Can you imagine being 6 golf strokes ahead in a huge tournament and told live, you have Covid and have to withdraw

Read the article. He didn't get the shot until after he had been exposed and was already in the tournament. He probably got sick of daily testing.
I don't need to. I heard the story last night on the sports news. The announcers were livid. He was getting tested daily. Funny how the Left's "science" evaporates so easily! His testing positive and being evicted proves that everything the media has told us about masks and distancing is a lie. There was no good reason why he couldn't finish the tournament unless they conceded it and gave him 1st Prize.

The vaccine has been available everywhere to everyone since April 1st, in many states well before that.
Odd. I signed up for it in January. Still waiting for it. My pharmacist can't seem to get it.
Time to call a different pharmacy, Toob!

I've got far more important things to do.

I'm not real worried about it. Remember, I already lived through the worst of it. Now everyone out there is vaccinated.
You can't even figure out that maybe you should call another drugstore to get your shot?
Already told you that it's not that important to me. The more I learn about it the less anxious I am to volunteer to be a guinea pig.

Good thing you didn't become a doctor--you've got to be a total nimrod.
At least I know how to fix a window crank.

Kudos to Rahm my ass, you lying lizard-- -- -- Rahm doesn't deserve to win. Not enough money as much as 30 years income for the average person!

The man is OUTSIDE, alone, playing golf, any doctor will tell you viral transmission is impossible in an outdoor space like that, the virus simply has no chance of being confined and concentrated to sufficient numbers to be infectious.

If the guy had any BRAINS or stones at all, he should have asked why he can't finish out the game wearing gloves and a mask? Two masks? Why can't he simply keep greater distance from others? Why couldn't he simply come back and play alone finishing the game after all others leave?

There is always a better alternative to idiotic leftwing PC bullshit. Besides, if he was infectious, the damage was already done in the clubhouse, not out on some big, open fairway with a breeze blowing and people standing 60-100 feet away.

But that would not have comported well with the official line of begging and bribing people to get an untested injection for an illness where the sick don't even know they are ill.
That is quite the tantrum you are throwing over Rahm contracting Covid, the PGA following its unambiguous rules, and Rahm accepting the unfortunate reality like an adult.

I guess everything becomes a tantrum to you when you have no common sense counter for it, Skinflap?

Absolutely no scientific basis for demanding he leave the tournament. I studied medicine at one time to be a doctor and every doctor friend I know agrees with me.
Scientific basis?! Huh yes there is plenty. COVID 19 is a highly contagious virus that has killed over half a million US citizens. There is no way in hell a sporting event that is now allowing crowds is going to allow a positive player to play during a pandemic. You are flat out retarded if you think that would happen. It is definitely a shame and I feel for Rahm, but that’s how it is. I imagine in the near future they will change the policy, but not yet
Are you getting the magnitude of the world damage purposely done to get Trump beat.

Listen, Sloopy, that kind of 'everything in the world that happens is about me' talk is straight from the egocentric tortured brain of You Know Who, regardless of where you heard it repeated.

I don't even want to know the reasoning behind that one, if there is any.
We begged them in October or somewhere then to let us in and help them to contain this.

Fauci has such ties to these Chinese like Omar has to be incest with her brother. He did nothing.

We financed this virus. Are you getting the magnitude of the world damage purposely done to get Trump beat. How many died. You had to muster every dead persons vote possible to do it even
The Trump cult is comprised of zealots. Their etiology is emotional, and immune to rational discourse.

When a fact is inconvenient - such as most of the American electorate reflecting four years of negative polls when finally given the opportunity - throw a tantrum:

Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 8.46.23 AM.png

What does it have to do with the PGA following its guidelines? Nothing, really, but the cult of Trumpery infests realms far beyond politics.
Hang on sloopy said:
Are you getting the magnitude of the world damage purposely done to get Trump beat.

For its victims, Trumpery can consume every aspect of existence and banish reason. For them - as with their mendacious narcissist himself - it's all about their pathetic and insecure Cry Baby Loser.
To me, if the guy was already out there playing, he should've been allowed to finish. It wasn't like his equipment was going to be used later by other people if everyone else there brings their own golf clubs, shoes, etc.

God bless you and the guy always!!!


P.S. In my opinion, if the matter was serious enough, making the guy wear a mask would've been sufficient enough, especially if the guy was already wearing gloves.
The rules were written and used for over 50 events. Would you really write rules that would allow COVID-19 positive players to play as long as they wear a mask outside? Do you really think that would be adopted for pro sporting events of that size. I thought y’all believed that masks don’t work?
I am only asking what I ask due to the fact that the guy was even allowed to get started playing that day at all period. If rule enforcement was really that important to whoever yanked him from the picture, they never would've allowed him to be in front of that camera in the first place. To me, they have made it as clear as crystal glass that their only intention was to embarrass him.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. If I was playing against him, I would've taken a stand and said, "I won't be playing until he is able to return." Hopefully the other players would've stood with me. In my opinion, taking advantage of another person's misfortune will only go to show how good you don't think that you yourself are.
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To me, if the guy was already out there playing, he should've been allowed to finish. It wasn't like his equipment was going to be used later by other people if everyone else there brings their own golf clubs, shoes, etc.

God bless you and the guy always!!!


P.S. In my opinion, if the matter was serious enough, making the guy wear a mask would've been sufficient enough, especially if the guy was already wearing gloves.
The rules were written and used for over 50 events. Would you really write rules that would allow COVID-19 positive players to play as long as they wear a mask outside? Do you really think that would be adopted for pro sporting events of that size. I thought y’all believed that masks don’t work?
I am only asking what I ask due to the fact that the guy was even allowed to get started playing that day at all period. If rule enforcement was really that important to whoever yanked him from the picture, they never would've allowed him to be in front of that camera in the first place. To me, they have made it as clear as crystal glass that their only intention was to embarrass him.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. If I was playing against him, I would've taken a stand and said, "I won't be playing until he is able to return."
Rahm took it like a gentleman and his fellow competitors are acting classy as well. Golf is a game of character and integrity and the USGA and PGA do a fine job upholding those standards. The rules were clear. He had been flagged prior to the event because he had been exposed to somebody who tested positive. He had limited access and was tested daily and knew the rules that a positive test was a DQ.

He was allowed to play under the rules and he was DQed under the rules. Not sure what kind of stand you think i the other players should take but it sounds like it would be an irrational one
^^^ I'm only saying that taking advantage of another person's misfortune only goes to show how insecure you must be where your own ability is concerned. If only one person can not play for whatever reason, then you will never know who truly would've dominated the competition.

God bless you always!!!

The people who run the Memorial Tournament should not have told Rahm in public, but unlike what some people in this thread seem to think, the media does not run the tournament. The political left was not a factor either, contrary to some opinions. Also, Fauci was not involved in any of it so unlike what was said in a previous post, there are no grounds for suing Fauci. Rahm should have gotten vaccinated weeks if not months ago. Since he did not, he is a threat to infect other people, many of whom are anti-science and both could, and should have been vaccinated weeks if not months ago.
^^^ I'm only saying that taking advantage of another person's misfortune only goes to show how insecure you must be where your own ability is concerned. If only one person can not play for whatever reason, then you will never know who truly would've dominated the competition.

God bless you always!!!

Agreed. Look at the story of the 1940 US open. There was a 3 way tie between Lawson Little, Gene Sarazen, and Ed Porky Oliver. Except for that Oliver was DQed after the match for teeing off before his designated tee time. There was a storm coming in so some say he was trying to get going before the weather hit. Little and Sarazen both made a case to let Porky play in the playoff but the rules were the rules. Little ended up beating Sarazen in the playoff and becoming Champion. But with nothing to gain and everything to lose Little Challenged Oliver to an exhibition match in the following months and took him down stamping the claim as the National Champion. Good Stuff huh?!
He Just got his shot, but not before being exposed to the Covid case he caught. He wasn't immune yet and still isn't. Why he waited so long, I don't know but he took it like a man. He has got to be so disappointed.
This is a stupid overreaction by bedwetting libs

Are they going to seal him away in absolute isolation till he dies from the wuflu ?

No and what more the chances are 99.999 to .001 that he even gets more than a mild case of the sniffles
The quarantine isn’t for him it is to protect others… why would I need to explain that to you?

Allow only people who have been vaccinated to come within six feet of him

Its an open air golf course and the danger to others is practically nil
Allow? Like they have staffers out there regulating all that?! Come on Mac the more you dig the deeper you get
Its not that difficult if you have someone who can walk and and chew gum at the same time, namely a conservative for instance

There are really on 3 people who must be in close contact

The other golfer and two caddies

The crowd is not allowed to mingle with the players anyway
The people who run the Memorial Tournament should not have told Rahm in public, but unlike what some people in this thread seem to think, the media does not run the tournament. The political left was not a factor either, contrary to some opinions. Also, Fauci was not involved in any of it so unlike what was said in a previous post, there are no grounds for suing Fauci. Rahm should have gotten vaccinated weeks if not months ago. Since he did not, he is a threat to infect other people, many of whom are anti-science and both could, and should have been vaccinated weeks if not months ago.
The Memorial hosts the tournament but the PGA runs the play on the course
He Just got his shot, but not before being exposed to the Covid case he caught. He wasn't immune yet and still isn't. Why he waited so long, I don't know but he took it like a man. He has got to be so disappointed.
This is a stupid overreaction by bedwetting libs

Are they going to seal him away in absolute isolation till he dies from the wuflu ?

No and what more the chances are 99.999 to .001 that he even gets more than a mild case of the sniffles
The quarantine isn’t for him it is to protect others… why would I need to explain that to you?

Allow only people who have been vaccinated to come within six feet of him

Its an open air golf course and the danger to others is practically nil
Allow? Like they have staffers out there regulating all that?! Come on Mac the more you dig the deeper you get
Its not that difficult if you have someone who can walk and and chew gum at the same time, namely a conservative for instance

There are really on 3 people who must be in close contact

The other golfer and two caddies

The crowd is not allowed to mingle with the players anyway
You obviously don’t watch golf nor do you know what you’re talking about. Players interact with fans, yes they touch, they also share facilities with other players. You’re just digging your hole of stupidity deeper and deeper. At some point it may be just fine for sick players to compete. But not when they are infected with a highly contagious virus in the midst of a pandemic. Somethings wrong with you.
^^^ I'm only saying that taking advantage of another person's misfortune only goes to show how insecure you must be where your own ability is concerned. If only one person can not play for whatever reason, then you will never know who truly would've dominated the competition.

God bless you always!!!

Agreed. Look at the story of the 1940 US open. There was a 3 way tie between Lawson Little, Gene Sarazen, and Ed Porky Oliver. Except for that Oliver was DQed after the match for teeing off before his designated tee time. There was a storm coming in so some say he was trying to get going before the weather hit. Little and Sarazen both made a case to let Porky play in the playoff but the rules were the rules. Little ended up beating Sarazen in the playoff and becoming Champion. But with nothing to gain and everything to lose Little Challenged Oliver to an exhibition match in the following months and took him down stamping the claim as the National Champion. Good Stuff huh?!
Thank you for sharing another good example. To me, an exception should've been made for the person who was disqualified if they truly started early in order to not have to worry about the bad weather which is something that no one has any control over.

God bless you always!!!

You obviously don’t watch golf nor do you know what you’re talking about. Players interact with fans, yes they touch, they also share facilities with other players.
The players do not have to interact with the fans if the officials keep the fans far enough back

This guy is the defending champion of Jack Nickolas’ personal tournament and bedwetting liberal retards are going to deny him his place in history

The left is insane
We begged them in October or somewhere then to let us in and help them to contain this.

Fauci has such ties to these Chinese like Omar has to be incest with her brother. He did nothing.

We financed this virus. Are you getting the magnitude of the world damage purposely done to get Trump beat. How many died. You had to muster every dead persons vote possible to do it even
The Trump cult is comprised of zealots. Their etiology is emotional, and immune to rational discourse.

When a fact is inconvenient - such as most of the American electorate reflecting four years of negative polls when finally given the opportunity - throw a tantrum:

What does it have to do with the PGA following its guidelines? Nothing, really, but the cult of Trumpery infests realms far beyond politics.
Even when the progs win the presidency they just cant stop complaining....Shut slave and put your mask on...
You obviously don’t watch golf nor do you know what you’re talking about. Players interact with fans, yes they touch, they also share facilities with other players.
The players do not have to interact with the fans if the officials keep the fans far enough back

This guy is the defending champion of Jack Nickolas’ personal tournament and bedwetting liberal retards are going to deny him his place in history

The left is insane
Oh ok, no now we are going to move everything around on the course to accommodate players who are Covid positive… get real… you’re trying to hard

Which liberal retards are denying him? You have no clue. Talking out of your ass again. This isn’t political is just being responsible.
We begged them in October or somewhere then to let us in and help them to contain this.

Fauci has such ties to these Chinese like Omar has to be incest with her brother. He did nothing.

We financed this virus. Are you getting the magnitude of the world damage purposely done to get Trump beat. How many died. You had to muster every dead persons vote possible to do it even
The Trump cult is comprised of zealots. Their etiology is emotional, and immune to rational discourse.

When a fact is inconvenient - such as most of the American electorate reflecting four years of negative polls when finally given the opportunity - throw a tantrum:

What does it have to do with the PGA following its guidelines? Nothing, really, but the cult of Trumpery infests realms far beyond politics.
Even when the progs win the presidency they just cant stop complaining....Shut slave and put your mask on...
My God what this Fauci did to these people. Mental damage. They can't even comprehend the magnitude of what happened. We paid for the virus to be created.

Why didn't these fools listen to us a year ago. My god the Group Thinking morons

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