Can you be religious and pro science and technology?

BB is cyclical, all matter is expelled from Singularity at a finite angle with a trajectory that returns the matter in unison to their point of origin causing a new compaction that when completed results in a new Singularity.
No. It doesn't. You have just violated the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
No. It doesn't. You have just violated the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

yes it does, the cycle occurs in a vacuum.
For every energy to matter and matter to energy transfers there will be a reduction in the usable energy. As time approaches infinity usable energy approaches zero. It is not possible to have an infinite universe that still has usable energy remaining. Unless of course you want to violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
For every energy to matter and matter to energy transfers there will be a reduction in the usable energy. As time approaches infinity usable energy approaches zero. It is not possible to have an infinite universe that still has usable energy remaining. Unless of course you want to violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

that is not true for matter traveling in a vacuum - because of its angular trajectory the matter will return back to its origin (in unison) to begin a recompaction prior to a new moment of Singularity.
Does the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics apply right now? Because usable energy is decreasing right now. It is not possible to have an infinite universe.

"Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

In trying to synthesize the ideas of Kelvin, Joule, and Carnot - that is, that energy is conserved in thermodynamic processes and that heat always "flows downhill" in temperature - Rudolf Clausius invented the idea of entropy in such a way that the change in entropy is the ratio of the heat exchanged in any process and the absolute temperature at which that heat is exchanged. That is, he defined the change in entropy DS of an object which either absorbs or gives off heat Q at some temperature T as simply the ratio Q/T.

With this new concept, he was able to put the idea that heat will always flow from the higher to the lower temperature into a mathematical framework. If a quantity of heat Q flows naturally from a higher temperature object to a lower temperature object - something that we always observe, the entropy gained by the cooler object during the transfer is greater than the entropy lost by the warmer one since Q/Tc.>|Q|/Th. So he could state that the principle that drives all natural thermodynamic processes is that the effect of any heat transfer is a net increase in the combined entropy of the two objects. And that new principle establishes the direction that natural processes proceed. All natural processes occur in such a way that the total entropy of the universe increases. The only heat transfer that could occur and leave the entropy of the universe unchanged is one that occurs between two objects which are at the same temperature - but that is not possible, since no heat would transfer. So a reversible isothermal heat transfer that would leave the entropy of the universe constant is just an idealization - and hence could not occur. All other processes - meaning, all real processes - have the effect of increasing the entropy of the universe. That is the second law of thermodynamics."

All other processes - meaning, all real processes - have the effect of increasing the entropy of the universe. That is the second law of thermodynamics."

non sequitur - for matter traveling in a vacuum nor for temperature variation as there is non involved in the angular trajectory for mass traveling in unison.
How will you determine that if not through studying what He has created?
1) Which is why studying the Universe through methodical and logical processes is to study the Divine.

2) Who says God has sex? In other words, a "he"?

...I hear many people make similar claims. I don't believe that God can do anything. For instance, I don't believe God can oppose His nature.....
1) You are limiting God by anthropomorphizing a power that is greater than all the Universe.

2) You are limiting God by imposing rules of our Universe upon a power that not only created it, but lives outside those rules. It's like you want the creator the game "Monopoly" to live their lives strictly in accordance with the rules of the game they created.
God contains both masculine and feminine nature. How else could men and women be created in His image. I only use His or He as a matter of convenience. I take God at His word when He said, I am. God is existence itself.

I don't see how I limit God at all by saying that God cannot oppose Himself.
I only use His or He as a matter of convenience. I take God at His word when He said, I am. God is existence itself.

I take God at their word when they said, I am. ... there is all the difference in the universe in attributing the Almighty correctly, bing.
For every energy to matter and matter to energy transfers there will be a reduction in the usable energy. As time approaches infinity usable energy approaches zero. It is not possible to have an infinite universe that still has usable energy remaining. Unless of course you want to violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Not a physicist here, but that doesn't seem correct. As the link below states, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, the amount remains constant. I think what you are alluding to is the fact as the Universe expands, this constant energy is spread over a larger and larger area to the point what it is spread too thin (due to entropy) to do any work. Therefore, while the amount of energy remains constant, as the size of the Universe moves toward infinity, the constant amount of energy is spread across increasingly larger and larger areas.

Conservation Laws
"The law of conservation of energy is one of the basic laws of physics and therefore governs the microscopic motion of individual atoms in a chemical reaction. The law of conservation energy states: In a closed system, i.e., a system that isolated from its surroundings, the total energy of the system is conserved.....

......Energy can be defined as the capacity for doing work. It may exist in a variety of forms and may be transformed from one type of energy to another. However, these energy transformations are constrained by a fundamental principle, the Conservation of Energy principle. One way to state this principle is "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed". Another approach is to say that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant."
God contains both masculine and feminine nature. How else could men and women be created in His image. I only use His or He as a matter of convenience. I take God at His word when He said, I am. God is existence itself.

I don't see how I limit God at all by saying that God cannot oppose Himself.

1) If God is all powerful and all knowing, then God is certaining greater than animal limitations like sex or sexual characteristics. OTOH, by definition, God would be all things. Besides containing the nature of male and female, God would also contain the nature of all stars, planets, dogs, guppies, everything within the Universe itself.

2) Genesis 1:26**, an odd statement, but that could mean more than physical image or sexual differences. By saying "Let us make man in our image" the meaning could have been about self-awareness. This ties into the "Tree of Knowledge". Since I do not take the Bible, especially Genesis, literally, I think most of the stories are apocryphal.

3) High school doubters often play the game "If God is all powerful, can he make something so big he couldn't move it?" The problem with constructing situations of God opposing anything is that it restricts God to the Natural Universe under natural laws. God is both in all things (as discussed in paragraph #1) but also external to all things including the Universe itself. God is beyond Time and Space and, therefore, unlimited by the constraints of natural laws. There is nothing to oppose because there are no restrictions in the eternal infinite.

**"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
that is not what was stated, matter does not reverse course it continues expanding at a finite angle (trajectory) that eventually returns all matter in unison to their point of origin where it begins recompaction to create a new monument of Singularity. Boomerang Theory.
Please explain Dark Matter, Dark Energy and why the Universe is not only expanding, but accelerating in its expansion. Accelerating at such a rate that gravity cannot overcome the expansion.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
Yes. I do know that and I have provided the proof.
You have nothing, just a guess. There's no way you could know if this universe is in an endless loop, or if there are others. Go sober up.
No. We know that our space time had a beginning because of the 2nd Law of thermodynamics and the general theory of relativity. That's all that matters. Besides, the endless loop universe requires something to initiate each initial expansion. So you still get back to something creating that hot dense state.
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
The creation story is either allegorical or it isn't. You can't say that they nailed the BB and then say, but the stuff right after it isn't true. You're the Ultimate Cherrypicker. :lol:
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
The Big Bang has plenty of evidence supporting when it happened, what happened after it happened and what has happened since. What we don't know is why it happened.

Many cultures have Creation stories. As the Biblical one goes, it does have allegorical ties to the story of the Big Bang, albeit the timeline is completely off.

If we theorize that whoever originated the Genesis story as having knowledge of the Big Bang, then we must also have to ask the question of how that person/those people came to know it. Was it a lost civilization 30,000 to 50,000 years ago?

A good show for those interested in science, pop culture and humor is Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson's StarTalk. I DVR the show, but there's also a radio show (linked below). Last week's episode discussed the Science of Game of Thrones. Yes, most of it was in good fun, but one thing mentioned was something I'd read about long ago; the origin of legends about dragons. Many cultures have dragons. Not all fly and not all breath fire, but they have them. An obvious reason is when ancient people discovered the fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops sticking out of the side of a cliff. They'd have no reason to know it was over 65+ million years old. To them, it'd just be bones buried a few years ago with magnificent tales to tell around the campfires at night.

The linking of dinosaurs and dragons is logical and requires no great knowledge. For an ancient people to know about other planets, other stars, the story of the Big Bang and other high tech ideas requires someone with advanced knowledge to teach them.

StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science, pop culture & comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities & scientists.
I said dingbat doesn't know if there was something before the BB. Neither do you. Please pay attention.
It doesn't matter because the endless loop universe requires something to initiate each initial expansion. So you still get back to something creating that hot dense state.
I just explained it to you in the other post.
I'm agnostic, I can imagine a higher power than what's in this universe, you simply have no proof, as usual. If you ever get any real proof, I'm open to changing my mind in front of such real proof. can't be any fairer than that.
But you're not agnostic.
You're just jealous. :D
The Bible also nailed that everything we see today including ourselves was created in steps. That's the 6 day thingee that confuses you so much.
I particularly enjoy the step where god makes a woman out of a man's rib. Thee only thing the bible nailed is some hobo to wood.
I wasn't including that in the steps. You know how we like to keep you women down.
The bible sure nailed how women were made though, didn't it?
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
The Big Bang has plenty of evidence supporting when it happened, what happened after it happened and what has happened since. What we don't know is why it happened.

Many cultures have Creation stories. As the Biblical one goes, it does have allegorical ties to the story of the Big Bang, albeit the timeline is completely off.

If we theorize that whoever originated the Genesis story as having knowledge of the Big Bang, then we must also have to ask the question of how that person/those people came to know it. Was it a lost civilization 30,000 to 50,000 years ago?

A good show for those interested in science, pop culture and humor is Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson's StarTalk. I DVR the show, but there's also a radio show (linked below). Last week's episode discussed the Science of Game of Thrones. Yes, most of it was in good fun, but one thing mentioned was something I'd read about long ago; the origin of legends about dragons. Many cultures have dragons. Not all fly and not all breath fire, but they have them. An obvious reason is when ancient people discovered the fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops sticking out of the side of a cliff. They'd have no reason to know it was over 65+ million years old. To them, it'd just be bones buried a few years ago with magnificent tales to tell around the campfires at night.

The linking of dinosaurs and dragons is logical and requires no great knowledge. For an ancient people to know about other planets, other stars, the story of the Big Bang and other high tech ideas requires someone with advanced knowledge to teach them.

StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science, pop culture & comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities & scientists.
If someone were shown a vision of how everything unfolded from the point of Creation to man and all he had was the knowledge of that day, this is how he would tell that account.
So someone hallucinated and came up with all that nonsense? Like writing Alice in Wonderland?
Do you think God said, pick up some paper and a quill, I've got a few things for you to write down?
So you're saying that god never dictated anything for the bible? That it's all made up? Good for for you.
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
Possible, but until the full nature of both dark matter and dark energy is understood, we won't know. For now, it appears the Universe is expanding at such a rate that it overcomes gravity. Ergo, no giant black hole. Add to this, when has a black hole ever exploded?
Do you think God said, pick up some paper and a quill, I've got a few things for you to write down?
Personally, I doubt God talked to anyone. Like Thomas Jefferson, I'm a Deist, a believer of God as a "watchmaker", there but not interfering for reasons known only to God.
If god is a watchmaker, why doesn't he repair this broken watch called earth?
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
Possible, but until the full nature of both dark matter and dark energy is understood, we won't know. For now, it appears the Universe is expanding at such a rate that it overcomes gravity. Ergo, no giant black hole. Add to this, when has a black hole ever exploded?
Dark matter may not let the universe expand endlessly and could possibly be holding things together and snap it all back like a rubber band.
Dark matter may not let the universe expand endlessly and could possibly be holding things together and snap it all back like a rubber band.
Using the same evidence, one day pigs might evolve wings and fly.

The fact remains we don't know what Dark Matter is or why Dark Energy is causing the Universe to expand at an increasingly faster rate. With something as big as the Universe, even given the vast timelines involved, there is nothing to indicate it will slow and stop much less reverse.

Does this prove or disprove the existence of a Creator? Something beyond the Universe? An afterlife? No to all.

What it does do is take away the Atheist's favorite defense against the idea of a creator; an oscillating universe that always was and will always be. Now they don't have it and the evidence indicates a point of creation and no way for everything to reset on its own.
For every energy to matter and matter to energy transfers there will be a reduction in the usable energy. As time approaches infinity usable energy approaches zero. It is not possible to have an infinite universe that still has usable energy remaining. Unless of course you want to violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Not a physicist here, but that doesn't seem correct. As the link below states, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, the amount remains constant. I think what you are alluding to is the fact as the Universe expands, this constant energy is spread over a larger and larger area to the point what it is spread too thin (due to entropy) to do any work. Therefore, while the amount of energy remains constant, as the size of the Universe moves toward infinity, the constant amount of energy is spread across increasingly larger and larger areas.

Conservation Laws
"The law of conservation of energy is one of the basic laws of physics and therefore governs the microscopic motion of individual atoms in a chemical reaction. The law of conservation energy states: In a closed system, i.e., a system that isolated from its surroundings, the total energy of the system is conserved.....

......Energy can be defined as the capacity for doing work. It may exist in a variety of forms and may be transformed from one type of energy to another. However, these energy transformations are constrained by a fundamental principle, the Conservation of Energy principle. One way to state this principle is "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed". Another approach is to say that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant."
Conservation of energy is not violated by energy that is no longer useable by the system. Don't believe me that an infinite universe is impossible due to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, believe Alexander Vilenkin.

Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
The Big Bang has plenty of evidence supporting when it happened, what happened after it happened and what has happened since. What we don't know is why it happened.

Many cultures have Creation stories. As the Biblical one goes, it does have allegorical ties to the story of the Big Bang, albeit the timeline is completely off.

If we theorize that whoever originated the Genesis story as having knowledge of the Big Bang, then we must also have to ask the question of how that person/those people came to know it. Was it a lost civilization 30,000 to 50,000 years ago?

A good show for those interested in science, pop culture and humor is Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson's StarTalk. I DVR the show, but there's also a radio show (linked below). Last week's episode discussed the Science of Game of Thrones. Yes, most of it was in good fun, but one thing mentioned was something I'd read about long ago; the origin of legends about dragons. Many cultures have dragons. Not all fly and not all breath fire, but they have them. An obvious reason is when ancient people discovered the fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops sticking out of the side of a cliff. They'd have no reason to know it was over 65+ million years old. To them, it'd just be bones buried a few years ago with magnificent tales to tell around the campfires at night.

The linking of dinosaurs and dragons is logical and requires no great knowledge. For an ancient people to know about other planets, other stars, the story of the Big Bang and other high tech ideas requires someone with advanced knowledge to teach them.

StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science, pop culture & comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities & scientists.
If someone were shown a vision of how everything unfolded from the point of Creation to man and all he had was the knowledge of that day, this is how he would tell that account.
So someone hallucinated and came up with all that nonsense? Like writing Alice in Wonderland?
Do you think God said, pick up some paper and a quill, I've got a few things for you to write down?
So you're saying that god never dictated anything for the bible? That it's all made up? Good for for you.
No. That's not what I was saying.
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.

You can believe and do whatever you want to.
It would just depend on your beliefs what your opinion is on this....
Actually, yes, I can do that because it is allegorical. I don't say it isn't true. I say it is allegorical. The account of Genesis nailed that the universe had a beginning.
Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
Yes. I do know that and I have provided the proof.
You have nothing, just a guess. There's no way you could know if this universe is in an endless loop, or if there are others. Go sober up.
No. We know that our space time had a beginning because of the 2nd Law of thermodynamics and the general theory of relativity. That's all that matters. Besides, the endless loop universe requires something to initiate each initial expansion. So you still get back to something creating that hot dense state.
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
Not according to Alexander Vilenkin.
Dark matter may not let the universe expand endlessly and could possibly be holding things together and snap it all back like a rubber band.
Using the same evidence, one day pigs might evolve wings and fly.

The fact remains we don't know what Dark Matter is or why Dark Energy is causing the Universe to expand at an increasingly faster rate. With something as big as the Universe, even given the vast timelines involved, there is nothing to indicate it will slow and stop much less reverse.

Does this prove or disprove the existence of a Creator? Something beyond the Universe? An afterlife? No to all.

What it does do is take away the Atheist's favorite defense against the idea of a creator; an oscillating universe that always was and will always be. Now they don't have it and the evidence indicates a point of creation and no way for everything to reset on its own.
Things exist before we discover them. What was before the BB has not been discovered. Doesn't mean that there wasn't anything there.
The Big Bang has plenty of evidence supporting when it happened, what happened after it happened and what has happened since. What we don't know is why it happened.

Many cultures have Creation stories. As the Biblical one goes, it does have allegorical ties to the story of the Big Bang, albeit the timeline is completely off.

If we theorize that whoever originated the Genesis story as having knowledge of the Big Bang, then we must also have to ask the question of how that person/those people came to know it. Was it a lost civilization 30,000 to 50,000 years ago?

A good show for those interested in science, pop culture and humor is Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson's StarTalk. I DVR the show, but there's also a radio show (linked below). Last week's episode discussed the Science of Game of Thrones. Yes, most of it was in good fun, but one thing mentioned was something I'd read about long ago; the origin of legends about dragons. Many cultures have dragons. Not all fly and not all breath fire, but they have them. An obvious reason is when ancient people discovered the fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops sticking out of the side of a cliff. They'd have no reason to know it was over 65+ million years old. To them, it'd just be bones buried a few years ago with magnificent tales to tell around the campfires at night.

The linking of dinosaurs and dragons is logical and requires no great knowledge. For an ancient people to know about other planets, other stars, the story of the Big Bang and other high tech ideas requires someone with advanced knowledge to teach them.

StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science, pop culture & comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities & scientists.
If someone were shown a vision of how everything unfolded from the point of Creation to man and all he had was the knowledge of that day, this is how he would tell that account.
So someone hallucinated and came up with all that nonsense? Like writing Alice in Wonderland?
Do you think God said, pick up some paper and a quill, I've got a few things for you to write down?
So you're saying that god never dictated anything for the bible? That it's all made up? Good for for you.
No. That's not what I was saying.
So what happened exactly?
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
Watching lost in space doesn't make you pro science. It makes you pro science fiction.

Science fiction and religion are completely compatable. Both are fictions

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