Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

No! Fuck no!

Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....

Lie! Hillary never started that. BTW, both the Clinton and McCain camps in 2008 investigated Obama's birth and quickly realized he was born in Hawaii as stated. End of story.

Moron......we have actual reporters who stated her minion, sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager shopped the story around when she was stupid asshole......
With each second, minute and hour....obama becomes that guy...what was his name.....yeah, he was the first black President...and he had a funny name......did he do anything in office....Hmmmm not really, but he was the first black President...and he gave Iran nuclear weapons........
oh please you'll still be bitching about him 20 years from now

Who? Who are you talking about...oh, that guy who was the first black President....yeah, he had a funny sounding name....but otherwise pretty forgetable.....except he gave Iran nuclear weapons....
Fuck off. C'mon man, stop looking for excuses. I heard him. I can tell speech inflection. He was 'making an observation' my arse, He was drooling.

LMAO... So you HEARD him drooling? :rofl:

Again, he simply pointed out how women behave with powerful and wealthy men and he's right... they do. So you're upset that he made a valid observation?

BS re the reporter. I have never seen him do this before...

Well, I'm sorry, you've not watched him much. I've seen him do it numerous times for all kinds of people INCLUDING HIMSELF! Again-- the reporter in question doesn't have a disability that resembles what Trump did. His disability is a gimp hand that remains at his chest in a palsy state... that's all.... everything else about the man is perfectly normal, he doesn't speak funny or have any other funny mannerisms. Trump simply didn't mock his disability... that is a LIE that has been perpetrated by the left.

Criticism? Fuck off, he can't stand it. He tweets constantly and whines constantly. Bully? He was born a bully.

Yes, he responds to criticisms. He tweets because he can communicate directly with the public instantly and bypass the prejudice media. More power to him! He's not a bully, he's the guy who beats the crap out of the bully.

Okay, so you're looking to excuse his behaviour. That's okay. You do that....

What behavior? That he said the truth? That he defended himself against smears? Yeah... I'll excuse his behavior there. You have any evidence of anything else?
sure? what do you wanna know specifically? I'm guessing your looking for info you can't find on google alone right?

No, I am honestly trying to get to the bottom of what is causing all this overblown emotional anguish with some in our society. I don't understand it. This man has been in the public eye for 50 years and has never shown any indication of racism as far as I know, but suddenly he's a flaming racist. Same with women... yeah, he's been married a few times but so what? Homophobia? He's the most pro-LGBT candidate to ever win an election. So what is the root of all this? Where is it coming from? Is it simply about politics and nothing else? Is it because he's pro-life? Supports the 2nd Amendment? Wants to stop illegal immigration?

I think he is being falsely and irrationally judged based on hyperbole and rhetoric... nothing more. You've chosen to attack him personally because you don't agree with him politically. That's what I think.

The root of it all....he defeated the democrat. That is it. They have tactics they always use...the Republican is a racist, sexist, homophobe, and therefore must not only lose the election their reputation must be destroyed.....

He has shown no racist tendencies, he has shown no misogynistic tendencies......and yet they have claimed he is all of those things......

And narcissists.....obama fits all of it..........and yet they won't say it of him...
you call liberals racists all the time asshole you refer to hillary clinton as hitlery ffs

Yes....I do call liberals/leftists racists....all the time because they are....they exploit minorities for votes every two years then send them back to their shooting gallery neighborhoods......I don't call hilary hitlery.......that was someone else.
so you saying your originally point was stupid and we shouldnt listen to you because your posts are just hypocritical hackish garbage propaganda one after the other?
There ain't no "can be construed" about it, at all. He's the MODEL of classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. No one else would be literally up all night sending whiny tweets at 3 in the morning. He's severely mentally ill. There's simply no question about that.

Where is your Doctor of Psychology degree? I think there IS a question about it and you've not presented any evidence. Lots of people are up at 3am. That's sure as hell not a sign of mental illness.

No it ain't. I myself am sometimes. But what I'm not doing at that time is having a hissyfit meltdown because I called a beauty contestant "Miss Piggy" and then got called on it.

Where is YOUR Psych degree to declare there is?
I posted the DSM-5 traits. Make the case that their not effectively written with Him specifically in mind.

I do believe he's a misogynist though. There's way too much evidence.

Let's pony up with it!

You mean --- "pussy" up?

Look Doodles -- you posed a question and you got direct answers. Now you want to whine because you didn't get the answer you wanted?

You gonna stay up all night on Twitter whining about it too? :gay:
Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

No! Fuck no!

Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....
says the birther who voted for a birther... who still beleives obama is a muslim from kenya

No moron......his mother is an American citizen so that made him a to where he was born, you asswipes can pretend that it was a stretch to think that he was born in Kenya...even though his mother lived there and she married a guy from please......get the story straight...
Fuck off. C'mon man, stop looking for excuses. I heard him. I can tell speech inflection. He was 'making an observation' my arse, He was drooling.

LMAO... So you HEARD him drooling? :rofl:

Again, he simply pointed out how women behave with powerful and wealthy men and he's right... they do. So you're upset that he made a valid observation?

BS re the reporter. I have never seen him do this before...

Well, I'm sorry, you've not watched him much. I've seen him do it numerous times for all kinds of people INCLUDING HIMSELF! Again-- the reporter in question doesn't have a disability that resembles what Trump did. His disability is a gimp hand that remains at his chest in a palsy state... that's all.... everything else about the man is perfectly normal, he doesn't speak funny or have any other funny mannerisms. Trump simply didn't mock his disability... that is a LIE that has been perpetrated by the left.

Criticism? Fuck off, he can't stand it. He tweets constantly and whines constantly. Bully? He was born a bully.

Yes, he responds to criticisms. He tweets because he can communicate directly with the public instantly and bypass the prejudice media. More power to him! He's not a bully, he's the guy who beats the crap out of the bully.

Okay, so you're looking to excuse his behaviour. That's okay. You do that....

What behavior? That he said the truth? That he defended himself against smears? Yeah... I'll excuse his behavior there. You have any evidence of anything else?
why dont you just list all of your excuses upfront instead of pretending to be interested in anyones point of view other than your own?
Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

No! Fuck no!

Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....

Lie! Hillary never started that. BTW, both the Clinton and McCain camps in 2008 investigated Obama's birth and quickly realized he was born in Hawaii as stated. End of story.

Moron......we have actual reporters who stated her minion, sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager shopped the story around when she was stupid asshole......

Why do you keep spreading fake news and lies that have been thoroughly debunked?

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?
sure? what do you wanna know specifically? I'm guessing your looking for info you can't find on google alone right?

No, I am honestly trying to get to the bottom of what is causing all this overblown emotional anguish with some in our society. I don't understand it. This man has been in the public eye for 50 years and has never shown any indication of racism as far as I know, but suddenly he's a flaming racist. Same with women... yeah, he's been married a few times but so what? Homophobia? He's the most pro-LGBT candidate to ever win an election. So what is the root of all this? Where is it coming from? Is it simply about politics and nothing else? Is it because he's pro-life? Supports the 2nd Amendment? Wants to stop illegal immigration?

I think he is being falsely and irrationally judged based on hyperbole and rhetoric... nothing more. You've chosen to attack him personally because you don't agree with him politically. That's what I think.

The root of it all....he defeated the democrat. That is it. They have tactics they always use...the Republican is a racist, sexist, homophobe, and therefore must not only lose the election their reputation must be destroyed.....

He has shown no racist tendencies, he has shown no misogynistic tendencies......and yet they have claimed he is all of those things......

And narcissists.....obama fits all of it..........and yet they won't say it of him...
you call liberals racists all the time asshole you refer to hillary clinton as hitlery ffs

Yes....I do call liberals/leftists racists....all the time because they are....they exploit minorities for votes every two years then send them back to their shooting gallery neighborhoods......I don't call hilary hitlery.......that was someone else.
so you saying your originally point was stupid and we shouldnt listen to you because your posts are just hypocritical hackish garbage propaganda one after the other?

No....the stupid is strong with you, but I will try anyway....the democrat party is the actual party of racism....they created the klan and jim crow and hanged black men...they fought civil rights till the bitter end, then used welfare to buy black votes........the core groups of the democrat party are all racist to their core, and their leadership, including bill clinton the rapist and obama are racists....

The democrat party is obsessed with all levels......

The Republican party, could not care less about race......but the democrats lie and accuse the republicans of being the racists that democrats actually are...
Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

No! Fuck no!

Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....
says the birther who voted for a birther... who still beleives obama is a muslim from kenya

No moron......his mother is an American citizen so that made him a to where he was born, you asswipes can pretend that it was a stretch to think that he was born in Kenya...even though his mother lived there and she married a guy from please......get the story straight...
so you are a birther who voted for a birther... who still beleives obama is a muslim from kenya

so why make up bullshit about hillary that you already know isnt true? is it just because your racist turd and nothing more?
No, I am honestly trying to get to the bottom of what is causing all this overblown emotional anguish with some in our society. I don't understand it. This man has been in the public eye for 50 years and has never shown any indication of racism as far as I know, but suddenly he's a flaming racist. Same with women... yeah, he's been married a few times but so what? Homophobia? He's the most pro-LGBT candidate to ever win an election. So what is the root of all this? Where is it coming from? Is it simply about politics and nothing else? Is it because he's pro-life? Supports the 2nd Amendment? Wants to stop illegal immigration?

I think he is being falsely and irrationally judged based on hyperbole and rhetoric... nothing more. You've chosen to attack him personally because you don't agree with him politically. That's what I think.

The root of it all....he defeated the democrat. That is it. They have tactics they always use...the Republican is a racist, sexist, homophobe, and therefore must not only lose the election their reputation must be destroyed.....

He has shown no racist tendencies, he has shown no misogynistic tendencies......and yet they have claimed he is all of those things......

And narcissists.....obama fits all of it..........and yet they won't say it of him...
you call liberals racists all the time asshole you refer to hillary clinton as hitlery ffs

Yes....I do call liberals/leftists racists....all the time because they are....they exploit minorities for votes every two years then send them back to their shooting gallery neighborhoods......I don't call hilary hitlery.......that was someone else.
so you saying your originally point was stupid and we shouldnt listen to you because your posts are just hypocritical hackish garbage propaganda one after the other?

No....the stupid is strong with you, but I will try anyway....the democrat party is the actual party of racism....they created the klan and jim crow and hanged black men...they fought civil rights till the bitter end, then used welfare to buy black votes........the core groups of the democrat party are all racist to their core, and their leadership, including bill clinton the rapist and obama are racists....

The democrat party is obsessed with all levels......

The Republican party, could not care less about race......but the democrats lie and accuse the republicans of being the racists that democrats actually are...
if you really thought democrats were racist, you would be one

....stupid nazi
Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

No! Fuck no!

Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....
says the birther who voted for a birther... who still beleives obama is a muslim from kenya

No moron......his mother is an American citizen so that made him a to where he was born, you asswipes can pretend that it was a stretch to think that he was born in Kenya...even though his mother lived there and she married a guy from please......get the story straight...

Yeah, so two Hawaiian newspapers falsely printed his birth announcement. Funny...
No! Fuck no!

Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....

Lie! Hillary never started that. BTW, both the Clinton and McCain camps in 2008 investigated Obama's birth and quickly realized he was born in Hawaii as stated. End of story.

Moron......we have actual reporters who stated her minion, sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager shopped the story around when she was stupid asshole......

Why do you keep spreading fake news and lies that have been thoroughly debunked?

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement? is the constant lying by left wing assholes that is really annoying....

sydney blumenthal is hilary clinton's Renfield.....he is her minion of the first order.......and probably eats flies...

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.

The issue arose Friday as Donald Trump finally acknowledged that Obama was born in the U.S. Trump, a leading champion of the debunked “birther” conspiracy theory for years, attempted to blame Clinton for starting it when she ran against Obama in 2008 for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Read more here: 2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story
If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.

Okay, so in many cases you can get away with MURDER if you have wealth and power.

Is that the new morality? Wealth and power dictates right and wrong?
The root of it all....he defeated the democrat. That is it. They have tactics they always use...the Republican is a racist, sexist, homophobe, and therefore must not only lose the election their reputation must be destroyed.....

He has shown no racist tendencies, he has shown no misogynistic tendencies......and yet they have claimed he is all of those things......

And narcissists.....obama fits all of it..........and yet they won't say it of him...
you call liberals racists all the time asshole you refer to hillary clinton as hitlery ffs

Yes....I do call liberals/leftists racists....all the time because they are....they exploit minorities for votes every two years then send them back to their shooting gallery neighborhoods......I don't call hilary hitlery.......that was someone else.
so you saying your originally point was stupid and we shouldnt listen to you because your posts are just hypocritical hackish garbage propaganda one after the other?

No....the stupid is strong with you, but I will try anyway....the democrat party is the actual party of racism....they created the klan and jim crow and hanged black men...they fought civil rights till the bitter end, then used welfare to buy black votes........the core groups of the democrat party are all racist to their core, and their leadership, including bill clinton the rapist and obama are racists....

The democrat party is obsessed with all levels......

The Republican party, could not care less about race......but the democrats lie and accuse the republicans of being the racists that democrats actually are...
if you really thought democrats were racist, you would be one

....stupid nazi

Nope....I don't believe in treating people based on the color of their skin...that is exactly what the democrats all levels...
Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....

Lie! Hillary never started that. BTW, both the Clinton and McCain camps in 2008 investigated Obama's birth and quickly realized he was born in Hawaii as stated. End of story.

Moron......we have actual reporters who stated her minion, sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager shopped the story around when she was stupid asshole......

Why do you keep spreading fake news and lies that have been thoroughly debunked?

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement? is the constant lying by left wing assholes that is really annoying....

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

Duh, Clinton supporters maybe - but not Hillary. Adolf Trump is the one who rode birtherism into the White House.
No! Fuck no!

Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....

Lie! Hillary never started that. BTW, both the Clinton and McCain camps in 2008 investigated Obama's birth and quickly realized he was born in Hawaii as stated. End of story.

Moron......we have actual reporters who stated her minion, sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager shopped the story around when she was stupid asshole......

Why do you keep spreading fake news and lies that have been thoroughly debunked?

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

because he's a neo nazi... its not hard to figure out
"Can we reasonably discuss Trump?"


Raise your fist if you are awesomer than God...


that settles it!
Bring back birtherism! Now that's when the RWnuts, INCLUDING TRUMP, really taught us the meaning and importance of reasonable discussion.

Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....

Lie! Hillary never started that. BTW, both the Clinton and McCain camps in 2008 investigated Obama's birth and quickly realized he was born in Hawaii as stated. End of story.

Moron......we have actual reporters who stated her minion, sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager shopped the story around when she was stupid asshole......

Why do you keep spreading fake news and lies that have been thoroughly debunked?

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement? is the constant lying by left wing assholes that is really annoying....

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

So that is supposed to make birtherism a good thing?

Nobody RAN with the story except Republicans/conservatives, one of the most prominent being Donald Trump.
Birtherism...the tactic hilary clinton used to attack obama...until it didn't work and he won the Presidency....

Lie! Hillary never started that. BTW, both the Clinton and McCain camps in 2008 investigated Obama's birth and quickly realized he was born in Hawaii as stated. End of story.

Moron......we have actual reporters who stated her minion, sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager shopped the story around when she was stupid asshole......

Why do you keep spreading fake news and lies that have been thoroughly debunked?

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement? is the constant lying by left wing assholes that is really annoying....

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

Duh, Clinton supporters maybe - but not Hillary. Adolf Trump is the one who rode birtherism into the White House.

Blumenthal is not a "supporter" he is the chief minion in her criminal enterprise....nothing happens without her say so and he was working for her...

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