Can you name one thing Mike Pence did as vice president?

Again, go read what Biden/Harris has actually done and stop reading that right wing doomsday prepper bs.


They have destroyed the country, negro. Are too stupid to see it? Or does the hope of hitting the lotto with reparations and having your own white sex slave taint your brains? Pence did nothing to speak of. But that is a good thing. Politicians tend to destroy everything they touch. It is better when they do nothing.

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I'd tell any conservatives here to best get down to prepping for doomsday. I've suggested they start a section for prepping. America is OVER! Trump won't save us.

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The commie kids on Reddit call it 'prepping for Tuesday, not for doomsday.' They will be unprepared for the destruction IM2 and the filthy commie dems have in mind for America. If dems win in '24, dems will continue with the weaponized migration to take America down. And cucked out reps are powerless to stop them.

But you IM2, definitely don't prep...we don't need any more of your racist types in SHTFF!

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