Can you Name Three Actual Facts about Darwinism

Did, Did Not, Did, Did Not. Run along. You have proven nothing, nor have I which leads to the inevitable reason that both are "theories" that cannot and to this point have not been proven to anyone's satisfaction. Come back when you have that PROOF.
Floating conspiracy theories about what you don't know is not a good look.

What did you think of the ark'ists you paraded around? Pretty embarrassing, right?
Oops, there is your science illiteracy again.

All I can do is provide evidence that ferrets have fish as ancestors. But first:

What do you think some of that evidence might look like?

You must answer. If you can't answer, how will you even know if you are looking at evidence or not? You would just be wasting my time.

Man, you guys SURE are having a hard time with this simple question.
Prove that ferrets have fish as ancestors. Go ahead...Keep making stupid statements.
Floating conspiracy theories
What conspiracy theories? I think you have been hitting the hooch. I have floated no conspiracy theories--neither evolutionary nor ark. I don't know how you would tie conspiracies to either. YOU presented the ark question. The OP is about evolution being a theory or fact. I opined that it is theory which you have done nothing to disprove. Either keep up, on topic or STFU.
What conspiracy theories? I think you have been hitting the hooch. I have floated no conspiracy theories--neither evolutionary nor ark. I don't know how you would tie conspiracies to either. YOU presented the ark question. The OP is about evolution being a theory or fact. I opined that it is theory which you have done nothing to disprove. Either keep up, on topic or STFU.
It's embarrassing, right? You cut and pasted an ark tale without ever looking to see what you cut and pasted. You furthered the agenda of frauds and charlatans. Dint be an accomplice to fraud and charlatans.

You ducked for cover, earlier. There's a term used by those with an education in the sciences that describes changes in populations over time.

Here’s an example:

The rapid westernization of this traditional Asian society has brought such major changes in diet and lifestyle that Japanese people have experienced one of the fastest collective growth spurts ever recorded, according to public health officials.

What's the term used to describe changes in populations over time?
I can clearly compare your religion to any religion past or present, especially Judaism. Did you not know that Christianity stole its theology from Judaism? What is the OT?

There are many valid reasons for choosing not accepting the coercive heaven and hell doctrines of Christianity. Learning, knowledge, maturity, among them. I have to note that overwhelmingly, believers don’t make considered choices about their religious belief. Their belief is merely an acceptance of the cultural, societal and familial gods of convenience. Let's be honest, Most religions, Christianity at the top of the list, don’t coerce their adherents via promises of free thinking and individualistic expression, they use fear. I have no reason to believe I’m going to hell for not obeying a religious doctrine. The concept only derives from various religious texts and tales and fables. These tales are derived to invoke fear. Fear is a powerful motivational tool. What better way for an elite ruling class to coerce conformance from the toiling masses than to threaten them with such things as burning flesh, eternal damnation and eternal pain.
The great philosopher Kwai Chang Kaine once said that "Fear" can allow us to focus better. Too much fear will cause us to see less as in tunnel vision and not be able to react properly. So, with the proper understanding and use of fear, we can better choose the correct path. We will better know the safe path to eternal life. We have to have opposites in our life to learn to choose the right path. So, when we say we have the fear of God in us, we also have clarity of God and are able to choose the correct path. If you don't fear hell then you will do things that might get you there.
As far as coercion, that depends upon the leader of a Church and ability to coerce. You still don't understand that my Church's brand of Christianity isn't mainstreet Christianity. We don't take away anyone's right to choose their own path. We offer the true Gospel and outcomes possible and let people govern themselves. We believe that most people will get to heaven. The only ones are those that deny the Holy Ghost which is simply in the very face of God they deny God and refuse to bow their knee and confess Jesus is the Christ. Even those in Noah's days are offered heaven as clarified in 1Peter 3:18-20. There are three degrees of Glory in heaven. 1Corinthians chapter 15. The vile that eventually repent will receive the lesser Glory of the stars (telestial glory). Those who were good people but lacked a strong testimony of Jesus Christ will receive Terrestrial Glory of the "Moon. Those with a strong testimony will receive Celestial Glory of the Sun.
Prove that ferrets have fish as ancestors. Go ahead...Keep making stupid statements.
To you?

Okay. Tell me what some of that proof would look like.

What would be "proof", to you?

Normal, intelligent adults have no time answering this question.

But you sure are having a hard time with it.

(Spoiler alert: you will never answer. Not ever. The question is designed to make people like you have a hissy fit and take your ball and go home. Normal people have no problem. )
Prove Arks, a 6,000 years old flat earth.

Identify for us how the fossil evidence is consistent with a young earth. Other than claiming the fossil evidence doesn't exist or is one, grand, global conspiracy, account for a a planet that was teeming with life millions of years ago.

I should note that ''missing links'' is a nonsense slogan used by the extremist ID'iot creationer ministries.

You were given many examples of speciation but rejected it all with nothing but hurt feelings. Creationers admit that a "kind" (an ambiguous, non-scientific term) can change into different species (i.e. a dog "kind" can evolve into wolves, coyotes, foxes, and all types of domestic dogs) but they insist that it must stop there. They give no reason for this fabricated limitation. They just can't accept "macroevolution", because it contradicts a literal interpretation of the bible. There is no limit to the degree that a species can change. Given enough time, a fish-like species can evolve into a amphibian-like species, an amphibian-like species can evolve into a reptilian-like species, a reptilian-like species can evolve into a mammalian-like species, and an ape-like species can evolve into the modern human species.

My expectation is that you dismiss it all but I could go on for pages and pages. What are your countering arguments? Can you show me an example of the gods magical powers? What diseases have the gods cured?

What populations have the gods made taller using supernaturalism?

Ya how come those fish are still fish or amphibians? What happened? There is no proof of an ape evolved into a human. Just science fiction imagination.
There's lots of evidence of a young earth. But, you can't just dismiss it because it doesn't follow your atheist narrative.
That is not an answer to the question I asked.

Let's try this again.

What would some of the evidence that humans evolved from earlier apes look like, in your estimation?

Goddamn you're having a hard time with this.


The only one making this hard is yourself and your unwillingness to believe that God made it possible.


The only one making this hard is yourself and your unwillingness to believe that God made it possible.
Oops, sorry, you don't get to hide behind your sky fairies. Maybe gods or demons created everything, including evolution.

It doesn't have any bearing on the question you are too big a sissy to answer.
It's embarrassing, right? You cut and pasted an ark tale without ever looking to see what you cut and pasted. You furthered the agenda of frauds and charlatans. Dint be an accomplice to fraud and charlatans.

You ducked for cover, earlier. There's a term used by those with an education in the sciences that describes changes in populations over time.

Here’s an example:

The rapid westernization of this traditional Asian society has brought such major changes in diet and lifestyle that Japanese people have experienced one of the fastest collective growth spurts ever recorded, according to public health officials.

What's the term used to describe changes in populations over time?
Take another drink, you're rambling and definitely not on topic.
The great philosopher Kwai Chang Kaine once said that "Fear" can allow us to focus better. Too much fear will cause us to see less as in tunnel vision and not be able to react properly. So, with the proper understanding and use of fear, we can better choose the correct path. We will better know the safe path to eternal life. We have to have opposites in our life to learn to choose the right path. So, when we say we have the fear of God in us, we also have clarity of God and are able to choose the correct path. If you don't fear hell then you will do things that might get you there.
As far as coercion, that depends upon the leader of a Church and ability to coerce. You still don't understand that my Church's brand of Christianity isn't mainstreet Christianity. We don't take away anyone's right to choose their own path. We offer the true Gospel and outcomes possible and let people govern themselves. We believe that most people will get to heaven. The only ones are those that deny the Holy Ghost which is simply in the very face of God they deny God and refuse to bow their knee and confess Jesus is the Christ. Even those in Noah's days are offered heaven as clarified in 1Peter 3:18-20. There are three degrees of Glory in heaven. 1Corinthians chapter 15. The vile that eventually repent will receive the lesser Glory of the stars (telestial glory). Those who were good people but lacked a strong testimony of Jesus Christ will receive Terrestrial Glory of the "Moon. Those with a strong testimony will receive Celestial Glory of the Sun.
The above is better saved for a Sunday school audience.
thats adaptation through breeding and environment not evolution,, they are all still dogs,,

Hate to tell you, but adaptation through breeding and environment is basically evolution. If the environment changes, only those with the traits to continue to survive will breed, resulting in variations of the species.

And, fwiw, all dogs come from wolves. Early man managed to domesticate wolves, and then through selective breeding came up with all the different varieties we have today.

Another place where you can see selective breeding resulting in extreme differences in the species is to look at how many different varieties of rock doves (homing pigeons) there are. They all started off as rock doves several hundred years ago, but then mankind started selective breeding (think of mankind as the environmental variation). And, if you've ever been to a show for those birds, you would see some that appear impossible to be of the same species, but they are.

If you want to see evolution on a shorter scale, look at the research and experimentation that scientists have done with fruit flies. Because of their short life span and breeding ability, they can "evolve" or change in just a few generations which only takes a couple of years for humans to see.

Same thing with looking at the way mankind has managed to cross breed plants to come up with many different varieties that have their own unique characteristics. Some wheat can grown in very dry conditions that would kill other varieties of wheat.

Yes, evolution exists.
Take another drink, you're rambling and definitely not on topic.

I wasn't a bit surprised you were embarrassed by that silly ark adventure fraud. Did it occur to you that charlatans take advantage of people who they believe are naive and gullible?
Hate to tell you, but adaptation through breeding and environment is basically evolution. If the environment changes, only those with the traits to continue to survive will breed, resulting in variations of the species.

And, fwiw, all dogs come from wolves. Early man managed to domesticate wolves, and then through selective breeding came up with all the different varieties we have today.

Another place where you can see selective breeding resulting in extreme differences in the species is to look at how many different varieties of rock doves (homing pigeons) there are. They all started off as rock doves several hundred years ago, but then mankind started selective breeding (think of mankind as the environmental variation). And, if you've ever been to a show for those birds, you would see some that appear impossible to be of the same species, but they are.

If you want to see evolution on a shorter scale, look at the research and experimentation that scientists have done with fruit flies. Because of their short life span and breeding ability, they can "evolve" or change in just a few generations which only takes a couple of years for humans to see.

Same thing with looking at the way mankind has managed to cross breed plants to come up with many different varieties that have their own unique characteristics. Some wheat can grown in very dry conditions that would kill other varieties of wheat.

Yes, evolution exists.
thats whats called micro evolution not the macro evolution where the claim of things like a t rex turned into chickens and apes turned into humans,,

micro isnt really evolution but as you say just breeding and environment,,
thats whats called micro evolution not the macro evolution where the claim of things like a t rex turned into chickens and apes turned into humans,,

micro isnt really evolution but as you say just breeding and environment,,

You said it yourself, it's micro EVOLUTION. The type of evolution you are talking about took place over millions of years (and your basic human really doesn't have a good idea of what a million of anything looks like, anything past 100,000 becomes just a number or a term, not something they can actually visualize).

Breeding and environment IS evolution. As things change or some variation of the species becomes better suited to the environment, the ones that cannot adapt die off, resulting in the change to the species. Just because the evolution is forced by mankind via selective breeding doesn't mean it's not evolution, just that man is forcing it to happen rather than waiting for the environment to change the resulting species. One of the things I've noticed in some of your posts is that you are calling for it to happen within a couple of hundred years, but that can't happen as evolution happens on a several generations scale, not several years.

You also seem to be looking for backwards evolution (asking if man can evolve back into an ape). I don't think that reverse evolution can happen, because in evolution, some traits are lost, never to return again, meaning that some traits are lost forever.

And, interestingly enough, there is proof that humans are still evolving, based on their environment changing. People in 1st world countries are taller than people several hundred years ago. And, there are other changes in the human race that have happened over the past several hundred years, which is because of our advances in science, medicine, and the ability to grow food better and faster, meaning people eat much better now than they did in the past.

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