Can you be religious and pro science and technology?

I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.
You can't believe science and not believe we crawled out of the water if you trace our ancestors back far enough. Otherwise explain to me scientifically how all the diverse land creatures got here.
I wasn't there but I'll accept your position. Although how species originate or for that matter where the genetic information came from is still a mystery.
So do reruns of Lost in Space. Danger Will Robinson! Dr. Smith look out.
These aren't reruns. Religion still exists because people still believe in God.
I still believe there's lots of life on many other planets. Lots of people believe that but that doesn't mean they exist
So what?
You probably want to argue but you know the same arguments you use would also apply to your God. Check mate
Ummmm.... no. Error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail. We have religion because religion makes man a better human being. Believing in a higher power has sociological advantages. If it were as you believe, then religion would have crumbled thousands of years ago.
no. Error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail.

nothing could be further from the truth, the only way error fails is when it is conquered, something religion when made idle is incapable of accomplishing. error and religion are one in the same.
Science is the discovery of an existing set of rules governing a repeating phenomenon. Science can be accurate in some situations in terms of determining a truth (which is a repeating behavior), and may not be accurate in some other situations.....
Agreed that the rules exist whether we know them or not.

Agreed science is a method to define those rules.

Agreed humans are flawed and sometimes misunderstand their own endeavors to explore the Universe.
That is not known at present, that's why the search is ongoing.
Are you denying all the current evidence shows the expansion of the Universe is accelerating? That the evidence points to the Universe ending as "the Big Chill", not "the Big Crunch"?
Perhaps the most likely possibility, however, based on current knowledge, is a long, slow decline known as the "Big Freeze" (or the “Big Chill” or “Heat Death”). In this scenario, the universe continues expanding and gradually “runs down” to a state of zero thermodynamic free energy in which it is unable to sustain motion or life. Eventually, over a time scale of 1014 (a hundred trillion) years or more, it would reach a state of maximum entropy at a temperature of very close to absolute zero, where the universe simply becomes too cold to sustain life, and all that would remain are burned-out stars, cold dead planets and black holes.
Wars, cancer, famine, birth defects, stupidity...

What's the point of repairing that? Such you live well in 100 years of life then go to hell?

A perfect world (heaven) is only made for those God thinks deserve it. God's only job here is to save the souls of them. Earth is rather a one time gift for humans and it now servers no other purpose than identifying the saved from the unsaved by the measurement of faith. And it remains your own stupidity to think that God should repair those 'defects'.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
Lot of people say that genesis is made up, do you have any proof that a woman was made out of a man's rib?
Only people like you. People like me say it is allegorical and is true.
So if it's true, how did Noah get marsupials from OZ and back?
If god is a watchmaker, why doesn't he repair this broken watch called earth?
What do you think is broken?
Wars, cancer, famine, birth defects, stupidity...
I call that "Life". What do you want? A utopia where everything is handed to you by angels? No disease, no challenges, no reason to better yourself? People far smarter than me recognized that "adversity builds character", that we grow from our mistakes, not our successes. That "failure isn't falling down, it's staying down". How can we learn if we don't fall down or face challenges? Why would we strive to better ourselves or push our children to build upon what we've learned if there was nothing to learn....ever?
"A utopia where everything is handed to you by angels", aren't you trying to obey a book so you can get into heaven to be with angels? Why spend time here among the diseases..., why not just bypass it and go straight to heaven?
Btw, you can grow perfectly fine without getting cancer, or being deformed.
That is not known at present, that's why the search is ongoing.
Are you denying all the current evidence shows the expansion of the Universe is accelerating? That the evidence points to the Universe ending as "the Big Chill", not "the Big Crunch"?

The Big Crunch, the Big Freeze and the Big Rip - The Big Bang and the Big Crunch - The Physics of the Universe
Perhaps the most likely possibility, however, based on current knowledge, is a long, slow decline known as the "Big Freeze" (or the “Big Chill” or “Heat Death”). In this scenario, the universe continues expanding and gradually “runs down” to a state of zero thermodynamic free energy in which it is unable to sustain motion or life. Eventually, over a time scale of 1014 (a hundred trillion) years or more, it would reach a state of maximum entropy at a temperature of very close to absolute zero, where the universe simply becomes too cold to sustain life, and all that would remain are burned-out stars, cold dead planets and black holes.
We don't know if something like dark matter will eventually slow it down and snap it back to a singularity like an elastic. Stop pretending like we've figured out how this universe will end, it's a theory, one of many.
What's the point of repairing that? Such you live well in 100 years of life then go to hell?

A perfect world (heaven) is only made for those God thinks deserve it. God's only job here is to save the souls of them. Earth is rather a one time gift for humans and it now servers no other purpose than identifying the saved from the unsaved by the measurement of faith. And it remains your own stupidity to think that God should repair those 'defects'.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
Lot of people say that genesis is made up, do you have any proof that a woman was made out of a man's rib?
Only people like you. People like me say it is allegorical and is true.
So if it's true, how did Noah get marsupials from OZ and back?
You really struggle with the concept of allegory, don't you?
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
Lot of people say that genesis is made up, do you have any proof that a woman was made out of a man's rib?
Only people like you. People like me say it is allegorical and is true.
So if it's true, how did Noah get marsupials from OZ and back?
You really struggle with the concept of allegory, don't you?
Is the Virgin birth an allegory?
Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
Lot of people say that genesis is made up, do you have any proof that a woman was made out of a man's rib?
Only people like you. People like me say it is allegorical and is true.
So if it's true, how did Noah get marsupials from OZ and back?
You really struggle with the concept of allegory, don't you?
Is the Virgin birth an allegory?
I don't think so.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
Lot of people say that genesis is made up, do you have any proof that a woman was made out of a man's rib?
Only people like you. People like me say it is allegorical and is true.
So if it's true, how did Noah get marsupials from OZ and back?
You really struggle with the concept of allegory, don't you?
Once you claim something is true you need proof. Because it might be allegorical, but it's still a bullshit story until proven otherwise. Just because it's a made up story doesn't make it true.
Lot of people say that genesis is made up, do you have any proof that a woman was made out of a man's rib?
Only people like you. People like me say it is allegorical and is true.
So if it's true, how did Noah get marsupials from OZ and back?
You really struggle with the concept of allegory, don't you?
Is the Virgin birth an allegory?
I don't think so.
In other words, you have no clue. About time you admit it. :lol:
...aren't you trying to obey a book so you can get into heaven to be with angels? ......
No. You really need to read my posts before jumping to such wild conclusions. This is the second time you've trolled me with a broad brush false accusation. If all you want to do is bitch and moan about religions, specifically Christians, that's your choice. My choice is to point out your errors.
We could construct the afterlife in other space-time dimensions in future. After death every person could be placed into Heaven or Hell.
While there is no reason to doubt the existence of other dimensions, alternate timelines and such, Heaven and Hell are concepts of siding with God's Grace or not. I disagree with the idea God sends people to Hell. Like Lucifer, I think people choose it by refusing to accept God's Grace.
Once you claim something is true you need proof......

Where is your proof that science and organized religions are in conflict? Are you saying all religions and always in conflict or will you clarify your broad brush and admit "some religions" and "people who take it literally" and I, ding and others have pointed out?
There is no conflict between science and a potential god.

The conflict is between science and organized religions.

Science disproves the bible, Torah and Koran in many place. So to the OP, no.
Is the Virgin birth an allegory?
I believe so. Let's not forget that the Gospels were written several years after the Crucifixion. Another filter is the Council of Nicaea in 325AD. Having a normal birth doesn't negate Christ's message. It simply makes it a harder sell for those who believe in the Trinity.
God made a world full of defects and then is waiting to see who he is going to cherry pick into heaven because they followed something they read in a book? :cuckoo:

Did G-d made a world full of defects? Read Genesis, and get back to me on that.
How does Genesis disprove the world has defects?

Consider that IF God is all powerful, all knowing and all merciful, then God knew Lucifer would revolt and that Adam and Eve would sin an eternity before their creation. So why do it? What is the purpose of creating Satan or human beings who will fuck up? IMHO, there's something else going on and the story of Biblical Creation is an allegory.

Are you a Bible literalist? Do you believe the Earth was created in 6 days about 6,000 years ago?
...aren't you trying to obey a book so you can get into heaven to be with angels? ......
No. You really need to read my posts before jumping to such wild conclusions. This is the second time you've trolled me with a broad brush false accusation. If all you want to do is bitch and moan about religions, specifically Christians, that's your choice. My choice is to point out your errors.
If all you do is point out the errors and not correct me, I'll probably end up making the same mistake very soon. Like, right after you finish washing the feet of all the poor people on your block. :D
Once you claim something is true you need proof......

Where is your proof that science and organized religions are in conflict? Are you saying all religions and always in conflict or will you clarify your broad brush and admit "some religions" and "people who take it literally" and I, ding and others have pointed out?
There is no conflict between science and a potential god.

The conflict is between science and organized religions.

Science disproves the bible, Torah and Koran in many place. So to the OP, no.
My proof is on page one of the bible, god made the world and everything in it in 6 days. Nope. Didn't happen like that. Ever.
If all you do is point out the errors and not correct me...
I did correct you. You've made multiple false accusations against others and myself on this thread. I quoted another one and said you were wrong. By your own logic, if you make an assertion, you need to back it up with proof. Have at it......or, you don't have to agree with it and you are free to act like a little boy who is mad because his parents made him eat his peas.

..aren't you trying to obey a book so you can get into heaven to be with angels?...

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