Can you be religious and pro science and technology?

I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
Watching lost in space doesn't make you pro science. It makes you pro science fiction.

Science fiction and religion are completely compatable. Both are fictions
And yet religion still exists.

So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
These aren't reruns. Religion still exists because people still believe in God.
I still believe there's lots of life on many other planets. Lots of people believe that but that doesn't mean they exist
And it is more likely life exists elsewhere than this God thing existing even if more people believe in God than do aliens
The answer lies in the question "What is truth?".

The Lord, in a revelation to Joseph Smith, answer this question for us:

Doctrine and Covenants 93:24-25
24 And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;
25 And whatsoever is more or less than this is the spirit of that wicked one who was a liar from the beginning.
What do you think is broken?
Wars, cancer, famine, birth defects, stupidity...

What's the point of repairing that? Such you live well in 100 years of life then go to hell?

A perfect world (heaven) is only made for those God thinks deserve it. God's only job here is to save the souls of them. Earth is rather a one time gift for humans and it now servers no other purpose than identifying the saved from the unsaved by the measurement of faith. And it remains your own stupidity to think that God should repair those 'defects'.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
Lot of people say that genesis is made up, do you have any proof that a woman was made out of a man's rib?
Only people like you. People like me say it is allegorical and is true.
Not according to Alexander Vilenkin.
So who fucking cares? :dunno:
Apparently not you. You are apathetic about your ignorance.
So some guy I've never heard of disagrees with me. And you post no link to anything, and no summing up of his position. So I should care why? :dunno:
My apathy for your apathy is off the chart.
You're the one who's too lazy to post a comment or a link. :lol:
And it is more likely life exists elsewhere than this God thing existing even if more people believe in God than do aliens
I don't know if they are or if they aren't. But if they are the same thing that applies to us applies to them.
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
Watching lost in space doesn't make you pro science. It makes you pro science fiction.

Science fiction and religion are completely compatable. Both are fictions
And yet religion still exists.

So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
These aren't reruns. Religion still exists because people still believe in God.
I still believe there's lots of life on many other planets. Lots of people believe that but that doesn't mean they exist
So what?
And it is more likely life exists elsewhere than this God thing existing even if more people believe in God than do aliens
I don't know if they are or if they aren't. But if they are the same thing that applies to us applies to them.
Absolutely. The idea that God would waste a star.

Every star produces life eventually.
Watching lost in space doesn't make you pro science. It makes you pro science fiction.

Science fiction and religion are completely compatable. Both are fictions
And yet religion still exists.

So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
These aren't reruns. Religion still exists because people still believe in God.
I still believe there's lots of life on many other planets. Lots of people believe that but that doesn't mean they exist
So what?
You probably want to argue but you know the same arguments you use would also apply to your God. Check mate
And it is more likely life exists elsewhere than this God thing existing even if more people believe in God than do aliens
I don't know if they are or if they aren't. But if they are the same thing that applies to us applies to them.
Absolutely. The idea that God would waste a star.

Every star produces life eventually.
You have never even looked into this in any depth. I have. Are you sure you want to have this conversation?
Watching lost in space doesn't make you pro science. It makes you pro science fiction.

Science fiction and religion are completely compatable. Both are fictions
And yet religion still exists.

So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
These aren't reruns. Religion still exists because people still believe in God.
I still believe there's lots of life on many other planets. Lots of people believe that but that doesn't mean they exist
So what?
I wonder if the things that live inside Europa are as smart as dolphins. Probably not but that'd be cool. There's probably life inside out solar system but outside earth and we don't even know it. So how can we possibly know about other stars?
And it is more likely life exists elsewhere than this God thing existing even if more people believe in God than do aliens
I don't know if they are or if they aren't. But if they are the same thing that applies to us applies to them.
Absolutely. The idea that God would waste a star.

Every star produces life eventually.
You have never even looked into this in any depth. I have. Are you sure you want to have this conversation?
Bring it. I know not all stars have planets in the sweet spot but that doesn't mean some moon orbiting it doesn't have life. And some stars purpose is to blow up and make planets moons meteors and comits.
And yet religion still exists.

So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
These aren't reruns. Religion still exists because people still believe in God.
I still believe there's lots of life on many other planets. Lots of people believe that but that doesn't mean they exist
So what?
You probably want to argue but you know the same arguments you use would also apply to your God. Check mate
Ummmm.... no. Error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail. We have religion because religion makes man a better human being. Believing in a higher power has sociological advantages. If it were as you believe, then religion would have crumbled thousands of years ago.
So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
These aren't reruns. Religion still exists because people still believe in God.
I still believe there's lots of life on many other planets. Lots of people believe that but that doesn't mean they exist
So what?
You probably want to argue but you know the same arguments you use would also apply to your God. Check mate
Ummmm.... no. Error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail. We have religion because religion makes man a better human being. Believing in a higher power has sociological advantages. If it were as you believe, then religion would have crumbled thousands of years ago.
I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
You can't believe science and not believe we crawled out of the water if you trace our ancestors back far enough. Otherwise explain to me scientifically how all the diverse land creatures got here.
If god is a watchmaker, why doesn't he repair this broken watch called earth?
What do you think is broken?
Wars, cancer, famine, birth defects, stupidity...
I call that "Life". What do you want? A utopia where everything is handed to you by angels? No disease, no challenges, no reason to better yourself? People far smarter than me recognized that "adversity builds character", that we grow from our mistakes, not our successes. That "failure isn't falling down, it's staying down". How can we learn if we don't fall down or face challenges? Why would we strive to better ourselves or push our children to build upon what we've learned if there was nothing to learn....ever?
And it is more likely life exists elsewhere than this God thing existing even if more people believe in God than do aliens
I don't know if they are or if they aren't. But if they are the same thing that applies to us applies to them.
Absolutely. The idea that God would waste a star.

Every star produces life eventually.
You have never even looked into this in any depth. I have. Are you sure you want to have this conversation?
Bring it. I know not all stars have planets in the sweet spot but that doesn't mean some moon orbiting it doesn't have life. And some stars purpose is to blow up and make planets moons meteors and comits.
The presence of water is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition. The distance from the home star (i.e. Goldilocks zone) is critical for water. If the earth were 5% closer to the sun, water would boil off. If the earth were 20% farther from the sun, water would not exist in its liquid state. There may be liquid water below the surface of Mars and Europa, but there is very little chance that complex life exists in either place. The recipe for life is much more complex than just water. So besides residing in the habitable zone, the following conditions would also need to be met: orbiting a G2 star, protected by gas giant planets, within circumstellar habitable zone, nearly circular orbit, oxygen rich atmosphere, correct mass, orbited by large moon, magnetic field, plate tectonics, correct ratio of liquid water and continents, terrestrial plane, moderate rate of rotation.

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