Can win Obama win a debate Against Newt ??

1 out of 40 plus: there is a real sampling. :lol: And you are thinking about voting for the Dem?

Reality is not going to falter for your wishes, JoeB.

A woman who lost both legs in Iraq vs. a Deadbeat Dad who didn't pay his child support. That's kind of an easy one...

I vote for the person as much as the party. Which is why I can never vote for Romney. He's an utterly slimy person. And a Mormon. But I repeat myself.

Sorry, man, there just aren't that many 'sensible' Republicans coming out of the woodwork. They are probalby hoping that some of these TEA Partiers will go down and they can slip in during the midterms, but nope, not seeing anyone who is running on the "We need to get rid of the TEA Partier who brought us our first victory in this district in 20 years!" platform.
You are entitled to your misinformed opinion, JoeB, of course. I support that.

If you think the Tea Party is the salvation of the GOP in the future, that is a mistaken opinion as well.
You are entitled to your misinformed opinion, JoeB, of course. I support that.

If you think the Tea Party is the salvation of the GOP in the future, that is a mistaken opinion as well.

I think that if you take a list of major TEA party positions, that taxes are too high, that deficit spending is bad, that the government is too bloated and to inefficient, most Americans agree with that. Because it's all true.

In fact, I have yet to hear you tell me what position the TEA party has taken that is so unacceptable to you.
You are entitled to your misinformed opinion, JoeB, of course. I support that.

If you think the Tea Party is the salvation of the GOP in the future, that is a mistaken opinion as well.

I think that if you take a list of major TEA party positions, that taxes are too high, that deficit spending is bad, that the government is too bloated and to inefficient, most Americans agree with that. Because it's all true. In fact, I have yet to hear you tell me what position the TEA party has taken that is so unacceptable to you.

I think that if you take solid positions like cutting the deficit, making the wealthy pay their fair share, and keeping the middle class and lower class tax cuts as they are: most Americans would agree.

The Tea Party misbehavior in Congress is one of the reasons and the House's GOP popularity rating is the lowest in the history of the House.
You are entitled to your misinformed opinion, JoeB, of course. I support that.

If you think the Tea Party is the salvation of the GOP in the future, that is a mistaken opinion as well.

I don't know if you saw my response post to yours but I asked you a question in it. Here it goes again:

What do you think was the nonsense that the Tea Party ran on that as you say...'fooled electorates'?
All of you Newt supporters are supporting him more for his debating style than you are for anything else.

Obama does not have to debate Newt, he can make up any excuse to get out of it, and then use 1 billion dollars of negative ads to trash him.


If you support Newt than do so because you like his policies and you think he can win, but don't dare pin all your hopes on a debate, because it probably won't happen.

Obama would be further ahead if he didn't debate, but the fact that he would notdebate is explosive. He couldn't run away from Newt and be re-elected. He'd be the loser by default.

I'll be the first to say that Obama's advisors are not the brightest, but they aren't that stupid.

A presidential debate has been held in every election since 1976. No presidential candidate is going to "duck" a debate. Especially a gifted debater like Obama.

Newt "President Obama, where are the JOBS?"

Obama "Ummm, ah, um, well, uh, um, Bush's fault!"

You are entitled to your misinformed opinion, JoeB, of course. I support that.

If you think the Tea Party is the salvation of the GOP in the future, that is a mistaken opinion as well.

I don't know if you saw my response post to yours but I asked you a question in it. Here it goes again:

What do you think was the nonsense that the Tea Party ran on that as you say...'fooled electorates'?

Answered: the misbehavior of the Tea Party that resulted in the lowest popularity rating for a House ever.
Obama can point to GOP obstructionism and their inability to deal with the jobs problem in any rational, effective way.
Newt Gingrich, while speaker of the house, of then President Bill Clinton:

"I melt when I'm around him"

Remember when McCain was saying crazy things about Obamas proposed healthcare overhaul and obama just shot him down? And McCain just looked like he didnt know what to do?

Thats whats about to happen on a massive scale. Newt Gingrich seems awesome when hes standing on a stage discussing a strange notion of reality with a group of morons, but in the real world newt gingrich is not the smart man he thinks he is.

Lets use mirrors in space to light our highways at night.

Or mine helium-3 on the moon, with permanent human colonies.

These are newt's big ideas.

Are you serious? Bring Newt Gingrich on. Obama is a lawyer, debating is what he does. Gingrich is a fat idiot.
You are entitled to your misinformed opinion, JoeB, of course. I support that.

If you think the Tea Party is the salvation of the GOP in the future, that is a mistaken opinion as well.

I don't know if you saw my response post to yours but I asked you a question in it. Here it goes again:

What do you think was the nonsense that the Tea Party ran on that as you say...'fooled electorates'?

Answered: the misbehavior of the Tea Party that resulted in the lowest popularity rating for a House ever.

No, you mentioned 'nonsense that they ran on that caused the electorate to 'be fooled'. If they misbehaved prior to the election, they never would have been elected. What was the nonsense they "ran on" ? Be specific.
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Obama would be further ahead if he didn't debate, but the fact that he would notdebate is explosive. He couldn't run away from Newt and be re-elected. He'd be the loser by default.

I'll be the first to say that Obama's advisors are not the brightest, but they aren't that stupid.

A presidential debate has been held in every election since 1976. No presidential candidate is going to "duck" a debate. Especially a gifted debater like Obama.

Newt "President Obama, where are the JOBS?"

Obama "Ummm, ah, um, well, uh, um, Bush's fault!"


Newt: We need to maintain tax cuts for Billionaires

Obama: Smiles

Replace the previous white haired guy with the new[t] one.
Newt Gingrich, while speaker of the house, of then President Bill Clinton:

"I melt when I'm around him"

Remember when McCain was saying crazy things about Obamas proposed healthcare overhaul and obama just shot him down? And McCain just looked like he didnt know what to do?

Thats whats about to happen on a massive scale. Newt Gingrich seems awesome when hes standing on a stage discussing a strange notion of reality with a group of morons, but in the real world newt gingrich is not the smart man he thinks he is.

Lets use mirrors in space to light our highways at night.

Or mine helium-3 on the moon, with permanent human colonies.

These are newt's big ideas.

Are you serious? Bring Newt Gingrich on. Obama is a lawyer, debating is what he does. Gingrich is a fat idiot.

Or mine helium-3 on the moon, with permanent human colonies.

Sounds like an excellent idea.

Obama is a lawyer, debating is what he does.

He's a lawyer? Did he win any big cases? Write any important opinions?
Write any scholarly articles?

Maybe you could link to a few of his good ones?
A presidential debate has been held in every election since 1976. No presidential candidate is going to "duck" a debate. Especially a gifted debater like Obama.

Newt "President Obama, where are the JOBS?"

Obama "Ummm, ah, um, well, uh, um, Bush's fault!"


Newt: We need to maintain tax cuts for Billionaires

Obama: Smiles

Obama has had 3 years to raise taxes on billionaires.
Instead he passed an increasingly unpopular healthcare bill.
He greatly expanded the deficit and unemployment is still too high.
Newt Gingrich, while speaker of the house, of then President Bill Clinton:

"I melt when I'm around him"

Remember when McCain was saying crazy things about Obamas proposed healthcare overhaul and obama just shot him down? And McCain just looked like he didnt know what to do?

Thats whats about to happen on a massive scale. Newt Gingrich seems awesome when hes standing on a stage discussing a strange notion of reality with a group of morons, but in the real world newt gingrich is not the smart man he thinks he is.

Lets use mirrors in space to light our highways at night.

Or mine helium-3 on the moon, with permanent human colonies.

These are newt's big ideas.

Are you serious? Bring Newt Gingrich on. Obama is a lawyer, debating is what he does. Gingrich is a fat idiot.

Or mine helium-3 on the moon, with permanent human colonies.

Sounds like an excellent idea.

Lol well maybe you can pay for that but i think my money can go to better things. Like roads. And schools.

Obama is a lawyer, debating is what he does.

He's a lawyer? Did he win any big cases? Write any important opinions?
Write any scholarly articles?

He was a civil attorney for a law firm in chicago, so he wouldnt be arguing cases you would hear about.

But he was a distinguished lecturer of constitutional law at UC for years, while also he served as a state senator. [/quote]

Maybe you could link to a few of his good ones?

Your a massive idiot.

Yea hes just a distinguished lecturer at UC, graduated magna cum laude from Harvard, and was appointed the first black president of harvard law review.

Newt doesnt have shit.

You certainly dont have shit, you little internet troll.
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Or mine helium-3 on the moon, with permanent human colonies.

Sounds like an excellent idea.

Obama is a lawyer, debating is what he does.

He's a lawyer? Did he win any big cases? Write any important opinions?
Write any scholarly articles?

Maybe you could link to a few of his good ones?

Here's a brief summary:

Is Obama A Lawyer | Obama's law days effective but brief - Los Angeles Times


Replace the previous white haired guy with the new[t] one.
lol. I love that picture.

In a way, it's very endearing. McCain is showing his sense of humor. But he's also giving away the game-Obama owned McCain in those debates, and McCain knew it.
Newt "President Obama, where are the JOBS?"

Obama "Ummm, ah, um, well, uh, um, Bush's fault!"


Newt: We need to maintain tax cuts for Billionaires

Obama: Smiles

Obama has had 3 years to raise taxes on billionaires.
Instead he passed an increasingly unpopular healthcare bill.
He greatly expanded the deficit and unemployment is still too high.

Correction: increasingly popular. A majority of americans support the individual mandate now.

And actually obama has only had a filibuster proof senate for about 6 months.

And you realize he ran on his healthcare bill right? And you realize that CBO says it will save $200 billion right? And you realize the entire point of the law is to shift the cost of healthcare away from businesses right?

Do you understand the healthcare law at all?
Obama is brilliant

Wow, you can be an empty liberal suit who just parrots generic points and you're "brilliant." Too funny.

Give me an example of something specific Obama has said that impressed you. Not something that every other liberal parrots, something that advanced an issue or provided an insight that impressed you.

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