that supports such a charge. It's always a gross misinterpretation of something he said or did or an outright lie about something he never said or did. You have to twist things out of context and make false assumptions to reach this conclusion. When you have to do that, it's not reasonable. You're not making a reasoned argument.

Look, I totally get that a lot of people don't like his policy ideas. I understand an objection to things he has proposed doing or positions he has taken. I don't agree with Trump on everything, in fact, I couldn't actually cast my vote for him in the general. He said too many things that contradict my conservative principles and he just didn't meet my criteria to earn my vote. But he's not a racist. He's not a homophobe or misogynist. I see no comparison whatsoever to Hitler. I don't even think he is a narcissist. He's very confident in himself, I'll give you that. He can be very cocky and abrasively arrogant, and sometimes that can be construed as narcissism.

So now, if you have calmed down emotionally enough to reasonably discuss Trump, I am willing to entertain your thoughts on these allegations of whatever. This isn't a flame-fest or thread for you to emotively vent your frustration with the outcome of the elections. It's not about policies or politics in general, I realize many people disagree on his policies and politics. This is specifically for the reasoned discussion of Trump's personal views on race, gender, lifestyle, etc. It's time to put your evidence on the table and let's have a reasoned evaluation based on the facts.
If you really want such a thing, you may want to try this in the Clean Debate Zone. At least the nasty personal insults and name-calling won't pollute the thread.

And even then, you're probably asking for too much. Emotions are still raw.
I think that's extremely smart business and he's well within his rights to do this. It's the primary reason some people are wealthy and others aren't.

Well yes, being an immoral shitstain can get you money. The point is that it isn't ethical.

And you defend it, by use of the same "FAKE NEWS" screaming that every other cultist on the planet has used for centuries. You're not new and original with that. All cultists have always screamed that all critics of the cult messiah are evil, and that all facts which make the cult messiah look bad are faked.

Good we got that settled early, how you're far too brainwashed to ever recover, and how you're thus a waste a time to speak to. The only purpose you serve now is as an example to others of how joining a cult destroys both intellect and ethics, and as a reason why one should always hold a "Don't do business with any conservative unless you get all the money up front" rule.

No wait... it's not immoral to hold someone to the agreement they made. There's nothing unethical about that. And I wasn't the one who introduced the "fake news" meme in the modern political lexicon, that was YOUR side when Hillary needed an excuse for her loss.

And I'll say this... don't sign a fucking contract with me that you don't intend to honor. If you're not going to honor your contract, I'm not going to pay you... simple as that. It's business!
To liberals Trump's election literally brought their world crashing down. They believed that republicans were done, finished. As they were so fond of saying, never win another national election. Further cementing their opinion of permanent majority was a firm reliance on demographic changes that permanently disenfranchised white people. Democrats were celebrating Kansas, Tennessee and Texas going blue for all time and Georgia at least going democrat for Hillary this time.

Democrats were secure enough in their entitlement that they could mock and denigrate the middle class for entertainment. No one really need pay attention to those non college educated rubes. They do what their betters tell them to do and choke on it. These are the deplorables, the irredeemables. The bitter clingers hanging on to guns and Bibles.

Then there was a revolution. The middle class found a standard bearer, rose up and threw you over. Yep, the liberals were thrown into the trash heap.
You surely deserve it too.
Donald Trump is hitting a nerve in America. folks are frustrated. and for liberals who just wanna tune Trump out, they're makin a big mistake!
If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.

Actually, he said they LET YOU do it.

That's consent.

Before long I suppose these 'bots will be endorsing Trump's exercise of droit du seigneur.

Jesus Christ on a donkey, these people are truly unbelievable.
He didn't sleep during the Banghazi attacks or deny extra security. He didn't make millions by being a politician. He didn't have a global fund that was in place to potentially sell influence. He didn't have an illegal server in his basement. He didn't take a hammer to the data. I could go on and on.

No need to. We get it. You're still lying in an epic scale about Clinton, and you're proud to do so, because your cult tells you it's a good thing to do.

Meanwhile, unlike Clinton's squeaky clean charity fund which saved thousands of lives and got an "A" rating from everyone, Trump did have a charity fund which did almost no charity, and which he just raided for his own profit. That makes you look staggeringly hypocritical.

And Trump did rip off contractors, and shareholders, and customers. He performed actions that were directly harmful to thousands of people.

And you excuse those actions, which makes you morally complicit in them.

And now you're going to melt down, but tough luck snowflake, you needed to be triggered. Time to drag you screaming into the real world, no matter how much it hurts your precious feelings.
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Okay, so the election happened and the transition is over. Donald John Trump is officially our 45th President of the United States of America. Some of us supported him enthusiastically, some of us held our noses and voted for him, some of us couldn't vote for him, some of us opposed him strongly and some probably didn't care one way or another. But he's now the president and he'll be the president unless he dies or gets impeached. Love him or hate him, that's now a fact of life.

I've been patient with those who supported Clinton and had to work through the shock of losing the election because I know how this feels. It takes you a while to work through the emotions and come to terms with things. In the meantime, you might say things that aren't very reasonable. I think we've all had time to let this soak in now and it's time we get on with the business of life.

I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense. They never can really tell me what the man said that supports such a charge. It's always a gross misinterpretation of something he said or did or an outright lie about something he never said or did. You have to twist things out of context and make false assumptions to reach this conclusion. When you have to do that, it's not reasonable. You're not making a reasoned argument.

Look, I totally get that a lot of people don't like his policy ideas. I understand an objection to things he has proposed doing or positions he has taken. I don't agree with Trump on everything, in fact, I couldn't actually cast my vote for him in the general. He said too many things that contradict my conservative principles and he just didn't meet my criteria to earn my vote. But he's not a racist. He's not a homophobe or misogynist. I see no comparison whatsoever to Hitler. I don't even think he is a narcissist. He's very confident in himself, I'll give you that. He can be very cocky and abrasively arrogant, and sometimes that can be construed as narcissism.

So now, if you have calmed down emotionally enough to reasonably discuss Trump, I am willing to entertain your thoughts on these allegations of whatever. This isn't a flame-fest or thread for you to emotively vent your frustration with the outcome of the elections. It's not about policies or politics in general, I realize many people disagree on his policies and politics. This is specifically for the reasoned discussion of Trump's personal views on race, gender, lifestyle, etc. It's time to put your evidence on the table and let's have a reasoned evaluation based on the facts.
If you really want such a thing, you may want to try this in the Clean Debate Zone. At least the nasty personal insults and name-calling won't pollute the thread.

And even then, you're probably asking for too much. Emotions are still raw.

Trump's biggest closet fan weighs in.
Okay, so the election happened and the transition is over. Donald John Trump is officially our 45th President of the United States of America. Some of us supported him enthusiastically, some of us held our noses and voted for him, some of us couldn't vote for him, some of us opposed him strongly and some probably didn't care one way or another. But he's now the president and he'll be the president unless he dies or gets impeached. Love him or hate him, that's now a fact of life.

I've been patient with those who supported Clinton and had to work through the shock of losing the election because I know how this feels. It takes you a while to work through the emotions and come to terms with things. In the meantime, you might say things that aren't very reasonable. I think we've all had time to let this soak in now and it's time we get on with the business of life.

I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense. They never can really tell me what the man said that supports such a charge. It's always a gross misinterpretation of something he said or did or an outright lie about something he never said or did. You have to twist things out of context and make false assumptions to reach this conclusion. When you have to do that, it's not reasonable. You're not making a reasoned argument.

Look, I totally get that a lot of people don't like his policy ideas. I understand an objection to things he has proposed doing or positions he has taken. I don't agree with Trump on everything, in fact, I couldn't actually cast my vote for him in the general. He said too many things that contradict my conservative principles and he just didn't meet my criteria to earn my vote. But he's not a racist. He's not a homophobe or misogynist. I see no comparison whatsoever to Hitler. I don't even think he is a narcissist. He's very confident in himself, I'll give you that. He can be very cocky and abrasively arrogant, and sometimes that can be construed as narcissism.

So now, if you have calmed down emotionally enough to reasonably discuss Trump, I am willing to entertain your thoughts on these allegations of whatever. This isn't a flame-fest or thread for you to emotively vent your frustration with the outcome of the elections. It's not about policies or politics in general, I realize many people disagree on his policies and politics. This is specifically for the reasoned discussion of Trump's personal views on race, gender, lifestyle, etc. It's time to put your evidence on the table and let's have a reasoned evaluation based on the facts.

There ain't no "can be construed" about it, at all. He's the MODEL of classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. No one else would be literally up all night sending whiny tweets at 3 in the morning. He's severely mentally ill. There's simply no question about that.

However, that's nothing we didn't all know before the election, so it's not in any way news.

As far as racist/misogynist etc --- who knows. Given that he's a born liar and con artist who's out to manipulate people for his own benefit (again, Numero Uno), it's hard to find evidence. Manipulating other people's bigoted views of racism, religious or ethnic hatred, whatever, is not the same thing as actually holding those views oneself. With a con artist you really can't tell what he really believes personally ----- as distinct from what he believes will benefit him personally.

I do believe he's a misogynist though. There's way too much evidence.

Let's start with the definition...

Misogyny - Wikipedia

Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls.

So according to this there is absolutely no way this man would hire women into positions of power in his an all male industry like construction....except he one of the first men to do that at a time when it was unheard of.....who has women in all levels of leadership in his business enterprises.......oh...and the individual who ran his successful campaign....was a woman...and the lawyer handling his transition and explaining how he is moving out of his businesses...was a female lawyer....

So.....I guess that since he is a misogynist he would never do any of that......

But morons like you can keep saying it......lying and making things up are your specialty...
Okay, so the election happened and the transition is over. Donald John Trump is officially our 45th President of the United States of America. Some of us supported him enthusiastically, some of us held our noses and voted for him, some of us couldn't vote for him, some of us opposed him strongly and some probably didn't care one way or another. But he's now the president and he'll be the president unless he dies or gets impeached. Love him or hate him, that's now a fact of life.

I've been patient with those who supported Clinton and had to work through the shock of losing the election because I know how this feels. It takes you a while to work through the emotions and come to terms with things. In the meantime, you might say things that aren't very reasonable. I think we've all had time to let this soak in now and it's time we get on with the business of life.

I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense. They never can really tell me what the man said that supports such a charge. It's always a gross misinterpretation of something he said or did or an outright lie about something he never said or did. You have to twist things out of context and make false assumptions to reach this conclusion. When you have to do that, it's not reasonable. You're not making a reasoned argument.

Look, I totally get that a lot of people don't like his policy ideas. I understand an objection to things he has proposed doing or positions he has taken. I don't agree with Trump on everything, in fact, I couldn't actually cast my vote for him in the general. He said too many things that contradict my conservative principles and he just didn't meet my criteria to earn my vote. But he's not a racist. He's not a homophobe or misogynist. I see no comparison whatsoever to Hitler. I don't even think he is a narcissist. He's very confident in himself, I'll give you that. He can be very cocky and abrasively arrogant, and sometimes that can be construed as narcissism.

So now, if you have calmed down emotionally enough to reasonably discuss Trump, I am willing to entertain your thoughts on these allegations of whatever. This isn't a flame-fest or thread for you to emotively vent your frustration with the outcome of the elections. It's not about policies or politics in general, I realize many people disagree on his policies and politics. This is specifically for the reasoned discussion of Trump's personal views on race, gender, lifestyle, etc. It's time to put your evidence on the table and let's have a reasoned evaluation based on the facts.

There ain't no "can be construed" about it, at all. He's the MODEL of classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. No one else would be literally up all night sending whiny tweets at 3 in the morning. He's severely mentally ill. There's simply no question about that.

However, that's nothing we didn't all know before the election, so it's not in any way news.

As far as racist/misogynist etc --- who knows. Given that he's a born liar and con artist who's out to manipulate people for his own benefit (again, Numero Uno), it's hard to find evidence. Manipulating other people's bigoted views of racism, religious or ethnic hatred, whatever, is not the same thing as actually holding those views oneself. With a con artist you really can't tell what he really believes personally ----- as distinct from what he believes will benefit him personally.

I do believe he's a misogynist though. There's way too much evidence.

Let's start with the definition...

Misogyny - Wikipedia

Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls.

So according to this there is absolutely no way this man would hire women into positions of power in his an all male industry like construction....except he one of the first men to do that at a time when it was unheard of.....who has women in all levels of leadership in his business enterprises.......oh...and the individual who ran his successful campaign....was a woman...and the lawyer handling his transition and explaining how he is moving out of his businesses...was a female lawyer....

So.....I guess that since he is a misogynist he would never do any of that......

But morons like you can keep saying it......lying and making things up are your specialty...

The answer is simple: Adolf Trump likes to control and fuck them. It ain't rocket science...
If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.

He said he did it.

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