Can you believe how desperate and pathetic Trump minions are?

The trump minions seem to be in perpetual butthurt snowflake whining mode. Whenever a thread comes up that is negative or critical of the cult leader, the wailing and crying begins. Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
so are "butthurt" people like dean,tiger,matthew and billy.....just sayin......
Ya, we could go on and name names all day. The point is that the right wing trump cult here have turned into what they despised not very long ago.
yea well many lefties here used to be people who "supposedly" accepted election look at them....
The 2016 campaign ended in Nov. 2016. What is going now are two things. One, efforts to neutralize the impact of trump and two, the 2018 and 2020 campaigns. It is the same thing Republicans did in 2009 following the election of President Obama. That is why the snowflake whining of the trump cult is so pathetic.
and so is the whining of those whining about trump....meanwhile while the whiners on both sides only care about their little agendas,the country suffers....the far left and right need to be confined to a pit somewhere.....
They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare. They haven't given up yet. It could still happen. But it's not a "sure" thing.

They are hoping for tax cuts for billionaires disguised as "tax reform".

Of course, the GOP's tax "reform" would mean no infrastructure, which they probably didn't want anyway. And it means more deficits. If we didn't have the Bush Tax cuts and the two unpaid for wars, would we have the deficits we have now? Probably not. But the deficit is one of the GOP's most important weapons in bringing down the US.

They aren't really talking about bring jobs back. Especially since there are 6 million currently unfilled. And 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. Those jobs are NEVER coming back. They are gone forever.

So what are Trump's "Minions" left with?

Endlessly talking about Obama and Hillary Clinton. Hatred of gays. Calling Democrats names.

Maybe the worst is Trump's lame attempt to take credit for Obama's economy.

So what can Trump's minions do? They can't talk about Trump's successes because their aren't any a normal person would be proud of.

They can't talk about Trump's economic success since that came from Obama.

They can't talk about foreign policy since Trump stepped away from America's role as "world leader".

What's left?
/----/ no wonder you're a democRAT, you twist, lie and distort everything about those who disagree with you. It cost you the last election
The trump minions seem to be in perpetual butthurt snowflake whining mode. Whenever a thread comes up that is negative or critical of the cult leader, the wailing and crying begins. Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
so are "butthurt" people like dean,tiger,matthew and billy.....just sayin......
Ya, we could go on and name names all day. The point is that the right wing trump cult here have turned into what they despised not very long ago.
yea well many lefties here used to be people who "supposedly" accepted election look at them....
The 2016 campaign ended in Nov. 2016. What is going now are two things. One, efforts to neutralize the impact of trump and two, the 2018 and 2020 campaigns. It is the same thing Republicans did in 2009 following the election of President Obama. That is why the snowflake whining of the trump cult is so pathetic.
and so is the whining of those whining about trump....meanwhile while the whiners on both sides only care about their little agendas,the country suffers....the far left and right need to be confined to a pit somewhere.....
Uh, the deplorables are whining

We Americans are laughing. We stopped betting it could not get any better too!
Goddamn the OP is filled with lies, this OP has a :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: rating.
What are the lies?

This big fat whopper lie right out of the gate for starters, "They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare."
That is not a big fat whopper lie. It may be an exaggeration or even a distortion, but in the end, it is an analysis using subjective data to form an opinion regarding intent. You can fairly call it an out of context statement or a distorted view of intent, but that does not make it a falsehood or lie.

Its a blatant lie, intentional, and typical of the left. Libwits can't come up with a legitimate gripe so they lie.
Yet for all your snowflake style whinging you are unable to come up with an indisputable or undebatable lie. All you can come up with is an opinion with abstract explanations related to intent.

If your Leftwing pal cannot prove his assertion it is a lie. So he, or you prove the assertion true and we'll acknowledge that the lie charge was wrong. Pretty simple, I'll wait.
What are the lies?

This big fat whopper lie right out of the gate for starters, "They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare."
That is not a big fat whopper lie. It may be an exaggeration or even a distortion, but in the end, it is an analysis using subjective data to form an opinion regarding intent. You can fairly call it an out of context statement or a distorted view of intent, but that does not make it a falsehood or lie.

Its a blatant lie, intentional, and typical of the left. Libwits can't come up with a legitimate gripe so they lie.
Yet for all your snowflake style whinging you are unable to come up with an indisputable or undebatable lie. All you can come up with is an opinion with abstract explanations related to intent.

If your Leftwing pal cannot prove his assertion it is a lie. So he, or you prove the assertion true and we'll acknowledge that the lie charge was wrong. Pretty simple, I'll wait.
This is still America where people are innocent until proven guilty. If you call someone a liar it is on you to prove the person told a lie, not the other way around as you are promoting.
I rate The Donald as

Christ.. how old are you? 6?
Oh, come on. That's hilarious. Especially considering they share the same speech writer.
The trump minions seem to be in perpetual butthurt snowflake whining mode. Whenever a thread comes up that is negative or critical of the cult leader, the wailing and crying begins. Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
so are "butthurt" people like dean,tiger,matthew and billy.....just sayin......
Ya, we could go on and name names all day. The point is that the right wing trump cult here have turned into what they despised not very long ago.
yea well many lefties here used to be people who "supposedly" accepted election look at them....
Just because you accept election results, doesn't mean you accept ruinous policies.
When Obama was saving the country and millions of jobs, Republicans, even Trump, were wrongfully saying he was born in Kenya.
The trump minions seem to be in perpetual butthurt snowflake whining mode. Whenever a thread comes up that is negative or critical of the cult leader, the wailing and crying begins. Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
so are "butthurt" people like dean,tiger,matthew and billy.....just sayin......
Ya, we could go on and name names all day. The point is that the right wing trump cult here have turned into what they despised not very long ago.
yea well many lefties here used to be people who "supposedly" accepted election look at them....
Just because you accept election results, doesn't mean you accept ruinous policies.
When Obama was saving the country and millions of jobs, Republicans, even Trump, were wrongfully saying he was born in Kenya.
He was born in kenya. Everybody knows that.
This big fat whopper lie right out of the gate for starters, "They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare."
That is not a big fat whopper lie. It may be an exaggeration or even a distortion, but in the end, it is an analysis using subjective data to form an opinion regarding intent. You can fairly call it an out of context statement or a distorted view of intent, but that does not make it a falsehood or lie.

Its a blatant lie, intentional, and typical of the left. Libwits can't come up with a legitimate gripe so they lie.
Yet for all your snowflake style whinging you are unable to come up with an indisputable or undebatable lie. All you can come up with is an opinion with abstract explanations related to intent.

If your Leftwing pal cannot prove his assertion it is a lie. So he, or you prove the assertion true and we'll acknowledge that the lie charge was wrong. Pretty simple, I'll wait.
This is still America where people are innocent until proven guilty. If you call someone a liar it is on you to prove the person told a lie, not the other way around as you are promoting.
This big fat whopper lie right out of the gate for starters, "They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare."
That is not a big fat whopper lie. It may be an exaggeration or even a distortion, but in the end, it is an analysis using subjective data to form an opinion regarding intent. You can fairly call it an out of context statement or a distorted view of intent, but that does not make it a falsehood or lie.

Its a blatant lie, intentional, and typical of the left. Libwits can't come up with a legitimate gripe so they lie.
Yet for all your snowflake style whinging you are unable to come up with an indisputable or undebatable lie. All you can come up with is an opinion with abstract explanations related to intent.

If your Leftwing pal cannot prove his assertion it is a lie. So he, or you prove the assertion true and we'll acknowledge that the lie charge was wrong. Pretty simple, I'll wait.
This is still America where people are innocent until proven guilty. If you call someone a liar it is on you to prove the person told a lie, not the other way around as you are promoting.

LOL, irony at it's finest....I know you aren't intelligent enough to see it but it's ironic all the same. If you ask me nicely I'll explain it to you ;)

In matter of debate if one makes a declarative statement one is required to be able to prove it.
The trump minions seem to be in perpetual butthurt snowflake whining mode. Whenever a thread comes up that is negative or critical of the cult leader, the wailing and crying begins. Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.

You don't even know what a Snowflake wonder you constantly talk shit....imbecile

The Definition is below ....IF you can read
What made up dictionary does that definition come from? Is it a legitimate scholarly level dictionary accepted at Universities?
Accepted at Trump U, no doubt.
Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
so are "butthurt" people like dean,tiger,matthew and billy.....just sayin......
Ya, we could go on and name names all day. The point is that the right wing trump cult here have turned into what they despised not very long ago.
yea well many lefties here used to be people who "supposedly" accepted election look at them....
The 2016 campaign ended in Nov. 2016. What is going now are two things. One, efforts to neutralize the impact of trump and two, the 2018 and 2020 campaigns. It is the same thing Republicans did in 2009 following the election of President Obama. That is why the snowflake whining of the trump cult is so pathetic.
and so is the whining of those whining about trump....meanwhile while the whiners on both sides only care about their little agendas,the country suffers....the far left and right need to be confined to a pit somewhere.....
Uh, the deplorables are whining

We Americans are laughing. We stopped betting it could not get any better too!
Uh, the deplorables are whining
and so are a lot of "deplorables" on the left we see it here every day like this thread......
The trump minions seem to be in perpetual butthurt snowflake whining mode. Whenever a thread comes up that is negative or critical of the cult leader, the wailing and crying begins. Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
so are "butthurt" people like dean,tiger,matthew and billy.....just sayin......
Ya, we could go on and name names all day. The point is that the right wing trump cult here have turned into what they despised not very long ago.
yea well many lefties here used to be people who "supposedly" accepted election look at them....
Just because you accept election results, doesn't mean you accept ruinous policies.
When Obama was saving the country and millions of jobs, Republicans, even Trump, were wrongfully saying he was born in Kenya.
you guys started getting on trump day one,so he never got a chance to sink or swim....and the reason why?....because the assholes on the far right did it to obama...,so its tit for tat.....aint that guys are no better than those righties.....
The trump minions seem to be in perpetual butthurt snowflake whining mode. Whenever a thread comes up that is negative or critical of the cult leader, the wailing and crying begins. Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
Trump snowflakes are bombarding USMB.
so are "butthurt" people like dean,tiger,matthew and billy.....just sayin......
Ya, we could go on and name names all day. The point is that the right wing trump cult here have turned into what they despised not very long ago.
yea well many lefties here used to be people who "supposedly" accepted election look at them....
Just because you accept election results, doesn't mean you accept ruinous policies.
When Obama was saving the country and millions of jobs, Republicans, even Trump, were wrongfully saying he was born in Kenya.
He was born in kenya. Everybody knows that.
if the republicans could not prove that in 8 years than everyone doesnt know....
They were so sure they could ruin the lives of tens of millions of Americans by taking away their healthcare. They haven't given up yet. It could still happen. But it's not a "sure" thing.

They are hoping for tax cuts for billionaires disguised as "tax reform".

Of course, the GOP's tax "reform" would mean no infrastructure, which they probably didn't want anyway. And it means more deficits. If we didn't have the Bush Tax cuts and the two unpaid for wars, would we have the deficits we have now? Probably not. But the deficit is one of the GOP's most important weapons in bringing down the US.

They aren't really talking about bring jobs back. Especially since there are 6 million currently unfilled. And 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. Those jobs are NEVER coming back. They are gone forever.

So what are Trump's "Minions" left with?

Endlessly talking about Obama and Hillary Clinton. Hatred of gays. Calling Democrats names.

Maybe the worst is Trump's lame attempt to take credit for Obama's economy.

So what can Trump's minions do? They can't talk about Trump's successes because their aren't any a normal person would be proud of.

They can't talk about Trump's economic success since that came from Obama.

They can't talk about foreign policy since Trump stepped away from America's role as "world leader".

What's left?

Obamacare has already killed millions. It's a travesty.
Prove it.

I don't need to prove anything. Research it yourself and you completely missed the point but that's always a given.

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