Can you be religious and pro science and technology?

Like I've said, you don't know if that was the beginning, and have no proof either, as usual.
Yes. I do know that and I have provided the proof.
You have nothing, just a guess. There's no way you could know if this universe is in an endless loop, or if there are others. Go sober up.
No. We know that our space time had a beginning because of the 2nd Law of thermodynamics and the general theory of relativity. That's all that matters. Besides, the endless loop universe requires something to initiate each initial expansion. So you still get back to something creating that hot dense state.
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
Not according to Alexander Vilenkin.
So who fucking cares? :dunno:
God contains both masculine and feminine nature. How else could men and women be created in His image. I only use His or He as a matter of convenience. I take God at His word when He said, I am. God is existence itself.

I don't see how I limit God at all by saying that God cannot oppose Himself.

1) If God is all powerful and all knowing, then God is certaining greater than animal limitations like sex or sexual characteristics. OTOH, by definition, God would be all things. Besides containing the nature of male and female, God would also contain the nature of all stars, planets, dogs, guppies, everything within the Universe itself.

2) Genesis 1:26**, an odd statement, but that could mean more than physical image or sexual differences. By saying "Let us make man in our image" the meaning could have been about self-awareness. This ties into the "Tree of Knowledge". Since I do not take the Bible, especially Genesis, literally, I think most of the stories are apocryphal.

3) High school doubters often play the game "If God is all powerful, can he make something so big he couldn't move it?" The problem with constructing situations of God opposing anything is that it restricts God to the Natural Universe under natural laws. God is both in all things (as discussed in paragraph #1) but also external to all things including the Universe itself. God is beyond Time and Space and, therefore, unlimited by the constraints of natural laws. There is nothing to oppose because there are no restrictions in the eternal infinite.

**"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
1) The painting is not the painter. When everything was in that hot dense state, it was all subatomic particles. You don't know what something is by how or what it is at the start. You can only know what it is by what it becomes.

2) Genesis 1:26: Beings that know and create.

3) How can God oppose Himself?
Yes. I do know that and I have provided the proof.
You have nothing, just a guess. There's no way you could know if this universe is in an endless loop, or if there are others. Go sober up.
No. We know that our space time had a beginning because of the 2nd Law of thermodynamics and the general theory of relativity. That's all that matters. Besides, the endless loop universe requires something to initiate each initial expansion. So you still get back to something creating that hot dense state.
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
Not according to Alexander Vilenkin.
So who fucking cares? :dunno:
Apparently not you. You are apathetic about your ignorance.
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
Watching lost in space doesn't make you pro science. It makes you pro science fiction.

Science fiction and religion are completely compatable. Both are fictions
And yet religion still exists.
Things exist before we discover them. What was before the BB has not been discovered. Doesn't mean that there wasn't anything there.
There's a possibility that the "cosmic egg", the Singularity, was always there and that, for unknown reasons, suddenly expanded about 14 Billion years ago. Still, that begs the question "Why?". It sat there for eternity then just expanded for no definable reason? I'll await your answers.
You have nothing, just a guess. There's no way you could know if this universe is in an endless loop, or if there are others. Go sober up.
No. We know that our space time had a beginning because of the 2nd Law of thermodynamics and the general theory of relativity. That's all that matters. Besides, the endless loop universe requires something to initiate each initial expansion. So you still get back to something creating that hot dense state.
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
Not according to Alexander Vilenkin.
So who fucking cares? :dunno:
Apparently not you. You are apathetic about your ignorance.
So some guy I've never heard of disagrees with me. And you post no link to anything, and no summing up of his position. So I should care why? :dunno:
Things exist before we discover them. What was before the BB has not been discovered. Doesn't mean that there wasn't anything there.
There's a possibility that the "cosmic egg", the Singularity, was always there and that, for unknown reasons, suddenly expanded about 14 Billion years ago. Still, that begs the question "Why?". It sat there for eternity then just expanded for no definable reason? I'll await your answers.
That is not known at present, that's why the search is ongoing.
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
Watching lost in space doesn't make you pro science. It makes you pro science fiction.

Science fiction and religion are completely compatable. Both are fictions
And yet religion still exists.

So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
If god is a watchmaker, why doesn't he repair this broken watch called earth?
What do you think is broken?
Wars, cancer, famine, birth defects, stupidity...

What's the point of repairing that? Such you live well in 100 years of life then go to hell?

A perfect world (heaven) is only made for those God thinks deserve it. God's only job here is to save the souls of them. Earth is rather a one time gift for humans and it now servers no other purpose than identifying the saved from the unsaved by the measurement of faith. And it remains your own stupidity to think that God should repair those 'defects'.
Science, like a gun or a shovel, is simply a tool. It's nothing without a human being to do something with it.

Science is the discovery of an existing set of rules governing a repeating phenomenon. Science can be accurate in some situations in terms of determining a truth (which is a repeating behavior), and may not be accurate in some other situations. Science (other than deduced from pure calculations) is usually developed through the following stages of process,

1 Observation
Through repeated observations of a repeating phenomenon, humans start to work out what is behind the repeating phenomenon. That's the way how Isaac Newton discovered the Newtonian laws.

2. Formulation
Humans start to develop rules/laws/theories in explaining the repeating behavior, that is, to establish a predictable model to explain the repeating phenomenon.

3. Prediction
Science is accurate only when the rules/laws/theories can predict the phenomenon 100%. Humans can land on the surface of moon simply because we acquired a 100% accurate theory which allows us to land on the moon with 100% success (theory wise). The risk never comes from the theory itself, it comes from other factors such as human errors, miscalculation of unpredictable factors (say, fuel doesn't burn in the way we expected). We send humans to outer space simply because we have such a 100% accurate theory which allows us to predict accurately that we can land without risk (theory wise). If the successful rate of the theory itself is not reliable, it means that ever without human errors, without miscalculations of unpredictable factors, we still won't be able to land to the surface of moon as the theory itself sometimes stands but sometimes not.

In the situation that a theory is with 100% predictability, a scientific truth is thus found with 100% certainty. You don't need faith to comprehend it, plus that no alternative theories can exists. For an example, the chemical formula 2 H2O = 2 H2 + O2 is a predictable truth all the times. It leaves with no room to say that "we have another formula says otherwise" or "God sometimes makes it not so". Before each and every single lab on earth or on Mars, you can predict the experiment results 100%. If not, you deserve a Nobel Prize.

BBT cannot be more accurate because you can't make Big Bang repeats itself for you to confirm your theory. It thus allows other theory to co-exist. It allows "God created it" as a possible explanation (and a possible truth). BBT just happens to be the most acceptably plausible theory as a consensus of today's scientists in majority. It however by no means says that it's the fact or truth itself. Alternatively speaking, you may say that BBT is what we humans can come up with the best we can, it's far from saying it's the truth itself.
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If god is a watchmaker, why doesn't he repair this broken watch called earth?
What do you think is broken?
Wars, cancer, famine, birth defects, stupidity...

What's the point of repairing that? Such you live well in 100 years of life then go to hell?

A perfect world (heaven) is only made for those God thinks deserve it. God's only job here is to save the souls of them. Earth is rather a one time gift for humans and it now servers no other purpose than identifying the saved from the unsaved by the measurement of faith. And it remains your own stupidity to think that God should repair those 'defects'.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Let me give you an example, scientists recently found that the Neanderthal genetic information can be found in human genome. It means that humans at one point interbred with the Neanderthals. Now is it God made human genetic defects or humans chose to screw up their own genes by interbreeding with something else?

God doesn't bother to maintain anything on earth simply because ever since Adam was kicked out of Eden, humans are no longer inside God's realm. Satan is said to be the god here (if you read Bible at all). It's more like another Exodus as fore-shadowed by Moses. Why should God bother to maintain anything in Egypt other than delivering His people (the Jews) out of it?
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If god is a watchmaker, why doesn't he repair this broken watch called earth?
What do you think is broken?
Wars, cancer, famine, birth defects, stupidity...

What's the point of repairing that? Such you live well in 100 years of life then go to hell?

A perfect world (heaven) is only made for those God thinks deserve it. God's only job here is to save the souls of them. Earth is rather a one time gift for humans and it now servers no other purpose than identifying the saved from the unsaved by the measurement of faith. And it remains your own stupidity to think that God should repair those 'defects'.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Let me give you an example, scientists recently found that the Neanderthal genetic information can be found in human genome. It means that humans at one point interbred with the Neanderthals. Now is it God made human genetic defects or humans chose to screw up their own genes by interbreeding with something else?

God doesn't bother to maintain anything on earth simply because ever since Adam was kicked out of Eden, humans are no longer inside God's realm. Satan is said to be the god here (if you read Bible at all). It's more like another Exodus as fore-shadowed by Moses. Why should God bother to maintain anything in Egypt other than delivering His people (the Jews) out of it?
do you have any proof that god s involved with any of it? And what proof do you have that Adam and Eve even existed?
If god is a watchmaker, why doesn't he repair this broken watch called earth?
What do you think is broken?
Wars, cancer, famine, birth defects, stupidity...

What's the point of repairing that? Such you live well in 100 years of life then go to hell?

A perfect world (heaven) is only made for those God thinks deserve it. God's only job here is to save the souls of them. Earth is rather a one time gift for humans and it now servers no other purpose than identifying the saved from the unsaved by the measurement of faith. And it remains your own stupidity to think that God should repair those 'defects'.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
Lot of people say that genesis is made up, do you have any proof that a woman was made out of a man's rib?
No. We know that our space time had a beginning because of the 2nd Law of thermodynamics and the general theory of relativity. That's all that matters. Besides, the endless loop universe requires something to initiate each initial expansion. So you still get back to something creating that hot dense state.
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
Not according to Alexander Vilenkin.
So who fucking cares? :dunno:
Apparently not you. You are apathetic about your ignorance.
So some guy I've never heard of disagrees with me. And you post no link to anything, and no summing up of his position. So I should care why? :dunno:
My apathy for your apathy is off the chart.
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
Watching lost in space doesn't make you pro science. It makes you pro science fiction.

Science fiction and religion are completely compatable. Both are fictions
And yet religion still exists.

So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
These aren't reruns. Religion still exists because people still believe in God.
Black holes could eventually gather up everything into one massive black hole which then re-explodes. A cycle that repeats itself.
Not according to Alexander Vilenkin.
So who fucking cares? :dunno:
Apparently not you. You are apathetic about your ignorance.
So some guy I've never heard of disagrees with me. And you post no link to anything, and no summing up of his position. So I should care why? :dunno:
My apathy for your apathy is off the chart.
You're the one who's too lazy to post a comment or a link. :lol:

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